In Ontario, species of flora and fauna may be protected by regulation under Ontario’s Endangered Species Act or by regulation under the new Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. This appendix is comprised of two parts.

The first part (K-1) lists those species of flora and fauna that are protected by regulation under the Endangered Species Act. This Regulation was last revised in 1994. For those with Internet access, Regulations of Ontario can be searched by subject heading at the following location – [inactive link]

Copies of this or any other piece of Ontario legislation or regulation can be purchased by calling 1-800-668-9938 or by writing: Publications Ontario, 50 Grosvenor Street, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1N8.

The second part of this appendix (K-2) lists those Ontario species of flora and fauna that have been designated as endangered, threatened, vulnerable, indeterminate or extirpated by the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and/or the national Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC).

Designations made by the ministry as of January 1995 are based on recommendations of a Ministry technical committee called the Committee of the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario (COSSARO). The work of COSSARO is integrated with the work of COSEWIC. Designations assigned by the ministry/COSSARO apply at the provincial level, while those of COSEWIC apply at the national level. There may be some differences between provincial and national designations.

It should be noted that COSEWIC designation is revised annually. COSEWIC designations in this appendix were last revised September 1999 (see COSEWIC).

The ministry/COSSARO designations are revised on an “as needed” basis. Designations in this appendix were last revised September 1998.

Up-to-date COSEWIC and the ministry/COSSARO lists are also available for review at local ministry offices and also include species of fish as well as those species of flora and fauna that are designated as extinct.

The ministry/COSSARO status definitions

Any species formally native to Ontario that no longer exists.
Any native species no longer existing in the wild in Ontario, but existing elsewhere in the wild.
Any native species that, on the basis of the best available scientific evidence, is at risk of extinction or extirpation throughout all or a significant portion of its Ontario range if the limiting factors are not reversed.
Any native species that, on the basis of the best available scientific evidence, is at risk of becoming endangered throughout all or a significant portion of its Ontario range is limiting factors are not reversed.
Any native species that, on the basis of the best available scientific evidence, is a species of special concern in Ontario, but is not a threatened or endangered species.
Any species for which there is insufficient scientific information on which to base a status recommendation.

COSEWIC status definitions

A species that no longer exists.
A species no longer existing in the wild in Canada, but occurring elsewhere.
A species facing imminent extirpation or extinction.
A species likely to become endangered if limiting factors are not reversed.
A species of special concern because characteristics that make it particularly sensitive to human activities or natural events.
A species for which there is insufficient information to support a status designation.
Not at risk
A species that has been evaluated and found to be not at risk.

R-1: Endangered Species Declared in Regulation under the Endangered Species Art, R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 15

Vascular plants

Endangered vascular plants
Common nameScientific name
Small White Lady’s-Slipper Orchid footnote 1Cypripedium candidum
Small Whorled Pogonia footnote 2Isotria medeoloides
Large Whorled Pogonia footnote 3Iostria verticillata
Cucumber Tree footnote 4 footnote 5Magnolia acuminata
Wood Poppy footnote 6Stylophorum diphyllum
Prickly Pear Cactus footnote 7 footnote 8Opuntia humifusa
Hoary Mountian-mint footnote 9Pycnanthemum incanum
Heart-leaved Plantain footnote 10Plantago cordata


Endangered amphibians
Common nameScientific name
Blanchard’s Cricket Frog footnote 11Acris crepitans blanchardi

Reptiles footnote 12

Endangered reptiles
Common nameScientific name
Lake Erie Water Snake footnote 13Nerodia sipedon insularum
Blue Racer footnote 14Coluber constrictor flaviventris
Timber RattlesnakeCrotalus horridus


Endangered birds
Common nameScientific name
White Pelican footnote 15Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
Bald Eagle footnote 16Haliaeetus leucocephalus alascanus
Golden Eagle footnote 17Aquila chrysaetos
Peregrine Falcon footnote 18Falco peregrinus
Piping Plover footnote 19Charadrius melodus
Eskimo CurlewNumenius borealis
Loggerhead Shrike footnote 20Lanius ludovicianus
Kirtland’s Warbler footnote 21Dendroica kirtlandii
Henslow’s Sparrow footnote 22Ammodramus henslowii


Endangered mammals
Common nameScientific name
Mountain Lion (Eastern Cougar) footnote 23Felis concolor couguar


Endangered insects
Common nameScientific name
Frosted Elfin footnote 24Incisalia irus
KarnerBlueButterfly footnote 25Lycaeidesmelissasamuelis

R-2: Endangered, Threatened, Vulnerable Species of Flora and Fauna in Ontario

Endangered (but not in Regulation under Endangered Species Act)

Vascular plants

Endangered vascular plants
Common nameScientific nameDesignating authorityYear designated
Engelmann's QuillwortIsoetes engelmanniiCOSEWIC1992
Juniper SedgeCarex juniperorumCOSEWIC1999
Drooping TrilliumTrillium flexipesCOSEWIC1996
Small White Lady's-slipper Orchidfootnote aCypripedium candidumCOSEWIC1999
Purple Twaybladefootnote bLiparis lilifoliaCOSEWIC1999
Nodding Pogoniafootnote cTriphora trianthophoraCOSEWIC1999
American Ginsengfootnote dPanax quinquefoliumCOSEWIC1999
Pitcher's Thistlefootnote eCirsium pitcheriCOSEWIC1999
Showy GoldenrodSolidago speciosaCOSEWIC1999
White Prairie GentianGentiana albaCOSEWIC1991
Slender Bush CloverLespedeza virginicaCOSEWIC1986; reconfirmed status in 1999
Scarlet AmmaniaAmmania robustaCOSEWIC1999
ToothcupRotala ramosiorCOSEWIC1999
Cucumber Treefootnote fMagnolia acuminataCOSEWIC1999
Red Mulberryfootnote gMorus rubraCOSEWIC1999
Pink MilkwortPolygala incarnataCOSEWIC1984; reconfirmed status in 1998
Spotted WintergreenChimaphila maculataCOSEWIC1987; reconfirmed status in 1998
Gattinger's AgalinisAgalinis gattingeriCOSEWIC1988; reconfirmed status in 1999
Skinner's AgalinisAgalinis skinnerianaCOSEWIC1988; reconfirmed status in 1999
BlueheartsBuchnera americanaCOSEWIC1998

Birdsfootnote h

Endangered birds
Common nameScientific nameDesignating authorityYear designated 
Acadian FlycatcherEmpidonax virescensCOSEWIC1994 
King Railfootnote iRallus elegansCOSEWIC1994 
Northern BobwhiteColinus virginianusCOSEWIC1994 
Barn Owl (eastern population) footnote jTyto albaCOSEWIC1999 
Kirtland's Warblerfootnote kDendroica kirtlandiiCOSEWIC1999 
Prothonatary Warblerfootnote lProthonataria citreaCOSEWIC1996 


Vascular plants

Threatened vascular plants
Common nameScientific nameDesignating authorityYear designated
Blunt-lobed WoodsiaWoodsia obtusaCOSEWIC1994
False Hop SedgeCarex lupuliformisCOSEWIC1997
Small-flowered LipocarphaLipocarpha (Hemicarpha) micranthaCOSEWIC1992
Small-flowered LipocarphaLipocarpha (Hemicarpha) micranthaCOSSARO1996
ColicrootAletris farinosaCOSEWIC1988
ColicrootAletris farinosaCOSSARO1996
Purple Twaybladefootnote mLiparis liliifoliaCOSSARO1996
American ChestnutAletris farinosaCOSEWIC1987
Golden SealHydrastis canadensisCOSEWIC1991
Golden SealHydrastis canadensisCOSSARO1995
Kentucky Coffee-treeGymnocladus dioicusCOSEWIC1983
Kentucky Coffee-treeGymnocladus dioicusCOSSARO1996
Goat's-RueTephrosia virginianaCOSEWIC1996
Bird's Foot VioletViola pedataCOSEWIC1990
DeerberryVaccinium stamineumCOSEWIC1994
White Wood AsterAster divaricatusCOSEWIC1995
Amphibians Fowler's Toadfootnote n footnote oBufo fowleriCOSEWIC1999


Threatened reptiles
Common nameScientific nameDesignating authorityYear designated
Eastern Spiny Softshellfootnote p footnote qApalone spinifera spiniferaCOSEWIC1991
Eastern Spiny Softshell footnote p footnote qApalone spinifera spiniferaCOSSARO1995
Black Rat SnakeElaphe obsoletaCOSEWIC1998
Eastern Fox SnakeElaphe vulpina gloydiCOSEWIC1999
Queen SnakeRegina septemvittataCOSEWIC1999
Eastern Massasaugafootnote r footnote sSistrurus catenatus catenatusCOSEWIC1991
Eastern Massasauga footnote r footnote sSistrurus catenatus catenatusCOSSARO1995


Threatened birds
Common nameScientific nameDesignating authorityYear designated
Peregrine Falconfootnote tFalco peregrinus anatumCOSEWIC1999
Barn Owl (eastern population)footnote uTyto albaMNR1984
Hooded WarblerWilsonia citrinaCOSEWIC1994


Vascular plants

Vulnerable vascular plants
Common nameScientific nameDesignating authorityYear designated
Broad Beech FernPhegopteris hexagonopteraCOSEWIC1983
Hill's PondweedPotamogeton hilliiCOSEWIC1986
Few-flowered Club-rushScirpus verecundusCOSEWIC1986
Green DragonArisaema dracontiumCOSEWIC1984
Wild HyacinthCamassia scilloidesCOSEWIC1990
Round-leaved Greenbrierfootnote vSmilax rotundifloiaCOSSARO1995
Eastern Prairie White Fringed OrchidPlatanthera leucophaeaCOSEWIC1986
Shumard OakQuercus shumardiiCOSEWIC1984; reconfirmed status in 1999
Dwarf HackberryCeltis tenuifloliaCOSEWIC1985
False Rue-anemoneIsopyrum biternatumCOSEWIC1990
Climbing Prairie RoseRosa setigeraCOSEWIC1986
Hop TreePtelea trifoliataCOSEWIC1984
Swamp Rose MallowHibiscus moscheutosCOSEWIC1987
Branched BartoniaBartonia paniculataCOSEWIC1992
American ColumboFrasera caroliniensisCOSEWIC1993
Blue Ashfootnote wFraxinus quadrangulataCOSSARO1996
American Water-willowfootnote xJusticia americanaCOSSARO1996
Indian PlantainCacalia plantagineaCOSEWIC1988; reconfirmed status in 1999
Willow AsterAster praealtusCOSEWIC1999
Crooked-stemmed AsterAster prenanthoidesCOSEWIC1999
Western Silver-leaf AsterVirgulus (Aster) sericeusCOSEWIC1988
Dense Blazing StarLiatris spicataCOSEWIC1988


Vulnerable amphibians
Common nameScientific nameDesignating authorityYear designated
Smallmouth SalamanderAmbystoma texanumCOSEWIC1991


Vulnerable reptiles
Common nameScientific nameDesignating authorityYear designated
Spotted Turtlefootnote yClemmys guttataCOSEWIC1991
Spotted Turtle footnote yClemmys guttataCOSSARO1995
Wood Turtlefootnote z footnote aaClemmys insculptaMNR1985
Wood Turtle footnote z footnote aaClemmys insculptaCOSEWIC1996
Five-lined Skinkfootnote bbEumeces fasciatusCOSEWIC1998
Eastern Hognose Snakefootnote ccHeterodon platirhinosCOSSARO1996
Eastern Hognose Snake footnote ccHeterodon platirhinosCOSEWIC1997
Butler's Garter SnakeThamnophis butleriCOSEWIC1999


Vulnerable birds
Common nameScientific nameDesignating authorityYear designated
Least BitternIxobrychus exilisCOSEWIC1988; reconfirmed status in 1999
Red-shouldered HawkButeo lineatusCOSEWIC1983; reconfirmed status in 1996
Red-shouldered HawkButeo lineatusCOSSARO1995
Yellow RailCoturnicops noveboracensisCOSEWIC1999
Caspian TernSterna caspiaCOSEWIC1978
Black Ternfootnote ddChlidonias nigerCOSSARO1996
Short-eared OwlAsio flammeusCOSEWIC1994
Great Gray Owlfootnote eeStrix nebulosaCOSSARO1996
Red-headed WoodpeckerMelanerpes erythrocephalusCOSSARO1996
Red-headed WoodpeckerMelanerpes erythrocephalusCOSEWIC1996
Prairie WarblerDendroica discolorCOSEWIC1985
Prairie WarblerDendroica discolorCOSSARO1996
Cerulean WarblerDendroica ceruleaCOSEWIC1993
Cerulean WarblerDendroica ceruleaCOSSARO1996
Louisiana WaterthrushSeiurus motacillaCOSEWIC1991; reconfirmed status in 1996
Louisiana WaterthrushSeiurus motacillaCOSSARO1995
Yellow-breasted Chat (Eastern)Icteria virensCOSEWIC1994
Yellow-breasted Chat (Eastern)Icteria virensCOSSARO1996


Vulnerable mammals
Common nameScientific nameDesignating authorityYear designated
Eastern moleScalopus aquaticusCOSEWIC1980; reconfirmed status in 1998
Southern Flying SquirrelGlaucomys volansCOSEWIC1988
Woodland VoleMicrotus pinetorumCOSEWIC1998
Gray FoxUrocyon cinereoargenteusCOSEWIC1979
Polar BearUrsus maritimusCOSEWIC1991; reconfirmed status in 1999
WolverineGulo guloCOSEWIC1989
Woodland Cariboufootnote ffRangifer tarandus caribouCOSEWIC1984
Insects West Virginia Whitefootnote ggArtogeia (Pieris) virginiensisMNR1990



Indeterminate mammals
Common nameScientific nameDesignating authorityYear designated
Gray Wolf (eastern population)Canis lupusCOSEWIC1999
Mountain Lion (Eastern Cougar)Felis concolor couguarCOSEWIC1998


Vascular plants

Extirpated vascular plants
Common nameScientific nameDesignating authorityYear designated
Illinois Tick-trefoilDesmondium illinoenseCOSEWIC1991
Blue-eyed MaryCollinsia vernaCOSEWIC1987


Extirpated birds
Common nameScientific nameDesignating authorityYear designated
Greater Prairie ChickenTympanuchus cupidoCOSEWIC1990


Common nameScientific nameDesignating authorityYear designated
Frosted Elfin Butterflyfootnote hhIncisalia irusCOSEWIC1999
Karner Blue Butterflyfootnote iiLycaeides melissa samuelisCOSEWIC1997


  • footnote[1] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally endangered by COSEWIC in 1999; declared in Regulation under the Endangered Species Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 15 in 1978.
  • footnote[2] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally endangered by COSEWIC in 1982; designation reconfirmed in 1998.
  • footnote[3] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally endangered by COSEWIC in 1986; designation reconfirmed 1998.
  • footnote[4] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally endangered by COSEWIC in 1984.
  • footnote[5] Back to paragraph The regulation protects Cucumber Tree in specified locations only.
  • footnote[6] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally endangered by COSEWIC in 1993.
  • footnote[7] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally endangered by COSEWIC in 1985; designation reconfirmed in 1998.
  • footnote[8] Back to paragraph The Regulation protects Prickly Pear Cactus in specified locations only.
  • footnote[9] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally endangered by COSEWIC in 1986; designation reconfirmed in 1998.
  • footnote[10] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally endangered by COSEWIC in 1985; designation reconfirmed in 1998.
  • footnote[11] Back to paragraph Blanchard's Cricket Frog is also protected in Regulation under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. Designated as nationally endangered by COSEWIC in 1990.
  • footnote[12] Back to paragraph The three snakes on this list are also protected in Regulation under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act.
  • footnote[13] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally endangered by COSEWIC in 1991.
  • footnote[14] Back to paragraph Desingated as nationally endangered by COSEWIC in 1991.
  • footnote[15] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally threatened by COSEWIC in 1978; delisted in 1987.
  • footnote[16] Back to paragraph COSEWIC reviewed the national status of the Bald Eagle in 1984 and did not assign a status designation.
  • footnote[17] Back to paragraph Designated as "not at risk" nationally by COSEWIC in 1996.
  • footnote[18] Back to paragraph Subspecies Falco peregrinus anatum designated as nationally endangered in 1978; downlisted to nationally threatened by COSEWIC in 1999; COSEWIC downlisted F. p. tundrius from nationally threatened to nationally vulnerable in 1992; all subspecies of F. peregrinus covered in Regulation under the Endangered Species Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 15 in 1973.
  • footnote[19] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally endangered by COSEWIC in 1985.
  • footnote[20] Back to paragraph Eastern population of Loggerhead Shrike designated as nationally endangered by COSEWIC in 1991, western population designated as nationally threatened in 1991. In Canada, the eastern population is restricted to Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba.
  • footnote[21] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally endangered by COSEWIC in 1979; status reconfirmed by COSEWIC in 1999.
  • footnote[22] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally endangered by COSEWIC in 1993.
  • footnote[23] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally endangered by COSEWIC in 1978; designated as nationally indeterminate by COSEWIC in 1998.
  • footnote[24] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally extirpated by COSEWIC in 1999; declared in Regulation under the Endangered Species Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 15 in 1990.
  • footnote[25] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally extirpated by COSEWIC in 1997
  • footnote[a] Back to paragraph Declared in Regulation under the Endangered Species Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 15 in 1978
  • footnote[b] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally threatened in 1989 by COSEWIC and provincially threatened by COSSARO; uplisted to nationally endangered in 1999
  • footnote[c] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally threatened by COSEWIC in 1988; uplisted to nationally endangered in 1999
  • footnote[d] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally threatened by COSEWIC in 1988; uplisted to endangered in 1999
  • footnote[e] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally threatened in 1988; uplisted to endangered in 1999
  • footnote[f] Back to paragraph Declared in Regulation under the Endangered Species Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 15 in 1987
  • footnote[g] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally threatened by COSEWIC in 1987; uplisted to endangered in 1999
  • footnote[h] Back to paragraph Recorded present in Ontario with breeding occurrences primarily in the southwestern portion of the province (Cadman, M. D., P. F. J. Eagles and F. M. Helleiner. 1988. Atlas of the breeding birds of Ontario. Federation of Ontario Naturalists and the Long Point Bird Observatory. University of Waterloo Press).
  • footnote[i] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally vulnerable by COSEWIC in 1985; uplisted to nationally endangered in 1994.
  • footnote[j] Back to paragraph Designated as provincially threatened by MNR in 1984; designated nationally vulnerable by COSEWIC in 1984; uplisted to nationally endangered by COSEWIC in 1999.
  • footnote[k] Back to paragraph Declared in Regulation under the Endangered Species Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 15 in 1978.
  • footnote[l] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally vulnerable by COSEWIC in 1984; uplisted to nationally endangered in 1996.
  • footnote[m] Back to paragraph Designated as provincially threatened by COSSARO in 1996; designated nationally threatened by COSEWIC in 1989; uplisted to nationally endangered by COSEWIC in 1999.
  • footnote[n] Back to paragraph Designated nationally vulnerable by COSEWIC in 1986; uplisted to nationally threatened by COSEWIC in 1999.
  • footnote[o] Back to paragraph Fowler's toad is protected in Regulation under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act.
  • footnote[p] Back to paragraph Eastern Spiny Softshell is protected in Regulation under the provincial Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act.
  • footnote[q] Back to paragraph COSSARO reconfirmed the MNR status of provincially threatened.
  • footnote[r] Back to paragraph The Eastern Massasauga is protected in Regulation under the provincial Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act
  • footnote[s] Back to paragraph COSSARO reconfirmed the MNR status of provincially threatened.
  • footnote[t] Back to paragraph Subspecies Falco peregrinus anatum designated as nationally endangered in 1978; downlisted to nationally threatened by COSEWIC in 1999; COSEWIC downlisted F. p. tundrius from nationally threatened to nationally vulnerable in 1992; all subspecies of F. peregrinus covered in Regulation under the Endangered Species Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 15 in 1973.
  • footnote[u] Back to paragraph Eastern population of Barn Owl was designated as provincially threatened by MNR in 1984; designated nationally vulnerable by COSEWIC in 1984; uplisted to nationally endangered by COSEWIC in 1999.
  • footnote[v] Back to paragraph Ontario populations designated as nationally threatened by COSEWIC in 1994. COSSARO reviewed the scientific evidence against its Criteria in January 1995 and October 1995 and determined that a status of provincially vulnerable is warranted.
  • footnote[w] Back to paragraph Designated nationally threatened by COSEWIC in 1983. COSSARO reviewed the scientific evidence against its Criteria in July 1996 and determined that a status of provincially vulnerable is warranted.
  • footnote[x] Back to paragraph Designated nationally threatened by COSEWIC in 1984. COSSARO reviewed the scientific evidence against its Criteria in July 1996 and determined that a status of provincially vulnerable is warranted.
  • footnote[y] Back to paragraph Spotted Turtle is protected in Regulation under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act.
  • footnote[z] Back to paragraph Wood Turtle is protected in Regulation under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act.
  • footnote[aa] Back to paragraph COSSARO was formed pursuant to the designation of the Wood Turtle by MNR in 1985.
  • footnote[bb] Back to paragraph Five-lined Skink is protected in Regulation under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act.
  • footnote[cc] Back to paragraph Eastern Hognose Snake is protected in Regulation under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act.
  • footnote[dd] Back to paragraph Designated as "not at risk" nationally by COSEWIC in 1996. This reconfirmed the committee's 1978 designation of "not in any category". COSSARO has reviewed the data for Ontario and considers that a designation of provincially vulnerable is warranted.
  • footnote[ee] Back to paragraph Designated as nationally rare (vulnerable) by COSEWIC in 1979, and delisted in 1996. The Great Gray Owl is retained on MNR's list of provincially vulnerable species pending further consideration by COSSARO.
  • footnote[ff] Back to paragraph "Western population" of Woodland Caribou designated as nationally vulnerable by COSEWIC in 1984. Ontario population is considered part of this population.
  • footnote[gg] Back to paragraph In 1990 MNR removed the Western Virginia White from Regulations under the Endangered Species Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 15. A status of provincially vulnerable is assigned pending further review.
  • footnote[hh] Back to paragraph Declared in Regulation under the Endangered Species Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 15 in 1990.
  • footnote[ii] Back to paragraph Declared in Regulation under the Endangered Species Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 15 in 1990