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Part 3: Path forward
3.1 Process for making submissions
Written submissions addressing the questions in this consultation paper should be provided in electronic format (preferably Word or PDF) by email to CMM.Taskforce@ontario.ca. We would also welcome views from commenters on issues not reflected in the consultation paper.
Please use subject line: Consultation — Modernizing Ontario’s Capital Markets.
Submissions must be received on or prior to September 7, 2020.
Please note that information submitted may be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Please do not submit personal information or specific identifying details of individuals, companies or other entities unless the specific information is already publicly available. Please also note that the submissions may be publicly posted on the Ministry of Finance website. Please do not forward confidential information that you would not want to be made public.
The feedback received will be used to inform the Taskforce’s final report to the Minister of Finance.