
AgriSuite (previously named NMAN) is a suite of free web-based decision support tools.

The tools can help you determine the best way to store, treat and use materials — such as manure — on your farm. These methods are referred to as “best management practices.”

The tools on AgriSuite can help you determine the best management practices for your farm, which in turn will :

  • save money by improving the amount of fertilizer and other materials used
  • reduce the environmental impact of on-farm generated nutrients
  • protect drinking water sources
  • reduce soil erosion and maintain soil productivity
  • manage the beneficial use of off-farm wastes on agricultural land

AgriSuite can also be used to help farmers meet their obligations under the Nutrient Management Act, 2002.

About the tools

Crop nutrient decision support tool

The Crop Nutrient Decision Support Tool provides :

  • agronomic crop nutrient recommendations (N-P-K), based on soil test values, geographic location, and yield goal
  • nutrient removal values from harvested crops

Organic amendment decision support tool

The Organic Amendment Decision Support Tool helps determine nutrients supplied from manure inputs.

This tool will calculate the amount of crop-available nutrients (N-P-K) and applied micronutrients) for each proposed application of organic amendments.

Fertilizer decision support tool

The Fertilizer Decision Support Tool determines the total commercial fertilizer needs for a single field.

It aids in formulating suitable fertilizer blends (N-P-K and micronutrients) to meet crop requirements.

Phosphorus loss assessment tool for Ontario (PLATO)

PLATO determines the risk of phosphorus leaving a farm field by considering the :

  • field’s natural characteristics
  • management practices used for crop production

Field management plan

The Field Management Plan combines the functions of the individual tools to offer support with comprehensive field-by-field nutrient management planning for optimizing crop nutritional needs while considering the environment.

Manure storage sizing tool

The Manure Storage Sizing Tool helps plan and size the infrastructure needed to store all nutrient-rich materials generated on farm operations.

Greenhouse gas decision support tool

The Greenhouse Gas Decision Support Tool estimates greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from crop and livestock farms and allows users to test possible ways to reduce emissions and sequester carbon by implementing various beneficial management practices.

A summary of the methodology and assumptions used to estimate greenhouse gas emissions in the tool is available.

Nutrient management strategy plan

The Nutrient Management Strategy and Plan estimates :

  • manure production
  • storage size

It helps certified consultants and farmers, or those seeking certification, to prepare a strategy or plan for regulatory purposes under the Nutrient Management Act.

Non-agricultural source materials (NASM) plan

The Non-Agricultural Source Materials (NASM) tool calculates the amount of non-agricultural source materials and nutrients that can be applied to a specific field.

Greenhouse nutrient feedwater worksheet

The Greenhouse Nutrient Feedwater (GNF) worksheet estimates :

  • GNF production
  • storage sizing
  • land application methods

It helps certified consultants and greenhouse operators prepare required legal documents for regulatory purposes under the Nutrient Management Act.

Minimum distance separation (MDS) I & II

The Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) I & II Tools allow users to :

  • calculate MDS setbacks
  • determine if a proposed land use application or building permit can meet provincial and municipal requirements

All of the tools can be accessed from the AgriSuite main page.

How to use AgriSuite

You can use most of the tools on AgriSuite without creating an account.

The benefit of creating an account is that it lets you save your work.

Create an account

  1. Go to the AgriSuite home page.
  2. Select the “Create account” button.
  3. Enter your email address and select the “Send verification code” button.
  4. You will get a verification code in your email. Enter the code into the “Verification Code” field and select the “Verify code” button.
  5. Create a password and enter it into the “New Password” and “Confirm New Password” fields.
  6. Select the “Create” button.
  7. You will be redirected to the home page. Select the “Sign in” button and you will be signed into your new account.

Contact us

Contact the Agricultural Information Contact Centre at 1-877-424-1300 or ag.info.omafra@ontario.ca for additional support.