Accountability for Community Advisory Boards
Find expense information for Correctional Services’ Community Advisory Boards.
Community Advisory Boards (CABs) were mandated to provide advice and recommendations to the government on all aspects of the operations of the individual correctional facilities they serve. CABs were disbanded in June, 2021.
Community Advisory Boards were independent bodies that were established to strengthen links between the community and provincial institutions. These advisory boards consisted entirely of volunteers from a variety of professional backgrounds who were appointed by the Solicitor General from local communities.
Agency accountability
Under the Agencies and Appointments Directive and the Travel, Meal and Hospitality Expenses Directive, provincial agencies are required to post their governance documents. These include business plans, annual reports and expense information for designated individuals.
Governance documents
As they were advisory bodies, Community Advisory Boards were not required to have or post governance documents under the Agency and Appointments Directive.