Consultation survey on Ontario’s Seniors Strategy
The online survey is now closed.
From June 7 to July 19, 2019, thousands of people participated in this consultation. We will use their feedback to develop a government-wide strategy to help improve the lives of seniors.
About the consultation
We met in-person with hundreds of seniors, their families, caregivers and organizations who support and care for them.
Thousands of people also completed the online survey.
To receive feedback from diverse, ethnic and multicultural communities, the survey was available in 12 languages, in addition to English and French.
Feedback from the consultations and the online survey will inform a strategy to help seniors:
- age at home and in communities
- remain healthy, active and socially engaged
- stay safe and secure
- participate in the labour market and economy
In the fall, we expect to announce a government-wide seniors strategy that will help improve the lives of seniors.
Your privacy matters
Your personal information is being collected in order to help us better to support seniors. Your responses will be reviewed by the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility. Your feedback may also be used in a summary report about this survey.
Some of the non-identifying information shared may be used by Cabinet Office, the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility and their service providers to measure website analytics, performance and to improve our services.
Your information will not be placed on mailing lists or released to any third party, except as may be authorized by law. For questions on how personal information collected on this page will be used, please see our Privacy Statement.