Cover crops: choosing a cover crop
What to consider when choosing a cover crop including growth habits, overwintering, establishment, sensitivity to herbicides and pest management.
Choosing a cover crop
If you examine the Cover crop seed supplier list you will see that there is a wide variety of cover crops available; some exotic, some more common. Each cover crop has its own attributes, some are better suited for particular uses than others. Consider the following when making your selection:
Your needs
- What are your goals with that cover crop? For example, erosion protection, grazing, nitrogen production.
- What niche or growth opportunity do you have? For example, after wheat, before a late planted crop, etc.
Growth habits
- What kind of growth habit is needed?
- When is the growth required? For example, lots of vigorous late fall growth or rapid early spring growth? Is deep rooting important?
- Do you need the cover crop to survive overwinter? Would it suit your cropping schedule and soil type if the cover crop winter killed and dried out by spring?
Control options
- Will the cover crop become a weed concern?
- How is it controlled?
- What options are there for control?
Sensitivity to herbicides
- Annual Rye-Grass and Clover Sensitivity to Soil Applied Corn Herbicides
- How sensitive is the cover crop to herbicide residues from other crops in the rotation?
- Seed cost and availability?
- What is the best way to plant the seed?
- Do you need different equipment?
- How easy is it to establish? Will it create a solid cover? (Good establishment is critical to the success of the cover crop).
Nutrient management
- Is it a nitrogen producer or does the cover crop require nitrogen to grow well? Does it scavenge well for nitrogen?
Pest Management
- What crop family is the cover crop in?
- Is it related to other crops in the rotation?
- Are there pest concerns? Is the cover crop a host or a non-host?
Families of crops
Family (common name): examples
- Cruciferae (mustard): Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, rutabaga, brussels sprouts, rapeseed, canola, oilseed radish
- Gramineae (grass): Wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn
- Leguminosae (pea): Snapbean, pea, alfalfa, clover, soybeans
- Solanaceae (nightshade): Tomato, potato, eggplant, pepper
- Cucurbitaceae (melon): Pumpkin, squash, cucumber, melons
- Liliaceae (lily): Asparagus
- Umbelliferae (parsley): Carrot, parsnip, celery
- Chenopodiaceae (goosefoot): Beet, spinach, chard
- Amaryllidaceae (amaryllis): Leeks, onion, garlic, chives, shallots
- Polygonaceae (smartweed): buckwheat, rhubarb
- Linaceae: flax
- Compositae/Asteraceae (Aster): sunflower, lettuce
Updated: May 28, 2024
Published: August 22, 2022