How is interest calculated on a refund?

A base rate is established quarterly. With the exception of bad debt claims, interest is credited on any overpayments of tax at a rate which is 2% below the base rate.* It is calculated from the date the overpayment arose to the estimated date of payment of the refund.

*If an overpayment of tax is the result of a decision of the Minister or a court on an objection to, or an appeal from, an assessment or a statement of disallowance, the base rate is used.

Can the interest be waived?

Owing to special circumstances, section 18.1(6) of the Tobacco Tax Act provides that the Minister of Finance may waive some or all of the interest payable. In normal situations, however, you do have the right to file a Notice of Objection regarding any dispute you may have with an amount assessed. The Objections and Appeals Branch of the Ministry of Finance will conduct an impartial and fair review.

How is interest on tax due calculated?

A base rate is established quarterly. Under payments of tax are subject to a rate which is 3% above the base rate. It is calculated from the date the payment was due to the date of payment. Interest will be compounded daily to the date on which it is paid.