Farm business decision calculators
Learn how to evaluate farm business decisions using these calculators as a tool. This technical information is for farm owners and operators.
Cost of production for crops and livestock
These budgets help producers evaluate the economics of production decisions and assess the potential impact of production and marketing risk factors and risk management strategies. You can enter data specific to your operation, with calculations performed automatically, and view, modify, and print the results for your own use.
Hay cost of production worksheet
The hay cost of production worksheet is designed to calculate cost of producing dry hay. It reflects the variables that make up costs including yield, establishment costs, type and weight of packaging, number of cuts, return on investment of land, storage and equipment costs.
Harvest decision calculator
The harvest decision calculator helps growers analyze the most profitable strategy for each orchard and consider whether the crop is worth harvesting. Growers with a partial crop are looking to determine what situation would be advantageous to harvest. A typical rule to follow is to harvest only if the added returns from harvesting exceed the relevant additional costs associated with harvesting.
Grass stocker worksheet (cattle)
The grass stocker worksheet is for calculating the return and the margin of placing stockers on grass pasture.
Dairy expansion workbook
The dairy expansion workbook is an analysis tool to help determine the feasibility of a farm expansion. By entering facility, loan, production and revenue/expense information, a projected income statement will be produced for the expanded dairy farm.
Custom farmwork rate calculator
The custom farmwork rate calculator allows you to calculate what to charge for custom farmwork. Also included are charts of machinery costs that are required for the calculations, the survey of Ontario custom farmwork rates charged in 2018 and a fact sheet containing the 2018 survey of custom farmwork rates charged in Ontario and a guide to writing custom farmwork agreements.
Equipment lease analyzer
The equipment lease analyzer compares the cost of leasing equipment to purchasing. This can be done by using the simple calculator or the cashflow analyzer. Other options, such as the cost of buying used and repairing equipment, are compared.
Short-term equipment rate calculator
The short-term equipment rental rate calculator allows you to calculate what to charge for short-term equipment rentals.
Machinery cost calculator
The machinery cost calculator contains a machinery cost calculator, cost charts, a fact sheet on machinery budgeting and a comparison worksheet that looks at machinery replacement options including purchase, repair, lease and custom hire. It also has a simple cash basis lease worksheet.
Buildings and land
Building rent calculator
Owners of farm buildings frequently ask questions such as "What is a fair rent for my farm buildings? How do you arrive at either a fair asking price, or at a fair offer price for a building rental?"
This program will help you calculate a fair rent for your building.
Land cost tools
The land cost calculator allows you to examine the cost of owning land and what you can afford to pay for it using a number of worksheets.
Land leasing tools
The land leasing tool allows you to examine various types of leasing arrangements.
Landlords and tenants can look at their costs and determine if the leasing arrangement is suitable for them. The crop share calculator calculates the appropriate crop share split for a landlord and tenant and analyses the projected net incomes.
Business investment
Loan calculator
The loan calculator includes payment schedule, 3 loan comparison sheets, loan pre-payment schedule, refinancing schedule plus other schedules and graphics.
Farm business analyzer
The farm business analyzer calculates profitability, solvency (financial strength), financial efficiency and debt servicing capacity. The program allows you to enter financial information from your income tax statement and uses it to analyze your business performance. Your farm business can be compared with benchmark information from farms who have participated in the Ontario Farm Management Analysis Project. A "what if" analysis section allows you to see the results of changing revenue, variable expenses and family living costs.
Capital investment worksheet
The cash basis capital investment worksheet provides farmers and farm advisors with a reliable tool to assist in the management decision making process of capital investment.
Cash flow planning
Cash flow planning can be used in cash flow planning and calculating key ratios.
Record keeping
Ontario farm accounting workbook
The Ontario farm accounting workbook helps you manage your farm business. It is designed to meet the farm business record keeping needs for commercial farms, provide details for tax purposes, for credit and for an analysis of your farm business.
The workbook includes AgriStability program and Harmonized Sales Tax information, the ability to allocate revenue and expenses to individual enterprises and cost of production reports based on those allocations.
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Farm financial analysis and planning workbook
The Farm financial analysis and planning workbook contains a full set of current and projected financial statements including a cash flow statement, debt servicing and inventory worksheets.
Selling food directly to consumers
Performance analysis by marketing channel
The performance analysis by marketing channel allows you to calculate or compare margins across six distinct market channels:
- roadside stand
- on-farm market
- pick your own/U-Pick
- farmers' market
- community supported agriculture
- online store/delivery service
On-farm processing recipe-based costing tool
The on-farm processing recipe-based costing tool allows you to analyze the impact of changes in recipe, ingredient costs or packaging size on product margin.
Cost of meat processing tool
The cost of meat processing tool allows you to calculate the cost of meat processing per meat product by summarizing the costs of animal transport, slaughter, further processing into cuts transport cost for meat pickup.