Anti-human trafficking services and supports
Find organizations across Ontario that help survivors of human trafficking and learn about supports that are available.
Talk to someone
If there is immediate danger or if you suspect someone is being trafficked, call 911 or your local police service.
If you or someone you know is in need of support or you want to report a potential case call the Canadian human trafficking hotline:
Community-based services and Indigenous-led supports
Being trafficked can cause severe trauma and survivors often need intensive, specialized services and supports to help them heal and rebuild their lives.
Survivors in Ontario can access services from a range of community-based and Indigenous-led organizations across the province, many of which also work to prevent at-risk people from being trafficked.
Indigenous survivors can access supports designed by and for Indigenous people, including counselling, cultural programming, addictions treatment and leadership development services.
It can be very difficult for a survivor to leave a trafficking situation and can take several attempts before they find help.
Community organizations and Indigenous service providers
Find organizations that provide a range of wrap-around services to help survivors rebuild their lives and regain independence, including crisis intervention, trauma therapy, counselling and skills training. Services also include dedicated supports for children and youth and survivor-led programming.
These service providers are funded through Ontario’s Community Supports Fund and Indigenous-led Initiatives Fund as part of the province’s Anti-Human Trafficking Strategy. In addition to these organizations, other service providers also offer programs and supports for survivors of human trafficking in Ontario.
Service providers can refer clients to Victim Crisis Assistance Ontario agencies and other service delivery organizations for help in accessing the Victim Quick Response Program+. The Victim Quick Response Program+ provides emergency funding for a number of services like tattoo removal, addiction recovery and ID replacement. You can also find additional support using the victim services directory and the victim support line:
Anti-human trafficking Indigenous liaisons
Organizations and communities can work with Indigenous anti-human trafficking liaisons to get help offering culturally appropriate services for survivors who identify as First Nations, Métis and Inuit. For more information, contact the Ontario Native Women’s Association.
Regional anti-human trafficking coalitions
Find out about prevention and awareness initiatives in local communities. The coalitions also bring together social service agencies, victim services, health care centres, police and educational institutions. To find an anti-human trafficking coalition in your region, contact the Provincial Anti-Human Trafficking Coordination Office.
Housing support
People who have experienced human trafficking or domestic abuse can contact the local municipal service manager to find out how to apply for priority access to social housing or help paying rent. Some frontline agencies can also help survivors apply for a monthly rent subsidy.
Legal assistance
Ontario’s offers several services for survivors of human trafficking and their families, including:
- Information, assistance and support through the criminal court process
- free, confidential legal help to apply for a restraining order against a current, past or potential trafficker.
Human trafficking prosecution team
Ontario has a human trafficking prosecution team composed of specialized Crown prosecutors who are responsible for handling human trafficking cases, providing legal advice to police and prosecutors, and delivering enhanced education and training within the justice sector.
This team possesses specialized knowledge to prosecute cases, such as alternatives to in-court testimony (for example, via videoconference or testifying with supports) and works closely with the Victim/Witness Assistance Program who provide support to survivors of human trafficking through the court process.
Services for children and youth
Some service providers offer a range of specialized supports for children and youth who have been sex trafficked or are at risk. Find service providers offering dedicated supports for children and youth in your community.
Children at Risk of Exploitation (CARE) Units
CARE Units are specialized teams of child protection workers and police officers that work with anti-human trafficking community service partners to help:
- identify, locate and engage children who are at risk of sex trafficking
- connect those who have been trafficked with the supports they need
- hold offenders accountable
There are CARE Units located in the City of Toronto and Durham Region. To find out more contact:
- Toronto Children’s Aid Society
- Native Child and Family Services of Toronto
- Toronto Police Service
- Durham Children’s Aid Society
- Dnaagdawenmag Binnoojiiyag Child & Family Services
- Durham Regional Police Service.
Specialized homes for trafficked children and youth
Ontario funds two specialized residences dedicated to children and youth under age 18 who have been sex trafficked. These residences help keep survivors safe while they heal, connecting them with programming and clinical supports to reduce the risk of re-exploitation. These residences are located in Durham Region and Toronto and work closely with the CARE Units in each region. To find out more, contact the Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline.
Youth-in-transition workers
Specialized youth-in-transition workers help prevent vulnerable youth transitioning out of care from being victimized and connect survivors of human trafficking to appropriate services and resources. If you’re interested in the youth-in-transition worker program you can get access with a referral from either the local children’s aid society, or a relevant service provider.
Canadian Human Trafficking Hotline
Canada has a dedicated, confidential, 24/7 human trafficking hotline.
The hotline is for:
- victims seeking help
- people with a tip to report a potential case
- members of the public wanting to learn more about the subject
Search for services available across Canada, including Ontario.
Prevention and education programs
Ontario supports a range of prevention initiatives and activities to raise awareness about human trafficking. Resources include:
- “The Trap” a digital education tool intended for use by an adult facilitator to teach children and youth what sex trafficking is and equip them with the skills to stay safe.
- Speak Out: Stop Sex Trafficking, an Indigenous-focused awareness campaign providing resources for Indigenous youth, caregivers, service provider organizations and communities.
- Ontario’s anti-sex trafficking policy for school boards, requiring provincially-funded school boards, school authorities and provincial and demonstration schools in Ontario to have anti-sex trafficking protocols in place.
- Educational resources and lesson plans for educators on child sexual exploitation and sex trafficking developed by White Ribbon.
Many anti-human trafficking community service organizations also provide prevention programs and initiatives. Contact service organizations directly to learn about their prevention programs.
Training for service providers
Anyone who supports survivors of human trafficking and wants to learn more can access free online foundational training. This program includes many resources, tools and tips to help service providers become informed on:
- indicators and dynamics
- referral services
- intervention strategies
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health also has free online training for addiction and mental health workers.
Police training
Police officers receive specialized training at the Ontario Police College on how to investigate and respond to human trafficking cases using victim-centred and trauma-informed approaches. Police also receive intelligence-gathering support for human trafficking cases through Criminal Intelligence Service Ontario.