10-year trends and annual results
Concentrations of air contaminants measured at the ministry’s Air Quality Health Index monitoring stations are generally representative of ambient air quality which reflects the contribution of all sources of air contaminants to air. These air monitoring stations are sited to be representative of general population exposure and thus do not necessarily reflect air quality at locations within a community that may be influenced by nearby local sources of air contaminants such as large industrial facilities or major transportation corridors. Concentrations of some air contaminants in neighborhoods located in close proximity to local sources such as an industrial facility may be higher than those measured at the Ministry’s Air Quality Health Index monitoring stations.
This section presents the 10-year trends and annual results for concentrations of key air contaminants listed below including volatile organic compounds such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene (BTEX) and 1,3-butadiene as measured at the Ministry’s Air Quality Health Index air monitoring stations. Emission trends for these key air contaminants from major emissions sources in Ontario such as industry, electricity utilities, transportation, and residential properties are also provided. Further details on emissions can be found at Air Pollutant Emission Inventory (APEI) 1990-2022.
Nitrogen dioxide
10-year trends
- NO2 concentrations have decreased by 28%
- NOx emissions have decreased by 35%
2022 results
- No exceedances of Ontario’s 1-hour and 24-hour Ambient Air Quality Criteria (AAQC) of 200 ppb and 100 ppb, respectively.
10-year trends
Trend of NO2 annual means across Ontario, 2013-2022
This is a line graph showing the trend of nitrogen dioxide annual means from 2013 to 2022. The nitrogen dioxide annual mean concentrations across Ontario have decreased 28% over this 10-year period. To view the data for a specific location, please select the 'Stations' radio button and use the drop-down menu.
- The Ontario 10-year trend is based on data from 34 ambient air monitoring stations.
- Ontario does not have an annual AAQC for NO2.
- Air quality in Ontario can vary from year to year due to a variety of factors including pollutant emissions, weather, natural events such as wildfires, and the long-range transport of air pollutants from the United States and elsewhere. Long term trends are thus a better reflection of any improvements or a deterioration in air quality over time versus year over year changes.
The 10-year trend for NO2 at individual AQHI air monitoring stations in Ontario is presented in the Appendix: 10-year trend for nitrogen dioxide (NO2).
Ontario NOx emission trend, 2013-2022
This is a stacked column chart displaying the Ontario NOX emissions trend from 2013 to 2022 indicating a decrease of approximately 35% or 99 kilotonnes, of which 65 kilotonnes of the decrease was due to the road vehicles. Seventeen kilotonnes was due to other transportation (e.g. air, marine, rail transportation, and non-road vehicles/engines) and 12 kilotonnes was due to the electricity utilities sector. Please note this chart excludes emissions from open and natural sources (Air Pollutant Emission Inventory 1990-2022, 2024). Ontario’s former emissions trading regulations (O. Reg. 397/01 and O. Reg. 194/05) and Drive Clean light duty vehicle program, and the phase-in of more stringent emission and vehicle standards for new vehicles have contributed to the reduction in nitrogen oxides emissions over time.
2022 results
Averaging time | Low range | High range | Number of sites with AAQC exceedances |
NO2 1-hour max | 18.7 ppb at Port Stanley | 75.6 ppb at Toronto Downtown | 0 |
NO2 24-hour max | 7.0 ppb at Port Stanley | 35.7 ppb at Hamilton Downtown | 0 |
NO2 annual mean | 2.2 ppb at Port Stanley | 14.4 ppb at Toronto Downtown | Not applicable |
The highest NO2 means were recorded in large, urbanized areas which are influenced by significant vehicular traffic, such as the Greater Toronto Area.
A summary of the 2022 NO2 annual statistics for individual AQHI air monitoring stations is detailed in the Appendix: 2022 nitrogen dioxide (NO2) annual statistics.
Ontario NOx emissions by sector, 2022
Other transportation
Road vehicles
Other industrial sources
Cement and concrete
Smelters/Primary metals
Electricity utilities
This is a chart depicting Ontario’s NOX emissions by sector based on 2022 estimates for point/area/transportation sources. Please note this chart excludes emissions from open and natural sources (Environment and Climate Change Canada, Air Pollutant Emission Inventory 1990-2022, 2024).
The transportation sector accounted for approximately 56% of total NOx emissions in 2022.
Fine particulate matter
10-year trends
- PM2.5 concentrations have decreased by 18%
- PM2.5 emissions have decreased by 14%
2022 results
- 16 AQHI air monitoring stations measured above the 24-hour reference level of 27 µg/m3 on at least one occasion.
- 1 AQHI air monitoring station measured above the annual reference level of 8.8 µg/m3.
10-year trends
Trend of PM2.5 annual means across Ontario, 2013-2022
This is a line graph showing the trend of fine particulate matter annual means from 2013 to 2022. The fine particulate matter annual mean concentrations across Ontario have decreased 18% over this 10-year period. To view the data for a specific location, please select the 'Stations' radio button and use the drop-down menu.
- The Ontario 10-year trend is based on data from 37 ambient air monitoring stations.
- Ontario uses the annual PM2.5 CAAQS “as is” for comparison to a single annual average of air quality data; this value, 8.8 µg/m3, is considered a Reference Level.
- Air quality in Ontario can vary from year to year due to a variety of factors including pollutant emissions, weather, natural events such as wildfires, and the long-range transport of air pollutants from the United States and elsewhere. Long term trends are thus a better reflection of any improvements or a deterioration in air quality over time versus year over year changes.
The 10-year trend for PM2.5 at individual AQHI air monitoring stations in Ontario is presented in the Appendix: 10-year trend for fine particulate matter (PM2.5).
Ontario PM2.5 emissions trend, 2013-2022
This is a stacked column chart displaying the Ontario PM2.5 emissions trend from 2013 to 2022 indicating a decrease of approximately 14% or 8 kilotonnes, of which 4 kilotonnes was due to the transportation sector (e.g. road vehicles, air, marine, rail transportation, and non-road vehicles/engines), 2 kilotonnes was contributed by various industries, (e.g. smelters, iron and steel, cement) and the remaining 2 kilotonnes is attributed to reductions in residential wood combustion. Please note this chart excludes emissions from open and natural sources (Air Pollutant Emission Inventory 1990-2022, 2024).
The phase-in of more stringent emission and vehicle standards for new vehicles, Ontario’s closure of coal burning electricity generating utilities (which decreased secondary particulate formation through a reduction in SO2), and reduced emissions from industrial processes have contributed to the reduction in PM2.5 emissions in Ontario.
2022 results
Averaging time | Low range | High range | Number of sites with reference level exceedances |
PM2.5 1-hour max | 28 µg/m3 at Dorset | 523 µg/m3 at Brampton | Not applicable |
PM2.5 24-hour max | 15.8 µg/m3 at North Bay | 72.9 µg/m3 at Brampton | 16 |
PM2.5 annual mean | 4.45 µg/m3 at Sault Ste. Marie | 8.82 µg/m3 at Windsor West | 1 |
A summary of the 2022 PM2.5 annual statistics for individual AQHI air monitoring stations is detailed in the Appendix: 2022 fine particulate matter (PM2.5) annual statistics.
Ontario PM2.5 emissions by sector, 2022
Other industrial sources
Smelters/Primary metals
Other transportation
Cement and concrete
Road vehicles
This is a chart depicting Ontario’s PM2.5 emissions by sector based on 2022 estimates for point/area/transportation sources. Please note this chart excludes emissions from open and natural sources, such as wildfires (Environment and Climate Change Canada, Air Pollutant Emission Inventory 1990-2022, 2024).
Residential fuel combustion accounted for approximately 41% of the total PM2.5 emissions in 2022. The major contributor to residential emissions is fuel wood combustion in fireplaces and wood stoves.
PM2.5 emissions from wildfires vary from year to year and generally depend on the total number of hectares burned. Wildfire season typically occurs from early April to late October in Ontario. As wildfires burn through forests and grasslands, they produce dense smoke. Wildfire smoke may be carried hundreds or thousands of kilometres from the fire zone. There was no significant impact of wildfire smoke on Ontario’s air quality in 2022.
Ground-level ozone
10-year trends
- No trend in the ozone maximum concentrations
- No trends in the annual and seasonal means
2022 results
- 19 AQHI air monitoring stations measured ozone levels above the 1-hour AAQC of 80 ppb on at least one occasion.
10-year trends
Trend of ozone maximums across Ontario, 2013-2022
This is a line graph showing the trend of ozone one-hour maximums from 2013 to 2022. There was no trend detected for Ontario over this 10-year period. To view the data for a specific location, please select the 'Stations' radio button and use the drop-down menu.
- The Ontario 10-year trend is based on data from 37 ambient air monitoring stations.
- The Ontario one-hour AAQC for ozone is 80 ppb.
The 10-year trend of one-hour maximum ozone for individual AQHI air monitoring stations in Ontario is presented in the Appendix: 10-year trend for ozone (O3) maximums.
Trend of ozone means across Ontario, 2013-2022
This is a line graph showing the trend of ozone annual, summer and winter means from 2013 to 2022. There were no trends detected for Ontario over this 10-year period. To view the data for a specific location, please select the 'Stations' radio button and use the drop-down menu.
- The Ontario 10-year trend is based on data from 37 ambient air monitoring stations.
- Summer: May - September; Winter: January - April, October - December.
- Ontario does not have an annual or seasonal AAQC for ozone.
- Air quality in Ontario can vary from year to year due to a variety of factors including pollutant emissions, weather, natural events such as wildfires, and the long-range transport of air pollutants from the United States and elsewhere. Long term trends are thus a better reflection of any improvements or a deterioration in air quality over time versus year over year changes.
There has been no increasing or decreasing trend in annual and seasonal ozone means over the past 10 years.
Ozone levels continue to exceed Ontario’s 1-hour AAQC for ozone during the warmer months and remain a challenge in some areas of the province, such as southwestern Ontario. However, ozone concentrations during the winter months were well below Ontario’s ozone 1-hour AAQC of 80 ppb across Ontario in 2022.
The 10-year trend of annual, summer and winter ozone for individual AQHI air monitoring stations in Ontario is presented in the Appendix: 10-year trend for ozone (O3), 10-year trend for ozone (O3) summer means, and 10-year trend for ozone (O3) winter means.
Ozone annual means for urban and rural Ontario, 2013-2022
This is a line graph displaying the ozone annual means for urban and rural Ontario from 2013 to 2022.
- Urban S. are urban areas in southern Ontario - Windsor, London, Hamilton, Toronto.
- Urban N. are urban areas in northern Ontario - Thunder Bay, Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury, North Bay.
- Rural areas in Ontario - Port Stanley, Tiverton, Parry Sound, Dorset.
- Ontario does not have an annual AAQC for ozone.
Ozone annual mean concentrations in urban areas in southern Ontario have been more comparable to those of urban areas in northern Ontario in recent years.
Generally, ozone concentrations are higher in rural, transboundary-influenced sites on the northern shore of Lake Erie and the eastern shore of Lake Huron. Ozone concentrations are lower in urban areas because it is depleted (scavenged) by reacting with NO emitted by vehicles and other local combustion sources.
2022 results
Averaging time | Low range | High range | Number of sites with AAQC exceedances |
Ozone 1-hour max | 58 ppb at Thunder Bay | 97 ppb at Sarnia | 19 |
Ozone 24-hour max | 43.7 ppb at Barrie | 63.1 ppb at Tiverton | Not applicable |
Ozone annual mean | 22.0 ppb at Toronto West | 31.9 ppb at Grand Bend and Tiverton | Not applicable |
A summary of the 2022 ozone annual statistics for individual AQHI air monitoring stations is detailed in the Appendix: 2022 ozone (O3) annual statistics.
Sulphur dioxide
10-year trends
- SO2 concentrations have decreased by 48%
- SO2 emissions have decreased by 56%
2022 results
10-year trends
Trend of SO2 annual means across Ontario, 2013-2022
This is a line graph showing the trend of sulphur dioxide annual means from 2013 to 2022. The sulphur dioxide annual mean concentrations across Ontario have decreased 48% over this 10-year period. To view the data for a specific location, please select the 'Stations' radio button and use the drop-down menu.
- The Ontario 10-year trend is based on data from 9 ambient air monitoring stations.
- The Ontario annual AAQC for SO2 of 4 ppb was introduced in 2018.
- Air quality in Ontario can vary from year to year due to a variety of factors including pollutant emissions, weather, natural events such as wildfires, and the long-range transport of air pollutants from the United States and elsewhere. Long term trends are thus a better reflection of any improvements or a deterioration in air quality over time versus year over year changes.
The 10-year trend for SO2 at individual AQHI air monitoring stations in Ontario is presented in the Appendix: 10-year trend for sulphur dioxide (SO2).
Ontario SO2 emission trend, 2013-2022
This is a stacked column chart displaying the Ontario SO2 emissions trend from 2013 to 2022 indicating a decrease of approximately 56% or 149 kilotonnes, of which 127 kilotonnes of the decrease was due to the smelter sector and 10 kilotonnes was due to the electricity utilities sector. Please note this chart excludes emissions from open and natural sources (Air Pollutant Emission Inventory 1990-2022, 2024).
Emissions reductions at Ontario smelters through the implementation of site-specific standards under the Local Air Quality Regulation (O. Reg. 419/05) and the sector specific smelter regulation (O. Reg. 652/21), Ontario’s closure of coal burning electricity generating utilities, Ontario’s former emissions trading regulations (O. Reg. 397/01 and O. Reg. 194/05), and federal and provincial low sulphur content in transportation fuels have contributed to the reduction in SO2 emissions in Ontario.
2022 results
Averaging time | Low range | High range | Number of sites with AAQC exceedances |
SO2 10-minute max | 4.5 ppb at Ottawa Downtown | 149.4 ppb at Hamilton Downtown | 5 |
SO2 1-hour max | 3.9 ppb at Ottawa Downtown | 126.1 ppb at Sarnia | 4 |
SO2 24-hour max | 1.0 ppb at Ottawa Downtown | 59.4 ppb at Sarnia | Not applicable |
SO2 annual mean | 0.17 ppb at Toronto North | 3.73 ppb at Hamilton Downtown | 0 |
Concentrations of sulphur dioxide in neighborhoods that are located in close proximity to local sources such as an industrial facility may be higher than those measured at the ministry’s AQHI monitoring stations which are sited to be representative of general population exposure.
A summary of the 2022 SO2 annual statistics for individual AQHI air monitoring stations is detailed in the Appendix: 2022 sulphur dioxide (SO2) annual statistics.
There are local air quality monitoring networks operated by industrial associations in the communities of Hamilton (Hamilton Air Monitoring Network), Sarnia (Clean Air Sarnia and Area) and Sudbury (Greater Sudbury Air Quality) that provide additional air quality information for these communities. These data have not been integrated into this ministry report; however, they are being addressed with regulations which aim to decrease local concentrations of SO2, namely O. Reg. 88/22 which addresses SO2 emissions from the petroleum refining sector and O. Reg. 65/21 which addresses SO2 emissions from nickel smelting facilities, which are located primarily in the Sudbury area.
Ontario SO2 emissions by sector, 2022
Petroleum refineries
Other industrial sources
Cement and concrete
Iron and steel
This is a chart depicting Ontario’s sulphur dioxide emissions by sector based on 2022 estimates for point/area/transportation sources. Please note this chart excludes emissions from open and natural sources (Environment and Climate Change Canada, Air Pollutant Emission Inventory 1990-2022, 2024).
Although they have achieved significant reductions in the past several years, smelters in northern Ontario remain the major sources of SO2 emissions in Ontario, accounting for approximately 44% of the provincial SO2 emissions.
Volatile organic compounds
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) are measured at select ambient air monitoring stations across Ontario as part of a co-operative federal-provincial program under the National Air Pollution Surveillance program.
Note: No VOC samples were collected in 2020 and only limited VOC samples were collected in 2021 and 2022 due to COVID-19 measures put in place by Environment and Climate Change Canada’s laboratories following Public Health guidelines. As a result, only three of six AQHI air monitoring stations were operational for VOC monitoring in 2021 and 2022.
10-year trends
- Benzene concentrations have decreased by 33%
- Toluene concentrations have decreased by 50%
- Ethylbenzene concentrations have decreased by 39%
- m- and p-xylene concentrations have decreased by 37%
- o-xylene concentrations have decreased by 31%
- No trend in 1,3-butadiene concentrations
2022 results
10-year trends
VOCs are measured at six AQHI air monitoring stations (Windsor West, Sarnia, London, Kitchener, Hamilton Downtown, and Newmarket), however only three (Windsor West, Sarnia and Hamilton Downtown) were operational for VOC monitoring in 2021 and 2022 due to COVID-19 measures put in place following Public Health guidelines.
In 2022, 107 VOCs were analyzed and reported for each sample at each site. For the purposes of this report, commonly detected VOCs (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene, and 1,3-butadiene) between 2013 and 2022 are included in this discussion.
Trend of benzene annual means across Ontario, 2013-2022
This is a line graph showing the trend of benzene annual means from 2013 to 2022. The benzene annual mean concentrations across Ontario have decreased 33% over this 10-year period. To view the data for a specific location, please select the 'Stations' radio button and use the drop-down menu.
- The Ontario 10-year trend is based on data from 6 ambient air monitoring stations.
- The 2021 and 2022 averages are based on 3 ambient air monitoring stations.
- VOC samples were not collected in 2020 as Environment and Climate Change Canada’s laboratories were shut down due to COVID-19 measures put in place following Public Health guidelines.
- The Ontario annual AAQC for benzene of 0.45 µg/m3 was introduced in 2016.
- Air quality in Ontario can vary from year to year due to a variety of factors including pollutant emissions, weather, natural events such as wildfires, and the long-range transport of air pollutants from the United States and elsewhere. Long term trends are thus a better reflection of any improvements or a deterioration in air quality over time versus year over year changes.
Trend of toluene annual means across Ontario, 2013-2022
This is a line graph showing the trend of toluene annual means from 2013 to 2022. The toluene annual mean concentrations across Ontario have decreased 50% over this 10-year period. To view the data for a specific location, please select the 'Stations' radio button and use the drop-down menu.
- The Ontario 10-year trend is based on data from 6 ambient air monitoring stations.
- The 2021 and 2022 averages are based on 3 ambient air monitoring stations.
- VOC samples were not collected in 2020 as Environment and Climate Change Canada’s laboratories were shut down due to COVID-19 measures put in place following Public Health guidelines.
- Ontario does not have an annual AAQC for toluene.
- Air quality in Ontario can vary from year to year due to a variety of factors including pollutant emissions, weather, natural events such as wildfires, and the long-range transport of air pollutants from the United States and elsewhere. Long term trends are thus a better reflection of any improvements or a deterioration in air quality over time versus year over year changes.
Trend of ethylbenzene annual means across Ontario, 2013-2022
This is a line graph showing the trend of ethylbenzene annual means from 2013 to 2022. The ethylbenzene annual mean concentrations across Ontario have decreased 39% over this 10-year period. To view the data for a specific location, please select the 'Stations' radio button and use the drop-down menu.
- The Ontario 10-year trend is based on data from 6 ambient air monitoring stations.
- The 2021 and 2022 averages are based on 3 ambient air monitoring stations.
- VOC samples were not collected in 2020 as Environment and Climate Change Canada’s laboratories were shut down due to COVID-19 measures put in place following Public Health guidelines.
- Ontario does not have an annual AAQC for ethylbenzene.
- Air quality in Ontario can vary from year to year due to a variety of factors including pollutant emissions, weather, natural events such as wildfires, and the long-range transport of air pollutants from the United States and elsewhere. Long term trends are thus a better reflection of any improvements or a deterioration in air quality over time versus year over year changes.
Trend of xylene annual means across Ontario, 2013-2022
This is a line graph showing the trend of xylene annual means from 2013 to 2022. The m- and p-xylene and o-xylene annual mean concentrations across Ontario have decreased 37% and 31%, respectively, over this 10-year period. To view the data for a specific location, please select the 'Stations' radio button and use the drop-down menu.
- The Ontario 10-year trend is based on data from 6 ambient air monitoring stations.
- The 2021 and 2022 averages are based on 3 ambient air monitoring stations.
- VOC samples were not collected in 2020 as Environment and Climate Change Canada’s laboratories were shut down due to COVID-19 measures put in place following Public Health guidelines.
- Ontario does not have an annual AAQC for xylene.
- Air quality in Ontario can vary from year to year due to a variety of factors including pollutant emissions, weather, natural events such as wildfires, and the long-range transport of air pollutants from the United States and elsewhere. Long term trends are thus a better reflection of any improvements or a deterioration in air quality over time versus year over year changes.
Trend of 1,3-butadiene annual means across Ontario, 2013-2022
This is a line graph showing the trend of 1,3-butadiene annual means from 2013 to 2022. There was no trend detected for Ontario over this 10-year period. To view the data for a specific location, please select the 'Stations' radio button and use the drop-down menu.
- The Ontario 10-year trend is based on data from 6 ambient air monitoring stations.
- The 2021 and 2022 averages are based on 3 ambient air monitoring stations.
- VOC samples were not collected in 2020 as Environment and Climate Change Canada’s laboratories were shut down due to COVID-19 measures put in place following Public Health guidelines.
- The Ontario annual AAQC for 1,3-butadiene is 2.0 µg/m3.
- Air quality in Ontario can vary from year to year due to a variety of factors including pollutant emissions, weather, natural events such as wildfires, and the long-range transport of air pollutants from the United States and elsewhere. Long term trends are thus a better reflection of any improvements or a deterioration in air quality over time versus year over year changes.
The 10-year trend for VOCs at individual AQHI air monitoring stations in Ontario is presented in the Appendix: 10-year trend for benzene, 10-year trend for toluene, 10-year trend for ethylbenzene, 10-year trend for m- and p-xylene, 10-year trend for o-xylene, and 10-year trend for 1,3-butadiene.
Concentrations of in neighborhoods that are located in close proximity to local sources such as an industrial facility may be higher than those measured at the ministry’s AQHI monitoring stations which are sited to be representative of general population exposure.
There are local air quality monitoring networks operated by industrial associations in the communities of Hamilton (Hamilton Air Monitoring Network) and Sarnia (Clean Air Sarnia and Area) that provide additional air quality information for these communities. These data have not been integrated into this ministry report; however, they are being addressed with regulations and requirements which aim to decrease local concentrations of VOCs including benzene.
There are also requirements that require certain facilities to conduct property line monitoring of benzene and publicly report it. For example, the Sarnia (CASA) website provides links to facility property line monitoring data. The property line monitoring concentration may be higher than those measured at the ministry’s AQHI monitoring stations which are sited to be representative of general population exposure.
Ontario VOC emission trend, 2013-2022
This is a stacked column chart displaying the Ontario VOC emissions trend from 2013 to 2022 indicating a decrease of approximately 25% or 87 kilotonnes, of which 49 kilotonnes was due to the transportation sector and 28 kilotonnes was due to the solvent use, surface coating and printing sectors. Please note this chart excludes emissions from open and natural sources (Environment and Climate Change Canada, Air Pollutant Emission Inventory 1990-2022, 2024).
The introduction of more stringent federal vehicle and engine emission standards for new vehicles, the former Drive Clean light duty vehicle program and various regulations, and Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment VOC emissions guidelines and codes of practice for VOC emitting products and materials have contributed to the reduction in VOC emissions in Ontario.
2022 results
Averaging time | Low range | High range | Number of sites with AAQC exceedances |
Benzene 24-hour max | 0.788 µg/m3 at Windsor West | 2.928 µg/m3 at Hamilton Downtown | 1 |
Benzene annual mean | 0.369 µg/m3 at Windsor West | 0.706 µg/m3 at Hamilton Downtown | 1 |
Toluene 24-hour max | 3.270 µg/m3 at Windsor West | 10.088 µg/m3 at Sarnia | 0 |
Toluene annual mean | 0.730 µg/m3 at Windsor West | 0.895 µg/m3 at Sarnia | Not applicable |
Ethylbenzene 24-hour max | 0.364 µg/m3 at Windsor West | 0.728 µg/m3 at Hamilton Downtown | 0 |
Ethylbenzene annual mean | 0.122 µg/m3 at Hamilton Downtown | 0.127 µg/m3 at Sarnia | Not applicable |
m- and p-xylene 24-hour max | 1.158 µg/m3 at Windsor West | 2.508 µg/m3 at Hamilton Downtown | 0 |
m- and p-xylene annual mean | 0.272 µg/m3 at Sarnia | 0.383 µg/m3 at Hamilton Downtown | Not applicable |
o-xylene 24-hour max | 0.428 µg/m3 at Windsor West | 0.842 µg/m3 at Hamilton Downtown | 0 |
o-xylene annual mean | 0.100 µg/m3 at Sarnia | 0.137 µg/m3 at Hamilton Downtown | Not applicable |
1,3-butadiene 24-hour max | 0.050 µg/m3 at Windsor West | 0.296 µg/m3 at Sarnia | 0 |
1,3-butadiene annual mean | 0.050 µg/m3 at Windsor West | 0.062 µg/m3 at Sarnia | 0 |
Concentrations of some VOCs in neighborhoods that are located in close proximity to local sources such as an industrial facility may be higher than those measured at the ministry’s AQHI monitoring stations which are sited to be representative of general population exposure.
A summary of the 2022 VOCs annual statistics for individual AQHI air monitoring stations is detailed in the Appendix: 2022 benzene annual statistics, 2022 toluene annual statistics, 2022 ethylbenzene annual statistics, 2022 m- and p-xylene annual statistics, 2022 o-xylene annual statistics, and 2022 1,3-butadiene annual statistics.
Ontario VOC emissions by sector, 2022
General solvent use
Printing/Surface coating
Other transportation
Road vehicles
This is a chart depicting Ontario’s VOC emissions by sector based on 2022 estimates for point/area/transportation sources. Please note this chart excludes emissions from open and natural sources (Environment and Climate Change Canada, Air Pollutant Emission Inventory 1990-2022, 2024).
General solvent use (e.g., degreasing, adhesives and sealants, consumer and commercial products) accounted for 28% of VOC emissions in 2022; and transportation sector accounted for 21% (Air Pollutant Emission Inventory 1990-2022, 2024).
Ontario Ambient Air Quality Criteria
Ambient air quality refers to general air quality resulting from all sources of contaminants to air. Ambient Air Quality Criteria (AAQC) are a concentration of a contaminant in air that is protective against adverse effects on health and/or the environment. AAQC are not regulatory values but are used to assess general (ambient) air quality resulting from all sources (i.e., industrial and non-industrial sources) of a contaminant to air. AAQC are most commonly used in environmental assessments, special studies using ambient air monitoring data, assessment of general air quality in a community and annual reporting on air quality across the province.
Contaminant | 10 minute AAQC Assesses protection against acute effects | 1-hour AAQC Assesses protection against acute effects | 8-hour AAQC Assesses protection against acute effects | 24-hour AAQC Assesses protection against chronic effects | Annual AAQC Assesses protection against chronic effects |
NO2 | N/A | 200 ppb | N/A | 100 ppb | N/A |
PM2.5 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 27 μg/m3 | 8.8 μg/m3 |
O3 | N/A | 80 ppb | N/A | N/A | N/A |
SO2 | 67 ppb | 40 ppb | N/A | N/A | 4 ppb |
CO | N/A | 30 ppm | 13 ppm | N/A | N/A |
Benzene | N/A | N/A | N/A | 2.3 μg/m3 | 0.45 μg/m3 |
Toluene | N/A | N/A | N/A | 2,000 μg/m3 | N/A |
Ethylbenzene | 1,900 μg/m3 | N/A | N/A | 1,000 μg/m3 | N/A |
Xylene | 3,000 μg/m3 | N/A | N/A | 730 μg/m3 | N/A |
1,3-Butadiene | N/A | N/A | N/A | 10 μg/m3 | 2 μg/m3 |
Manganese in PM2.5 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 0.1 μg/m3 | N/A |
- ppb – parts (of contaminant) per billion (parts of air) – by volume.
- μg/m3 – micrograms (of contaminant) per cubic metre (of air) – by weight.
- ppm – parts (of contaminant) per million (parts of air) – by volume.
- footnote[1] Back to paragraph Ontario uses the 24-hour PM2.5 CAAQS used “as is” for comparison to the 24-hour measurement of air quality data; this value is considered a Reference Level.
- footnote[2] Back to paragraph Ontario uses the annual PM2.5 CAAQS used “as is” for comparison to a single annual average of air quality data; this value is considered a Reference Level.
- footnote[3] Back to paragraph Based on odour.