Safer and Vital Communities Grant

The Safer and vital communities grant supports a variety of local community safety and well-being projects that focus on addressing local risks to help reduce crime and victimization.

Eligible applicants include:

  • community-based, not-for-profit organizations
  • First Nations Chiefs and Band Councils

Successful applicants collaborate with local police and organizations from other sectors to implement projects that address local issues.

For 2024-2026, Ontario is investing more than $2 million in support of 15 projects across the province.

Safer and Vital Communities Grant recipients

Organization and project name Funding amount
Centre for Holocaust Education and Scholarship Ottawa $152,890
Child Witness Centre $170,000
CMHA Huron Perth Addiction and Mental Health Services $170,000
Durham Community Action Group $157,575
Islamic Society of North America Canada $146,635
Jamiat-Ul-Ansar of Brampton  $146,000
Lady Ballers Camp  $170,000
Lambton County Developmental Services $142,000
Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre $169,563
Redleaf Cultural Integration $170,000
Suradway Parents Association of Ottawa $170,000
Tiferet Israel Congregation $82,500
The Safety Village $41,680
United Way of Ottawa $168,162
YMCA of Hamilton Burlington Brantford $170,800

Proceeds of Crime Front-line Policing Grant

The Proceeds of Crime Front-Line Policing Grant uses funds forfeited to the provincial and federal governments during prosecutions. These funds are made available to police services to support crime prevention and community safety initiatives. This grant is available to:

  • municipal and First Nations police services
  • the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) in partnership with organizations from other sectors

Ontario is investing more than $6 million over three years (from 2023-24, 2024-25, and 2025-26) to support 23 projects across the province that will focus on at least one of the following priorities:

  • hate crime
  • school safety support
  • organized crime enforcement

Proceeds of Crime Front-line Policing Grant recipients

Police service and project name Project description Funding amount (over three years)
Barrie Police Service

Building Bridges Through Common Ground
Barrie Police Service is strengthening school safety and youth supports through its partnership with the Simcoe/Muskoka Child and Youth Advocacy Centre Common Ground Youth Group Program. The six-week program focuses on youth ages 12-18 who have witnessed, experienced or are at increased risk of experiencing gender-based violence. Funding will be used for a direct referral process, increased program space and academic research and data interpretation. $300,000

Brantford Police Service

Project Erase Hate

Funding will support a one-day training course to provide a comprehensive overview on the history of antisemitism in a modern and historical context. This course is open to police officers, by-law officers, fire fighters, emergency medical staff and civilian members of Brantford Police Service. The course will be offered in partnership with the Simon Wisenthal Centre for Holocaust Studies. $22,600

Cornwall Police Service

Knowledge First: A project aimed to disrupt and suppress organized crime and hate motivated incidents

Cornwall Police Service will use funds to increase officer skills and expertise related to organized crime. This will include acquiring the necessary equipment to support enhanced training in surveillance and investigations related to human trafficking, opioid/drug and firearms offences and gang related activity. The service will also launch public education campaigns to increase awareness about hate crimes and hate-motivated incidents and the ability to report such situations online. $301,615
Greater Sudbury Police Service

Mino Kina Akinomaadiwin (All the Best Teachings)
Mino Kina Akinomaadiwin (All the Best Teachings) will build on the existing Mooz Akinoonmaaget Maa Aki (Moose Hunt) program, an Indigenous-focused program where at-risk youth work to help foster positive relationships between Indigenous youth and Greater Sudbury Police Service officers. Funding will be used to deliver components of the program by Elders, mentors, and Greater Sudbury Police officers, with a goal to support youth, allow them to take control of their environment and forge their own pathways to wellness. $300,000

London Police Service

Project Bringing Unity in London's Diverse Society (BUILDS)

Project BUILDS aims to create lasting connections and positive opportunities for youth and residents of London with the London Police Service (LPS). The goal of this project is to create mutual understanding, respect, and trust. Working with its Community Services Unit members, LPS will host workshops, training conferences, programs and community events and invite community partners and experts in the field to participate. $300,000

North Bay Police Service

The North Bay Police Service Youth Engagement Project

Funding will be used to organize a free one-day conference and educational opportunity to encourage meaningful dialogue between students and police. It will feature workshops, speakers with lived experiences and presentations by community partners. Topics will include human trafficking, sexting, sextortion, cyberbullying, mental health, addiction, alcohol and drugs. Community partners include Victim Services of Nipissing District and the Canadian Mental Health Association North Bay. $300,000
OPP Central Huron   

Huron Safe Schools and Proceeds of Crime Initiative
The Huron Safe Schools and Proceeds of Crime Initiative aims to enhance school safety and combat organized crime. With a multifaceted approach this program includes comprehensive training programs for teachers, students and parents that focus on drug awareness, mental health and violence threat risk assessment. The project also aims to build on the existing strong relationship between law enforcement and schools which has resulted in a reduction of incidents. $256,500
OPP Goderich   

Goderich Safe Schools and Proceeds of Crime Initiative
Funding will help increase officer training and allow for an additional police officer presence in schools. It will also provide training to community organizations and school staff regarding mental health, drug awareness and violence threat risk assessment. Funds will also be used to install external cameras and digital speed signs in and around schools for enhanced school area monitoring and enhanced community safety. $256,500
OPP Lanark County (Perth)   

Creating Safer Spaces Lanark
Creating Safer Spaces Lanark will focus on increasing understanding within the community of the need to create safe and inclusive spaces for everyone. Funding will allow Lanark OPP to provide more outreach to students and the community in partnership with two school boards and the Lanark Detachment Community Liaison Committee. Police training will also be provided on hate crimes and equity, diversity and inclusion activities with a focus on hearing the voices of young people and under-represented populations. $300,000
OPP North Grenville   

Enhanced Fraud Support Team
Funding will enable the Fraud Team to acquire training and specialized software. The Fraud Team is a partnership of representatives from the Grenville, Leeds and Upper Ottawa Valley OPP detachments, the Municipality of North Grenville, schools, seniors’ organizations and the Financial Transactions and Reports and Analysis Centre of Canada. The Fraud Team will be able to support interactions with people experiencing hearing and mobility impairment, and work remotely to allow members of the community to more easily engage with law enforcement outside of police detachments. $600,000

Owen Sound Police Service

Raising Cultural Awareness and Eliminating Hate in Owen Sound

Owen Sound Police Service, alongside community partners will use funding for training and information sessions, a public information campaign and community events to raise awareness and appreciation of the community’s diversity, help eliminate hate and improve online safety. Owen Sound Police Service officers will receive up-to-date training on hate-motivated incidents, inclusion, and develop resources to help youth, families and community members prevent cyber-bullying, online exploitation and hateful speech. $300,000

Peel Regional Police

Addressing Hate through Collaboration and Partnerships

Funding will be used to hire an education, training and outreach coordinator to expand on the work of the Countering Hate Committee which is developing a community-based approach to countering hate and violent extremism. The coordinator will support the committee to achieve three objectives: enhance knowledge mobilization, enhance reporting and enhance community and victim support. $300,000

Peterborough Police Service

Anti-Hate Initiative

Funding will be used to help the Peterborough Police Service, municipal and community leadership develop a deeper understanding of hate crimes and hate bias to create informed and efficient responses and strategies. The project includes an awareness campaign designed to provide the community with knowledge about the differences between hate bias and hate crime. It will also streamline reporting protocols, the role of law enforcement and the collective accountability inherent in countering these issues. A comprehensive hate incident database will also be established. $167,000

Port Hope Police Service

Internet Safety – Knowledge is Power

Port Hope Police Service working with community partners will use funds to educate students, teachers and parents about internet safety. Topics will include cyberbullying, human trafficking, sexting, pornography and other relevant topics to provide participants with awareness, education and resources to help keep youth safe online.  $175,000

Six Nations Police Service

Building relationships and breaking barriers with the youth of Six Nations of the Grand River

Six Nations Police Service will use funding to build relationships and break down barriers with the youth of Six Nations of the Grand River. In addition to co-leading initiatives to enhance school safety the police service will partner with the Six Nations Health Services – Health Promotion Office whose child and youth worker is a recognized community mentor with the Right to Play program. The Right to Play program empowers children to rise above challenges and find their way back to hope. $300,000
Smith Falls Police Service Engaging our Community Youth in Crime Prevention: A Smiths Falls Police Service Collaborative Initiative $85,500
South Simcoe Police Service In Our Sights: Taking Aim at Organized Crime - A South Simcoe Policing Initiative $223,611

Thunder Bay Police Service

Project House Cleaning

Project House Cleaning aims to stop gang recruitment efforts and disrupt the violence and sale of illegal drugs by organized crime groups in the City of Thunder Bay. Thunder Bay Police Service will expand its partnership with the District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board to increase anti-gang outreach efforts, focus on enforcement, victim support and youth engagement/education. $270,000

Toronto Police Service

School Safety Symposium – Community Connects

Toronto Police Service in partnership with Victim Services Toronto and the Toronto District School Board, will use funds to develop and deliver an annual School Safety Symposium for Grade 7, 8 and 9 students. The symposium will cover prevention strategies to reduce involvement in or the impact of gang and street violence. In addition, it will also increase awareness about exploitations including human trafficking, intimate partner violence, unhealthy relationships, online dangers such as sexting and bullying, hate incidents and crimes affecting school-age youth. $300,000

Treaty Three Police Service

Maandoonan Ozhibii'igan (Gathering Information)

Maandoonan Ozhibii'igan is a dedicated three-year project focused on enforcement and intelligence gathering related to organized crime in high-risk communities within the Treaty Three Nation. The project includes specialized training for frontline officers on organized crime, community education and engagement. It will also seek to strengthen collaborations between police and non-police partners to create awareness and empower community members to assist in keeping their community safe. $300,000
United Chiefs and Council of Manitoulin Anishnaabe Police Service Looking to the Future $300,000

Waterloo Regional Police Service

Improving Hate Reporting and Improving School Safety in Waterloo Region

Waterloo Regional Police will create a Waterloo Region Mobile Hate Report App that will gather data and boost resident accessibility. The app will provide real time reporting, offer two-way communication and allow users to report hate related incidents and access resources. Funding will also be used to allow Waterloo Regional Police Service to partner with the YMCA on an established dropout prevention program that offers support to students having trouble at school. $300,000

York Regional Police

Project United

York Regional Police will use funds to provide specialized training for law enforcement officers, community outreach programs, conferences, forums and educational resources within schools on the topic of hate crime. By focusing on both preventative measures and proactive strategies, Project United aims to build trust, promote understanding and create a united front against hate crimes, ensuring that the community remains a place where diversity is respected and embraced. $300,000

Community Safety and Policing Grant

The Community safety and policing grant is a grant program that provides police services with the tools and resources they need to combat crime and keep our communities safe. The grant program:

  • provides greater flexibility for initiatives that respond to policing needs and priorities related to safety and well-being
  • focuses on addressing local and provincial priorities

The local priorities funding stream focuses on addressing risks to safety and well-being that are most prevalent in the community.

Projects funded under the current grant cycle of the provincial priorities funding stream focus on targeting:

  • gun and gang violence
  • sexual violence and harassment
  • human trafficking
  • mental health and addictions
  • hate-motivated crime

Projects receiving local priorities funding

From 2022-25, we are investing approximately $225 million to support 101 projects across Ontario that support local community safety priorities.

Central region local priorities funding recipients

Organization and program name Program description Funding amount ($) over three years
Barrie Police Services Board

Evidence-Based and Harm-Focused Policing
Barrie Police Service will use the funds for projects related to police visibility, alternative response models and culturally relevant diversion. The goal of all projects is to support professional, accountable and sustainable policing services that enhance public safety and community policing. $1,011,090
Barrie Police Services Board

Tech Crimes Advancement
Barrie Police Service (BPS) will invest in technological equipment and training for its Technical Crimes Unit to further its capacity to recover digital evidence and investigate cybercrime. Funding will support frontline officers with investigations involving technology and expand BPS’ capability to collect evidence from digital devices such as cellphones, computers, and video security systems. $1,271,278
Bradford West Gwillimbury & Innisfil Police Services Board

Leading the Way 2.0: A Contemporary Community Policing Initiative
Working with local mental health partner agencies, South Simcoe Police Service’s (SSP) Community Outreach and Support Team (COAST) will continue to respond to mental health and crisis calls for service. Funding for this initiative will help maintain the SSP COAST officer capacity matched with the support of their key mental health sector partners: York Support Services Network and the Canadian Mental Health Association (York). $899,343
Brighton Police Services Board

Mental Health Community Support and Education in Secondary Schools
The Northumberland Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police is increasing mental health supports, with a focus on youth, by expanding its Mental Health Engagement and Response Team (MHEART) . It will enhance its partnership with the Community Mental Health Services at the Northumberland Hills Hospital and expand the operations of MHEART to include more hours and more time spent in secondary schools. $98,366
City of Kawartha Lakes Police Services Board

Kawartha Lakes Police Community Response Unit
The Kawartha Lakes Police Service Community Response Unit, in partnership with Ross Memorial Hospital and FourCast Addictions Services, will provide mental health and addictions related outreach and enhanced crisis response. Funding will help expand the unit’s capacity to reduce the number of chronic police interactions with individuals suffering from mental health and addictions and provide a focused, strategic response to identified community safety concerns. $365,358
Cobourg Police Services Board

Integration of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion principles into day- to-day policing
Cobourg Police Service will use funding for its integration of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) principles into day-to-day policing. Working collaboratively with local partners and stakeholders, including the Town of Cobourg’s EDI Advisory Committee, the project will focus on areas of systemic discrimination, develop measurement indicators against target outcomes and focus on building an equitable and inclusive police service. $220,587
Cobourg Police Services Board

Youth Specific Mental Health Engagement and Response Team Program
Funding will be used to enhance Cobourg Police Services’ Mental Health Engagement and Response Team by developing services, resources and programming dedicated toward youth. This will include working collaboratively with health partners to support and refer youth experiencing a mental health crisis to appropriate community supports. It will also create dedicated processes, strategies and training that handle the complexities associated with working with youth while leveraging existing youth support programs to deter future criminal behaviors. $228,106
Durham Regional Police Services Board

Project Salus
Through Project Salus, Durham Regional Police Service will create youth/gang liaison officer positions across the region and facilitate training to identify at risk youth for referrals to community partners as well as monitor and identify gang members/associates. Training and education will also be provided to frontline officers and community partners. A Bail Compliance Dashboard will also be created to ensure the compliance of high-risk offenders and aid in cross-service information sharing. $9,253,952
Hamilton Police Services Board

Crisis Response Branch
Project funding will help the Hamilton Police Service, in partnership with St Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton, respond to crises and deliver mental health services. The funding will support officers in various teams that respond to mental health crises such as Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team, Crisis Outreach and Support Team and Social Navigator Program, as well as training for officers, civilian and community partners who work in hand with the Crisis Response Branch. $6,774,728
Nottawasaga Police Services Board

Nottawasaga Continue Safe Pathways
Funding will be used to hire an additional crisis worker to expand the Nottawasaga Ontario Provincial Police Mobile Crisis Response Team and support the Community Mobilization Engagement Unit in its ongoing efforts to create awareness about local service agencies and enhance community safety and wellbeing. This will increase interventions and diversions that lower risks to officers and individuals in crisis. This will also increase the number of individuals that are referred to appropriate agencies, which in turn will reduce mental health calls. $294,094
Orillia Police Services Board

Crisis Outreach and Support Team
The Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST) will be expanded to include two Ontario Provincial Police constables and two mental health workers from the Canadian Mental Health Association to improve response to mental health-related calls. Funding will also support COAST to continue its proactive engagement with supporting organizations to help reduce police involvement and connect individuals to the appropriate community resources. $281,045
Midland Police Services Board and Penetanguishene Police Services Board

North Simcoe Crisis Management and Response Team
Funding will be used for the North Simcoe Crisis Management and Response Team - a partnership of police and health care professionals that responds to individuals in the community who are in an escalating state of mental or emotional distress. The goals of this partnership are to provide care and service in the community, assess results that can lead to the development of a hospital diversion strategy and maximize the accessibility of resources to community members. $196,731
Peterborough Community Police Services Board

Special Victims Unit
Funding will allow the Peterborough Police Service to continue initiatives with its newly created Special Victims Unit to enhance and improve its response to human trafficking, child exploitation, elder abuse, domestic violence and sexual violence and harassment. The grant will also support collaborative multi-sector training on these issues and additional resources. $1,447,380
Port Hope Police Services Board

Community safety well being and mental health officer
With a rise in mental health cases over the past two years, funding will allow the Port Hope Police Service to put an officer in the community safety and well-being role on a full-time basis. This officer will work with the Mental Health Engagement and Response Team to help those in crisis. They will also provide data to Northumberland County to ensure that the priorities of the Community Safety and Wellbeing Plan are being implemented. $252,940
Regional Municipality of Halton Police Services Board

Regional Community Mobilization Bureau
Funding will help the Regional Community Mobilization Bureau within the Halton Police Services Board to build capacity through community engagements and partnerships. Officers are assigned to variety of programs such as Community Mobilization, School Liaison, Youth Diversion, Older Adult Coordination and Mental Health Crisis Intervention, which will offer support to priority populations including youth, older adults, those suffering mental health and additions, 2SLGBTQQIA+, new Canadians as well as cultural and faith-based groups. $7,206,639
Regional Municipality of Niagara Police Services Board

Community Oriented Response and Engagement
The newly created Community Oriented Response & Engagement Unit is committed to enhancing engagement with Niagara’s community and youth long-term. Youth engagement opportunities will be sought out through various community agencies. The creation of this unit will provide an additional resource to district commanders and a more consistent foot and bicycle patrol presence within districts. Focusing on high visibility areas, the unit will foster new and enhance existing relationships with community members and help instill a greater trust and confidence within the community. $3,430,915
Regional Municipality of Niagara Police Services Board

Opioids Education and Enforcement
In collaboration the Niagara Health System and various community groups, the Niagara Regional Police Service's Opioid Enforcement and Education Unit will continue to better equip first responders to deal with the dangers of opioid handling and exposure. $926,058
Regional Municipality of Niagara Police Services Board

People In Crisis
To provide a robust response to dealing with people in crisis, Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Teams officers are paired with Mental Health Workers to assist in mental health crisis analysis and management. The goal is to increase outreach and support to Niagara citizens in crisis, help the Niagara Region Police Service work more closely with its community partners, reduce the number of apprehensions, interrupt the cycle of crisis and reduce officer hours spent at the hospital. $956,575
Regional Municipality of Niagara Police Services Board

Real Time Operations Centre
The Real Time Operations Centre (RTOC) assists frontline and investigative units by providing real time actionable intelligence. The RTOC plays a crucial role in notifying police of emerging events and assists in obtaining crucial information to optimize public safety. Currently the region has 60 operational CCTV cameras in the cities of Niagara Falls and St. Catharines. The funding will help with the expansion to other districts. $2,951,243
Regional Municipality of Peel Police Services Board

Project Aegis
Project Aegis will support Peel Region Police Service’s (PRP) contributions to the region’s Community Safety and Well-Being plan by creating an analytics bureau to gather centralized data and ensure programs are achieving their desired outcome. PRP will also pilot Complex Case Response Teams to better meet the needs of individuals in the community and provide additional support to PRP’s Divisional Mobilization Units which undertake key non-enforcement related outreach activities and support for priority populations in the community. $21,416,717
Regional Municipality of Peel Police Services Board – Caledon

Enhanced Traffic Enforcement Unit & Community Street Crime Unit
The Caledon Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police will enhance its Traffic Enforcement Unit and Community Street Crime Unit with the addition of 10 frontline officers assigned to both units combined. Both units will focus police resources on investigations, enforcement and education opportunities that target specific public safety concerns within the community of Caledon. $899,340
Regional Municipality of York Police Services Board

Project Meliora
York Regional Police Service’s Project Meliora supports frontline officers and enhances community safety and well-being. The grant funding will be used to help support road safety, property crimes, calls from individuals in crisis, those suffering from mental health issues and at-risk youth. The project will also enhance police modernization, community outreach, and community engagement to efficiently respond to local communities. $17,562,613
Shelburne Police Services Board

A Contemporary Policing Initiative
Funding will help address public safety issues including traffic enforcement, mental health and addictions as well as illegal drug trafficking and use. All activities of the initiative such as community engagement, collaboration with local Situation Table and project evaluation, are aligned with the Shelburne Police Service’s priorities to keep the community safe. $98,366
Toronto Police Services Board

Centralized Shooting Response Team
Funding will be used for the Centralized Shooting Response Team (CSRT), a dedicated team that provides centralized and consistent investigative response to all shootings and firearm discharges that take place in the city of Toronto. The team contributes to achieving the goals and objectives of Toronto Police Services’ Gun and Gang Strategy Framework by providing strategic, community informed, and intelligence-led enforcement that enhances public safety while minimizing social costs.  $13,337,841
Toronto Police Services Board

Connected Officer - Digital Officer Program
The Connected Officer - Digital Officer Program extends the use of modern technology by enabling Toronto Police Service members to receive and communicate information in a timely and relevant manner regardless of where they are. Funding will be use towards equipping every officer with a mobile device to enable increased community interaction and efficient task completion. $6,512,500
Toronto Police Services Board

Data Governance & Metadata Management
The Data Governance initiative will help the Toronto Police Service (TPS) to establish an enterprise-wide information governance and management framework to guide the overall management of TPS' data. Governance will provide guidance to ensure that data is accurate and consistent, complete, available and secure. This initiative will directly support the enablement of platform technologies to allow faster and easier access to information and services. $3,420,100
Toronto Police Services Board

Data Storage Modernization
Funding will support the Data Storage Modernization Initiative which will revamp Toronto Police Service’s data storage strategy to determine the approach, guidelines and timelines for data storage activities. The strategy will lay out a roadmap to better organize its data assets, find cost efficiencies and better support police investigations and front-line operations. $540,000
Toronto Police Services Board

Inclusive Policing Transformation Project
As a leader in area of diversity, equity, inclusion and human rights, Toronto Police Service (TPS) will use funding to improve how it serves the various diverse communities of the city of Toronto. It aims to collect, analyze and understand the interactions police officers have with those they serve, thus ensuring a future where inclusive policing practices are a part of the foundation of service. The goal is to build data collection strategies and inclusion projects that will help fulfill TPS’ vision of creating best practices on a wide spectrum of diversity related areas. $1,824,800
Toronto Police Services Board

Neighbourhood Officer Program-Expansion
The Neighbourhood Community Officer Program was first introduced across the City of Toronto in 2013. Neighbourhood Community Officers work in partnership with local residents and community-based organizations to address community safety and quality of life issues. The program has been responsible for embedding officers directly into communities, not primarily for enforcement-related activities, but also to build and sustain strong, positive, and collaborative partnerships with community members. $12,239,200
Toronto Police Services Board

Public Safety Response Team
Funding will support the Public Safety Response Team (PSRT) which has a comprehensive mandate that focuses on positive community engagement as well as extreme event response, public order, search management and critical infrastructure protection. PSRT provides the Toronto Police Service with the operational flexibility to meet the complex demands of Toronto’s many communities and neighbourhoods and uses an intelligence-led deployment strategy to enhance safety in the city. $33,000,000
Town of Collingwood Police Services Board

High School Resource Officer
Working collaboratively with community partners, this ongoing project consists of a dedicated uniformed officer with the Collingwood Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police who is responsible for the two high schools in Collingwood. The officer will continue to work closely with staff, parents and community support groups to ensure the safety and security of the students. $84,313

East region local priorities funding recipients

Organization and program name Program description Funding amount ($) over three years
Belleville Police Services Board

Welcoming Streets Belleville
The Welcoming Streets Outreach program in Belleville, is dedicated to fortifying its impact on the vulnerable community while simultaneously reducing unnecessary calls to local police. The program focuses on implementing proactive measures to address issues affecting the vulnerable community, collaborating closely with local businesses and police to identify and resolve potential concerns before they escalate. This approach not only minimizes the need for police intervention but also contributes to fostering a safer environment. The program places a significant emphasis on victim-centered support services, prioritizing the unique needs of individuals facing homelessness, mental health challenges, and addiction issues. Through close collaboration with social service agencies, the initiative aims to provide wrap-around support, addressing the underlying causes of vulnerability and contributing to the overall well-being of the affected population. Welcoming Streets program also focuses on harm reduction strategy that aim to mitigate risks and enhance the overall well-being of the vulnerable population. By providing education and resources on harm reduction practices, the program empowers community members and individuals to take an active role building healthy communities. $615,471
Brockville Police Services Board

A Contemporary Brockville Community Policing Initiative
Brockville Police Service will work collaboratively with social, health and justice-focused agencies and organizations on two priority areas within its community policing programming: mental health and addictions as well as outreach to youth at risk. Funding will be used to address the needs of persons struggling with mental health and addictions issues by steering them to services and supports versus contact with the criminal justice system. Also, funding will be put towards a Community Safety Officer who will provide a range of community policing support programs. $168,627
Cornwall Police Services Board

Enhanced Youth Support/Community Mobilization
Cornwall Police Service will use funding to enhance its Youth Support and Community Mobilization for Crime Prevention Programs. These two successful local initiatives will continue to use well established, effective strategies and add emphasis on integrating innovative outcome-based approaches that are focused on keeping the community safe and resilient. $491,829
Deep River Police Services Board

Assistance through Prevention
Recognizing that video camera systems, education, training and prevention are key elements that can be used to prevent someone from being victimized, Deep River Police Service will use funding to install video systems at the police station and key locations in the Town of Deep River. Deep River police officers, with local partners, will conduct education and training presentations to community members to increase knowledge and prevent them from becoming a victim of person and property crimes. $84,313
Gananoque Police Services Board

Leading the Way 2.0: A Contemporary Community Policing Initiative
As part of this local initiative, a Community Outreach Partnership (COP) will be created - an innovative program that creates a positive bridge between police and community supports to ensure individuals get the help they need. As part of community outreach and engagement programs, a portion of officer time will be dedicated to strengthening community outreach and engagement. Funds will also be used to acquire a comprehensive technical solution for police response to mental health crisis calls. $182,679
Hawkesbury Police Services Board

Mobile Crisis Response Team - Enhanced
The Hawkesbury and Russell Detachments of the Ontario Provincial Police, along with Hawkesbury General Hospital Mental Health and Addiction Regional Centre, formed the collaborative Mobile Crisis Response Team in 2021. This co-response model provides timely and appropriate intervention to individuals experiencing a mental health and addiction crisis. The funding will help enhance the current model for the Hawkesbury team to address gaps in response capabilities. $98,364
Kingston Police Services Board

Joining Forces in Mental Health and Addictions Crisis Response:  A Contemporary and Collaborative Policing Initiative
Building on the positive outcomes of the Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team and the Crisis Outreach and Support Team initiatives, the funding will help Kingston Police Service increase staff to enable the team to handle more mental health related calls. This initiative supports Kingston Police’s Mental Health Collaboration Model to be more supportive community partners in mental health strategies. $2,671,559
Ottawa Police Services Board

Advancing Community Policing in Ottawa
Funding will support Ottawa Police Service’s Advancing Community Policing in Ottawa initiative to work with and support its diverse communities. The initiative aims to explore, engage and invest in community partnerships; deliver programs that address risks known to be associated with crime, disorder and victimization; use risk-based approaches to prioritize efforts based on need to ensure resources have the greatest impact; and cultivate a culture of open communication, mutual respect and understanding. Specifically, the initiative includes community outreach and engagement, developing strategies and plans aligned with the province’s Community Safety and Well-Being Framework, refining the service delivery model, enhancing service delivery partnerships and community education and awareness. $8,928,187
Ottawa Police Services Board

Enhancing Traffic and Road Safety in Ottawa
The Enhancing Traffic & Road Safety in Ottawa project is a framework of important goals to improve the impact and efficiency of traffic enforcement efforts. It supports policing efforts as part of Ottawa’s Towards Zero program that aims to reduce collisions, focusing on those with injuries and fatalities. Funding will support the further development of strong partnerships in the community and a vigorous public education component considered essential to achieving this goal. $8,354,264
Pembroke Police Services Board

Project Lifesaver
Participants in the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and the Dementia Society of Ottawa and Renfrew County’s Project Lifesaver Program wear a personalized wristband that allows specially trained OPP officers to effectively respond if caregivers notify police that their loved one is missing. Funding will be used to purchase and supply the mobile-location tracking equipment needed for participants to be located quickly and efficiently, thus reducing the risk of harm to themselves as well as time spent by police conducting a search for them. $36,980
Perth Police Services Board

Lanark County Situation Table and Community Safety and Well-being: Collaborating Upstream
The Lanark County Situation Table and Community Safety and Well-being: Collaborating Upstream project will expand on opportunities with partners to help vulnerable populations in the community. Funding will be used for training, advocacy and outreach, and an enhanced coordination role for increased communication and support in areas such as administration, reporting, liaising/networking for related collaborative programs. $168,67
Prescott Police Services Board

Mobile Crisis Response Team
Funding will be used to support the continuation of the Mobile Crisis Response Team, a partnership between the Ontario Provincial Police and Brockville General Hospital - Mental Health Services, to assist individuals who may be experiencing a mental health or addiction crisis. The team provides comprehensive support which includes contacting the resident, determining what resources are needed, making initial connections with service providers, and following up to ensure services are being utilized. $84,313
Quinte West Police Services Board

Enhance partnerships with community resources to enable robust, wrap around supports for citizens, while reducing unnecessary police interactions.
This project builds on existing police partnerships with St. Leonard's Intersections Program, victim assistance, addictions and mental health and other community support agencies that help expand police capacity to redirect vulnerable members of the community to appropriate resources. Funding will allow partner agencies to increase the hours they can staff programs for referrals by police. $182,679
Renfrew Police Services Board

Renfrew County Risk Watch (Situation Table)
The Renfrew County Situation Table (RCST) will continue its collaborative work among 16 partner agencies representing various sectors including justice, health, education and social services. The RCST project provides immediate help to people who are at an acutely elevated risk to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of police services and help enhance overall community safety and wellbeing. $98,366
Smiths Falls Police Services Board

Strengthening our Community Outreach and Engagement: A Smiths Falls Community Policing Initiative
Funding will support community outreach and engagement programs that focus on addressing mental health and addictions in the community, increasing police surveillance and enforcement regarding gang activity and drug use, and reinforcing outreach with youth at risk. This project continues from the success of the previous grant cycle which supported front line officers that play a vital role in the increased attention to surveillance and enforcement of drug trafficking and organized crime movement through the town. $182,679

West region local priorities funding recipients

Organization and program name Program description Funding amount ($) over three years
Aylmer Police Services Board

Values Influences and Peers/School Resource Officer and Mental Health Crisis Response Team
Aylmer Police Service will use funding for its Values Influences and Peers School Resource Officer Program to expand service delivery and police officer engagement in local schools and update the curriculum to include youth-relevant issues such as cyberbullying. Funding will also be used to enhance the Mental Health Crisis Response Team by adding one police officer and one mental health clinician to work together on a robust response to mental health crisis calls that includes follow-up and after care. $84,313
Brantford Police Services Board

Crisis Outreach and Supportive Team
Brantford Police Service will use funding for its Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST) program. COAST provides a secondary response to crisis calls that supplements the primary response of the Mobile Crisis Response Team. COAST provides assertive outreach to emotionally disturbed persons, those experiencing serious mental health illness and addiction by intervening to reduce the likelihood of incidents becoming critical. $700,686
Brantford Police Services Board

Mobile Crisis Response Team
Funding will be used to help Brantford Police Service’s Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team (MCRT) program improve its response to individuals in the community suffering from mental health issues. First established in 2015, the MCRT has streamlined communication between officers and mental health staff and has been expanded as needs were identified. $1,460,761
Chatham-Kent Police Services Board

Community Mobilization Section
Funding will be used to expand capacity and support the work of Chatham-Kent Police Service’s Community Mobilization Section, a program that promotes a holistic approach to community safety. Recognizing that crime, poverty, physical and mental health, addictions and isolation are viewed as contributing factors to safety, the team works with multiple community agencies in addressing social issues in the community. $2,079,731
County of Brant Police Services Board

Project Serve and Detect: A Joint Collaboration with Brant Safe Streets
Brant Ontario Provincial Police and the County of Brant are working together to share information on traffic issues, enforcement and education to ensure that the County of Brant can be a safe and secure area to travel for all community members. This includes the use of Automated License Plate Recognition technology that allows for an officer to be more reactive, increase community safety and bring awareness to local safety initiatives. $295,097
County of Wellington Police Services Board

IMPACT - Support After Suicide
The funding will support the expansion of IMPACT Support After Suicide initiative which consists of the Wellington Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) mental health coordinator, a peer navigator, and a mental health clinician. The OPP mental health coordinator activates the team following a suicide and offers supports to family, friends, witnesses, and workplaces. These supports aim to help mitigate the increased risk of depression, anxiety, trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance use and suicide that individuals may experience. $674,506
Elgin Group Police Services Board

Community Mobilization and Engagement/Mental Health & Traffic Safety and Enforcement
Grant funding will support the continued work of the community mobilization and engagement/mental health officer who works collaboratively with individuals, community groups and social agencies to identify and create solutions to gaps in service and provide accessibility to services for those in need. In addition, the funding will support officers who provide traffic management and enforcement services in support of the community and frontline members. The Traffic Management Unit is responsive to community-identified traffic issues as well as issues identified through data analysis. $379,410
Essex Police Services Board

Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team and Mental Health Response Unit and Youth Crisis Rapid Response  an existing police co-response model with Essex County OPP. This encompasses the Essex County OPP Crisis Response.
The Mental Health Crisis team responds to calls from individuals that have suspected mental health, addictions, and other crises. Their joined experiences and education assist them with de-escalating situations using advanced skills training, an understanding of mental health and addictions, as well as their expertise in dealing with traumatic events. The collective work of the team has led to positive outcomes such as decreased wait times in the hospital, increased and enhanced follow up as well as community referrals, reduction in the number of repeated calls and the efficient mobilization of community services to meet the needs of individuals, families, and the public. $1,363,066
Grey Highlands Police Services Board

Grey Highlands School & Community Engagement & Safety Officer
The Grey Highlands Police Services Board will maintain the role of the school and community engagement and safety officer. This officer works directly with youth in the Grey Highlands community where they are viewed as allies and partners and provide help when needed. $98,366
Guelph Police Services Board

Integrated Mobile Police and Crisis Team
Funding will be used to continue to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Guelph Police Service’s (GPS) response to mental health occurrences. The project includes enhancing training for officers to respond to mental health calls and increasing community education and awareness of mental health issues and supports as part of the GPS’s efforts to engage and work collaboratively with the community. $2,585,185
Hanover Police Services Board

Community Trails and Downtown Safety - Increasing Police Presence
The Hanover Police Services Board will expand its volunteer organization known as the Trails-Eyes and Ears Group. This volunteer group regularly walks the trails in the Grey-Bruce area and reports suspicious activity and damages to the police. The community has a significant population of people with mental health issues, drug addiction, inadequate housing and homelessness and the trails are an impacted area. The volunteers help increase visibility on the trails and in the parks. The funding will support officers to conduct patrols in downtown, trails and parks and engage with local residents to improve safety. $84,000
Kincardine Police Services Board

School Resource Officer- Education and Awareness Program
Funding will be used to continue the School Resource Officer Program which places a dedicated police officer in schools in Kincardine and the surrounding area. The program includes the delivery of educational programs to develop long-term benefits of social development, risk reduction and intervention, on-site safety and security, investigation of school-based incidents and the development of a large network of community partnerships. The school resource officer also works closely with school administration to assist in planning for school emergencies and addresses routine safety and wellbeing concerns within the school. $98,366
Lambton Police Services Board

Project Vulnerable- Mobile Crisis Response Team
The grant will allow Lambton County’s Mobile Crisis Response Team – comprised of mental health clinicians employed by the Canadian Mental Health Association Lambton Kent working alongside Ontario Provincial Police Lambton Detachment officers – to continue to respond to crisis calls as part of an integrated response model by providing funding for one of the clinicians. $379,230
LaSalle Police Services Board

Community Outreach and Support Team Officer
The funding will assist the LaSalle Police Service to continue with its critical mental health support initiative. The new Community Outreach and Support Team (COAST) will consist of an experienced police officer partnered with a qualified Community Crisis Social Worker from Hotel-Dieu Grace Health Care to conduct in-home assessments and help individuals with chronic and persistent mental health concerns, those who have been victimized, and those who have frequent contacts with police and hospitals. $337,500
LaSalle Police Services Board

Traffic Enforcement Unit Coordinator
Grant funding will help provide the LaSalle Police Service’s Traffic Enforcement Unit with the necessary tools and resources to enable the deployment of frontline officers when and where they are needed most to support traffic management, enforcement and road safety. $336,888
London Police Services Board

Community Foot Patrol Unit
The Community Foot Patrol Unit (CFPU) is an integral part of the London Police Service comprised of two sergeants and 19 constables who are deployed on foot and bicycles throughout the year. They provide a highly visible and approachable police presence in the downtown core to enhance community safety and well-being. The funding will help the London Police Service continue the successful work that the CFPU engages in daily. $7,174,221
North Perth Police Services Board and West Perth Police Services Board

Community Safety Unit
Grant funding will support the Community Safety Unit (CSU) that has been formed by the Perth County Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police. The CSU aims to decrease mental health and addiction calls for service and educate about community issues such as addiction, mental health and human trafficking by engaging with local schools and local media. $182,679
Orangeville Police Services Board

Dufferin Mobile Crisis Support
Funding will expand the continuum of care for mental health and addiction clients to include a mobile co-response team which partners a police officer and a skilled crisis worker to respond to all mental health calls in the community. This partnership will provide an opportunity to operationalize a model for crisis response where the knowledge, skills and abilities of both police and clinical staff address a number of crisis response system/service issues, as well as to reduce the policing and hospital costs associated with mental health and addictions. $449,232
Owen Sound Police Services Board

Mobile Mental Health and Addictions Response Team 
Owen Sound Police Services will use the funding to continue to support the Mobile Mental Health and Addictions Response Team (MMHART). MMHART helps create a circle of care with community partners for individuals suffering from mental health and addictions issues, reduces mental health calls for service and the time spent on mental health calls by frontline officers, and provides training and education for officers and the community. $150,000
Owen Sound Police Services Board

Part Time Officer Program
Grant funding will offset costs for the Owen Sound Police Service, a small municipal police service that serves approximately 22,000 residents, to hire part-time police officers to help supplement its full-time personnel. As a regional hub for hospital and medical services, shopping and employment, the daily population increases to an estimated 40,000, creating demands on policing. Part-time police officers augment the police service’s frontline policing resources. $538,560
Sarnia Police Services Board

Mental Health Engagement and Response Team
Funding will support the Mental Health Engagement and Response Team, a collaborative response by the Sarnia Police Service (SPS), the Lambton-Kent Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) and Bluewater Health to provide rapid response to members of the Sarnia community who are suffering from addiction or a mental health condition and are in crisis. The team will be comprised of one sworn officer of the SPS accompanied by a licensed psychiatric assessment nurse (PAN) from the CMHA. $421,567
Saugeen Shores Police Services Board

Support Services Supervisor
In partnership with municipalities of Bruce and Grey, Saugeen Shores Police Service looks to address community safety priorities such as mental health, addictions/substance use, crime prevention, housing, homelessness and poverty. This grant will allow for the hiring of a support services supervisor to ensure the effective deployment of frontline police officers and the implementation of public safety and community policing initiatives that address local priorities. $182,679
St. Thomas Police Services Board

Project Downtown Connect
This initiative consists of two teams; Mobile Outreach and Support Team (MOST) and Foot Patrol Team. The MOST Team provides early and proactive intervention, de-escalation, and safe transition to appropriate care for persons in crisis or at risk of crisis due to mental health or addictions issues. The Foot Patrol Team aims to increase police visibility in busy areas, enhance citizens' feeling of safety, and build bridges between citizens and police. $786,925
Stratford Police Services Board

Part Time Police Officer Program
A part time policing program is a cost effective and flexible means to increase staff complement on a temporary or interim basis while changes to the frontline service delivery model can be fully implemented and assessed and reduce stress on existing staff. This program has been implemented in many police services with very positive impacts on frontline service delivery and community safety. As part of this program, funding will be used to support four part time officers. $533,985
Strathroy-Caradoc Police Services Board

TERM stands for enhance "Technology", increase "Engagement", expand "Road Safety" and model the way in "Mental Health".  Through this initiative, each category will be improved by acquiring technical tools, building relationships with community partners and agencies, providing traffic awareness campaigns and enforcement, as well as integrating a successful mobile crisis intervention program with the local Canadian Mental Health Association when responding to persons in crisis. $421,566
Township of Blandford-Blenheim Police Service Board, Ingersoll Police Services Board, Norwich Police Services Board, Tillsonburg Police Services Board and Township of East Zorra-Tavistock Police Services Board

Community Mobilization Officer Initiative
Funding will be provided jointly to the five police boards and used to expand the role of the community mobilization officer position within the Oxford Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police. It will allow the officer to continue to maintain valuable partnerships related to human trafficking and mental health supports as well as to work with diverse communities in the county and combat crime directed toward them. $400,489
Township of Blandford-Blenheim Police Service Board, Ingersoll Police Services Board, Norwich Police Services Board, Tillsonburg Police Services Board and Township of East Zorra-Tavistock Police Services Board

Community Oriented Response and Engagement Officer
The Oxford detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police, supported by the five Police Services Boards, will use funding to transform an existing position into a community-oriented response and engagement officer. The goal is to build partnerships with business stakeholders by having an officer conduct foot patrol within the downtown core business areas with the aim to connect with economically marginalized community members as well as address ongoing commercial motor vehicle traffic and safety issues in the county.  $400,489
Waterloo Police Services Board

Community Engagement and Wellbeing Branch with the Crisis Call Diversion Program
The Community Engagement and Wellbeing Branch (CEWB) is comprised of two units: The Community Engagement Unit (CEU) and the Direct Action Response Team (DART). Each unit is responsible for proactive, visible patrol in communities experiencing elevated risk to safety, supporting front-line officers and bolstering community safety and wellbeing. With this funding, the CEWB will also support the Crisis Call Diversion Program, which will see mental health professionals embedded into the Waterloo Police Services Communication Centre for the purpose of screening and diverting calls for service to appropriate response. $9,309,273
West Grey Police Services Board

Enhancing police response to victims of violent crime
The West Grey Police Service’s (WGPS) goal is to expand its Criminal Investigation Office. This funding will allow a dedicated officer to investigate crimes and prepare education sessions for the vulnerable and school communities as well as work on difficult, complex crimes. WGPS will also continue its ongoing community engagement programs that deal with bullying, sexual violence, life choices and resiliency development, anti human trafficking and cyber-safety. $168,627
Windsor Police Services Board

Community Outreach and Support Team, Situation Table and Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team
This funding will help the Community Outreach and Support Team (COAST) Windsor Situation Table and Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team (MCRRT) to work together to provide supports to individuals experiencing mental health and addictions related to crisis (or who are at risk of facing one). Connecting individuals with the appropriate community resources and agencies ensures high risk individuals have the supports they need to prevent crisis, diverts away from hospitals and/or justice system and allows for frontline officers to focus on law enforcement duties. $1,489,629
Windsor Police Services Board

Problem Oriented Policing Unit
Windsor Police Service will use the funding to enhance its Problem Oriented Policing (POP) Unit which focuses on crime prevention, law enforcement, provides assistance to victims of crime, public order maintenance, emergency response and helps facilitate referrals to various health/social programs. The POP Unit works with community partners from social services, mental health and medical and addiction assistance and is aligned with the Windsor Essex Regional Community and Safety Well-Being plan. $3,837,684
Woodstock Police Services Board

Community Response Unit (CRU)
The funding will allow Woodstock Police Service to create a Community Response Unit for high visibility in the downtown core and develop localized strategies to assist people with mental health and substance abuse issues. With the creation of this unit, the Woodstock Police Service will provide proactive policing and work with local residents and community organizations to address and support community safety. $997,709

Northeast region local priorities funding recipients

Organization and program name Program description Funding amount ($) over three years
Elliot Lake Police Services Board

Mobile Crisis Response Team - mental health and education
Project funding will support the extension of Elliot Lake’s Mobile Crisis Response Team MCRT) Project. Initiated in 2020, the MCRT is a partnership between the Elliot Lake Police Services Board, the City of Elliot Lake, the Ontario Provincial Police and the Counselling Centre of East Algoma. Through the MCRT, a social worker partners with an officer to provide a joint response to individuals in crisis to better assist those experiencing mental health issues. $281,045
Espanola Police Services Board

Espanola and LaCloche Foothills Region Community Safety and Wellbeing Plan Implementation
Funding will be used to support the communities of Baldwin, Espanola, Nairn and Hyman and Sables-Spanish Rivers in their joint initiative to develop a community safety and well-being plan. With priority areas of mental health and addictions, affordable housing, access to services and seniors, through the plan, the project aims to grow existing community safety and policing resources while also developing new initiatives with the intent to create a sustainable and collaborative framework that will advance this work once the project cycle is complete. $281,045
Greater Sudbury Police Services Board

Police Community Response Centre
The Police Community Response Centre was created to reprioritize calls for service and provide alternative forms of police response. The Greater Sudbury Police Service will use funding to improve CopLogic – an online reporting system that is part of its Police Community Response Centre. Expanding the types of incidents that can be reported to include hate/bias crime and human trafficking will help reduce call volume at the patrol operations level, enhance overall service delivery and provide additional opportunities and avenues for victims and survivors to report crimes of a sensitive nature that are severely underreported. $1,403,952
Greater Sudbury Police Services Board

Sexual Violence Response & Reduction Team
The Sexual Violence Response & Reduction Team will build on work completed and efforts underway to reduce sexual victimization in the community and support survivors of sexual violence in both physical and cyberspace. Two positions with Greater Sudbury Police Service (GSPS) will evolve to improve case management, and GSPS will continue to ensure survivors of various forms of sexual violence have a safe space to report their experience and are met with compassion and understanding. $811,324
Greater Sudbury Police Services Board

The Community Engagement and Response Team
The Community Engagement and Response Team (CERT) will increase staffing to improve coordination among partners for Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team calls for service. CERT will also be enhanced to include proactive initiatives for vulnerable persons experiencing economic insecurity (i.e., homelessness) such as additional patrols in populated encampment areas to offer appropriate resources. $1,881,886
Kirkland Lake Police Services Board

Opioid Enforcement and Collaboration project
The Kirkland Lake Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police will augment its Community Street Crime Unit with an additional member to continue to gather intelligence, conduct complex investigations, enforcement and support community driven initiatives to combat opioid overdoses. Funding will also be used to purchase specialized equipment to create efficiencies and support investigative efforts. $84,313
North Bay Police Services Board

Community Outreach Officer
The funding will be used to support two full-time officers with the North Bay Police Service dedicated to community outreach that will help increase public safety and reduce crime. The Community Outreach Officer Program will focus on improving the lives of community members by preventing and reducing crime through community policing. Officers assigned to this program will work together to build community partnerships, identify local priorities, engage with community members and increase trust. $618,000
North Bay Police Services Board

Gateway Hub Officer Project
Funding will be used to support the role of full-time officer with the North Bay Police Service dedicated to the Gateway Hub. The Gateway Hub is a multi-sectoral risk intervention model (Situation Table) that provides a frontline, multi-agency forum for identifying individuals and families who are at risk. To meet the unique and immediate needs of these individuals and families, the Gateway Hub addresses the complex and often at-risk situations through a multi-sectoral commitment to systemic engagement. These collaborative interventions occur swiftly, offering appropriate agency referrals, services, and assistance to those in need and often within 24-48 hours. $309,000
North Bay Police Services Board

Mobile Crisis Team
The Mobile Crisis Team (MCT) is a community-led collaborative partnership between the North Bay Police Service (NBPS) and the North Bay Regional Health Centre. The funding will be used to support the role of two full-time officers dedicated to the MCT. It will also help increase outreach and support to individuals and families in crisis, help the NBPS work more closely with community partners, reduce the number of apprehensions and reduce officer hours spent at the hospital. $618,000
Sault Ste. Marie Police Services Board   

Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team and Community Safety Officer Initiatives
Funding will provide the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service with the resources needed to run its Mobile Crisis Response Team and Community Safety Officer to supplement front-line officers and tackle local issues, as well as continue to train officers on diversity, equity, and inclusion and help people who struggle with mental health and addictions. The grant will also support Dynamic Patrol, a proactive patrol in high need/high risk areas that reduces crime and helps keep the community safe. $2,585,611
Temiskaming Shores Police Services Board

Drug Prevention, Education, Response and Enforcement Efforts
With drug use/abuse and overdose incidents remaining a growing issue in Temiskaming Shores and surrounding area, the Controlled Substance Education and Street Crime Enforcement initiative will focus on making further progress on strategies and improvements in key areas to address concerns for community well-being and public safety as it relates to drug use.  $84,313
Timmins Police Services Board

Community Mobilization - Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team, Outreach and Community Safety Team, and Indigenous Liaison
Funding will help Timmins Police Service establish the most effective and efficient community mobilization programs by analyzing modifications and implementing them to meet local needs. This approach requires community stakeholder involvement from areas such as the health, social services, and Indigenous sectors. $1,742,477
West Nipissing Police Services Board

Creation of West Nipissing Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team
The Nipissing West Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) will use funding to create a Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team that will consist of one OPP constable who will work in conjunction with a mental health professional to address the growing concerns of mental health related calls for service within the Municipality of West Nipissing. $363,576

Northwest region local priorities funding recipients

Organization and program name Program description Funding amount ($) over three years

Dryden Police Services Board

The Pathway Project - Transforming enforcement into restoration

Funding will allow the OPP Dryden Detachment (now amalgamated with Dryden Police Services) to add an addictions specialist who will lead impactful and motivational post-charge intervention to help divert people from the vicious cycle of recidivism and enforcement as well as expedite a pathway into treatment. This diversion will help reduce the need for intensive and proactive drug enforcement activity and calls for service for drug trafficking. $241,696
Kenora Police Services Board

Mobile Crisis Response Team
Funding will support the health, justice, mental health and addiction sectors of Kenora District that have joined together to develop a model for a mobile crisis response to better meet the needs of persons experiencing mental health and/or addictions-related crises. The goal is to build on the existing services and strengths in the district and work collaboratively to improve access to timely crisis assessment and intervention in the community. $93,134
Kenora Police Services Board

Mobile Crisis Response Team - Youth
In partnership with the Kenora Chiefs Advisory Council, Kenora Police Service’s Mobile Crisis Response Team will continue to provide crisis response to services for youth ages 12 to 24 in Kenora. Funding will support the team’s work to respond to crisis calls from youth, as well as meet with youth placed into care who are acutely at risk. $750,000
Red Lake Police Services Board

Red Lake - Ear Falls Mobile Crisis Response Team
Funding will help offset costs for the Ontario Provincial Police Red Lake detachment to continue to support efforts of the Municipality of Red Lake, Township of Ear Falls and community partners to address issues related to mental health that impact the community. This includes the detachment’s role in supervising the Mobile Crisis Response Team.   $196,731
Shuniah Police Services Board

Frontline police officer enforcement and deployment to work with the Municipality of Shuniah
Funding will provide for a frontline liaison officer to work with the Municipality of Shuniah on local priorities and address law enforcement needs to support the Community Safety and Well-Being Planning Framework. The initiative will focus on social development, prevention, risk intervention and incident response with a goal to have a healthier community, increased understanding of vulnerable groups and neighborhoods, increased engagement of community groups and reduced investment in and reliance on incident response. $196,731
Sioux Narrows Nestor Falls Police Services Board

Community Services Officer
Funding provided will cover the expense of a Sioux Narrows Nestor Falls community services officer that will help enhance community safety. The community services officer is a patrol member dedicated to the Township of Sioux Narrows - Nester Falls whose time is spent exclusively in Sioux Narrows and Nester Falls and the Lake of the Woods area that surrounds the community. $196,731
Thunder Bay Police Services Board

Collaborative on Mental Health Crisis Response Project
Thunder Bay Police Service, in partnership with the Canadian Mental Health Association – Thunder Bay and the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre, will enhance an existing collaborative, public safety and community policing initiative: the Integrated Mobile Police and Crisis Team (IMPACT). The IMPACT program partners a police officer and crisis worker together in the same car to respond to all mental health related and/or substance related 911 calls. $1,878,599
Thunder Bay Police Services Board

Innovations in Community Partnerships Project for Collaboration and Support of Front-line Policing
The funding will support dedicated civilian staff to coordinate police initiatives utilizing harm reduction and wholistic health approaches to crisis, crime, and disorder issues. The coordinator will support front line police officers in the development of additional tools, training and education which address the risk factors of root causes of crisis in the community. Additionally, an analyst will provide support to assess trends, track financial and system data to support local hub model partnerships and front-line officers. This will assist in the development of tools and initiatives to support front-line deployment of officers where they are needed most to prevent or respond to community issues. $569,392

Projects receiving provincial priorities funding

From 2022-25, we are investing $43 million for 46 projects across Ontario that support provincial community safety priorities.

Central region

Organization and program name Program description Funding amount ($) over three years
Barrie Police Services Board

Project One Stop Shop
The Barrie Police Service will use funding for Project One Stop Shop, a centralized social service centre campus that will house a diverse representation of social service agencies. Consolidating services into one location with a circle-of-care model will improve support to Barrie’s at-risk population and allow care providers to better prepare for current and future needs. This integrated service delivery model will reduce services “working in silos” and offer benefits of collaboration, awareness, resources and shared learning opportunities. $1,456,130
Bradford West Gwillimbury & Innisfil Police Services Board

In Our Sights 2.0: A Progressive South Simcoe Policing Initiative to Combat Human Trafficking and Sexual Violence
The South Simcoe Police Service (SSPS) will utilize this funding to add a full-time investigator to its Crimes Against Persons Unit to address a rise in sex crimes in the area, including human trafficking, sex trade, child exploitation and sexual assault and violence, and bolster its crime analytics capacity. In addition, SSPS will look to increase partnerships with community agencies to address human trafficking and sexual violence, establish a sex crime working group, pursue a multi-agency collaboration as well as enhance operations targeting virtual platforms. $370,383
Cobourg Police Services Board

Homelessness, Addiction Response Project
Funding will be used to expand Cobourg Police Service’s Homelessness, Addiction Response Project (HARP). One officer will be dedicated to identifying service organizations with resources for mental health, addiction and homelessness in the community. HARP will create an outreach and education program, establish an inter-service community communication plan, and develop a permanent police presence in the downtown core that works with community partners to help the homeless and persons suffering from mental health and addiction issues get connected to the services they need. $410,591
Durham Regional Police Services Board

To make tangible progress and address priority risk factors identified in Durham Region’s Community Safety and Well-Being (CSWB) Plan, Durham Regional Police Service’s (DRPS) Project Upstream will create a CSWB coordinator position; launch a CSWB Liaison Officer Program; develop and provide specialized training for DRPS officers and community partners; and improve focus on data-driven evaluation and analysis. Project UPSTREAM will also work to help ensure effective collaboration among all community human services partners in the region and will support a reduction in the number of situations of acutely elevated risk. $1,139,040
Regional Municipality of Halton Police Services Board

#NoHateInHalton - Promoting Respect, Equity and Inclusivity in our Community
Halton Regional Police Service and the Region of Halton have partnered to develop a progressive and comprehensive Community Safety and Well Being Plan focusing on four zones of intervention including incident response, risk intervention, prevention and social development. The Region of Halton has had a significant increase in the number of reported hate incidents. With this funding, the #NoHateInHalton project will build further capacity within the Regional Municipality of Halton Police Service and the community to effectively respond to acts of hate. The project will increase support and training for frontline officers, provide education and outreach opportunities to the community, aim to reduce barriers to reporting and increase the feeling of community safety by supporting impacted individuals and groups. $1,204,789
Hamilton Police Services Board

Rapid Intervention Support Team
Funding will enable the development of the Rapid Intervention and Support Team (RIST). RIST will be made up of a program coordinator, officers, paramedics, a housing navigator, an addiction navigator, a mental health navigator, a youth navigator, a women’s systems navigator and an Indigenous navigator. It will focus on supporting those who are homeless, experiencing mental illness and/or struggling with addiction. It will offer in-the-moment supports to navigate social service and healthcare systems and will refer them to appropriate services to improve their quality of life and decrease their negative interaction with police. The youth navigator and youth officers will facilitate the Youth Engagement Series (Y.E.S.) for youth 15-24 years old. The Y.E.S. program will be a six-part presentation series on various topics (human trafficking, guns and gangs, social media, vice and drugs, support services, individuals with lived experience). $1,493,539
Midland Police Services Board

Enforcement and crime suppression of gun and gang violence and drug trafficking
The Ontario Provincial Police Central Region’s Community Street Crime Unit (CSCU) will continue its enforcement and crime suppression efforts to end gun and gang violence and drug trafficking. Project funding will help expand the communities involved to include Midland, Penetanguishene, Caledon, Orangeville, Shelburne, Orillia, Collingwood, and Nottawasaga. It will also help equip CSCU teams with enhanced tools, additional personnel and provide a more collaborative approach to combat gun and gang violence in these communities. $1,127,969
Regional Municipality of Niagara Police Services Board

NRPS Human Trafficking Unit
As the number of sexual services being advertised within the Niagara Region has increased significantly, the expansion of Niagara Regional Police Service’s Human Trafficking has led to the increase in proactive investigations which in turn has produced positive results. Funding will be used to add two detective constables to the unit. They will respond reactively to reports generated by frontline policing on daily basis. $1,350,000  
Orillia Police Services Board

Crisis Outreach and Support Team
The Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST) engages and liaises with at-risk individuals in the community prior to a potential mental health related crisis. Through this funding, COAST will add two Ontario Provincial Police constables and two mental health workers from the Canadian Mental Health Association who will respond both proactively and reactively to mental health related calls for service. COAST will also explore the possibility of widening its network of mental health stakeholders to provide greater assistance in proactive mental health outreach. $319,794
Regional Municipality of Peel Police Services Board

Project Care
Peel Regional Police Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Unit investigates complaints of family violence, support survivors and lay charges. Since the IPV Unit was launched in April 2021 with 48 specialized officers, charges for sexual and intimate partner violence increased 47 per cent. Through Project CARE, funding will support the hiring of additional officers so the IPV Unit can respond to the current level of calls for service and provide additional specialized trauma support and care to victims of family violence. In addition, funding will be used to help increase awareness, education and training about IPV for community organizations, police officers and the public. $1,500,000
Peterborough Community Police Services Board

Special Victims Unit
The Peterborough Police Services’ Special Victims Unit (SVU) is a specialized and dedicated unit to enhance and improve police response to human trafficking. Through this funding, the SVU will maintain one full-time and one part-time human trafficking investigator as well as five full-time victim services personnel. A major crimes detective and a part-time data analyst will be added to allow the team to serve a wider range of victims. In addition, funding will also support the continuation of programs to help fight organized crime, stop human trafficking and find missing persons. $1,500,000
Saugeen Shores Police Services Board

Prepared to Respond - Enhanced Sexual Violence & Harassment Investigations through awareness, education, and training
Saugeen Shores Police Service (SSPS), in partnership with support agencies, will use funding to improve its investigative processes and support for victims of sexual violence and harassment. The project will expand training to assist officers with providing a compassionate approach to develop the necessary skills and knowledge when investigating sexual violence and harassment issues. SSPS will work with Victim Services Bruce Grey Perth to provide a safe and trusting environment for victims to participate in the criminal investigation and subsequent court proceedings. $80,270
Toronto Police Services Board

Toronto Police Service Program for Provincial Genetic Genealogy Investigations
The funding will assist the Toronto Police Service (TPS) to establish a program to make genetic genealogy available to police services provincewide. With more than 100 cases involving offender DNA that relate to sexual offences and 42 homicides with unknown offender DNA, the TPS will establish a coordinated genetic program for the testing of cases provincewide that would benefit from genetic genealogy. This program will utilize advancements in science to assist in cold and historic cases that involve victims who are members of vulnerable groups. $1,500,000
Regional Municipality of York Police Services Board

Project Trident
Project Trident addresses the victimization, criminalization and marginalization of mental health and hate crimes and will use a three-pronged approach: early intervention, diversion, and follow-up. With this funding, the project will engage faith leaders, newcomers and indigenous partners to reduce the stigma associated with mental health. It will prioritize crisis response by delivering an overtime based Mobile Crisis Response Team to augment existing frontline policing, engage young people through creative virtual and social media platforms and continue to implement human rights education. $1,500,000

East region

Organization and program name Program description Funding amount ($) over three years
Brockville Police Services Board

Strengthening our Capacity to Combat Crime: A Brockville Community Policing Initiative
To strengthen its capacity to respond to the rising incidents and complexities of gang-related activities and combat drug trafficking and use, Brockville Police Services (BPS) will use funds to continue the work of two officers dedicated to its Community Crime Response Unit. BPS will also enhance its capacity to support the coordination and delivery of the Municipal Drug Strategy (MDS) by dedicating a MDS support worker (hosted in a partner organization) for half a day per week for three years. $388,703
Cornwall Community Police Services Board

Project Evolution
Cornwall Police Service (CPS) will use funds to implement a Crisis Call Diversion Program and continue its Mental Health Co-Response Team in partnership with Cornwall Community Hospital's Addiction and Mental Health Services. CPS will also increase capacity in its Hate/Bias Crime Investigation Division and in crime data collection and analysis as well as hire a project coordinator to review and advise on equity, diversity and inclusivity. $925,462
Gananoque Police Services Board

Leading the Way to Combatting Gang Violence and Sex-related Crimes in Our Community:  A Gananoque Police Service Policing Initiative
The Gananoque Police Services has seen an increase in crimes, specifically around human trafficking, sex crimes, intimate partner violence and drug trafficking. To meet the need for greater policing capacity to address local crime as well as combat gang violence and sex-related crimes, this funding will support the training of frontline officers in incident command response and human trafficking, introduce and train a new 12-member Emergency Response Team (ERT), provide essential ERT equipment as well as hire a full-time intelligence officer who will focus exclusively on priority crimes. $246,762
Kingston Police Services Board

Project Beacon
Project Beacon will help make Kingston the hub for intelligence-based policing in smaller cities. The number of personnel in the Special Services Unit will be increased, and the Intelligence Unit will be expanded from two officers to six. Patrol officers will receive training to develop intelligence and criminal sources, while special services officers will undertake training in enforcement action. The project also includes a goal to create an annual conference for gang, drug and intelligence policing units in small to medium-sized cities. $1,350,000
Ottawa Police Services Board

Call Referral Initiative
Funding will allow the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) to proceed with a Call Referral Initiative to divert 911 calls of a health, well-being, and social nature to an alternate, more appropriate service provider for response. This will include the review of current calls received by the OPS to establish what types of calls are currently received, in what quantity, and determining if a process (intake, screening, triaging) can be created to effectively filter and divert some callers. In coordination with the City of Ottawa and other partners, OPS will analyze current data to identify referral opportunities; design a call referral process and system; identify community agencies who are ready to participate in the initiative; create an accountability framework around successful completion of calls; and create a monitoring and reporting mechanism. $1,350,000
Perth Police Services Board

PULSE Lanark County
PULSE Lanark County aims to enhance collaborations between human service agencies and police through Prevention, Uplifting, Learning, Supporting and Engaging. Funding will support the hiring of a community outreach worker and a coordinator to support the promotion of diversity and inclusion through social media and outreach. Funding will help enhance the existing Victim Advocate program, facilitate the development of curriculum for anti-oppression/anti-racism, and train individuals in applied suicide intervention skills training. It aims to work upstream to stop and/or prevent the cycle of violence by reaching young people, and to continue efforts through the Community Safety and Well-being Plan to educate about Indigenous trauma and reconciliation. It will also support Planet Youth Lanark County to collect data leading to initiatives to help combat and prevent substance use in children and youth. $474,731
Quinte West Police Services Board

Mobile Community Resource Unit and Wellness Expo
Funding will help launch two pilot projects in the municipality of Quinte West - a Mobile Community Resource Unit and a Wellness Expo. The purpose of these projects is to increase awareness of existing mental health & addictions services within the community, decrease stigma and encourage better communication and collaboration between local agencies while reducing the need for police intervention related to mental health & addiction issues. $62,500
Renfrew Police Services Board

Renfrew and Area Conquer
The Renfrew and Area Conquer (RAC) project is the establishment of a community hub, supported by police and community partners. Through this funding, RAC will work collaboratively across various sectors to develop approaches to address mental health, addictions, sexual violence, harassment and hate crimes more effectively. $1,077,780
Smiths Falls Police Services Board

Building Capacity to Combat Crime: A Smiths Falls Policing Initiative
Smiths Falls Police Service (SFPS) will use funds to address priority crimes such as human trafficking, sexual violence and harassment as well as hate motivated crime. Its project includes training for officers and partner agencies in both hate motivated crime and human trafficking, in-service training of all SFPS officers in sexual violence and harassment, and the procurement of remote interview technology. Virtual Critical Incidence training for six senior officers related to mental health and addictions will also be provided. $63,750

Northeast region

Organization and program name Program description Funding amount ($) over three years
Anishinabek Police Governing Authority

Mino-ayaawim-an is translated to being “in good condition/healthiness or strength” in the Ojibwe language.
Through this grant, Project Mino-avaawim-an will provide a proactive solution to mental health and addictions in all sixteen communities policed by the Anishinabek Police Service (APS). The project will not criminalize addiction or mental health but focus its enforcement efforts on those who are bringing illegal drugs and substances into the communities. Funding this project will provide APS with the opportunity to create a dedicated Street Crime Unit to conduct directed and focused patrols, building partnerships with mental health and addiction services as well as allowing enforcement activity to focus on non-traditional organized crime within the community. $1,350,000
Greater Sudbury Police Services Board

Crisis Call Diversion Program
Funding will support the Crisis Call Diversion Program (CCDP) - a collaborative effort of the current Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team, mental health/crisis professionals in the form of a call diversion crisis worker, the Emergency Communications Centre (ECC) personnel, and frontline police officers. CCDP will have four qualified crisis workers within the ECC who can offer an additional layer of support for callers in crisis. $1,185,566
North Bay Police Services Board

NBPS Analyst and Researcher
North Bay Police Service (NBPS) will use funds to hire a dedicated full-time researcher to explore how to achieve more comprehensive data collection, evaluation, analysis and reporting on police interactions with individuals who may be experiencing mental health and/or addictions issues and economic uncertainty. A new specialized position to analyze the current opioid crisis in North Bay and the surrounding area will also be created. The analyst will undertake a comprehensive review of the current opioid crisis in the community and support NBPS through tactical, strategic, and criminal intelligence analysis as well as play an integral role in identifying and predicting criminal trends. $405,000
Sault Ste. Marie Police Services Board   

Drug Enforcement Unit Officer expansion program
The Sault Ste. Marie Police Service (SSMPS) will use the funding to help address human trafficking, as well as gun and gang issues at their roots. SSMPS will re-introduce school liaison officer positions to partner with school administrators and other agencies to address concerns within the schools, help prevent students from engaging in criminal activity and assist those wanting to get out of the criminal/gang lifestyle by connecting them with the appropriate community supports. $1,500,000
Timmins Police Services Board

Gang migration reduction and education
Timmins Police Service will use funding for training, intelligence gathering, prevention and enforcement activities to combat the escalating violence resulting from the migration of gang members to its community. The initiative is part of a comprehensive plan to address and mitigate illegal activity such as the sale of illicit drugs, human trafficking and gang related offences. $463,705
United Chiefs and Councils of Manitoulin Police Services Commission

Mino Bimaadziwin
 “Mino Bimaadziwin – living a good life” will be introduced to the United Chiefs and Councils of Mnidoo Mnising communities through proactive, early intervention methods and educational strategies. It will provide assistance to individuals in crisis and those requiring ongoing support services. Funding will help build upon and enhance existing community mobilization and mental health initiatives through the introduction of two special constables and a mental health nurse. These individuals will provide effective, efficient and culturally informed services, and build upon existing relationships with local organizations to provide information and tools to individuals and supports beyond a traditional police approach. Training will be provided to personnel to ensure adequate knowledge of local resources and best practices. Under supervision the work will be addressed with a holistic approach to community safety and well-being. $1,286,785

Northwest region

Organization and program name Program description Funding amount ($) over three years
Thunder Bay Police Services Board

Project Support
The Thunder Bay Police Service (TBPS) will continue to address human trafficking, sexual violence and gang and gun activity. Through this grant, Operation Support initiatives will include hiring a civilian employee to enhance electronic evidence extraction and dedicate a full-time officer for oversight of lawful processes and draft warrants. In addition, funding will help TBPS provide data evidence to other police agencies to support their investigations, develop training for frontline officers and create public education and awareness campaigns to combat human trafficking. $957,235

West region

Organization and program name Program description Funding amount ($) over three years
Aylmer Police Services Board

Improving Police Support for Victims /Survivors of Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence
Aylmer Police Service (APS) will use funding to improve its interactions with survivors of domestic, family and sexual violence. Working with partner agencies, APS will build upon its current responses and commitments to prevent and reduce recidivism rates. Project activities will include training to enhance frontline officer knowledge and skills to support and interact with survivors, improving technical equipment for crime investigators, and launching a social media campaign on how the community can partner with police to combat domestic, family and sexual violence. $320,616
Brantford Police Services Board

Brantford Police Service - High Enforcement & Action Team
The Brantford Police Service (BPS) has a High Enforcement and Action Team (HEAT) to address gun and gang violence, and mental health and addictions. HEAT focuses on getting firearms and drugs out of the community and identifying individuals affiliated with organized gangs. This funding will support the HEAT unit, its five investigators, as well as help the unit to acquire a Firearms Testing Chamber for when firearms are discovered and seized. In addition, the HEAT unit will expand BPS’ ability to support and be a resource for smaller police services. $1,500,000
Chatham-Kent Police Services Board

Through this grant, Chatham-Kent Police Service (CKPS) will fund Project ACHIEVE to directly address community safety priorities such as mental health and addiction issues. Project ACHIEVE will expand CKPS’ specialized training program for officers and deliver programming that provides mental health information and support to officer’s family members. Officers will also be trained in cultural competencies to be better equipped to recognize, understand and support victims of hate crime. Specific equipment will be purchased to extract data from mobile devices for investigation. $533,840
Guelph Police Services Board

Project Stronger Together - Supporting Violence Prevention and Community Well-being Through Community Collaboration
The goal of Project Stronger Together is to improve public safety around sexual violence and harassment, as well as human trafficking, by filling gaps in training, public education and victim support. Funding will be used to expand the reach of the project, with a particular focus on equity, diversity, and inclusion in training for officers and in educational materials for victims, partner agencies and the public. $1,093,900
Lambton Police Services Board

Project 1 in 3: Pre-Charge Youth Diversion Program in Sexual Assault Offences – Extension
Funding will be used to further the work of Project 1 in 3: Pre-Charge Youth Diversion Program in Sexual Assault Offences. Training will be provided for officers and community partners on sexual violence, harassment and trauma informed approaches that assist and support frontline officers to improve their interactions with victims during sexual violence and harassment investigations. It will also assist community partners in providing victim and survivor support and bring awareness to the community about the law, consent and programming availability. $753,609
London Police Services Board

Victim Choice Reporting
Victim Choice Reporting is a pilot project that promotes alternative police response to non-emergency calls, resulting in a more efficient and effective use of resources to focus on the victim’s preferred method of reporting crimes to police. It enables specially trained police and community partners to respond collaboratively to harassment, historical sexual assault, and intimate partner violence related calls for service using a virtual application. This funding will allow the project to study the effectiveness of an Intimate Partner Violence Unit with video conferencing capabilities. $1,498,623
Owen Sound Police Services Board

Community Oriented Response and Enforcement Unit Enhancement
The Community Oriented Response and Enforcement Enhancement Project (CORE) aims to reduce increasing crime severity indices, decrease incidences of gun violence and hate crimes as well as provide further supports to reduce the number of fatal overdoses and addictions. It will deploy three officers in a dedicated unit aimed at restoring proactive, intelligence-led policing initiatives that support at-risk and marginalized populations and use enhanced data collection and evaluation through the use of crime and data analysis. $1,194,800
Sarnia Police Services Board

Collaboratively Tackling Human Trafficking
Sarnia Police will use the funding to allow four officers to increase the number of hours they can focus exclusively on human trafficking. Officers will identify human trafficking locations including hotels, motels and private residences and attempt to identify victims, encourage them to leave their trafficker and seek assistance. Officers would also provide victims with the support to move forward with a formal complaint. $296,534
Six Nations Police Commission

Six Nations Police Service Gun and Gang Initiative
With this funding, the Six Nations Police Services (SNPS) will hire three police officers to address gun and gang violence in Six Nations and deliver specialized training for officers to support major investigations targeting organized crime in the area. The SNPS will also acquire a rotating vehicle rental program to support unmarked patrol operations to monitor gang operations including drugs, guns and human trafficking. $1,499,280
Stratford Police Services Board

Mental Health, Wellness and Resiliency Co-Ordinator Providing service members with support through awareness, training and relationship building with mental health professionals in the workplace.
The Stratford Police Service (SPS) partnered with the Huron Perth Health Alliance to implement a Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team (MCRRT) to support people in the community experiencing a mental health or addictions crisis. One of the unanticipated results of the MCRRT program was creating a safe environment where police officers and civilian staff could share their personal experiences with a mental health case worker. As a result, this funding will support a SPS Mental Health, Wellness and Resiliency Coordinator who will create a welcoming environment where service members can share their personal and professional experiences and struggles in confidence. $381,130
Strathroy-Caradoc Police Services Board

"Continuous Learning" representing the complex, continuous issues faced by human trafficking victims and the ongoing training required by community members and frontline officers
Strathroy-Caradoc Police Service’s (SCPS) collaborative relationship with the Women's Rural Resource Centre has led to a positive environment to facilitate effective and lasting supports to aid victims. SCPS will use funding to introduce a new victim liaison officer position dedicated to educating community members on human trafficking and how to identify victims as well as ensure that follow up services are provided to the victims of human trafficking. $216,000
St. Thomas Police Services Board   

Improving Police Support for Victims / Survivors of Human Trafficking, Sexual Violence and Harassment
The St. Thomas Police Service will take a survivor centered approach throughout human trafficking investigations and provide training to enhance frontline officer and stakeholder knowledge in supporting interactions with survivors in more compassionate and sensitive ways. Funding will also support the sustainability of the Technological Crimes Analyst role along with associated technology and training, as well as the continuance of a Street Crimes police officer and a targeted social media awareness campaign to inform the community on how to partner with the police to combat human trafficking. $998,841
Waterloo Regional Police Services Board

Gang and Hate Crime Intelligence and Enforcement Initiative
With this funding, the Waterloo Regional Police Services (WRPS) will continue its successful Gang Intelligence and Enforcement Initiative, expand to include hate and hate motivated crime as well as identify new techniques and partnerships to work with at-risk youth. Through the support of the grant, a fifth full-time officer, dedicated to the hate crime portfolio, will be added, allowing for WRPS to maximize the efficiency of the team and meet the evolving needs of the community. $1,500,000
Windsor Police Services Board

Community Opioid and Substance Use Supports Partnership
Funding will allow Windsor Police Service to ensure the public and all stakeholders in high priority areas affected by opioid misuse are supported. The project seeks to further address opioid/substance use and related crime through a coordinated place-based planning, public education and training strategy among police, community, and public health partners. The team will work with the Windsor Essex Community Opioid and Substance Strategy Enforcement and Justice Pillar Working Group to guide implementation of public education efforts and to continue to consider multi-sector input. $1,487,668
Woodstock Police Services Board

Community Engagement Officer
Funding will be used to introduce a community engagement officer to expand the existing Mental Health Engagement and Response Team (MHEART). MHEART pairs police officers with mental health clinicians to enhance Woodstock Police Service’s ability to respond to complex mental health situations. It reduces wait times for individuals requiring a crisis response and assists in decreasing emergency room visits by providing timely access to community-based crisis services. $458,645

Provincial priorities funding projects (2020-22)

Provincial program grant recipients
Organization and program name Program description Funding amount
Aylmer Police Services Board
Improving Police Support for Victims/Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence Training and Equipment
Aylmer Police Service will continue to collaborate with several community agencies to improve interactions with, and experiences for, survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Funding for this initiative will help provide ongoing training to frontline police officers so they are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to adopt a victim-centered approach when supporting survivors of violence. The grant will also help upgrade the police service’s interview room space so that it provides a hospitable environment to victims when reporting their assaults, and, design a targeted social media campaign to increase public awareness on how the community can partner with the police to combat domestic and sexual violence. $191,692
Barrie Police Services Board
Every Voice Matters- A Framework for Child and Youth Sexual Violence Investigations
Barrie Police Service (BPS) and its partners will develop a ground-breaking framework that will help ensure the service’s response to complaints of child and youth sexual violence and human trafficking is coordinated, effective, and victim centered. BPS will work with subject matter experts from policing, academia, and community organizations, such as The Hospital for Sick Children and the local children's aid society, to develop the framework. Additionally, BPS will use its experience contributing to the development of the “Canadian Framework for Collaborative Police Response on Sexual Violence” to develop this new best-practices guide. $175,000
Bradford West Gwillimbury & Innisfil (South Simcoe) Police Services Board
In Our Sights to Combat Human Trafficking and Sexual Violence: A Progressive South Simcoe Policing Initiative
The Towns of Innisfil and Bradford West Gwillimbury have been the target of increased human trafficking and drug and gang activity in recent years. Funding for this initiative will help South Simcoe Police expand the capacity of its Crimes Against Persons Unit (CAPU) to include a dedicated investigator to lead sex crimes intelligence, investigation and enforcement activities. The goal is to strengthen the strategic foundation for the operation of the CAPU through enacting key program development activities such as the development of a strategic framework for the unit. $150,500
Chatham-Kent Police Services Board
Project SAFE
In partnership with Chatham-Kent Victim Services and other key local and provincial community partners, Chatham-Kent Police Service will develop, launch and implement a comprehensive four-pillar strategy to address sexual violence and harassment within the community. The strategy will focus on providing training to frontline supervisors to ensure they have the skills needed to handle cases in the early stages of investigation as well as building community awareness about human trafficking by engaging the public through social media and partnering with schools. Funding will also help enhance supports provided to victims and survivors as well as upgrade the service’s equipment to increase its capacity to collect, secure and present the best possible evidence in court. $195,476
County of Wellington Police Services Board
Collaborative "We Stand With You" - "WSWU"
The County of Wellington Police Service and its partners will develop a collaborative, coordinated, multi-sectoral approach to supporting victims and survivors of sexual violence, harassment and human trafficking. The WSWU project will focus on establishing and maintaining relationships with key community partners to provide adequate supports to victims. Funding will also help provide training to both police and community partners in areas such as trauma-informed approaches and victims’ resources access. The initiative also includes an education component to allow the community at large to play a greater role in fighting sexual violence, harassment and human trafficking. $160,240
Gananoque Police Services Board
Leading the Way: A Gananoque Police Service Policing Initiative
Funding for this initiative will help Gananoque Police Service hire a full-time investigator to maintain effective intelligence gathering and share with key justice partners, provide crime analytics, collaborate with other police services and justice partners on joint actions in the areas of human trafficking, internet child exploitation, child pornography and child luring, and lead sexual violence and harassment investigations. $156,213
Hamilton Police Services Board
Youth Engagement Series
In partnership with the Hamilton YMCA, the City of Hamilton’s Youth Engagement Strategy and the Xperience Annex, Hamilton Police Service is launching a new, youth-focused engagement program to inform and empower at-risk youth aged 12 to 18 who experience difficulties finding their place in their community. Through the program, youth will attend presentations on topics such as human trafficking, guns and gangs, vice and drugs and social media. Funding will be used to coordinate the creation and operation of the program as well as provide additional support to the Hamilton community through the hiring of an additional anti-human trafficking youth in-transition worker and a part-time court support worker. Through awareness and prevention activities, the anti-human trafficking youth in-transition worker will support youth re-entering school after surviving trafficking, in collaboration with local school boards. $147,800
Hamilton Police Services Board
Youth Prevention and Intervention Initiative
Hamilton Police Service and the John Howard Society of Hamilton, Burlington and Area will work collaboratively, utilizing an integrated service model approach involving various programs to improve community safety and well-being. The Youth Prevention and Intervention Initiative will focus on programming, supports and case management activities for in-risk, at-risk, and high-risk youth in Grades 6, 7 and 8 and their families. It will be provided in person or virtually as appropriate and will take place within the community, in partnership with school boards, with the goal of supporting youth to address criminogenic thinking patterns and to develop pro-social behaviors. $160,281
Kingston Police Services Board
Crushing ICE
Funding for this initiative will help Kingston Police Service pay for a part-time investigative officer to focus on online child exploitation crimes. The grant will also help purchase essential technological tools. $112,698
Lambton Police Services Board
Project 1 in 3: Pre-Charge Youth Diversion Program in Sexual Assault Offences
Lambton Police is launching a new, innovative support program that will focus on youth aged 12 to 17 who have been accused of sexual offences and hold them to a level of accountability when charges have not been laid. The program will educate them about the consequences of their actions in the hope of preventing recidivism. The program will also assist in helping victims of sexual offences heal. $200,000
London Police Services Board
Guns and Gangs - Intervention Through Enforcement
Funding for this initiative will support London Police Service’s internal reorganization of certain operational units within its Criminal Investigation Division in an effort to deploy resources more effectively to accurately respond to crime and violence that the individuals are facing, including guns and gangs and drug trafficking. Under this model, the funding will help support an investigator, as part of the Guns and Gangs Unit, to augment London Police Service’s capacity to enhance community safety through short-term projects, intervention and community partnerships. The projects are directed at gang deterrence and suppressions in areas of the city that require resources. Also, the unit will engage at-risk youth in the community by offering social support services, engage in intelligence-gathering, and develop networks with government and community agencies to help London Police better respond to criminal activity in the community. $118,351
Orangeville Police Services Board Ensuring Dufferin Ontario Provincial Police have the resources and trained officers able to assist in the goal of combating Human Trafficking Funding for this initiative will help launch a two-year education program designed to provide online training and courses in the areas of anti-human trafficking to 69 police officers, in collaboration with multi-sectoral partners. Once trained, these police officers will be equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to carry out human trafficking investigations, bring perpetrators to justice and identify and protect victims. $120,202
Orillia Police Services Board
Streamlined and Collaborative Response to Sexual Violence
The Orillia Ontario Provincial Police detachment will streamline its handling of sexual assault investigations in a victim-centered manner and hire a full-time officer to oversee the early stages of case management before handing over cases to the investigative team. Funding from this grant will also help develop a one-day workshop for detachment members on how to best manage sexual violence cases. In addition, the grant will be used to redesign the two interview rooms so that they provide a hospitable environment for victims when recounting their assaults. $175,411
Regional Municipality of Halton Police Services Board
Human Trafficking Unit
Halton Regional Police (HRP) has established a robust multi-pronged plan to combat human trafficking — a growing public safety concern in the region. Funding will be used to ensure the Drug and Human Trafficking Unit, the plan’s main component, can continue to operate. With five officers exclusively dedicated to conducting human trafficking investigations and carrying out actions to disrupt these types of operations, the unit plays a central role in HRP’s fight against human trafficking. Other aspects of the plan include providing investigative awareness training to all frontline patrol officers as it pertains to anti-human trafficking and maintaining a 24/7 emergency response support service that provides survivors of human trafficking with emotional support and emergency access to accommodation, clothing and other personal needs. $200,000
Town of Collingwood Police Services Board
The enforcement and suppression of gun and gang violence and drug trafficking in the Collingwood
Town of Blue Mountain area along with education and awareness program
Funding for this initiative will help the Collingwood Police Service equip itself with enhanced tools to monitor gang movement and drug trafficking through surveillance operations. Collingwood Police Service will also educate youth aged 13 to 18 about gun and gang violence and substance abuse through a speaker series. $153,307
Windsor Police Services Board
Educate/Prevent/Enforce and Support
Funding for this initiative will help the Windsor Police Service tackle human trafficking and gun and gang violence through a three-phase approach: Education and prevention, enforcement, and victims’ support. Phase 1 consists of delivering an education and prevention program to young women living in group homes who are particularly vulnerable to being lured into human trafficking. Phase 2 consists of carrying out a series of intelligence-led investigations to identify perpetrators and victims of human trafficking. Lastly, phase 3 focuses on providing victims with exit strategies and the supports they need to escape human trafficking. $200,000
Woodstock Police Services Board
Special Victims Unit
In collaboration with key community partners, Woodstock Police Service is establishing a Special Victims Unit to enhance its support to victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, child exploitation and elder abuse. Consisting of two constables and a part-time forensic analyst, the unit will be dedicated to the coordination, investigation and follow-up of offences falling under these categories. The unit will closely work with Woodstock Police Service’s Internet Child Exploitation Unit and domestic violence coordinator as well as community partners to ensure the needs of victims are met. $200,000

Ontario Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV) Grant

The Ontario CCTV Grant is a provincial grant program launched in August 2020 to support police services by expanding CCTV systems to deter criminal activity and improve public safety. It is part of Ontario’s Guns, Gangs and Violence Reduction Strategy.

For 2023-2024, more than $2.8 million is allocated across 24 police services.

Successful recipients are required to pay a minimum of 50 per cent of the total project costs, up to a maximum of $200,000.

2023-2024 Ontario CCTV Grant Recipients

Police service name Project name Ministry funding
Barrie Police Service DejaVu $200,000
Belleville Police Service Belleville Camera Revitalization and Expansion Project $64,337
Cobourg Police Service Expansion and evergreen of the Next Gen Community Safety Strategy $200,000
Durham Regional Police Service Serious Violent Crime Reduction $200,000
Greater Sudbury Police Service Project Guardian $71,050
Guelph Police Service Supporting Safety in Downtown Guelph $200,000
Kawartha Lakes Police Service Lindsay downtown public safety enhancement and CCTV camera initiative $28,902
London Police Service Project 360 Viewpoint $200,000
Niagara Regional Police Service CCTV Coverage to Address Guns, Gangs and Violence in Niagara $192,276
Nishnawbe Aski Police Service Project Clowder $23,334
OPP Goderich Goderich CCTV Project $47,443
OPP Greater Napanee Community Safety Overwatch System $100,500
OPP Kincardine Municipal Community Centre CCTV Upgrade Project $26,500
OPP Northwest Region Greenstone CCTV Program $20,000
OPP Town of Prescott Violence Prevention, Reduction through Incident Investigation Aides - CCTV Project $50,000
OPP Township of Chapleau Township of Chapleau – Ontario Provincial Police CCTV Project 2023-2024 $25,000
OPP Wasaga Beach Wasaga Beach CCTV Surveillance System Enhancement $29,445
OPP West Perth West Perth CCTV Project $200,000
Stratford Police Service Stratford Police Video Surveillance Project - Phase II $200,000
Thunder Bay Police Service Eye in the Street (CCTV) Expansion Project $200,000
Toronto Police Service CCTV System Enhancement $120,000
Treaty Three Police Service Eagle eye $55,033
Windsor Police Service City of Windsor Traffic Camera Project $200,000
York Regional Police Project Behave $200,000

Victim Support Grant

The Victim Support Grant (VSG) program provides funding to build resources and address the needs of victims and survivors of intimate partner violence/domestic violence, human trafficking and child exploitation. The grant enables police services, in collaboration with community-based agencies, organizations or Indigenous communities, to develop new or enhance existing community initiatives.

For 2023-2024, more than $4 million is being allocated for 45 projects to be undertaken by municipal police services, Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) detachments and First Nations police services across the province.

The following police services are receiving funding through this program for 2023-2024.

2023-2024 Victim Support Grant recipients
Police service and project name Project description Funding amount
Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service

Human Trafficking and Intimate Partner Violence Mobilization
Description omitted. $100,000
Anishinabek Police Service

It Takes a Community
Anishinabek Police Services (APS) will work in collaboration with Niijaansinaanik Child and Family Services (NCFS) to support victims and survivors of child exploitation in the First Nations of Wasauksing, Shawanaga, Magnetawan, Henvey Inlet, and Dokis. Funding will provide opportunities for APS and NCFS team members to expand their skills and knowledge through cross-training. APS will share its experience in forensic interviewing, human trafficking and child exploitation, and NCFS will share prevention and protection approaches and frontline experience working with children who are vulnerable to exploitation. $100,000
Barrie Police Service

Project: When You're Ready - Phase Two
This project will strengthen services provided by Barrie Native Friendship Centre (BNFC), Victim Services of Simcoe County (VSSC) and Barrie Police Service (BPS) that address the significant human trafficking problems in Barrie. Funding will help BNFC to create a lived-experience peer support program to assist survivors, enable VSSC to extend its human trafficking survivor supports and allow BPS to create a committee to enhance officer understanding and recognition of human trafficking. $100,000
Belleville Police Service

Survivor Centered Services
The Belleville Police Service (BPS) will use funds to support a full-time victim services worker and create stronger partnerships with community agencies. BPS will expand its current referral system to better support victims and will increase education and awareness in the police service to help ensure frontline officers are aware of all available resources for victims of intimate partner violence, domestic violence, and human trafficking. $100,000
Chatham-Kent Police Service

Project Waypoint
Funding will be used to cross-train interviewers from Chatham Kent Police Service and Linck Child, Youth and Family Supports – Children’s Aid Society in evidence-based interviewing techniques to improve the ability to obtain accurate and reliable information from victims and witnesses. This will help ensure a consistent approach to interviewing, reduce trauma and improve outcomes. Funding will also be used for awareness campaigns, and to ensure that police interviewing rooms are safe and comfortable for victims to help facilitate the disclosure of sensitive information. $99,835
Cobourg Police Service

Intimate Partner Abuse Response Strategy
Funding will be used to expand the Cobourg Police Service and the Cornerstone Family Violence Prevention Centre’s Violence Against Women Response Enhancement Project and rebrand it as Intimate Partner Abuse Response Strategy. The new program will expand the geographical reach, establish a full-time position, add services for sexual assault victims, increase training for officers linked to intimate partner abuse, and develop best-practice documentation for police, social service programs and domestic violence/sexual assault prevention centres. $100,000
Cornwall Police Service

Project Power Generator
Cornwall Police Service will build upon its existing Project Circuit Breaker that provides crucial support and services to victims of human trafficking (HT) and intimate partner violence. Project Power Generator initiatives with community partners will include adding a therapist with expertise in HT trauma, as well as improving resource information, victim navigation supports and education, and trauma-informed training for frontline police officers and employees of several partner organizations. $100,000
Durham Regional Police Service

Project Community Outreach Relationships and Education (C.O.R.E)
Durham Regional Police Service will work with Victim Services of Durham Region (VSDR) and the Community Development Council of Durham to offer monthly education and information sessions to newcomers on intimate partner violence/gender-based violence, as well as connecting them with local community resources. Funding will also be used for a crisis intervention counsellor from VSDR for youth under the age of 18, and to organize an annual youth empowerment symposium focused on healthy relationships, gun and gang violence, online safety, and consent. $100,000
Gananoque Police Service

Making a Difference: A Contemporary Victim Support Initiative - Gananoque Police Service and Partners
Gananoque Police Service and community partners will address gaps they have identified in their collective capacity to support victims and survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV), human trafficking (HT), and child exploitation. Initiatives will include engaging Indigenous trainers/community facilitators to provide Indigenous awareness training, having officers attend more Ontario Police College courses and seminars related to IPV and HT, and expanding capacity to provide improved outreach to children and youth. $94,204
Greater Sudbury Police Service

Miindoo Waase Anung
For the Miindoo Waase Anung project, which translates to the spirit of light through the stars, Greater Sudbury Police Service will partner with five Indigenous agencies to help survivors and victims of human trafficking. Focusing on prevention, partnerships, and survivor empowerment through an Indigenous and trauma-informed lens, the project will include expanding education, providing enhanced training, and conducting community engagement. $100,000
Guelph Police Service

IPV/HT Victim Support
Funding will allow Guelph Police Service to continue to employ a victim support coordinator to serve as the point person and primary contact for victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) and human trafficking (HT) and for community partners that provide victim support. The position will ensure ongoing consistency and order to victim support processes, as well as continued IPV and HT public education and awareness. Guelph Police Service will also use funding to update the IPV and HT training provided to officers. $100,000
Halton Regional Police Service

Project "Sabrina"
Halton Regional Police Service’s Human Trafficking Unit will partner with the Elizabeth Fry Society and Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Services of Halton to focus on intensive, specialized services and supports that victims of human trafficking often need to rebuild their lives. Supports such as crisis intervention, case management, housing, counseling, health and medical treatment, mental health assessments, addiction resources, and rehabilitation will help survivors move on from their trafficking experiences. $100,000
Hamilton Police Service

Community Liaison Program
Hamilton Police Service will enter into partnerships with Interval House of Hamilton (IHOH), Banyan Community Services and the YMCA of Hamilton/ Burlington/ Brantford. Female victims/survivors of intimate partner violence will be able to access IHOH for counselling, legal advocacy, transitional housing support, and safety planning. Male, non-binary individuals, and couples will be directed to Banyan for counselling, assistance with employment, addictions, and safety planning. Victims/survivors of human trafficking (HT) will be referred to the YMCA for case management, including court support and access to personal items, food, and clothing. The Hamilton HT unit and YMCA will also conduct community presentations on HT. $100,000
Kingston Police Service

Supporting Victims of Intimate Partner Violence through Kingston Community Collaboration
Funding will be used to develop and deliver a three-day training course for frontline officers on intimate partner violence. It will also help establish case management mechanisms such as a common consent form (which would allow community agencies to share victim information to make appropriate referrals in a timely manner), and multi-sector situation tables for a more effective and coordinated approach to supporting victims. $63,080
London Police Service

The Victim Crisis Support Project
The Thames Valley Canadian Mental Health Association will provide a victim support worker and supervised, short-term shelter space for victims of intimate partner violence and human trafficking while arrangements are made with other community agencies for longer term supports. Funds will also be used to host a community outreach workshop to raise awareness about human trafficking and intimate partner violence in the London community. $100,000
Niagara Regional Police Service

Victims and Survivors of Human Trafficking
Niagara Regional Police Service (NRPS) will use funds to have an experienced victim advocate work directly with NRPS officers for proactive and reactive investigations. The advocate will afford potential victims another voice in speaking with police officers to help overcome barriers and those who are hesitant to co-operate with police. The victim advocate will also work with Victim Services Niagara to help victims access resources from community agencies. $58,497
North Bay Police Service

Nipissing Victim Support Project
North Bay Police Service, in partnership with Victim Services of Nipissing District, will enhance capacity to support the needs of victims and survivors of intimate partner/domestic violence, human trafficking, and child exploitation. The project will include a Northern Ontario training symposium on gender-based violence, an online child exploitation awareness campaign as well as tools, victim support kits, and trauma-informed training. $100,000
OPP County of Brant   

Prevention of Child Exploitation and Understanding Risks
Brant Ontario Provincial Police and Victim Services of Brant will use funds to focus on youth to help minimize or remove the risk of them being groomed and/or lured into potentially dangerous situations. This project will include access to a victim specialist for both police and youth; education and informational materials provided through a dedicated program from Victim Services of Durham; and information sessions for police facilitated by the victim specialist. $60,170
OPP Hawkesbury   

Human Trafficking: A Unique Profile for Prescott-Russell
Ontario Provincial Police Hawkesbury and Prescott-Russell Victim Services will work together to enhance access to support for victims of human trafficking. The funds would be used for an officer and partnership training symposium, focus groups for victims, counselling/therapy for the victims including temporary housing with emergency expenses needed. This will help victims recover and rebuild their lives. $93,720
OPP Headquarters, Criminal Behaviour Analysis Section   

Intimate Partner Violence Risk Assessment and Management:
Coercive Control and Building Capacity for a Culturally Responsive Approach
Risk assessment is a core activity across criminal justice agencies and within social services. Funding will be used to support and enhance a more extensive examination of coercive control across relationships and gender, and assist with culturally sensitive intimate partner violence risk assessments. The project will build capacity in data collection, develop partnerships with Indigenous communities and service providers, and create tools and resources based on a culturally responsive understanding of risks. $99,140
OPP Lanark County   

Collaborative Approaches to Survivor Engagement (CASE) Upstream
Through a Lanark County Ontario Provincial Police and Lanark County Interval House and Community Support partnership, funding will be used to increase the hours available for victim advocates to help connect victims and survivors of domestic violence/intimate partner violence to resources and aid them in navigating the justice system. The CASE Upstream project will also offer training and education programs to help stop the cycle of violence before it starts. $100,000
OPP Northwest Region - Dryden   

Footprints North West - Dryden
This project will use funds to increase support for victims of intimate partner violence through education and operational support for both agencies and victims. Education will focus on youth and teachers; and culturally sensitive, trauma-informed training will be created by subject matter experts to be delivered by police and victim support advocate partners. The project will supplement existing programs such as the Victim Quick Response Program. $50,000
OPP Northwest Region - Kenora   

Project Collaboration, Awareness and Prevention (CAP)
Project CAP will help address the elevated risks of physical and mental health issues, poverty, and homelessness faced by victims of intimate partner violence (IPV). The project will offer an education component, along with flexible resources to assist victims of IPV to meet basic needs and be in a better position to face challenges that are not easily remedied with traditional supports. $100,000
OPP Northwest Region - Rainy River   

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Awareness
The project consists of providing support and education to officers, community partners, Indigenous peoples, and other members of the public to understand the signs of intimate partner, sexual violence, and human trafficking. It will also improve public awareness of community agencies available to support victims and survivors. Funding will help police officers receive training to improve their interaction with victims/survivors and connect them to specialized services in the community. $50,000
OPP Northwest Region - Red Lake   

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Collaboration
Funding will be used for women’s shelters to work together as partners to increase support for high-risk victims of intimate partner violence. The shelters will undertake educational and operational initiatives that will be open to all community victim support agencies and justice sector personnel to help eliminate the need for victims to interact directly with police in instances where the victims are not comfortable doing so. $100,000
OPP Northwest Region - Sioux Lookout   

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Project
Funding will be used for intimate partner violence initiatives that can be developed regionally but designed to meet the specific needs of each community. The project will include an educational component that can be used by specific communities/age ranges and expanded for broader usage. $50,000
OPP Nottawasaga Detachment   

Project Safe Paths
Funding will allow the continuation of Project Safe Paths that helps Nottawasaga Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and surrounding OPP detachments support victims of human trafficking and intimate partner violence. Project Safe Paths has two dedicated police crisis beds at Imani’s Place to facilitate referrals, provide protection and assist in rehabilitating victims of trafficking and intimate partner violence in a culturally affirming environment. The project will also fund B.R.I.G.H.T. (Bringing Real Internet Guidance to Help Teens) presentations at schools and in the community. $85,420
OPP Perth County   

Project Healing
Funding will be used for three Project Healing initiatives: to create a safe and comfortable space for intimate partner violence victims/survivors to disclose their experiences to law enforcement; to provide accessible, court-approved translation services for rural communities; and offer training for police and community service providers in areas such as trauma-informed approaches, risk assessment, supporting victims of crime, and investigative techniques. $100,000
OPP United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry Detachment   

Victim Response Partnership Initiative
The Victim Response Partnership Initiative is a collaborative approach to enhance responses by police, justice, youth, community and social service partners when dealing with victims of intimate partner violence, human trafficking, and child exploitation. Funding will be used for police officer and community partner training, a victim advocate to support victims, completing a victim-centred interview room, and to increase public awareness. $100,000
OPP Town of Goderich   

Strengthening Awareness, Engagement & Collaboration
Funding will be used to enhance knowledge and support for victims/survivors of intimate partner violence, as well as focus on the urgent need to address the rising incidents of gender-based violence within the community through preventative awareness, community engagement, and collaborative efforts. $100,000
OPP Township of Macdonald, Meredith & Aberdeen   

Trauma-Informed Interview Space
Funding will help renovate and furnish an interview room to create a victim-centered, trauma-informed space for victims/survivors of intimate partner violence, child exploitation, human trafficking, and sexual assault. This will create a private and secure environment for victim interviews and is expected to help increase reporting and charges against perpetrators. $41,000
Ottawa Police Service

Trauma and Violence Informed Policing
Ottawa Police Service (OPS) will use funds to improve the experiences of victims/survivors of intimate partner violence by building upon the recommendations of a multi-agency Violence Against Women advisory group. OPS will work with community service providers to develop supports to respond to victims/survivors during the criminal justice system process. The project will help enhance the capacity of the OPS to provide a safe environment for victims/survivors to come forward that recognizes victims’ rights and needs, as well as helps reduce secondary trauma. $100,000
Peel Regional Police

Project Navigation: Enhancing Safe Centre of Peel Supports for Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) survivors
Funding will be used to enhance how Peel Regional Police's Intimate Partner Violence Unit makes referrals to and works collaboratively with the Safe Centre of Peel and its partners. Project Navigation will provide funding for client navigators and crisis workers, and assist the Safe Centre of Peel to raise awareness of services and resources available for intimate partner violence victims and survivors. $100,000
Sarnia Police Service

Enhanced Service Delivery for Victims and Survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV)
Funding will help Sarnia Police Service (SPS), the Sarnia Lambton Coordinating Committee on Violence Against Women, and Victim Services of Sarnia-Lambton address the significant increase in incidents of domestic and intimate partner violence. Collaborative initiatives will include a trauma-informed response for those reporting incidents (frontline training), investigative training, and the integration of a victim services coordinator into the SPS to review incidents of intimate partner violence and provide ongoing outreach and support to victims/survivors. $98,998
Sault Ste. Marie Police Service

Interview Room Development
The Sault Ste. Marie Police Service will update its interview rooms to better meet the needs of victims of crime so they feel safe and secure when speaking with investigators or support workers. Giving victims a safe environment to tell their story, which can in turn lead to allowing investigators to proceed with charges, where applicable, will help empower victims or survivors of intimate partner violence to break the cycle of violence. $97,000
Six Nations Police Service

Multi-Sectoral Referral Workshops & Intimate Partner Violence Training Initiative
The Six Nations Police Service (SNPS) will continue to develop relationships with partner agencies involved in assisting victims of intimate partner violence and domestic violence. It will focus on planning, organizing, and coordinating multi-sectoral, collaborative events; raising awareness of community members about services available; and increasing the number of training sessions related to intimate partner and domestic violence for frontline SNPS officers. $100,000
Smiths Falls Police Service

Making it Count 2.0: Building our Community Collaborative Capacity to Support Victims of Intimate Partner Violence and Child Exploitation
The Smiths Falls Police Service will work with community partners to address the rise in victimization due to intimate partner violence and child exploitation in Lanark County. Funds will be used to increase the capacity to support victims of sex crimes and intimate partner violence, through purposeful and effective police officer training, strengthening collaboration among community partners and providing public education and youth outreach. $94,859
St. Thomas Police Service

Supporting our Community Together Through Education and Awareness
Funds will be used to implement an additional victim support position within Victim Services Elgin that will assist in the response to increased calls for service in the areas of intimate partner violence and domestic violence. A Community Education Hub will also be created to support victims, including children and youth, and prevent unlawful activities that result in victimization. $52,832
Thunder Bay Police Service

Post Incident Victim Support Worker
Thunder Bay Police Service is partnering with Faye Peterson House to provide a victim-centred and trauma-informed approach to victims and survivors of intimate partner/domestic violence. Funding will support the hiring of a part-time victim specialist who will work with stakeholders to enhance victim support, and act as a liaison between TBPS and the victim to advocate for their needs/interests through the investigative process. Training in victim awareness and support will also be provided to police officers to improve their understanding of trauma-informed practice, build rapport, and provide better support to victims of intimate partner violence/domestic violence. $72,300
Toronto Police Service

Support for Survivors
Support for Survivors, a partnership between Toronto Police Service (TPS) and Victim Services Toronto (VST), will improve capacity to better support victims of human trafficking and internet child exploitation, as well as secondary victims such as their families. A VST-trained crisis intervention counsellor will join TPS' Sex Crimes Unit, which is responsible for identifying and charging human trafficking and internet child exploitation sex crimes. $100,000
Treaty Three Police Service   

Empowering Survivors: A Unified Response for Victim Support in Treaty 3 Territory
This project focuses on establishing and enhancing a diverse array of resources that empower police and partner agencies to respond effectively and empathetically to victims and survivors of gender-based violence. In addition to initiatives to strengthen collaboration between police and non-police entities, funding will be used for tools to support frontline officers to effectively make referrals as well as develop a digital lending library and other virtual resources. $100,000
Waterloo Regional Police Service   

Combating Human Trafficking and Cyber Crime in Waterloo Region
Waterloo Regional Police Service will partner with Victim Services of Waterloo Region to create a human trafficking (HT) and cyber crime victim advocate position within the HT Investigative Team. The advocate will serve as the primary point of contact for all HT support, while also building linkages with community service providers and providing victim support services in the form of safety equipment and other discretionary needs. Funding will also support public awareness and officer training. $100,000
Windsor Police Service

Return Support Discussions: Uncovering and Preventing Undisclosed Child Exploitation and Other Serious Harm Experienced by Vulnerable Frequently Missing Children and Youth
Funding will support a partnership of Windsor Police Service and the Canadian Mental Health Association's Windsor Essex Youth and Wellness Hub to deliver a novel intervention tool designed to help reduce the incidents of child exploitation. The Return Support Discussion is a voluntary victim-centered interview of frequently missing children and youth who have been located/returned. Evidence-based research has shown this peer-conducted interview identifies previously unknown/undisclosed victimization and vulnerability for those most at risk of child exploitation. $96,954
Woodstock Police Service

Victim's Voice
Woodstock Police Service (WPS), in partnership with Victim Assistance Service Oxford County, will work together to ensure people feel safe, secure, and supported in the community. In addition to initiatives to raise awareness about human trafficking, intimate partner violence, and child exploitation, funding will be used to help meet victim needs beyond what is available through counselling and legal support. WPS will provide “go bags” to victims that contain personal care, nutrition, contact information, and comfort and activity items for youth victims. $100,000
York Regional Police

Access to Justice: Integrated Services for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
This initiative is led by York Regional Police, in partnership with York Region Centre for Community Safety (YRCCS) and the 482 Collective. These agencies provide a client-centred, service delivery hub for survivors of intimate partner violence and timely support of essential items such as food, personal hygiene products, and equitable access to wrap around services (medical, psychological, and dental) at no cost. Funding will also support embedding an officer at YRCCS to ensure equitable police service delivery to racialized victims/survivors, increasing the number of victims/survivors receiving assistance, and a public awareness campaign across York Region. $100,000

Mobile Crisis Response Team Enhancement Grant

The Mobile Crisis Response Team Enhancement Grant offers funding to police services to increase crisis workers on their teams. This grant supports the ongoing need for additional mental health assistance on calls involving individuals experiencing a mental health or addiction crisis, as well as to better leverage local mental health expertise.

For 2023-2024, more than $4.5 million is allocated across 39 police services/Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) detachments.

2023-2024 Mobile Crisis Response Team enhancement grant recipients
Police service name Funding amount
Collingwood & The Blue Mountains OPP $119,949
Cornwall Police Service $120,000
Dryden OPP $113,419
Dufferin OPP $207,851
Essex County OPP $120,000
Gananoque Police Service $98,770
Greater Sudbury Police Service $120,000
Grenville OPP $128,436
Guelph Police Service    $118,248
Haldimand County OPP $117,360
Hawkesbury OPP $120,000
Huntsville and Bracebridge OPP $120,000
Huronia West OPP $119,949
Kawartha Lakes Police Service $109,229
Kirkland Lake OPP $120,000
Lambton OPP $120,000
Lanark County OPP $120,000
Leeds OPP    $118,458
Lennox and Addington OPP $110,654
Middlesex County OPP $117,750
Niagara Regional Police Service $120,000
Norfolk County OPP $120,000
North Bay OPP $120,000
Orillia OPP $120,000
Owen Sound Police Service $113,263
Peel Regional Police Service $120,000
Peterborough County OPP $60,401
Quinte West OPP $120,000
Renfrew OPP $120,000
Russell County OPP $120,000
Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry OPP $45,000
Smiths Falls Police Service    $112,853
South Simcoe Police Service $117,865
St. Thomas Police Services $92,500
Strathroy-Caradoc Police Service $108,850
Temiskaming OPP $120,000
West Grey Police Service $93,000
West Parry Sound OPP $119,970
Woodstock Police Service $118,648

Preventing Auto Thefts Grant

The Preventing Auto Thefts (PAT) Grant provides funding to support police services/boards in combatting and preventing vehicle thefts and associated violent crimes across the province. Through the PAT Grant, police services/boards are able to undertake local policing initiatives unique to their needs to combat auto thefts in their communities, as well as educate the public on how to avoid these crimes.

The following police services are receiving funding through this program. Amounts shown will be provided over three years (2023 to 2026).

Preventing Auto Theft Grant recipients
Police service name Funding amount
Barrie Police Service and South Simcoe Police Service $1,800,000
Brockville Police Service and Gananoque Police Service $515,826
Chatham-Kent Police Service $879,884
Cornwall Police Service $795,792
Durham Regional Police Service $900,000
Guelph Police Service $859,977
Halton Regional Police Service $900,000
Hamilton Police Service $895,760
London Police Service $900,000
Niagara Regional Police Service $726,659
OPP Norfolk County Detachment $844,084
OPP Perth County Detachment $860,579
OPP Renfrew Detachment and Admaston Police Service $1,393,500
Peel Regional Police $900,000
Peterborough Police Service, Rama First Nations Police Service and OPP Central Highway Safety Division $492,610
St. Thomas Police Service $608,767
Strathroy-Caradoc Police Service $266,049
Toronto Police Service $900,000
Waterloo Regional Police Service $686,523
Windsor Police Service $899,750
York Regional Police Service $900,000

Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (RIDE) Grant

The Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere (RIDE) Grant provides funding to police services to enhance local enforcement capabilities and to ensure a year-round provincial program to conduct RIDE spot check activities.

The RIDE grant is available to municipal and First Nations police services, as well as Ontario Provincial Police municipal contract locations.

Ontario is investing $4.8 million over two years (2022 to 2024) to assist police services/boards in offsetting their staff costs for implementing RIDE programs of sobriety checks in their jurisdictions.

RIDE grant recipients

Municipal and First Nations police services

  • Anishinabek Police Service
  • Aylmer Police
  • Barrie Police Service
  • Batchewana First Nation Police
  • Belleville Police Service
  • Brantford Police Service
  • Brockville Police Service
  • Chatham-Kent Police Service
  • Chippewas of the Thames First Nation Police
  • Cobourg Police Service
  • Cornwall Police Service
  • Deep River Police Service
  • Durham Regional Police Service
  • Gananoque Police Service
  • Greater Sudbury Police Service
  • Guelph Police Service
  • Halton Regional Police Service
  • Hamilton Police Service
  • Hanover Police Service
  • Kawartha Lakes Police Service
  • Kingston Police
  • Lac Seul Police Service
  • LaSalle Police Service
  • London Police Service
  • Moravian Police
  • Niagara Regional Police Service
  • Nishnawbe Aski Police Service
  • North Bay Police Service
  • Oneida First Nation Police
  • Ottawa Police Service
  • Owen Sound Police Service
  • Peel Regional Police
  • Peterborough Police Service
  • Port Hope Police Service
  • Rama Police Service
  • Sarnia Police Service
  • Saugeen Shores Police Service
  • Sault Ste. Marie Police Service
  • Six Nations Police Service
  • Smiths Falls Police Service
  • South Simcoe Police Service
  • St. Thomas Police Service
  • Stratford Police Service
  • Strathroy-Caradoc Police Service
  • Thunder Bay Police Service
  • Timmins Police Service
  • Toronto Police Service
  • Treaty Three Police Service
  • Walpole Island Police Service
  • Waterloo Regional Police Service
  • West Grey Police Service
  • Wikwemikong Tribal Police Service
  • Windsor Police Service
  • Woodstock Police Service
  • York Regional Police

OPP municipal contract locations

  • Brant County
  • Caledon
  • Collingwood
  • Collingwood (The Blue Mountains)
  • Dryden
  • Dryden (Ignace)
  • Dryden (Machin)
  • Dufferin (Amaranth)
  • Dufferin (Grand Valley)
  • Dufferin (Melancthon)
  • Dufferin (Mono)
  • Dufferin (Mulmur)
  • Dufferin (Orangeville)
  • Dufferin (Shelburne)
  • East Algoma (Blind River)
  • East Algoma (Elliot Lake)
  • East Algoma (Spanish)
  • East Algoma (The North Shore)
  • East Algoma (Thessalon)
  • Elgin County
  • Essex (Kingsville)
  • Essex (Lakeshore)
  • Essex (Leamington)
  • Essex (M)
  • Essex (Tecumseh)
  • Frontenac (South Frontenac)
  • Grenville County (Augusta)
  • Grenville County (Merrickville Wolford)
  • Grenville County (North Grenville)
  • Grenville County (Prescott)
  • Grey Bruce (Chatsworth)
  • Grey Bruce (Georgian Bluffs)
  • Grey Bruce (Grey Highlands)
  • Grey Bruce (South Bruce Peninsula)
  • Grey Bruce (Southgate)
  • Haldimand County
  • Hawkesbury
  • Huron (Central)
  • Huron (Goderich)
  • Huron (South Huron)
  • James Bay (Cochrane)
  • James Bay (Hearst)
  • James Bay (Kapuskasing)
  • James Bay (Smooth Rock Falls)
  • Kenora (Kenora)
  • Kenora (Sioux Narrows Nestor Falls)
  • Killaloe (Bonnechere Valley Township)
  • Kirkland Lake
  • Lambton (Lambton Group)
  • Lambton (Point Edward)
  • Lanark County (Beckwith)
  • Lanark County (Carleton Place)
  • Lanark County (Lanark Highlands)
  • Lanark County (Montague)
  • Lanark County (Perth)
  • Lanark County (Tay Valley)
  • Manitoulin (Espanola)
  • Marathon
  • Middlesex County (Thames Centre)
  • Nipigon (Terrace Bay)
  • Norfolk County
  • North Bay (Bonfield)
  • North Bay (East Ferris)
  • North Bay (Mattawa)
  • North Bay (Powassan)
  • Northumberland (Alnwick Haldimand)
  • Northumberland (Brighton)
  • Northumberland (Cramahe)
  • Northumberland (Hamilton Township)
  • Northumberland (Port Hope)
  • Northumberland (Trent Hills)
  • Nottawasaga
  • Orillia
  • Oxford (Blandford-Blenheim)
  • Oxford (East Zorra Tavistock)
  • Oxford (Ingersoll)
  • Oxford (Norwich)
  • Oxford (Tillsonburg)
  • Perth County (North Perth)
  • Perth County (West Perth)
  • Peterborough (Asphodel Norwood)
  • Peterborough (Douro-Dummer)
  • Peterborough (Havelock-Belmont-Methuen)
  • Peterborough (North Kawartha)
  • Peterborough (Otonabee-South Monaghan)
  • Peterborough (Selwyn)
  • Peterborough (Trent Lakes)
  • Prince Edward County
  • Quinte West
  • Rainy River (Atikokan)
  • Rainy River (Fort Frances)
  • Red Lake
  • Renfrew (Admaston-Bromley)
  • Renfrew (Renfrew)
  • Russell (The Nation)
  • Sault Ste. Marie (Laird)
  • Sault Ste. Marie (MacDonald, Meredith and Aberdeen Additional)
  • Sioux Lookout (M)
  • Sioux Lookout (Pickle Lake)
  • Sioux Lookout for Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (KI) Police Service
  • Sioux Lookout for North Caribou Lake
  • Sioux Lookout for Wapekeka
  • South Bruce (Brockton)
  • South Bruce (Huron-Kinloss)
  • South Bruce (Kincardine)
  • South Georgian Bay (Midland)
  • South Georgian Bay (Penetanguishene)
  • South Georgian Bay (Tiny)
  • Stormont Dundas & Glengarry
  • Superior East (Wawa)
  • Temiskaming (Temagami)
  • Temiskaming (Temiskaming Shores)
  • Thunder Bay (Shuniah)
  • Upper Ottawa Valley (Pembroke)
  • Upper Ottawa Valley (Petawawa)
  • Wellington County
  • West Nipissing

Bail Compliance and Warrant Apprehension (BCWA) Grant

The BCWA Grant offers funding to support police services/boards in strengthening their bail compliance and warrant apprehension enforcement programs. Through the BCWA Grant, police services and boards can address issues of bail non-compliance by expanding the resources needed to monitor and apprehend high-risk repeat offenders violating bail conditions, and help ensure that both sentencing and bail processes work to reduce violent acts and keep communities safe.

The following police services are receiving funding through this program. Amounts shown will be provided over three years (2023 to 2026).

Bail Compliance and Warrant Apprehension Grant Recipients
Police service name Funding amount
Barrie Police Service $1,200,000
Central Region OPP and Rama Police Service $2,199,467
Chatham-Kent Police Service $1,200,000
Cornwall Police Service $1,106,763
Dryden Police Service and OPP Northwest Region (Police Service Boards of Atikokan, Fort Frances, Sioux Lookout, Shuniah, Kenora, Dryden, Red Lake, Marathon, Terrace Bay, Treaty Three Police, Anishnabek Police Service, Nishnawbe Aski Police Service) $1,875,386
Elgin County OPP $300,000
Greater Sudbury Police Service $964,250
Hamilton Police Service $1,193,409
Kawartha Lakes Police Service $417,673
London Police Service $1,200,000
Owen Sound Police Service $900,000
Sault Ste. Marie Police Service $300,000
South Simcoe Police Service $873,311
St. Thomas Police Service $1,062,862
Thunder Bay Police Service $1,133,786
Toronto Police Service and Durham Regional Police Service $2,400,000
Wellington County OPP $1,065,905
Windsor Police Service and LaSalle Police Service $2,276,438
York Regional Police Service (two projects) $2,400,000

Fire Protection Grant recipients

As part of the 2024 Budget, Ontario announced the three-year $30 million Fire Protection Grant to support firefighter health and safety. This year, 374 municipal fire departments will receive funding to support cancer prevention initiatives.

Grant recipient municipalities, A-C
Grant recipient municipalities, A-C
Municipality Amount
Addington Highlands $24,691
Adelaide Metcalfe $8,230
Adjala-Tosorontio $16,460
Admaston Bromley $8,230
Ajax $24,691
Alberton $8,230
Alfred and Plantagenet $32,921
Algonquin Highlands $24,691
Alnwick-Haldimand $24,691
Amherstburg $24,691
Armstrong $8,230
Arnprior $8,230
Arran-Elderslie $24,691
Asphodel-Norwood $16,460
Assiginack $8,230
Athens $8,230
Atikokan $8,230
Augusta $16,460
Aylmer $8,230
Baldwin $8,230
Bancroft $24,691
Barrie $41,152
Bayham $16,460
Beckwith $8,230
Belleville $41,152
Billings $8,230
Black River-Matheson $24,691
Blandford-Blenheim $32,921
Blind River $8,230
Blue Mountains, The $16,460
Bluewater $32,921
Bonfield $16,460
Bonnechere Valley $16,460
Bracebridge $16,460
Bradford West Gwillimbury $8,230
Brampton $106,995
Brant $65,843
Brantford $32,921
Brighton $16,460
Brockton $16,460
Brockville $16,460
Brooke-Alvinston $7,227
Bruce Mines $8,230
Brudenell, Lyndoch and Raglan $32,921
Burk’s Falls $8,230
Burlington $65,843
Burpee and Mills $8,000
Caledon $74,074
Callander $16,460
Calvin $8,230
Cambridge $48,308
Carleton Place $8,230
Carling $8,230
Casey $8,230
Casselman $8,000
Cavan-Monaghan $16,460
Central Elgin $31,690
Central Frontenac $32,921
Central Huron $8,230
Central Manitoulin $9,516
Centre Hastings $16,460
Centre Wellington $16,340
Champlain $16,460
Chapleau $8,230
Chapple $7,900
Chatham-Kent $156,378
Chatsworth $8,230
Chisholm $3,959
Clarence-Rockland $24,691
Clarington $41,152
Clearview $41,152
Cobalt $8,230
Cobourg $8,230
Cochrane $16,460
Coleman $8,230
Collingwood $8,230
Conmee $8,230
Cornwall $16,460
Cramahe $16,460
Grant recipient municipalities, D-H
Grant recipient municipalities, D-H
Municipality Amount
Dawn-Euphemia $8,150
Deep River $8,230
Deseronto $8,230
Dorion $8,230
Douro-Dummer $32,921
Drummond/North Elmsley $16,460
Dryden $16,460
Dubreuilville $8,230
Dutton Dunwish $8,230
Dysart et al $8,230
Ear Falls $8,230
East Ferris $16,460
East Gwillimbury $24,691
East Hawkesbury $23,753
East Zorra-Tavistock $24,691
Edwardsburgh/Cardinal $16,460
Elizabethtown-Kitley $24,691
Elliot Lake $8,230
Emo $8,230
Englehart $16,460
Erin $16,460
Espanola $7,287
Essa $16,460
Essex $24,691
Faraday $16,460
Fauquier-Strickland $16,460
Fort Erie $32,921
Fort Frances $8,230
French River $16,460
Front of Yonge $8,230
Frontenac Islands $16,460
Gananoque $8,230
Gauthier $16,460
Georgian Bay $24,691
Georgian Bluffs $8,230
Georgina $24,691
Gillies $8,230
Goderich $8,230
Gore Bay $8,230
Grand Valley $8,230
Gravenhurst $24,691
Greater Madawaska $16,460
Greater Napanee $24,691
Greater Sudbury $189,300
Greenstone $32,921
Grey Highlands $16,460
Grimsby $16,460
Guelph $49,382
Guelph/Eramosa $8,016
Haldimand County $90,534
Halton Hills $24,691
Hamilton (City) $222,222
Hamilton (Township) $24,691
Hanover $8,230
Harley $7,551
Hastings Highlands $41,152
Havelock Belmont Methuen $16,460
Hawkesbury $8,230
Hearst $8,230
Highlands East $41,152
Hilton $8,230
Hornepayne $8,230
Horton $8,230
Howick $8,230
Hudson $8,230
Huntsville $16,460
Huron East $24,691
Huron Shores (in partnership with Township of the North Shore and Town of Thessalon) $40,000
Huron-Kinloss $16,460
Grant recipient municipalities, I-M
Grant recipient municipalities, I-M
Municipality Amount
Ignace $8,000
Ingersoll $8,230
Innisfill $41,152
Iroquois Falls $24,691
James $8,230
Jocelyn $16,460
Johnson $8,230
Kapuskasing $8,230
Kawartha Lakes $156,378
Kearney $8,164
Kenora $24,691
Kerns $8,230
Killaloe, Hagarty and Richards $15,270
Killarney $8,230
Kincardine $16,460
King $24,691
Kingston $82,304
Kingsville $16,460
Kirkland Lake $8,230
Kitchener $57,613
La Vallee $8,230
Lake of Bays $23,927
Lakeshore $40,000
Lambton Shores $41,152
Lanark Highlands $32,921
LaSalle $8,230
Laurentian Hills $14,640
Laurentian Valley $8,230
Leamington $8,230
Leeds and the Thousand Islands $32,921
Limerick $8,230
Lincoln $32,921
London $106,545
Loyalist $32,921
Lucan Biddulph $16,460
Macdonald, Meredith and Aberdeen Additional $8,230
Machin $8,900
Madawaska Valley $16,460
Madoc $8,230
Magnetawan $16,460
Malahide $24,691
Manitouwadge $8,230
Mapleton $16,460
Marathon $8,230
Markham $74,074
Markstay-Warren $24,691
Marmora and Lake $8,230
Matachewan $8,230
Mattawa $8,230
Mattice-Val Côté $16,460
McDougall $16,128
McGarry $8,230
McKellar $16,224
McMurrich Monteith $8,230
McNab/Braeside $24,581
Meaford $8,230
Merrickville-Wolford $8,230
Middlesex Centre $41,152
Midland $8,230
Milton $41,152
Minden Hills $8,230
Minto $24,691
Mississauga $172,839
Mississippi Mills $16,460
Mono $8,230
Montague $8,230
Moosonee $8,230
Morley $15,000
Mulmur $8,230
Muskoka Lakes $82,304
Grant recipient municipalities, N-R
Grant recipient municipalities, N-R
Municipality Amount
Nairn and Hyman $11,225
Nation, The $41,152
Neebing $41,152
New Tecumseth $24,691
Newbury $8,230
Newmarket $41,152
Niagara Falls $57,613
Niagara-on-the-Lake $40,616
Nipigon $8,230
Nipissing $16,460
Norfolk County $90,534
North Algona Wilberforce $24,691
North Bay $32,921
North Dumfries $8,230
North Dundas $32,921
North Frontenac $24,691
North Glengarry $24,691
North Grenville $16,460
North Huron $16,460
North Kawartha $16,460
North Middlesex $16,460
North Perth $24,691
North Stormont $32,921
Northeastern Manitoulin and the Islands $14,145
Northern Bruce Peninsula $16,460
Norwich $32,921
O'Connor $8,230
Oakville $74,074
Oil Springs $8,230
Oliver Paipoonge $49,382
Opasatika $8,230
Orangeville $8,230
Orillia $16,460
Oro-Medonte $49,382
Oshawa $49,382
Otonabee-South Monaghan $32,921
Ottawa $370,370
Owen Sound $8,230
Papineau-Cameron $8,230
Parry Sound $8,230
Pelee $8,230
Pelham $24,691
Pembroke $8,230
Penetanguishene $8,230
Perry $8,230
Perth East $24,691
Perth $8,230
Petawawa $16,460
Peterborough $24,691
Petrolia $8,230
Pickering $41,152
Pickle Lake $8,230
Plympton-Wyoming $16,460
Point Edward $8,230
Port Colborne $8,230
Port Hope $24,691
Powassan $16,460
Prescott (Separated) $8,230
Prince $8,000
Prince Edward $82,304
Puslinch $8,230
Quinte West $57,613
Rainy River $24,691
Ramara $24,691
Red Lake $32,921
Red Rock $8,230
Renfrew $8,230
Richmond Hill $49,382
Rideau Lakes $31,843
Russell $16,460
Grant recipient municipalities, S-Z
Grant recipient municipalities, S-Z
Municipality Amount
Sables-Spanish Rivers $32,921
Sarnia $41,152
Saugeen Shores $16,460
Sault Ste. Marie $32,921
Schreiber $24,691
Scucog (in partnership with the Township of Brock) $41,152
Seguin $32,921
Selwyn $41,152
Severn $32,921
Shelburne $8,230
Shuniah $24,691
Sioux Lookout $7,556
Sioux Narrows-Nestor Falls $10,859
Smith Falls (Separated) $8,230
Smooth Rock Falls $8,230
South-West Oxford $24,691
South Algonquin $16,460
South Bruce $16,460
South Bruce Peninsula $16,460
South Dundas $24,691
South Frontenac $65,843
South Glengarry $41,152
South Huron $16,460
South River $8,230
South Stormont $32,921
Southgate $8,230
Southwest Middlesex $16,460
Southwold $16,460
Spanish $8,230
Springwater $32,185
St. Catherines $49,382
St. Charles $8,230
St. Clair $49,382
St. Joseph $8,230
St. Marys $8,230
St. Thomas $16,460
Stirling-Rawdon $16,460
Stone Mills $32,921
Stratford $16,460
Strathroy-Caradoc $24,691
Sundridge $8,230
Tarbutt $8,230
Tay $32,921
Tecumseh $16,460
Tehkummah $8,230
Temagami $16,460
Temiskaming Shores $24,691
Terrace Bay $8,230
Thames Centre $16,460
Thorold $32,921
Thunder Bay $65,843
Tillsonburg $8,230
Timmins $49,382
Tiny $41,152
Toronto $691,357
Trent Hills $24,691
Trent Lakes $32,921
Tweed $8,230
Tyendinaga $8,230
Uxbridge $8,230
Val Rita-Harty $16,460
Vaughan $82,304
Wainfleet $32,921
Warwick $16,460
Wasaga Beach $16,460
Waterloo $32,921
Wawa $8,230
Welland $24,691
Wellesley $23,955
Wellington North $16,460
West Elgin $16,460
West Grey $24,691
West Lincoln $16,460
West Nipissing $74,074
West Perth $8,230
Whitby $41,152
Whitchurch-Stouffville $16,460
White River $8,230
Whitestone $16,460
Whitewater Region $41,152
Wilmot $24,691
Windsor $57,613
Wollaston $8,230
Woodstock $16,460
Woolwich $49,382
Zorra $22,852