Aspirational goals for local food access
Learn about Ontario’s aspirational goals for local food access under the Local Food Act.
Minister’s memo
Pursuant to paragraph 3 of s. 4(1) of the Local Food Act, 2013, I hereby establish the following goals to aspire to in the area of increasing access to local food:
- Goal 1: increase opportunities for all Ontarians to choose local food.
- Goal 2: increase the variety of local food offerings to celebrate the diversity of Ontario and its foods.
- Goal 3: increase collaborations and strengthen partnerships among producers, communities, and the public and private sectors to enhance local food availability.
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
October 3, 2016
Local food access goals
In February 2016, the Lieutenant Governor proclaimed paragraph 3 of s. 4(1) of the Local Food Act, 2013 making "increasing access to local food" the next area of focus under the act. Consultations were held with agri-food stakeholders and the public throughout the spring 2016 to help draft goals focusing on increasing access to local food.
Increasing access to local food goals
As required by the Local Food Act, 2013, the minister has established three aspirational goals to help increase access to local food:
- Goal 1: increase opportunities for all Ontarians to choose local food.
- Goal 2: increase the variety of local food offerings to celebrate the diversity of Ontario and its foods.
- Goal 3: increase collaborations and strengthen partnerships among producers, communities, and the public and private sectors to enhance local food availability.
The minister will report on the three local food access goals in the annual local food report. In collaboration with stakeholders, the initial focus will be on establishing baselines for measuring progress related to the goals.
Consultation summary
Pursuant to section 4(7) of the Local Food Act, 2013, this document provides a summary of how the local food access goals were developed.
Information sources for goal development
Goals were developed based on three information sources:
- review of prominent food access literacy reports (Appendix A: Food Access Reports Reviewed)
- discussions with thought leaders
- discussions with farming, health, education, Indigenous and civil society organizations (Appendix B: Organizations that commented on the local food access goals)
Consultation format
Draft local food access goals were available online for feedback during a consultation period that ran from June 8, 2016, to August 3, 2016.
Participants provided feedback through:
- a facilitated group session held at Hart House, University of Toronto, on April 20, 2016 (individuals who were unable to attend were offered the opportunity to have a one-on-one discussion with ministry staff; and/or submit written comments)
- written comments submitted online during a public comment period (June 8, 2016, to August 3, 2016)
During the consultations, participants were asked to:
- provide comments on the draft goals and suggest appropriate revisions
- identify existing and potential actions/initiatives that would support the draft goals
- identify potential performance measures, including current baseline data, to measure progress made on any of the local food access goals
Highlights of consultation feedback
- Participants were broadly supportive of the initiative.
- Most stakeholders felt the goals appropriately addressed social and health considerations.
- Participants were supportive of all three draft goals and did not indicate a preference for any one specific goal.
- Generally, comments fell under three themes: the importance of healthy food; the need for increased local food production volumes; and the need to ensure that all Ontarians have access to local food no matter their socioeconomic status.
- Indigenous organizations emphasized that opportunities to choose local food must include access for Indigenous communities to traditional foods.
Final goals
Goal 1: increase opportunities for all Ontarians to choose local food.
Goal 2: increase the variety of local food offerings to celebrate the diversity of Ontario and its foods.
Goal 3: increase collaborations and strengthen partnerships among producers, communities, and the public and private sectors to enhance local food availability.
Monitoring progress
The minister will report progress on the local food access goals in the annual local food report.
The statements summarized and captured in this document are based on notes taken during consultation and discussions with stakeholders. Every effort has been made to capture comments accurately and comprehensively.
Appendix: A
Food access reports reviewed
- An Overview of Food Strategies from select Canadian Regions - Informing the Guelph-Wellington Food Strategy Initiative [PDF], The Research Shop, March 2015.
- Household Food Security: Concepts and Definitions - An Annotated Bibliography [PDF], Smith, M. Pointing, J. and Maxwell, S., January 1993.
- Measuring the Food Environment in Canada [PDF], Health Canada, 2013.
- Monitoring access to food and household food security [powerpoint slides], presented to FAO Committee on Food Security, March 1992.
- Policies from the Field: Increasing Access to Local Food [PDF], Canadian Environmental Law Association, February 2013.
- The Future of Food and Farming: Moving Forward - The Role of Grocery Stores in Supporting Buying Local [PDF], Peterborough Social Planning Council, February 2013.
Appendix: B
Organizations that commented on the local food access goals
- Association of Municipalities of Ontario
- South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation
- Beef Farmers of Ontario
- Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario
- Dairy Farmers of Canada
- Egg Farmers of Ontario
- Farmers Markets Ontario
- Golden Horseshoe Food and Farming Association
- Ontario Farm Fresh Marketing Alliance
- Ontario Federation of Agriculture
- Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association
- Organic Council of Ontario
- Food and Beverage Ontario
- VG Meats
- Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers
- Metro Ontario Inc.
- Retail Council of Canada
- Canadian College and Universities Food Service Association
- Gordon Food Service
- MEALsource
- Ontario Public Health Association
- Dietitians of Canada
- Laurier Centre for Sustainable Food Systems
- New College, University of Toronto
Civil society
- Building Roots
- Community Food Centres Canada
- Farms at Work
- Food System Consulting
- Foodshare
- Greenbelt Fund
- Local Community Food Centre (Stratford)
- Local Organic Food Coops Network
- Ontario Association of Food Banks
- Ontario Culinary Tourism Alliance
- Ontario Horticultural Association
- Ontario Home Economics Association
- Peterborough Food Action Network
- Sustain Ontario
First Nations
- Animbiigoo Zaagi igan Anishinaabek
Indigenous organizations
- Ontario Native Women's Association
- Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres