Parliamentary Notice

Royal Assent

the province of ontario

Toronto, Thursday, March 31, 2022, 3:31 p.m.

In the name of Her Majesty the Queen, Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor, assented to the following bills in her office:-

Bill 105
An Act to proclaim the month of May as Armenian Heritage Month.
[S.O. 2022, Chapter 4]

Bill Pr54
An Act to revive 2492725 Ontario Inc.
[S.O. 2022, Chapter Pr1]

Bill Pr62
An Act respecting Groves Memorial Community Hospital.
[S.O. 2022, Chapter Pr2]

Bill Pr64
An Act to revive Navigation Project Management Inc.
[S.O. 2022, Chapter Pr3]

Bill Pr66
An Act to revive 2704395 Ontario Inc.
[S.O. 2022, Chapter Pr4]

Bill Pr67
An Act to revive Frolander Island Resort (2003) Ltd.
[S.O. 2022, Chapter Pr5]

Todd Decker
Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
