Section 5 – Ontario’s way forward
Overall, the most significant learning from the community engagement sessions is the strong recognition across the province of the need to change the way we look at service delivery in all sectors moving forward in order for Ontarians to get the services they need, when they need them. Relying solely on reactionary and incident driven responses to community safety and well-being is inefficient, ineffective and unsustainable. It is encouraging that communities continue to move towards innovative, collaborative and risk-driven approaches to prevent crime and victimization and increase safety and well-being in a more effective and efficient way.
In response to this learning, the third and final booklet in the ministry’s provincial approach will take the shape of a framework for community safety and well-being planning. This framework will set the stage for service delivery and the development of local community safety and well-being plans that encourage meaningful multi-sectoral partnerships to respond to crime and complex social issues on a sustainable basis. The framework will also respond to the common challenges and build on the principles and local strengths of community safety and well-being practices identified in this booklet. It will continue to inspire communities to refocus their efforts to work towards meaningful collaboration, an environment that promotes information and data sharing, and holistic performance measurement that is outcomes-based. In addition to the framework, the ministry will provide guidance to assist communities in developing and evaluating local community safety and well-being plans that leverage existing community strengths and resources to respond to local circumstances, needs and priorities.
Thank you for your commitment to community safety and well-being. As community safety and well-being is ever evolving, the ministry would like to continue to hear about novel practices being developed or implemented in local communities. The ministry also welcomes your thoughts, comments and input on this booklet. Please send your novel practices and comments to
Ministry Contributors
- Stephen Waldie
- Director, External Relations Branch, Public Safety Division
- Oscar Mosquera and Julie Moscato
- Managers
- Shannon Christofide
- Team Lead
- Shannon Christofide
- Team Lead
- Afra Khan & Claudia Tenuta
- Community Safety Analysts
- Emily Jefferson & Stephanie Leonard
- Junior Community Safety Analysts
- Sheniz Kassam
- Administrative Services Assistant