Nectarine Turnovers

These versatile turnovers could be served for breakfast, brunch or dessert with lightly sweetened whipped cream or ice cream. To make ahead, roll out pastry, cut into squares, brush with butter then freeze. Just before preparing turnovers, remove pastry from freezer, sift with icing sugar then prepare recipe as instructed. For a change of pace, substitute plums or peaches for nectarines.

Preparation Time:

Cooking Time:

Servings: 9

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  • Half pkg (397 g) frozen puff pastry, thawed (1 block)
  • 2 tbsp (25 mL) butter, melted
  • 3 tbsp (45 mL) icing sugar
  • 5 unpeeled Ontario Nectarines


On floured surface, roll out pastry into 12-inch (30 cm) square; cut into nine 4-inch (10 cm) squares. Brush with half of the butter; evenly sift half of the icing sugar over top.

Slice nectarines into 1/2-inch (1 cm) slices. Arrange 4 to 5 slices diagonally across pastry. Bring two opposite corners of each pastry together, overlapping corners. Slightly moisten overlapped corners with water; pinch together with floured fingers to seal. Brush tops with remaining butter.

Carefully place pastries on lightly buttered baking sheet. Bake in 400°F (200°C) oven for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden brown (pastries may open slightly). Remove to rack to cool. Dust with remaining icing sugar. Serve warm.

Nutritional information

  • Protein: 1.0 grams
  • Fat: 2.0 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 21.0 grams
  • Calories: 191