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A list of Ontario's consolidated and unconsolidated regulations. Indicates the statute under which the regulation was made, whether the regulation is on e-Laws, whether any laws amended the regulation or any change notices were given affecting it, and whether it has been revoked or identified as spent.

Learn more about terms used on e-Laws: e-Laws definitions

Legislative tables help

This table lists the regulations that:

  • existed on December 31, 1990 and were consolidated in the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 (R.R.O. 1990)
  • existed on December 31, 1990, but because they were considered to be of limited application or effect, were not included in the R.R.O. 1990 and continued in unconsolidated form (see the Schedule in volume 9 of the R.R.O. 1990)
  • were filed with the Registrar of Regulations on or after January 1, 1991


The list will update automatically as you type keywords in the search field

Column Descriptions

Descriptions, by column, of the information in the table:

Enabling Statute

Shows the title and citation of the statute under which the regulation is made. If the statute has been renamed, its former title is noted.


Shows the title of the regulation. If the regulation has been renamed, its former title is noted.


Shows the citation of the regulation.


Shows if the regulation was formerly under another statute, if the regulation ceased to be a regulation as defined in the Legislation Act, 2006, and other information.

On e-Laws

A "yes" in this column indicates that a consolidated version of the regulation is available on e-Laws. A "no" in this column indicates that a consolidated version of the regulation is not available on e-Laws. Not all regulations are available in consolidated form. Regulations that were not included in the R.R.O. 1990 and have not subsequently been consolidated under section 99 of the Legislation Act, 2006 are not available on e-Laws in consolidated form. Regulations that were revoked or became spent before January 1, 2004 may not be available on e-Laws in consolidated form.

Legislative History


  • every law that amends the regulation
  • every change notice given under Part V of the Legislation Act, 2006 affecting the regulation and listed in the Change Table for Regulations (CTR)
  • any consolidation of the regulation under section 99 of the Legislation Act, 2006

Spent or revoked on

If the regulation has been identified as spent or has been revoked, this column shows the date on which it became spent or was revoked. Otherwise, the column is left blank. If the regulation was identified as spent and was later revoked, both dates are shown.

Revoked by

If the regulation has been revoked, this column cites the law that revoked it. Otherwise, the column is left blank.

Updated: December 18, 2023