Applications for amendments

A new policy about Applications to amend licences, permits, and site plans (PDF) is in effect. This policy:

  • provides information and direction on applying for amendments
  • guides ministry decision making regarding amendment applications, including what constitutes a significant amendment
  • provides direction on notification and consultation requirements for significant amendments
  • replaces the following 14 policies and procedures, which have now been removed from the manual:
    • POL 2.02.00 Adding, Rescinding or Varying a Licence Condition
    • PRO 2.02.00a Adding, Rescinding or Varying a Licence Condition: By Licensee
    • POL 2.02.02 Licence Amendments
    • PRO 2.02.02 Licence Amendments
    • POL 3.03.00 Adding, Rescinding or Varying a Wayside Permit Condition
    • PRO 3.03.00a Adding, Rescinding or Varying a Wayside Permit Condition: By Permittee
    • POL 4.03.01 Adding, Rescinding or Varying an Aggregate Permit Condition
    • PRO 4.03.01a Adding, Rescinding or Varying an Aggregate Permit Condition: By Permittee
    • POL 2.03.00 Licence Site Plan Amendments: By Licensee
    • PRO 2.03.00 Licence Site Plan Amendments: By Licensee
    • POL 3.04.00 Wayside Permit Site Plan Amendments
    • PRO 3.04.00a Wayside Permit Site Plan Amendments: By Permittee
    • POL 4.04.00 Aggregate Permit Site Plan Amendments
    • PRO 4.04.00a Aggregate Permit Site Plan Amendments: By Permittee

Disclaimer: The policies and procedures in the Aggregate Resources Policies and Procedures Manual remain under review due to recent changes to the Aggregate Resources Act and its regulation (Ontario Regulation 244/97).

To understand the legal requirements, consult: