Next steps
Next steps
In its second report, the Council will focus on providing recommendations that will help the system deliver better health care in the province.
Four key themes have emerged through the Council’s initial work that will help guide the development of detailed recommendations in its next report:
- A pressing need to integrate care around the patient and across providers in a way that makes sense in each of our communities in the province, and improves health outcomes for Ontarians.
- Growing demand and opportunity to innovate in care delivery, particularly in the use of virtual care, apps, and ensuring patients can access their own health data.
- The potential for greater efficiency in how we streamline and align system goals to support high quality care.
- The critical role for a long-term plan so that we have right mix of health care professionals, services, and beds to meet our changing health care needs.
We want to hear from you!
The Council will be shifting its attention to developing advice for the government on how to fix the problem of hallway health care. The second report will be released in Spring 2019.
Our focus over the next few months will be on identifying innovative, affordable, and evidence-based solutions that will work in Ontario. As we work with you, and health care professionals across the system to develop these recommendations, we will also be giving careful consideration to how to measure our progress on this work. Our intention is for you to track our progress and help keep us accountable as we continue to think about how to improve health care in Ontario.
We will also be on the road holding engagement sessions across the province to make sure the recommendations we develop will work in your community. If we don’t get to meet you in person, you can also find us online.
How to reach us: