Black Youth Action Plan
Learn how Ontario is increasing opportunities for Black children, youth and families and share your feedback.
The Black Youth Action Plan (BYAP) works toward eliminating systemic, race-based disparities by increasing opportunities for Black children, youth and families across the province. Black Youth Action Plan services and supports include:
- culturally focused parenting initiatives and mentorship programs
- supporting young people’s wellness with programming that takes preventative measures
- supporting access to higher education and skills development
- investing in community outreach and promoting anti-violence
- communities working collectively to build capacity and collaborate for systemic change
Black Youth Action Plan programs support over 10,800 Black children, youth and their families annually in elementary and secondary school, postsecondary education and employment, as well as those in conflict with the law. These programs are targeted in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, Ottawa and Windsor.
Programs and initiatives
Learn about the programs and support funded under the Black Youth Action Plan.
Culturally focused parenting and mentorship programs
- Youth Mentorship Program: local, culturally relevant mentorship opportunities for Black children and youth ages 6 to 25.
- Innovative Supports for Black Parents: community-based, culturally relevant support for Black parents, families and caregivers designed to improve overall child and family wellbeing.
- Student and family advocates: community-based, culturally relevant advocacy support to help Black students and families connect to educational supports, services and opportunities
Supporting wellness with preventative measures
- Stop Now and Plan (SNAP) Program: adapted for the Black community, the SNAP program teaches children between the ages of 6 and 12, and parents, how to make better choices "in the moment."
- Enhanced Youth Outreach Worker Program: specially trained clinical workers connect Black youth and families with local resources and support.
Postsecondary education and career development
- Industry-Led Career Initiative: training, support and work placement opportunities to help Black youth secure high-quality employment and advance their careers. Four Industry-Led Career Initiative projects are currently available:
- Emerging Filmmakers Program, providing opportunities in the digital media, film and television sectors
- Black Youth Animation Initiative, providing opportunities in the digital technology sector
- NexGen Builders Mentoring Program, providing opportunities in construction trades
- Career Fair for Emerging Black Professionals and Students, providing opportunities in the interactive digital media sector
Community outreach and collaboration
- Violence prevention campaigns: public awareness campaigns that reflect the strengths of Ontario’s Black children, youth and families and build community resiliency to prevent violence and rise above racial prejudice. After two successful campaigns in 2017-2018 and 2018-2019, the violence prevention campaigns have now ended.
- Youth Opportunities Fund: grants and supports for youth-led/focused groups serving Black children and youth. In 2019-2020, 33 projects led by Black youth received grants through the Youth Opportunities Fund. View the full lists of 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 grantees.
Capacity for Systemic Change
- Network for the Advancement of Black Communities: A network to build community capacity and collaboration for systemic change.
Community engagement
In Fall 2020, the Premier’s Council on Equality of Opportunity, together with the Advocate for Community Opportunities, held virtual consultations on the Black Youth Action Plan with individuals and organizations in Black communities.
Collective impact and cultural identity
All Black Youth Action Plan initiatives have a common set of guiding principles called the collective impact and cultural identity approach.
The core principles are:
- common agenda
- cross-sector collaboration
- cultural identity plan
- data literacy
- Black children and youth empowerment
- community of practice
- research and evaluation
Common agenda
Organizations that deliver Black Youth Action Plan initiatives work collaboratively on a shared agenda that focuses on improving outcomes for Black children, youth and families.
Cross-sector collaboration
Organizations that deliver Black Youth Action Plan initiatives partner with multiple sectors, such as:
- public and broader public sector
- multiple levels of government
- cultural agencies
- community and not-for-profit sector agencies
- private sector
- funders
- youth-led entities and youth themselves
Cultural identity plan
Black Youth Action Plan initiatives use conscious and inclusive practices that promote and enhance protective factors related to the concept of identity or feeling of belonging to a group.
These practices should reflect a person’s self-conception, related to nationality, ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, locality or any kind of social group that has its own distinct culture.
Data literacy
Black Youth Action Plan initiatives develop, collect, share and analyze data to measure progress and drive collective decision-making toward the common agenda
Black children and youth empowerment
Black Youth Action Plan initiatives prioritize listening to Black children and youth when making decisions and empower children and youth with tools and support they need to take action on their own behalf.
Community of practice
Black Youth Action Plan initiatives regularly share best practices and learnings with the people and groups they collaborate with outside of and within their initiative
Research and evaluation
Black Youth Action Plan initiatives track progress and apply what you’ve learned about the:
- impact of initiatives on the outcomes for Black children, youth and families
- effectiveness of the Collective Impact and Cultural Identity Approach