Community safety and well-being in Ontario: Booklet 2 - A snapshot of local voices
Learn about local challenges to community safety and promising solutions in this follow-up to Crime prevention in Ontario: A framework for action.
Message from the Minister
Local involvement and input from Ontario communities is critical for successful community safety and well-being practices across Ontario and is the foundation of this snapshot.
Throughout 2013, staff from the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services travelled across the province and visited with a number of different communities to build upon current crime prevention dialogue and to learn about locally-identified promising practices, as well as community challenges. My sincere appreciation goes out to those communities who participated.
During the engagement process it became evident that a shift has occurred in the way organizations and communities look at crime prevention. More than ever, different sectors are advocating for collaboration and integration across all human service sectors to effectively and efficiently address the root causes of crime and social disorder, and increase safety and well-being in Ontario.
I am pleased to see meaningful collaboration on community safety and well-being initiatives taking place across the province, and I encourage all sectors to continue working together to build a stronger and safer Ontario.
Honourable Yasir Naqvi
Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services