Enhanced biosecurity for African Swine Fever Preparedness Initiative under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership
Learn about funding for pork producers, processors and agri-businesses for biosecurity and emergency preparedness against African Swine Fever.
The application intake period is now closed.
These guidelines concern targeted support for enhanced biosecurity and emergency preparedness planning activities to reduce the likelihood of the introduction of African swine fever (ASF) into Ontario. This intake will assist producers, processors and other agri-businesses across Ontario’s pork value chain by cost-sharing certain expenses related to biosecurity improvements and ASF prevention and preparedness activities.
Target audience
This Enhanced Biosecurity for African Swine Fever Preparedness Initiative targets producers, processors and other agri-businesses across the pork value chain to enhance their biosecurity and emergency preparedness against ASF through certain eligible activities ("the Initiative").
Eligible applicants include producers, processors and other agri-businesses that are part of Ontario’s pork value chain.
- A producer that is a legal entity that raises, owns or houses pigs.
- A processor business that is involved directly in the slaughter of pigs.
- Eligible processor businesses are registered under the federal Safe Food for Canadians Act or are licensed abattoirs under the provincial Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001.
- An agri-business, other than a producer or processer business, that is a legal entity operating an established commingling facility for pigs, such as assembly yards, sales barns, auction markets (including facilities licenced under the Livestock Community Sales Act), fairs, exhibitions, community pastures, trucking rest stations, transporters, and veterinary clinics.
In order to be eligible for funding under this Initiative, an applicant must also:
- be an active participant in Ontario’s pork value chain
- be and remain in compliance with all Requirements of Law for the duration of the project
- have a valid and up-to-date Premises Identification (PID) Number for the business location where their project will take place
- to register for a PID number, visit the Provincial Premises Registry (PPR)
- provide a valid Farm Business Registration Number (FBRN) as part of the application process, if applicable
- to register for an FBRN, visit Agricorp
- provide a Canada Revenue Agency Business Number as part of the application process, if applicable
- be registered with Transfer Payment Ontario (and be registered to receive direct deposit payments through Supply Chain Ontario)
- not have applied to the Processor and Other Business Intake in August 2021 for projects that include the same eligible costs, or have withdrawn their application (and reapplied under this Initiative)
- agree to be bound by the funding terms and conditions of the Initiative
- be capable of entering into a funding agreement with the Province of Ontario and meeting their obligations under it
Please note however that:
- Applicants can only access one funding source under the Partnership for their proposed Project. However, applicants may access other government funding as long as those other programs allow the ’stacking’ of funds (for example, combining government funding to support the same project) and the total assistance provided from all funding sources is not greater than 100% for the total eligible costs under this intake. All funding for the proposed project from all sources, current and pending, must be listed on the application.
- An applicant may only apply to one intake for projects that include the same eligible costs.
- Applicants can only submit one application per business.
- If approved, applicants must not amend, vary or change or deviate from the project described in their application form in any material way without first advising the Administrative Services Representative, Rural Programs Branch at OMAFRA at agruralprograms@ontario.ca. The ministry reserves the right to suspend and recover funding for amended projects that do not continue to meet the Partnership’s and the Initiative’s criteria.
Available cost-share
- 50% of the verified eligible expenses incurred and paid, up to a maximum amount of $40,000.
Eligible expenses
Expenses are eligible for reimbursement if incurred:
- as of 12:01 a.m. (EST) on October 19, 2021
- before 11:59 p.m. (EST) on March 21, 2022
Eligible expenses for all Initiative categories include:
- In-kind contributions, including contributions of their existing full or part-time staff’s labour and own equipment, cumulatively up to $2,000.
- One-time labour costs specifically required for successful completion of their project, such as contract salaries, benefits and specific per diem fees for persons that are not full or part-time staff of the applicant and that are persons at Arm’s Length to the applicant.
- One-time costs for the rental of facilities, processing equipment, or machinery required specifically for the successful completion of their project with the exception of Education, training, assessment and planning projects.
Eligible expenses under the following eight categories include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Education, training, assessment, and planning (education and planning)
- Education and training from a third-party institution or qualified consultant on topics related to the adoption of national biosecurity standards, a commodity-specific risk management program, or animal welfare practices and procedures related to national Codes of Practice for the care and handling of farm animals (Note: Proof of completed training or education is required for reimbursement of expenses).
- Operational assessments or audits, conducted by a qualified third-party (for example, licensed veterinarian or certified animal welfare auditor) against:
- national biosecurity standards
- commodity-specific risk management program
- national Codes of Practice for the care and handling of farm animals
- national commodity-specific farm animal care and welfare program
- market-driven animal welfare program (for example, North American Meat Institute Audit)
- Qualified third-party services to provide an initial operational plan (for example, disease response plan, operation specific procedures, including destruction and disposal of livestock (pigs).
- Defining zones and controlled access points (CAP) (zones and CAP)
- Note: A site map must be submitted with the application for all of these eligible expenses and will be subject to evaluation for reimbursement of expenses.
- Operational improvements as preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of the introduction and spread of ASF, including, but not limited to:
- clearly defining zones (for example, controlled access zone, restricted access zone) within the site and access points using signage, biosecurity-related fencing, barriers, grading, and/or landscaping
- retrofits to existing structures to establish an effective transition area (anteroom)
- improving the efficiency of traffic flows to reduce contamination by establishing new or re-routing existing laneways, access routes and vehicle turning areas
- controlling access to operation and buildings with gates, fencing, signage, locks, barriers and security monitoring equipment
- construction of new or modifications to existing structures to facilitate more effective movement of animals and humans
- Establishing cleaning and disinfecting practices (cleaning and disinfecting)
- Operational improvements as preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of the introduction and spread of ASF, including, but not limited to:
- specialized cleaning and disinfection equipment (for example, hot water pressure washer, tractor attachments for barn cleanout, livestock footbaths)
- installing a treatment system for the purpose of disinfecting or removing pathogens, fomites, or contaminants from the water, including sulphur and iron
- replacing interior surfaces (for example, walls, flooring, dividers) with non-porous washable materials such as concrete, puck board or stainless steel
- construction of a hard surface (for example, concrete) pad or wash bay/facility for cleaning and disinfecting vehicles and equipment within the controlled access zone (CAZ) or at a controlled access point (CAP) (Note: A site map must be submitted with the application and will be subject to evaluation for reimbursement of expenses)
- installation of sanitation/shower/washer facilities at CAPs or anterooms to higher risk areas such as barns, animal housing facilities (must be part of a complete transition area for effective biosecurity) (Note: A site map must be submitted with the application and will be subject to evaluation for reimbursement of expenses)
- Operational improvements as preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of the introduction and spread of ASF, including, but not limited to:
- Establishing isolation or segregation facilities (isolation and segregation)
- Note: A site map must be submitted with the application for all of these eligible expenses and will be subject to evaluation for reimbursement of expenses
- Operational improvements as preventive measures to reduce the introduction and spread of disease, including, but not limited to:
- construction of a new structure, or modifications to an existing structure, to:
- create segregation areas for distinct, high-risk cohorts (for example, newborns)
- create an animal treatment or work area for service personnel
- construction of a new or modification of an existing structure for a quarantine or isolation facility for sick animals
- structure must have a controlled access point, be easily cleaned and disinfected, and house animals separately with no direct contact, shared feed, water or housing
- construction of a new structure, or modifications to an existing structure, to:
- Preventing access by wildlife, pests, and rodents (access of pests)
- Operational improvements as preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of the introduction and spread of ASF, including, but not limited to:
- installing or repairing of screening, plastic curtains and soffits on barns or production facilities
- installing pest control devices or deterrents
- gravel around perimeter of barns or production facilities (1-meter strip, 6 inches deep) (Note: This requires a site map to be submitted with the application and will be subject to evaluation for reimbursement of expenses)
- Operational improvements as preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of the introduction and spread of ASF, including, but not limited to:
- Health management
- Operational improvements as preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of the introduction and spread of ASF, including, but not limited to:
- purchase of tools or equipment for animal health and monitoring, such as health management software, scales or metering equipment, and multi-dose injectors
- Operational improvements as preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of the introduction and spread of ASF, including, but not limited to:
- Establishing facilities to manage deadstock (managing deadstock)
- The following expenses must meet the requirements of the Ontario Regulations 31/05 and 105/09, under the Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001, Ontario Regulation 106/09 under the Nutrient Management Act, 2002 (NMA), (or any applicable requirements under the Safe Food for Canadians Act and the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations for federally licensed plants) and be suitable for use. The undertaking of these activities for cost-share funding may still be subject to regulatory approvals:
- purchase or construction of a deadstock (and parts thereof) management system (for example, composter, digestor, incinerator [subject to regulatory requirements], in-ground vessel) and associated runoff management
- new construction or modifications to existing structures or buildings to facilitate the handling, storage and removal of deadstock and parts thereof, or to securely store deadstock in a manner that prevents access by wildlife and vermin
- new freezer or cooler systems for the temporary storage of deadstock and parts thereof
- The following expenses must meet the requirements of the Ontario Regulations 31/05 and 105/09, under the Food Safety and Quality Act, 2001, Ontario Regulation 106/09 under the Nutrient Management Act, 2002 (NMA), (or any applicable requirements under the Safe Food for Canadians Act and the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations for federally licensed plants) and be suitable for use. The undertaking of these activities for cost-share funding may still be subject to regulatory approvals:
- Equipment and services
- Euthanasia equipment (such as captive bolt guns and ammunition) (Note: Proof of completion for associated training is required for reimbursement)
Note: The use of equipment or undertaking of activities approved for cost-share funding may still be subject to regulatory approvals. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure all legal obligations are fulfilled.
Ineligible expenses
Ineligible costs for this Initiative include, but are not limited to:
- projects that support animals of non-agricultural significance or do not prevent or mitigate the likelihood of the introduction of ASF
- fencing or demarcation of parts of the operation that are not subject to biosecurity measures or protocols
- washers, dryers, furniture, or equipment for transition area that are not directly related to biosecurity
- modifications related to increasing production, health and safety requirements, or reasons not relevant to improving biosecurity
- ongoing consumables (for example, disposable coveralls, boot covers, gloves, masks, disinfectant, soap, bait)
- purchase of sealed containers or bins to store bagged or loose feed securely, or modifications or repairs to existing feed or bedding storages
- modifications and repairs as part of routine maintenance (for example, replacing old surfaces with the same material; replacing or repairing doors, windows roofing, exterior walls, foundation, or fencing)
- general clothing and equipment for use in a restricted access zone or controlled access point (for example, coveralls, boots, buckets, brushes)
- any cost not set out as an eligible cost and expenditure in the eligible expenses above.
- any cost not specifically required for the execution of a project
- normal operating costs associated with carrying out or expanding a business’s current operations
- legal fees
- costs related to activities that promote Ontario products explicitly over those of another province or territory
- costs related to activities that directly influence or lobby any level of government
- costs of basic research
- costs of ongoing activities
- Normal commercial expansion costs
- costs for rental of facilities, equipment or machinery for projects under the assessment, audit, planning or skills development and training in the eligible expenses above
- costs of training and skills development that fulfill any academic requirements towards completion of a professional certificate, diploma or degree program
- costs of sponsorship of conferences and learning events or initiatives
- costs of travel, meals and accommodations
- consultant and other contractor expenses for any hospitality (for example, provision of food or beverage at events), incidentals or food
- permits and approvals
- purchase or sale of land, buildings or facilities or associated taxes or fees (for example, land transfer tax)
- lease of land, buildings and facilities for the purpose of starting up a new business or as part of normal operation
- fertilizer or crop protection costs
- new building construction (unless otherwise specified in the eligible expenses above)
- purchase of typical farm equipment (for example, tractors, skid steers, combines, livestock trailers) and related accessories or attachments (unless otherwise specified in the above eligible expenses above)
- tile drainage systems
- production quota
- crop storage facilities
- mentoring or coaching services (unless otherwise specified in the eligible expenses above)
- Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and associated components
- robotic milking systems, TMR mixers, feed pushers and automated feeding systems
- financing charges, loan interest payments, bank fees and charges
- any cost, including a tax, that is eligible for a rebate, credit or refund (for example, a refundable portion of the Harmonized Sales Tax)
- gifts and incentives
- hand or power tools or attachments
- maintenance or extended warranties
- multi-use items (for example, items that can reach beyond the scope of the project such as computers, printers, etc.)
- costs related to Ontario government promotional campaigns or branding
- any capital item that is funded by government sources at 75% or more
- expenses for goods and services that are not acquired through a transaction with a third-party that is:
- transparent, fair and promotes the best value for the money expended at competitive prices no greater than fair market value after deducting available discounts
- at Arm’s Length from the business as determined within the criteria set out in section 251 of the Income Tax Act (Canada)
- deposits (prepayments) for which goods or services are not yet fully received
Application and assessment process
- Applicants must complete and submit an application form in accordance with the instructions and using the software specified on the form, including all required supporting documentation to ensure funding will be available at the time of claim submission.
- Please refer to the eligible expenses list and submit any supporting documentation identified for each eligible item required for project approval and reimbursement (for example, site sketch).
- Only eligible applicants will be considered for financial support under this Initiative on a first come, first served basis.
- All complete applications received are evaluated based only on the information submitted.
- The application form will not be considered if it does not meet eligibility criteria or if it is incomplete. This includes registration to the Transfer Payment Common Registry (visit Transfer Payment Ontario for more information) and to receive direct deposit payments through Supply Chain Ontario (visit Supply Chain Ontario to register or to update the business’ information).
- Note: the form must be filled out using Adobe Acrobat Reader. Although your form may appear to be filled out correctly when using non-Adobe software, Adobe Acrobat Reader is the only software that will properly retain your form details. Other PDF reader software, including your internet browser, is not compatible with this form. If you do not already have Adobe software on your computer, you can download a free version.
- Completed applications, including all required documentation, should be submitted for review by email to agruralprograms@ontario.ca. If you submit an application but do not receive an acknowledgement within two business days please contact OMAFRA at:
1-877-424-1300 . - Note: Completed application forms will be accepted and, subject to OMAFRA’s discretion, approved on a first come, first served basis from November 5, 2021 until March 21, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. (EST) or while appropriated funding remains available, whichever comes first.
- Following submission of the application form and approval, a file number will be assigned to the applicant via email by OMAFRA staff.
Submitting a claim
- Following submission of the application form and assignment of a file number by OMAFRA staff, the applicant will be provided with a link to the claims portal.
- Via the claims portal, eligible applicants will be able to submit expense claims with all supporting documentation (for example, invoices, proof of payments) and request reimbursement for eligible expenses incurred, provided the applicant has not reached the approved funding limit.
- The applicant is encouraged to submit one claim form, which would include all the eligible expenses, but it is not mandatory and subsequent claim forms submitted via the claims portal will be accepted, provided the applicant has not reached the maximum funding limit and/or funding is still available.
- Applicants may submit a claim form to request reimbursement for eligible expenses from November 5, 2021 up to March 21, 2022, provided the applicant has not reached the maximum funding limit and funding is still available.
- Claims are required to be submitted to OMAFRA no later than the claim deadline date given.
- There will be a ten per cent (10%) holdback on any reimbursement until a final report for the project, in such form and with such content as OMAFRA shall determine, is received and approved by OMAFRA. At a minimum, the final report submitted for the project will include an attestation that the project has been completed as approved and has complied with the requirements of the Initiative.
- OMAFRA may request additional information from the applicant that is deemed necessary (for example, copies of any permits obtained by the applicant in conducting the project, photos).
- The ministry may request any additional information from the applicant that it considers necessary and reserves the right to inspect and verify costs and/or equipment associated with claim.
- Extensions will only be considered for applicants who can provide valid documentation, with an estimated project completion date, that identifies orders have been placed or the project has already started within the intake timeframe.
- All approved projects under this intake need to be completed by June 30, 2022.
Claims submitted through the claims portal must:
- be complete
- include true copies of all paid invoices and proof of payments
- include any additional documentation requested by the administrator to verify eligible expenses
- refer to eligible expense list for detailed information on supplemental documentation required for identified eligible costs
Proof of payment must verify in detail:
- who paid
- who received payment
- the goods or services provided
- the amount of the payment
- the date of the payment
Acceptable proof of payment includes:
- An electronic image of processed cheque.
- A statement from a banking institution indicating to whom the processed cheque was written, or electronic payment made, and for what amount.
- A credit card or debit card receipt or statement clearly identifying amount and to whom the payment was made. (Credit card or debit card numbers and other information, including costs that are unrelated to the project, should be blacked out.)
- Such further and other proof as the administrator may require and accept.
Terms and conditions
Application intake: The Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a five-year program, which runs from April 3, 2018 to March 31, 2023, and the application intake is limited period within it for the purposes of the Initiative.
Arm’s Length: In general terms, parties are considered to be at arm’s length if they are not related to, not affiliated with or controlled by one another. Refer to Section 251 of the Income Tax Act (Canada) for the detailed statutory provisions used for determining Arm’s Length relationships by OMAFRA. If you have any questions about whether a supplier meets this requirement, please contact OMAFRA at
Capital costs: Include costs of machinery, equipment, software development/purchase and installation; renovations; site improvements; leasehold improvements; building improvements and construction.
Claim: A report submitted by the recipient to the Province of Ontario to provide the Province of Ontario with information on which to base a reimbursement payment. Claims must meet all of the requirements stated in the contribution agreement between the Province of Ontario and the recipient for the project.
CRA Business Number: The CRA Business Number is a unique number the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) assigns your business as a tax ID. It is a nine-digit identifier that is used when dealing with federal, provincial or local governments.
Farm Business Registration Number (FBRN): All farm businesses in Ontario that gross $7,000 or more annually are required by law to register their farm business with Agricorp. More information on the FBRN and allowable exemptions is available from Agricorp.
Incurred (cost): A cost for which a business has become liable to pay.
Merit assessment criteria: Criteria used to establish the level of merit for funding of each eligible application.
Premises Identification (PID) number: A PID number is a unique identifying number assigned to a parcel of land that is associated with agri-food activities. In Ontario, premises are identified and registered in the Provincial Premises Registry. For more information on applying for a PID number, go to Provincial Premises Registry.
Project: The undertaking approved by OMAFRA and carried out by the applicant for which eligible activities are reimbursed under the terms and conditions of the Initiative.
Project category: Cost-share funding is made available under specific project categories, which each have their own parameters, criteria, and terms and conditions.
Project category description: Each project category description provides the parameters, criteria and terms and conditions specific to a project category under which cost-share funding is made available.
Requirements of Law: Means all applicable Requirements of Law, as may be set out in statutes, regulations, by-laws, codes, rules, ordinances, official plans, approvals, permits, licenses, authorizations, decrees, injunctions, orders and declarations, or any other similar instrument.
If the application and the Project are approved by way of a separate letter from OMAFRA, the terms and conditions of the Canadian Agricultural Partnership and the Initiative as set out in these guidelines (excluding the frequently asked questions portion), the application form and in Minister’s Order 0005/2018, as may be amended from time to time, in combination will create a binding agreement between the business and Her Majesty the Queen in right of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, for a period of seven (7) years from the date on the approval letter ("Agreement").
In the event of an error, omission, inconsistency or conflict between anything set out in the application form, these guidelines and the Minister’s Order 0005/2018, the guidelines will prevail over the application form, and the Minister’s Order 0005/18 will prevail over the guidelines.
Applying for cost-share funding
Frequently asked questions
- Who may apply?
- Please see eligibility for detailed information.
- What is the available cost-share?
- Please see available cost-share for detailed information.
- Can I still apply to this intake if I have submitted an application to the August 2021 intake for processors and other business for projects that include the same eligible costs?
- The current intake is restricted to applicants who did not apply to or choose to withdraw their application from the recent Processor and other business intake (August 2021) and reapply under this intake or future CAP intakes, for projects that include the same eligible costs.
- How do I submit my application?
- Please see application and assessment process for detailed information.
- How will my application be assessed?
- Please see application and assessment process for detailed information.
- How will I be notified that my application has been accepted?
- Please see application and assessment process for detailed information.
- When can I start incurring expenses?
- Expenses incurred as of October 19, 2021, are eligible. Applicants can apply and submit projected costs for those activities on a first come, first served basis from November 5, 2021 until March 21, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. or while funding remains available, whichever comes first.
- Please see eligible expenses for detailed information.
- How do I submit a claim?
- Claims are required to be submitted to OMAFRA no later than the claim deadline date given.
- There will be a ten per cent (10%) holdback on any reimbursement until a final report for the project, in such form and with such content as OMAFRA shall determine, is received and approved by OMAFRA. At a minimum, the final report submitted for the project will include an attestation that the project has been completed as approved and has complied with the requirements of the Initiative.
- OMAFRA may request additional information from the applicant that is deemed necessary (for example, copies of any permits obtained by the applicant in conducting the project, photos).
- Please see submitting a claim for detailed information.
- How is my claim assessed?
- Please see submitting a claim for detailed information.
- How often can I submit a claim?
- The applicant is encouraged to submit one claim form, which would include all the eligible expenses, but it is not mandatory and subsequent claim forms submitted via the Claims Portal will be accepted, provided the applicant has not reached the maximum funding limit and/or funding is still available.
- Please see submitting a claim for detailed information.
- When is my claim paid?
- Approved funding is paid once you have incurred and paid for expenses, and your submitted claim package has met all the requirements and been approved by OMAFRA.
- Please see submitting a claim for detailed information.
- What costs are eligible for cost-share funding?
- Please see eligible expenses for detailed information.
- What costs are not eligible for cost-share funding?
- Please see ineligible expenses for detailed information.
- Can I
cost-share funding for the same project?- Applicants can only access one funding source under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership for their proposed project. However, Applicants may access other government funding as long as those other programs allow the
of funds (i.e. combining government funding to support the same project) and the total assistance provided from all funding sources is not greater than 100% for the total eligible costs under this intake. All funding for the proposed project from all sources, current and pending, must be listed on the application. - Please see eligibility for detailed information.
- Applicants can only access one funding source under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership for their proposed project. However, Applicants may access other government funding as long as those other programs allow the