Chapter 9. Record keeping
Section 9.1. Records of design specifications
Owners or operators of RMADF are required to keep certain records related to design specifications. These records may be requested during inspection of the facility. Every owner or operator of the RMADF must keep records of the design specifications prepared by a professional engineer for at least two years from the day on which the record was made, including:
- Designs for the construction or expansion of AD vessels and storages of off-farm AD materials, including any associated monitoring systems, and how those designs comply with O. Reg. 267/03; and
- Any designs for systems that minimize odour emissions, including from the transfer of Schedule 2A or 2B materials when transferring those materials from an AD material storage to an AD vessel.
(see s. 62.2 (1) (a), 71 (1) and (3), 98.3 (3), 98.6 (1) 9., and 98.13 (1) 1 O. Reg. 267/03).
Section 9.2. Records of off-farm AD materials
Owners or operators of an RMADF are required to keep certain records related to off-farm AD material delivery:
- Every owner or operator of the RMADF must keep the following records for at least two years from the day on which the record is made, including: For every off-farm AD material delivery:
- The name and address of the supplier
- The name and address of the person making the delivery
- The types of material received and the volume of materials received; and
- If the heating of Schedule 2A materials did not take place at the RMADF, the following records:
- A statement by the person who heated the materials, identifying the off-site system where the materials were heated and indicating that they were heated:
- for no less than one hour at no less than 70 °C, or
- for no less than 20 hours at no less than 50 °C; and
- A statement from a professional engineer indicating that the off-site system exists and is capable of heating materials as described in clause (a.).
- A statement by the person who heated the materials, identifying the off-site system where the materials were heated and indicating that they were heated:
- The results of metals analyses for off-farm AD materials
- The results of the plastic and particle size analyses for Schedule 2B materials
- A record of results showing length of time and temperature of heating described in Section 98.9 (2), with the results being graphed or kept in a form that is capable of being graphed. This requirement applies when an RMADF receives more than 10,000 cubic metres of off-farm AD materials in the preceding 12-month period or any Schedule 2B materials in the preceding 12-month period
- The results of all analyses performed on AD output, as required
- The destination of the AD output
- Records of complaints generated made in accordance with the odour management plan
- Records showing how the person met the requirements of the operating specifications for the odour control system
- Records showing the results of the analysis required for clean-out material; and,
- A record of the date and duration of use, if any, of a secondary gas burning facility.
Section 9.3. Maintaining records
There are specific requirements for maintaining records for the RMADF. The person who keeps the records must:
- Keep them by means of paper copies, mechanical, electronic or other devices
- Take adequate precautions, appropriate to the means used to guard against the risk of falsification or alteration of the information in the records
- Provide a means for making the information in the records available in an accurate and intelligible form within a reasonable time to any person lawfully entitled to examine the records; and,
- Store the records:
- At the location of the agricultural operation; or
- At another location that is accessible to the operator of the operation at all times, if it is not practical to have them at the operation.
These records must be kept for at least two years from the day they are made, or in the case of records relating to a permanent nutrient storage facility that was used to store ASM, for at least two years after ASM was last stored there. For records related to an NMS or an NMP, the records must be kept for 2 years after the NMS or NMP ceased to be in force. The person responsible in O. Reg. 267/03 for keeping the records is also responsible for ensuring that they are made and collected.
(see s. 98.5.1, 98.13, 98.28, 112, 113, O. Reg. 267/03).