Systemic racism in the workplace

Preventing systemic racism in the workplace is a critical objective that can be undermined by a number of factors, including:

  • an organization’s culture
  • outdated human resources policies and practices
  • a lack of resources and supports

Indigenous, Black and racialized people face distinct challenges entering the workforce, advancing in their career and seeking out learning and professional development opportunities. This often results in an unequal distribution of income and opportunities across these communities.

There is incredible talent and expertise within Ontario’s Indigenous, Black and racialized communities. Building companies that work for all is good for business and can result in better performance, higher revenues and increased work attendance. Employers need to address the barriers that prevent this pool of talent from entering the workforce, advancing in their careers and accessing professional development. Together, we can build a more inclusive Ontario.

Addressing systemic racism in the workplace matters. When employees think their organization is committed to diversity and feel included, they report better performance in innovation and team collaboration.footnote 1

  • 48%
    estimated racialized population in Ontario by 2036.footnote 2
  • 10%
    improvement in employee perceptions of inclusion increases work attendance by almost one day a year per employee.footnote 3

Coming soon: more resources for employers

The Anti-Racism Directorate (ARD) is working with CivicAction to develop the Employer Resource Hub, a collection of resources to support the advancement of racial equity in the workplace.

We will continue to add digital tools and resources to this page to help support Indigenous, Black and racialized talent to progress in their careers, including into leadership roles, experience true economic inclusion and build workplaces that work for all.

The resource hub will help employers identify actions they can take to enhance workplace opportunities for Black, Indigenous and racialized employees.

Learn about the Anti-Racism Directorate.