The approved program standard for the Paramedic program of instruction leading to an Ontario College Diploma delivered by Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (MTCU funding code 51637)

June 2008

Inquiries regarding specific Paramedic programs offered by colleges of applied arts and technology in Ontario should be directed to the relevant college.

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Ministry of Colleges and Universities
Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Branch
Program Standards Unit
315 Front Street West
16th floor
Toronto, Ontario
M7A 0B8

ISBN 978-1-4249-7253-1


This document is the Program Standard for the Paramedic program of instruction leading to an Ontario College Diploma delivered by Ontario colleges of applied arts and technology (MTCU funding code 51637).

Development of system-wide Program Standards

In 1993, the Government of Ontario initiated program standards development with the objectives of bringing a greater degree of consistency to college programming offered across the province, broadening the focus of college programs to ensure graduates have the skills to be flexible and to continue to learn and adapt, and providing public accountability for the quality and relevance of college programs.

The Program Standards and Evaluation Unit of the Ministry of Colleges and Universities has responsibility for the development, review, and approval of system-wide standards for programs of instruction at Ontario colleges of applied arts and technology.

Program Standards

Program standards apply to all similar programs of instruction offered by colleges across the province. Each program standard for a postsecondary program includes the following elements:

  • Vocational standard (the vocationally specific learning outcomes which apply to the program of instruction in question)
  • Essential employability skills (the essential employability skills learning outcomes which apply to all programs of instruction); and
  • General education requirement (the requirement for general education in postsecondary programs of instruction)

Collectively, these elements outline the essential skills and knowledge that a student must reliably demonstrate in order to graduate from the program.

Individual colleges of applied arts and technology offering the program of instruction determine the specific program structure, delivery methods, and other curriculum matters to be used in assisting students to achieve the outcomes articulated in the standard. Individual colleges also determine whether additional local learning outcomes will be required to reflect specific local needs and/or interests.

The expression of Program Standards as vocational learning outcomes

Vocational learning outcomes represent culminating demonstrations of learning and achievement. They are not simply a listing of discrete skills, nor broad statements of knowledge and comprehension. In addition, vocational learning outcomes are interrelated and cannot be viewed in isolation of one another. As such, they should be viewed as a comprehensive whole. They describe performances that demonstrate that significant integrated learning by graduates of the program has been achieved and verified.

Expressing standards as vocational learning outcomes ensures consistency in the outcomes for program graduates, while leaving to the discretion of individual colleges curriculum matters such as the specific program structure and delivery methods.

The presentation of the vocational learning outcomes

The vocational learning outcome statements set out the culminating demonstration of learning and achievement that the student must reliably demonstrate before graduation.

The elements of the performance for each outcome statement define and clarify the level and quality of performance necessary to meet the requirements of the vocational learning outcome. However, it is the performance of the vocational learning outcome itself on which students are evaluated. The elements of performance are indicators of the means by which the student may proceed to satisfactory performance of the vocational learning outcome. The elements of performance do not stand alone but rather in reference to the vocational learning outcome of which they form a part.

The development of a Program Standard

In establishing the standards development initiative, the Government determined that all postsecondary programs of instruction should include vocational skills coupled with a broader set of essential skills. This combination is considered critical to ensuring that college graduates have the skills required to be successful both upon graduation from the college program and throughout their working and personal lives.

A program standard is developed through a broad consultation process involving a range of stakeholders with a direct interest in the program area, including employers, professional associations, universities, secondary schools, and program graduates working in the field, in addition to students, faculty, and administrators at the colleges themselves. It represents a consensus of participating stakeholders on the essential learning that all program graduates should have achieved.

Updating the Program Standard

The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities will undertake regular reviews of the vocational learning outcomes for this program to ensure that the Paramedic Program Standard remains appropriate and relevant to the needs of students and employers across the Province of Ontario. To confirm that this document is the most up-to-date release, contact the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities at the address or telephone number noted on the inside cover page.

Vocational standard

All graduates of the Paramedic program of instruction must have achieved the 11 vocational learning outcomes listed in the following pages, in addition to achieving the essential employability skills learning outcomes and meeting the general education requirement.


The Paramedic* program includes an integration of complex knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are necessary to practise safely, competently, and efficiently as a primary care paramedic* in the pre-hospital emergency care* field either during an emergency or non-emergency situation.

The practice of paramedicine requires high levels of accuracy, responsibility, and accountability and is founded on caring and compassion. Graduates of paramedic programs will have demonstrated the ability to integrate complex knowledge, skills, and attitudes in a variety of simulated patient-related situations, and clinical placements. Since the field of paramedicine has a strong physical requirement and is a high-stress occupation, graduates must have attained and developed plans to maintain their personal health, fitness levels, and well-being.

Graduates of paramedic programs use critical-thinking and problem-solving strategies to accurately and competently assess and reassess patients*, interpret and prioritize significant patient findings, and implement and evaluate the effectiveness of the patient management strategies* used. Graduates employ decision-making skills in determining patient acuity levels and transport priority in daily practice and ensure patient safety*, comfort, and ongoing assessment* and care during ambulance* transportation.

The practice of paramedicine requires the ability to act independently, simultaneous with the ability to work collaboratively with patients, other paramedics, other emergency services personnel, ambulance communications officers, physicians, nurses, and other allied health care personnel. Being able to effectively communicate with patients and families in stressful situations is critical to the role of the paramedic. Additionally, graduates are responsible for accurate and complete documentation related to pre-hospital emergency care.

Graduates will have challenging career opportunities in a variety of clinical settings that include working in emergency care services, health facilities, and health-care related agencies. Graduates will have had a strong clinical and field setting* component in their programs during which they have exhibited the ability to work effectively with patients and others toward the goal of optimal health and well-being for patients. They have demonstrated the ability to apply relevant theory, practise safely and ethically, and comply with current legislation*, regulations*, standards, and best practice* guidelines*. Furthermore graduates of paramedic programs require a professional* development plan to maintain and improve their practice.

Following successful completion of the Paramedic Program, graduates are awarded an Ontario College Diploma. Graduates of the Paramedic Program are eligible to write the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care Advanced Emergency Medical Care Assistant certification examination. Certification as an Advanced Emergency Medical Care Assistant (AEMCA) is necessary to qualify for employment as a primary care paramedic in the Province of Ontario.

Synopsis of the vocational learning outcomes

Paramedic program

The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

  1. communicate and interact effectively and appropriately with patients* and others
  2. assess patients* using relevant theory and practices and in compliance with current legislation*, regulations*, standards, and best practice* guidelines*
  3. establish patients’* treatment and transport priorities based on assessment findings*
  4. implement preventive and therapeutic patient management strategies* to maintain and promote patients’* well-being in compliance with current legislation*, regulations*, standards, and best practice* guidelines*
  5. integrate and perform delegated controlled medical acts* in a simulated, clinical, and field setting*
  6. evaluate in an ongoing manner the effectiveness of patient management strategies* used and adapt or change strategies to provide optimal care* for patients*
  7. report and document patient* information completely, accurately, and in a timely manner, in compliance with current legislation*, regulations*, standards, and applicable policies and procedures in a simulated, clinical, and/or field setting*
  8. ensure personal safety* and contribute to the safety of partners, patients*, and others
  9. ensure the operational safety* and preparedness of an ambulance* and its equipment and operate an ambulance-type vehicle in a simulated setting
  10. collaborate* with a broad range of personnel such as first responders, paramedics*, emergency services personnel, health care professionals, and other allied health care workers
  11. integrate and meet legal, ethical, and professional* responsibilities while providing optimal care* for patients*

Note: The vocational learning outcomes have been numbered as a point of reference; numbering does not imply prioritization, sequencing, nor weighting of significance.

The vocational learning outcomes

1. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

communicate and interact effectively and appropriately with patients* and others.

Elements of the performance
  • employ communication interventions that contribute to patient’s optimal well- being
  • utilize a non-judgmental, empathetic, respectful, honest, and genuine approach to communications
  • utilize active listening skills
  • conduct focused and effective patient interviews
  • adapt communication techniques based on factors influencing patient and family communication; for example, age, capacity, comprehension level, and ethno-cultural practices
  • use appropriate communication techniques with patient, family, and bystanders in stressful situations
  • utilize and modify crisis intervention strategies* in stressful situations, when communicating with patients and others
  • apply leadership skills by calmly and appropriately directing the activities of others in stressful situations
  • respect and value patients from diverse backgrounds
  • utilize empathetic and effective communication skills when dealing with death notification and/or termination of resuscitation efforts
  • advocate for patient’s rights*
  • establish and maintain appropriate professional* boundaries when relating to
  • patients and others in the clinical and/or field setting*
  • apply conflict resolution skills

2. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

assess patients* using relevant theory and practices and in compliance with current legislation*, regulations*, standards, and best practice* guidelines*.

Elements of the performance
  • integrate critical thinking, decision-making skills, and best practice guidelines into patient’s assessment*
  • conduct rapid scene surveys for hazards including threats that are physical, chemical, and/or infectious in nature
  • utilize triage techniques when necessary
  • obtain patient’s consent to treatment; for example, implied, informed, verbal, and written consent
  • determine capacity to consent when patient refuses care
  • employ interviewing techniques to obtain relevant information from the patient, the family, or bystanders
  • determine the patient’s mechanism of injury, chief complaint, incident history, and pertinent medical history including patient’s allergies and medications
  • use appropriate assessment strategies* in a timely and efficient manner
  • utilize diagnostic equipment which provides relevant information about the patient’s condition(s)
  • determine a patient’s status by performing primary and secondary physical assessments
  • select and/or adapt assessment strategies to accurately assess patients across the lifespan

3. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

establish patients’* treatment and transport priorities based on assessment findings*.

Elements of the performance
  • integrate critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills effectively in the interpretation and prioritization of assessment findings
  • determine which assessment findings are relevant to the patient’s condition(s)
  • interpret assessment findings taking into account the patient’s medical history
  • apply relevant theoretically based knowledge to interpret assessment findings
  • interpret and prioritize changes in patient assessment findings based on physiological compensatory mechanisms and psychological coping behaviours
  • determine the impact that the patient’s psychosomatic presentation and external influences may have on assessment findings
  • differentiate patient presentation across the lifespan and, in particular, as it applies to the neonate, pediatric, and geriatric patient
  • anticipate and prepare for potential changes in the patient’s presentation
  • conduct ongoing patient assessment and re-establish priorities
  • recognize the relationship between patient assessment/reassessment findings* and the need for patient management strategies*
  • determine the patient level of acuity, timing of care, and priority of transport considering the patient’s condition(s) and risk of deterioration
  • evaluate the treatment and transport priority based on the Canadian Triage and

Acuity Scale (CTAS)* system and proximity of definitive care.

4. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

implement preventive and therapeutic patient management strategies* to maintain and promote patients’* well-being in compliance with current legislation*, regulations*, standards, and best practice* guidelines*.

Elements of the Performance
  • select and apply measures to maintain airway patency including suctioning, positioning, and the insertion of basic airway adjuncts
  • administer oxygen therapy utilizing the appropriate delivery device
  • initiate measures to monitor hemodynamic status including pulse oximetry and cardiac monitoring
  • implement measures to maintain hemodynamic stability including cardiopulmonary resuscitation and semi-automated external cardiac defibrillation
  • treat soft tissue injuries
  • immobilize musculoskeletal injuries
  • apply patient management strategies to medical and traumatic emergencies
  • apply pharmacological knowledge to patient presentation and patient management strategies
  • apply guidelines for the safe administration of medication
  • assist patients with self-administration of prescribed medications as per the current Standard for the Self-Administered Medications Standard for EMAs/Paramedics* (Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Basic Life Support Patient Care Standards)
  • administer medications as directed by current Symptom Relief Medical Directives for Primary Care Paramedics* (Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Emergency Health Services Branch, Advanced Life Support Patient Care Standards)
  • monitor and maintain a patient’s intravenous line as per Intravenous Line Standard (Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Basic Life Support Patient Care Standards)
  • adapt and/or prioritize preventive and therapeutic patient management strategies according to patient acuity, transport priority, and destination options
  • implement patient management strategies in relation to patient assessment/reassessment findings*
  • provide rationale for patient management strategies implemented
  • recognize when required patient care exceeds the current scope of practice of the primary care paramedic* and seek appropriate medical assistance;
  • implement strategies to manage aggressive behaviour in patient, family, and bystanders

5. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

integrate and perform delegated controlled medical acts* in a simulated, clinical, and field setting*.

Elements of the performance
  • assess the patient* to determine the need for the delivery of controlled medical acts
  • perform the appropriate intervention according to patient’s presentation and medical directives
  • evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention and the need for continued intervention according to the medical directive or further direction from the base hospital physician*
  • perform continuous reassessment of the patient
  • receive and implement verbal or written patient care orders* from a base hospital physician and engage in follow-up communication as required
  • document patient assessment*, and the intervention and evaluation of the effectiveness of controlled medical acts, in accordance with current patient care standards and base hospital policies
  • recognize when the care requirement is outside of the scope of the current standing order and contact base hospital physician for direction
  • comply with the current regulations* and base hospital policies regarding the performance of controlled medical acts

6. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

evaluate in an ongoing manner the effectiveness of patient management strategies* used and adapt or change strategies to provide optimal care* for patients*.

Elements of the performance
  • determine the effectiveness of patient management strategies by selecting and implementing specific ongoing reassessment strategies
  • explain reassessment findings* using pathophysiological and sociopsychological theories
  • adapt interventions and/or select new patient management strategies based on the reassessment findings and on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the interventions used
  • adapt transport priority based on the reassessment findings and on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the patient management strategies implemented

7. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

report and document patient* information completely, accurately, and in a timely manner, in compliance with current legislation*, regulations*, standards, and applicable policies and procedures in a simulated, clinical, and/or field setting*.

Elements of the performance
  • use current radio and telecommunication technologies to relay relevant information
  • present a succinct, organized, and relevant verbal report on the patient’s clinical status to health care team members
  • record essential elements of patient’s history, treatment, and response according to required criteria in the Ambulance Call Report (ACR)
  • document in an objective and non-judgmental manner
  • ensure that documents are complete, clear, concise, organized, and legible, and use correct spelling, grammar, and medical terminology
  • apply accepted standards for symbols and abbreviations when recording information (Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Basic Life Support Patient Care Standards)
  • document by using paper-based and/or electronic methods
  • protect confidentiality and ensure security of patients’ information, records, and documents in compliance with current privacy and confidentiality legislation

8. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

ensure personal safety* and contribute to the safety of partners, patients*, and others.

Elements of the performance
  • perform in accordance with occupational health and safety legislation*, regulations*, standards, and applicable guidelines*
  • anticipate, recognize, and effectively deal with potential risks to safety by exhibiting due diligence and reporting where appropriate
  • use and facilitate the maintenance of patient care equipment in accordance with manufacturers’ directions, and employers’ policies and procedures
  • ensure that patient care equipment is functional and ready for deployment
  • assess situation and context, select the appropriate lifting equipment, and utilize proper positioning, lifting, and transfer techniques in a safe and controlled manner
  • adapt positioning, lifting, and transferring methods to meet the unique requirements of the patient and situation including bystander’s participation and lift-assist equipment
  • attain and maintain an appropriate level of physical fitness, proper body mechanics, and health to safely extricate, lift, transfer, position, and transport patients
  • perform two person lifts and transfers, in a safe, smooth controlled manner, of patients weighing up to 95 kilograms (210 pounds) utilizing appropriate patient- lifting equipment
  • recognize the need for and request additional resources to ensure safety
  • identify and handle hazardous materials and dispose of body fluids,waste, and equipment, including sharps, in compliance with current legislation, regulations, standards, and applicable guidelines
  • use personal protective equipment and implement best practice* guidelines for infection prevention and control
  • identify factors that may lead to critical incident* stress
  • recognize critical incident stress in self and others, and act or seek assistance to remedy
  • employ personal care strategies to promote own physical and mental health and to minimize the potential for injury, illness, and professional* related stress

9. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

ensure the operational safety* and preparedness of an ambulance* and its equipment and operate an ambulance-type vehicle in a simulated setting.

Elements of the performance
  • perform pre-trip inspection to determine safety for vehicle operation and patient’s* transportation
  • ensure that all electronic, communication, navigational, and audio-visual warning equipment is operational and functioning
  • identify and report equipment, vehicle, or communication-system failure
  • apply legislation*, regulations*, standards, and applicable guidelines* to the operation of an ambulance in emergency and non-emergency situations
  • recognize the legal rights, obligations, and liabilities of operating an ambulance in emergency and non-emergency situations
  • select and demonstrate safe driving strategies* in a variety of situations
  • integrate knowledge of safe emergency vehicle operation with principles of defensive driving while operating an ambulance-type vehicle in a simulated setting

10. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

collaborate* with a broad range of personnel such as first responders, paramedics*, emergency services personnel, health care professionals, and other allied health care workers.

Elements of the performance
  • apply principles of group dynamics to exchanges among emergency services personnel and members of the health care team
  • apply knowledge of the roles of the single first responder, the advanced care paramedic*, the critical care paramedic*, and other emergency services personnel to one’s understanding of the continuum of care in pre-hospital emergency care* and relate this information to collaborations in the field
  • assess the need for and seek assistance from an advanced care paramedic and/or a critical care paramedic, if available
  • consult with the base hospital physician* when necessary regarding pre-hospital emergency care and transportation of patients*
  • cooperate with other emergency service personnel in single and multiple-casualty incidents in a clinical and/or field setting*
  • provide leadership as required when working with allied health care personnel
  • delegate tasks in order to function effectively as a team
  • articulate the role of the paramedic in contingency planning and incident management systems initiatives

11. The graduate has reliably demonstrated the ability to

integrate and meet legal, ethical, and professional* responsibilities while providing optimal care* for patients*.

Elements of the performance
  • comply with current legislation*, regulations*, standards, and applicable guidelines* in all situations
  • practise in accordance with current ethical standards; e.g., the Paramedic* Conduct Standard (Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Basic Life Support Patient Care Standards)
  • protect the privacy and confidentiality of patients, and of patient-related information
  • exhibit professionalism through appropriate language, dress, and hygiene
  • be accountable for one’s own actions and adopt due diligence
  • report errors or omissions in care in a timely manner to appropriate supervisor or agency and make amendments in accordance with accepted practices
  • participate in quality assurance
  • review, analyze, and apply research and literature relevant to the field of paramedicine
  • promote and participate in evidence-based paramedicine practice
  • engage in reflective practice to promote ongoing competence*
  • employ critical self-assessment to identify ongoing learning needs
  • develop a plan for continuing professional development
  • seek out opportunities to support continuing professional education
  • seek out and use feedback to improve performance
  • participate in peer review
  • participate in professional associations
  • advocate for and promote injury prevention and health promotion strategies within the community
  • promote and advocate for paramedicine within the community


Ambulance- conveyance vehicle that is specifically designed, constructed, or modified, and equipped and is intended to be used for the transportation of persons who have suffered a trauma or an acute onset of illness either of which could endanger their life, limb or function, or who have been judged by a physician or a health care provider designated by a physician to be in an unstable medical condition and to require health care while being transported.

Assessment- information collection and interpretation used to determine what actions will be taken to promote optimal patient well-being and what processes will be used to collect and interpret data.

Assessment Findings- all pertinent patient(s) information gathered as a result of a systematic use of a variety of assessment strategies, including scene observations, chief complaint and/or incident history, past medical history, medications, allergies, and physical assessment results. Findings include those measurements obtained through the use of diagnostic tests such as pulse oximetry, glucometer, cardiac, and blood pressure monitoring.

Assessment Strategies- those processes used to collect information about the health condition of a patient or patients including inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation.

Base Hospital Physician- physician designated by a base hospital as the medical director of a base hospital program.

Base Hospital Program- a program operated by a base hospital for the purpose of delegating controlled medical acts to paramedics and providing medical advice relating to pre-hospital patient care and transportation of patients to ambulance and communication services.

Best Practice- the actions, approaches, and methods that are most successful or have proven most successful in the past in achieving or contributing to an objective.

Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale (CTAS)- the five-level Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale is a tool used in triaging patients and determining guidelines for time to physician and nurse assessment and treatment.

Clinical and/or Field Setting- pertaining to any situation or setting in which a paramedic would be in contact with a patient or patients, for example, in the patient’s home, work, or leisure environments; in health-care, retirement, chronic care, nursing homes, and other facilities; accident and crime scenes; and in multiple casualty situations.

Collaborate- to work together with the patient, health-care professionals, and other emergency services personnel for the achievement of common patient outcomes that are directed toward the goal of providing optimal health and well- being for the patient(s).

Crisis Intervention Strategies- methods used to offer immediate, short-term help to individuals who experience an event that produces emotional, mental, physical, and behavioural distress or problems. A crisis can refer to any situation in which the individual perceives a sudden loss of his or her ability to use effective problem-solving and coping skills.

Critical Incident- any situation experienced by emergency personnel having unusually strong emotional reactions, and having the potential to interfere with their ability to function during or after an event.

Competence- knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are required to act in emergency medical care situations and that effectively deal with the patient’s actual, emerging, and potential needs and for the provision of appropriate and quality pre-hospital medical care

Controlled Medical Acts- thirteen interventions defined under the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 which can be performed only by specific members of a regulated health profession or delegated in accordance with the applicable regulations. Primary Care Paramedics may be certified by the authority of a base

hospital medical director to administer particular interventions and/or medications as delegated Controlled Medical Acts under the RHPA.

Guidelines- established policies and procedures governing performance in the clinical and field setting that have been developed by local, provincial and national professional associations and by employers. It includes professional standards, such as National Occupational Competencies for Paramedics (2001) and evidence-based best practice guidelines.

Legislation- laws enacted by provincial and federal governments and relevant to paramedicine practice. Examples of such laws include the Ambulance Act, Canada Evidence Act, Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, Child and Family Services Act, Consent to Treatment Act, Coroners Act, Criminal Code of Canada, Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Highway Traffic Act, Mental Health Act, Occupational Health and Safety Act, Privacy Act, Public Hospitals Act, and the Regulated Health Professions Act.

Operational Safety- result of practices employed to ensure that vehicles used to transport patients and all equipment used are maintained according to ministry standards and employer protocols and policies.

Optimal Care- provision to patients of the highest level of pre-hospital assessment and interventions possible given patients’ specific health conditions and the conditions of the clinical or field setting.

Paramedic- a person who meets the qualifications set out in the Ambulance Act. A paramedic has specialized knowledge and skills, has successfully completed the base hospital certification program, is employed by an ambulance service, and is authorized to perform one or more controlled medical acts under the authority of a base hospital medical director. The Advanced Emergency Medical Care Assistant (AEMCA) credential is required by all paramedics who practice in Ontario.

  • Advanced Care Paramedic– a paramedic who holds the qualifications set out in Regulation 257/00 Part III 8(2) made under the Ambulance Act and who is authorized by the medical director of a base hospital to perform controlled acts. These acts are beyond those performed by the primary care paramedic
  • Critical Care Paramedic– a paramedic who holds the qualifications set out in Regulation 257/00 Part III 8(3) made under the Ambulance Act and who is authorized by the medical director of a base hospital to perform controlled acts. These acts are beyond those performed by the advanced care paramedic
  • Primary Care Paramedic– a paramedic who holds the qualifications set out in Regulation 257/00 Part III 8(1) made under the Ambulance Act and who is authorized by the medical director of a base hospital to perform controlled acts before and/or during transportation of a patient to a

hospital including administering symptom relief drugs and carrying out semi-automated external cardiac defibrillation (SAED).

Patient(s)- individuals and groups of individuals requiring the services of a paramedic. The patients may be sick, injured, incapacitated, and/or in need of pre- hospital medical care.

Patient Care Orders- verbal or written directives by a base hospital physician to perform a patient management strategy or intervention.

Patient Management Strategies- preventive, treatment, and communication strategies and methods used by paramedics. Strategies are based on the application of knowledge of health and illness, relevant paramedical theory and research, legislation, regulations, standards, established guidelines, and correct

use of equipment and supplies. Competent performance of all patient management strategies requires a high degree of proficiency, self-evaluation, and continuous improvement.

Patient’s Rights- key elements include the right to respectful and considerate care, privacy, confidentiality, information about treatment and the right to refuse treatment.

Pre-hospital Emergency Care- assessment, stabilization, and care of a medical emergency or trauma victim, including transportation to the appropriate receiving facility.

Professional- behaving in a manner consistent with legal, ethical, and moral beliefs and practices of emergency medical service and based on relevant theory and principles of paramedicine.

Reassessment findings- results of assessment strategies undertaken to help evaluate the effectiveness of interventions employed, the need for further interventions and the current health status of the patient(s).

Regulations- components of legislation issued by executive order or by regulatory bodies of the government that have the force of the law. Regulations help define and clarify the intent and practices of the law.

Safe Driving Strategies- application of the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to operate an ambulance or ambulance-type vehicle at the highest level of functioning that can be achieved given the situation, weather, and road/off-road conditions including compliance with legislation, regulations, standards, established guidelines, adherence to manufacturer’s directions, accident

avoidance, and defensive driving techniques.

Safety- recognition of risk and state of being as free from risk, harm, and loss as is possible given the situation and the processes to ensure that state.

Simulated Clinical and/or Field Setting- created clinical or field setting that mimics the authentic practice environment and may include practical scenarios, skill development stations, mannequins, or human subjects.

Essential employability skills

All graduates of the Paramedic program of instruction must have reliably demonstrated the essential employability skills learning outcomes listed on the following pages, in addition to achieving the vocational learning outcomes and meeting the general education requirement.


Essential Employability Skills (EES) are skills that, regardless of a student=s program or discipline, are critical for success in the workplace, in day-to-day living, and for lifelong learning.

The teaching and attainment of these EES for students in, and graduates from, Ontario=s colleges of applied arts and technology are anchored in a set of three fundamental assumptions:

  • these skills are important for every adult to function successfully in society today
  • our colleges are well equipped and well positioned to prepare graduates with these skills
  • these skills are equally valuable for all graduates, regardless of the level of their credential, whether they pursue a career path, or they pursue further education

Skill categories

To capture these skills, the following six categories define the essential areas where graduates must demonstrate skills and knowledge.

  • communication
  • numeracy
  • critical Thinking & Problem Solving
  • information Management
  • interpersonal
  • personal

Application and implementation

In each of the six skill categories, there are a number of defining skills, or sub skills, identified to further articulate the requisite skills identified in the main skill categories. The following chart illustrates the relationship between the skill categories, the defining skills within the categories, and learning outcomes to be achieved by graduates from all postsecondary programs of instruction that lead to an Ontario College credential.

EES may be embedded in General Education or vocational courses, or developed through discrete courses. However these skills are developed, all graduates with Ontario College credentials must be able to reliably demonstrate the essential skills required in each of the six categories.


  • reading
  • writing
  • speaking
  • listening
  • presenting
  • visual literacy

1. communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken, and visual form that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of the audience.

2. respond to written, spoken, or visual messages in a manner that ensures effective communication.


  • understanding and applying mathematical concepts and reasoning
  • analyzing and using numerical data
  • conceptualizing

3. execute mathematical operations accurately.

Critical thinking & problem solving

  • analyzing
  • synthesizing
  • evaluating
  • decision making
  • creative and innovative thinking

4. apply a systematic approach to solve problems.

5. use a variety of thinking skills to anticipate and solve problems.

Information management

  • gathering and managing information
  • selecting and using appropriate tools and technology for a task or a project
  • computer literacy
  • internet skills

6. locate, select, organize, and document information using appropriate technology and information systems.

7. analyze, evaluate, and apply relevant information from a variety of sources.


  • team work
  • relationship management
  • conflict resolution
  • leadership
  • networking

8. show respect for the diverse opinions, values, belief systems, and contributions of others.

9. interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the achievement of goals.


  • managing self
  • managing change and being flexible and adaptable
  • engaging in reflective practices
  • demonstrating personal responsibility

10. manage the use of time and other resources to complete projects.

General education requirement

All graduates of the Paramedic program must have met the general education requirement described on the following pages, in addition to achieving the vocational and essential employability skills learning outcomes.


The General Education Requirement for programs of instruction is stipulated in the Credentials Framework (Appendix A in the Minister's Binding Policy Directive Framework for Programs of Instruction).

In programs of instruction leading to either an Ontario College Diploma or an Ontario College Advanced Diploma, it is required that graduates have been engaged in learning that exposes them to at least one discipline outside their main field of study, and increases their awareness of the society and culture in which they live and work. This will typically be accomplished by students taking 3 to 5 courses (or the equivalent) designed discretely and separately from vocational learning opportunities.

This general education learning would normally be delivered using a combination of required and elective processes.


The purpose of General Education in the Ontario college system is to contribute to the development of citizens who are conscious of the diversity, complexity, and richness of the human experience; who are able to establish meaning through this consciousness; and, who, as a result, are able to contribute thoughtfully, creatively, and positively to the society in which they live and work.

General Education strengthens students’ essential employability skills, such as critical analysis, problem solving, and communication, in the context of an exploration of topics with broad-based personal and/or societal importance.


The themes listed below will be used to provide direction to colleges in the development and identification of courses that are designed to fulfil the General Education Requirement for programs of instructions.

Each theme provides a statement of Rationale and offers suggestions related to more specific topic areas that could be explored within each area. These suggestions are neither prescriptive nor exhaustive. They are included to provide guidance regarding the nature and scope of content that would be judged as meeting the intent and overall goals of General Education.

1. Arts in society:


The capacity of a person to recognize and evaluate artistic and creative achievements is useful in many aspects of his/her life. Since artistic expression is a fundamentally human activity, which both reflects and anticipates developments in the larger culture, its study

will enhance the student=s cultural and self-awareness.


Courses in this area should provide students with an understanding of the importance of

visual and creative arts in human affairs, of the artist=s and writer=s perceptions of the world and the means by which those perceptions are translated into the language of literature and artistic expression. They will also provide an appreciation of the aesthetic values used in examining works of art and possibly, a direct experience in expressing perceptions in an artistic medium.

2. Civic life:


In order for individuals to live responsibly and to reach their potential as individuals and as citizens of society, they need to understand the patterns of human relationships that

underlie the orderly interactions of a society's various structural units. Informed people will have knowledge of the meaning of civic life in relation to diverse communities at the local, national, and global level, and an awareness of international issues and the effects

of these on Canada, and Canada=s place in the international community.


Courses in this area should provide students with an understanding of the meaning of freedoms, rights, and participation in community and public life, in addition to a working knowledge of the structure and function of various levels of government (municipal, provincial, national) in Canada and/or in an international context. They may also provide an historical understanding of major political issues affecting relations between the various levels of government in Canada and their constituents.

3. Social and cultural understanding:


Knowledge of the patterns and precedents of the past provide the means for a person to gain an awareness of his or her place in contemporary culture and society. In addition to this awareness, students will acquire a sense of the main currents of their culture and that of other cultures over an extended period of time in order to link personal history to the broader study of culture.


Courses in this area are those that deal broadly with major social and cultural themes. These courses may also stress the nature and validity of historical evidence and the variety of historical interpretation of events. Courses will provide the students with a view and understanding of the impact of cultural, social, ethnic, or linguistic characteristics.

4. Personal understanding:


Educated people are equipped for life-long understanding and development of themselves as integrated physiological and psychological entities. They are aware of the ideal need to be fully functioning persons: mentally, physically, emotionally, socially, spiritually, and vocationally.


Courses in this area will focus on understanding the individual: his or her evolution; situation; relationship with others; place in the environment and universe; achievements and problems; and his or her meaning and purpose. They will also allow students the opportunity to study institutionalized human social behaviour in a systematic way. Courses fulfilling this requirement may be oriented to the study of the individual within a variety of contexts.

5. Science and technology:


Matter and energy are universal concepts in science, forming a basis for understanding the interactions that occur in living and non-living systems in our universe. Study in this area provides an understanding of the behaviour of matter that provides a foundation for further scientific study and the creation of broader understanding about natural phenomena.

Similarly, the various applications and developments in the area of technology have an increasing impact on all aspects of human endeavour and have numerous social, economic, and philosophical implications. For example, the operation of computers to process data at high speed has invoked an interaction between machines and the human mind that is unique in human history. This development and other technological developments have a powerful impact on how we deal with many of the complex questions in our society.


Courses in this area should stress scientific inquiry and deal with basic or fundamental questions of science rather than applied ones. They may be formulated from traditional basic courses in such areas of study as biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, geology, or agriculture. As well, courses related to understanding the role and functions of computers (e.g., data management and information processing), and assorted computer- related technologies, should be offered in a non-applied manner to provide students with an opportunity to explore the impact of these concepts and practices on their lives.


The ministry acknowledges with thanks the significant contribution of the many individuals and organizations who participated in the development of this program standard. In particular, the ministry would like to acknowledge the important roles of:

  • all individuals and organizations who participated in the consultations
  • the coordinators of Paramedic Programs for their assistance throughout the project, the project officer who led the development of the vocational standard, Christine Foster, seconded faculty member from Algonquin College, and Mireille Deshaies, seconded faculty member from La Cité Collégiale