
We asked for your feedback on:

  • encouraging job creation and connecting people to employment
  • providing people with the right supports and services
  • lowering the cost of living and making life more affordable
  • the 2014-19 Poverty Reduction Strategy

We engaged Indigenous partners, the public, people with experience living in poverty, service providers, employers, local partners and municipalities to find new and innovative ways to support people during challenging times and create the conditions that will help them build a better life.

Your input helped us develop a new five-year poverty reduction strategy.

About the consultation

We asked for your advice on how we can work together to make progress in three areas.

Area 1: encouraging job creation and connecting people to employment

To create the conditions for all people in Ontario to prosper, we need to create good jobs across the province. We also need to better connect people to good jobs to help them break the poverty cycle and prevent people from falling into poverty in the first place.

Area 2: providing people with the right supports and services

People trying to overcome poverty should not have to navigate a patchwork system to access the supports and services they need. We need to drive better outcomes for people by collaborating within government and with local partners to provide supports and services that are connected and centred around the needs of people, families and communities.

Area 3: lowering the cost of living and making life more affordable

We want to make life more affordable for low-income people and families by reducing financial pressures.

Consultation next steps

The consultation is now closed. Questions or comments can be sent to prso@ontario.ca.

Read the new 2020-2025 Poverty Reduction Strategy: Building a Strong Foundation for Success: Reducing Poverty in Ontario.