Prepared by J. Ambrose and D. Kirk

The preparation of the Recovery Strategy for the Cucumber Tree (Magnolia acuminata) in Ontario was led by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources to meet the requirements of the Accord for the Protection of Species at Risk in Canada. This recovery strategy is being adopted under the Endangered Species Act, 2007 (ESA, 2007), which requires the Minister of Natural Resources to ensure recovery strategies are prepared for all species listed as endangered or threatened. With the additions summarized below, the Recovery Strategy for the Cucumber Tree (Magnolia acuminata) in Canada meets all of the content requirements outlined in the ESA, 2007.

The identification of critical habitat is not a component of a recovery strategy prepared under the ESA, 2007. However, it is recommended that the areas of critical habitat identified in this recovery strategy be considered when developing a habitat regulation under the ESA, 2007.

Executive summary

This Recovery Strategy outlines the objectives and strategies necessary to bring about the protection and recovery of Canadian populations of Cucumber Tree (Magnolia acuminata L.). The Recovery Strategy is based on a review of literature, historical collections and current population data and consultation with knowledgeable individuals.

Cucumber Tree has a very limited distribution in Canada, occurring in only two areas of southern Ontario. The total number of naturally occurring trees and saplings is currently 283, following recent intensive census and mapping exercises. In addition, over 100 seedlings have been counted most of which occur in one single population. The entire complement of trees represents 12 extant populations (i.e. aggregations of all sub-populations within 1 km) or a total of 22 separate and extant sub-populations. Limited recruitment within their forest habitats has been observed. The threat of landscape fragmentation and small population sizes needs to be better understood to refine recovery actions.

The goal of this Recovery Strategy is to conserve and if necessary restore Cucumber Tree to self-sustaining populations in both regions of its native Canadian range in extreme southwestern Ontario.

Some of the recovery approaches identified in this Recovery Strategy, beyond protecting what is there, are dependent on current and future research, to better understand the species pollination biology, seed dispersal, seedling establishment and population genetics. The report outlines and prioritizes research programs necessary to support the implementation of the recovery actions.