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Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources 2014. Fisheries Management Plan for Fisheries Management Zone 5. Fort Frances District, Northwest Region. 63pp +app.

Titles and approval

Encompassing Portions of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Administrative Districts of Fort Frances, Dryden and Kenora.

I certify that this plan has been prepared using the best available science and is consistent with accepted fisheries management principles. I further certify that this plan is consistent with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources strategic direction, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Statement of Environmental Values and direction from other sources. Thus, I recommend this fisheries management plan be approved for implementation.

Recommended by:

(Lead, District Manager, Fort Frances District)
(Date) February 15, 2014

(District Manager, Dryden District)
(Date) February 25, 2014

(District Manager, Kenora District)
(Date) February 24, 2014

Recommended by: Signed
(Manager - Fisheries Policy)
(Date) February 28, 2014

Approved by:

(Regional Director, Northwest Region)
(Date) March 3, 2014

Executive summary

Purpose and scope of plan

The Fisheries Management Zone 5 (FMZ 5) Fisheries Management Plan was developed by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR) with input and advice from the FMZ 5 Advisory Council. The FMZ 5 Fisheries Management Plan provides direction for the management of fisheries resources within FMZ 5 which includes the OMNR administrative district of Fort Frances as well as southern portions of the Kenora and Dryden districts with the exception of Special Designated Waters (Figure 1).

During the development of the plan, broad management goals specific to FMZ 5 were identified through the analysis of fisheries data and collaborative discussions between the MNR and members of the public, Aboriginal Communities and non-government organizations represented on the Advisory Council. These goals have been used to direct objectives and actions associated with management issues identified for FMZ 5.

Based on provincial and regional fisheries management direction, the broad fisheries management goals for FMZ 5 are:

  1. To protect ecosystem, species and genetic diversity within FMZ 5 into the future.
  2. To optimize social, cultural and economic opportunities and values derived through the biologically sustainable use of aquatic resources for both present and future generations.
  3. To manage aquatic resources in partnership with an involved and informed public.

These goals recognize that there are biological limits to the use of fisheries resources. Unless use of the fisheries resource is biologically sustainable, people are unable to derive social, cultural or economic benefits and opportunities over the long term. They also recognize the value and importance of a knowledgeable informed and involved public in effectively managing fisheries resources.

For each issue identified as a priority by the OMNR and FMZ 5 Advisory Council, objectives and management actions were developed to ensure that these goals would be met in FMZ 5. Specific targets and a monitoring program have been developed to assess whether the management actions are meeting the intent of the objectives. The following section outlines these objectives and actions. For more detail, the complete FMZ 5 Fisheries Management Plan can be found on the OMNR website.


The following objectives have been developed to guide management of walleye populations in the zone:

  • Maintain or improve walleye populations.
  • Manage walleye abundance to provide quality walleye angling experience in terms of number of fish caught.
  • Provide quality walleye angling experience by allowing opportunities to harvest fish for consumption (33-46 cm (13-18″) fish) consistent with sustainability of population.
  • Protect spawning stock identified as larger fish of 46 cm (18″) and larger.
  • Protect fish during spawning.
  • Maximize angling opportunities consistent with sustainability of population.
  • Provide quality walleye angling experience by maintaining opportunities to catch trophy (70cm+) fish.
Management actions:

The current walleye season, possession limit and size limit will be retained for 2014. Some individual lake regulations in the Atikokan area and spring sanctuaries in the Kenora area that were no longer required to maintain sustainable populations were removed to simplify regulations and the dates for remaining spring fish sanctuaries to protect spawning walleye were standardized to April 1 to June 14. The reduced non-resident daily catch limit currently in place in the south of the zone will be expanded to the entire zone with the earliest implementation date of 2016.

  • Season: open Jan 1-April 14, 3rd Saturday in May to Dec. 31
  • Resident catch limits:
    • Sport Fishing Licence – 4
    • Conservation Licence – 2
  • Size Limit: no more than 1 greater than 46 cm.
  • Non-resident Catch Limits (implemented in 2016 at the earliest):
    • Catch limits:
      • Sport Fishing Licence – Daily – 2/Possession 4;
      • Conservation Licence – Daily – 2/Possession 2;
      • Size Limit: no more than 1 greater than 46 cm.

In addition, the OMNR, in partnership with the FMZ 5 Advisory Council, will continue to investigate walleye management options should future status data indicate further conservation of walleye populations is required.

Northern pike

The following objectives have been developed to guide future management of pike populations in the zone:

  1. Maintain current overall northern pike abundance in FMZ 5.
  2. Maintain large size (>70cm/27.5″) northern pike in population.
  3. Manage pike size distribution to provide anglers with trophy angling for pike>90cm/35.5″ in those lakes that can provide such opportunities.
  4. Provide anglers the opportunity to consume the preferred size of northern pike (60-80cm).
  5. Maximize pike angling opportunities.
Management actions:

The current northern pike season and possession limit will be retained. The size limit will be changed to allow none over 75 cm.

  • Season: Open all year
  • Catch Limits -
    • Sport Fishing – 4,
    • Conservation – 2;
  • Size Limit: None greater than 75 cm.

Smallmouth bass

The following objectives have been developed to guide future management of bass populations in the zone:

  1. Maintain angling and harvest opportunities consistent with sustainability of the population.
  2. Maintain abundance of bass to provide anglers opportunities to catch numbers of fish.
  3. Maintain numbers of quality (>43cm/17″) and trophy (>50cm/19.5″) bass to provide anglers opportunities to catch large fish.
  4. Maintain opportunities for competitive fishing events consistent with sustainability of the population.
  5. Prevent unauthorized expansion into new waters.
Management actions:

The current season will be retained with current size limits in place for Jan. 1 – to June 30. The current reduced limit in winter and spring will be eliminated.

  • Season: Open all year
  • Catch limit:
    • Sport Fishing Licence – 4
    • Conservation Licence– 2
  • Size Limit: must be less than 35cm from Jan. 1 – June 30

Lake trout

The following objectives have been developed to guide management of lake trout populations in the zone:

  1. Maintain lake trout abundance
  2. Maintain angling opportunities for lake trout
  3. Maintain the proportion of mature fish (>56 cm/ 22″) currently present in FMZ 5 lakes
  4. Protect mature fish during the fall spawning season
Management actions:

The current lake trout season, possession limit and size limit will be retained. Existing individual lake regulations will remain in place. The reduced non-resident daily catch limit currently in place in the south of the zone will be expanded to the entire zone with the earliest implementation date of 2016.

  • Season: open January 1 – September 30
  • Catch limits:
    • Sport Fishing Licence – 2
    • Conservation Licence – 1
  • Size Limit - not more than 1 larger than 56cm from Sept 1 – Sept 30.
  • Non-resident Catch Limits(implemented in 2016 at the earliest):
    • Sport Fishing Licence – Daily – 1/Possession - 2
    • Conservation Licence – Daily – 1/Possession - 1
    • Size Limit - not more than 1 larger than 56cm from Sept 1 – Sept 30.

Black crappie

The following objectives are proposed to guide management of crappie populations in the zone:

  1. Prevent unauthorized expansion into new waters.
  2. Manage existing populations to maintain sustainable, high quality (crappie>25 cm/10″) fisheries for consumption.
  3. Manage existing populations to maintain characteristics of a healthy fish population (# of age classes, maximum age).
Management actions:

The focus of Black Crappie management in FMZ 5 will be to manage existing populations to provide quality fishing opportunities through reduced harvest limits and prevent introductions of new populations through education.

  • Catch limits:
    • Sport Fishing Licence – 10
    • Conservation Licence– 5
  • Size Limit: None
  • Season: Open all year

Other species

No regulation changes are proposed for other sport fish species in FMZ 5.

Commercial fisheries management

In applying provincial level direction to FMZ 5 commercial fisheries management, the following objectives have been identified to ensure that management will support commercial fishing opportunities in a manner that:

  1. Meets Aboriginal and treaty rights obligations and contributes to the social and cultural welfare of all the people of Ontario both now and in the future.
  2. Supports an industry with harvest levels that sustain healthy fish populations over the long term within the zone.
  3. Addresses current biological, social, economic and human health concerns when considering new commercial food fishing opportunities.
  4. Promotes the development and use of ecologically sustainable and ethical fishing practices and considers Canada Food Inspection Agency standards and regulations.
Management actions:

The focus of commercial fisheries management will be to continue to use the quotas to ensure the sustainability of the fisheries and to work together with commercial fish partners to manage the fisheries through the following actions:

  • Use both science and traditional knowledge as a foundation to assess ecosystem health and population status criteria for commercially harvested species and apply this knowledge to resource management decisions.
  • Develop and promote Best Management Practices (BMP’s) (gear, seasons, etc.) that reduce incidental catch of non-target species and promotes the use of ecologically sustainable and socially acceptable fishing practices.
  • Use ecosystem health and population criteria to update and confirm that quotas are consistent with sustainable harvest levels.
  • Monitor emerging recreational interest in lake whitefish to support the commercial fishery in potential over-harvest situations.
  • Continue to work with and support other agencies to ensure healthy, wholesome fish is available to the public.

Habitat and development

In applying provincial level direction to FMZ 5 fish habitat and development management, the following objectives have been defined:

  1. Maintain or enhance healthy aquatic ecosystem structure, function and diversity that support a healthy, sustainable, naturally-reproducing native fish community in FMZ 5, thereby providing for optimum contribution of fish, fishing opportunities and associated cultural, social, and economic benefits to society.
  2. Anticipate, prevent or, where feasible, adapt to large scale environmental changes that affect aquatic ecosystems and the fish communities that rely on them.
  3. Minimize cumulative environmental effects that could negatively impact fish communities and their supporting ecosystems.
  4. Maintain, enhance or restore habitat in FMZ 5 in order to support species at risk including lake sturgeon where they currently or formerly existed.
  5. Ensure that developments that have the potential to affect exploitation levels of fisheries consider the impact of increased harvest on ability to meet species objectives and maintain sustainable, healthy fish populations.
Management actions:

Management of fisheries habitat and development that could affect fisheries will focus on:

  • Continuing to work with DFO to help achieve the requirements of the Fisheries Act through the “Fish Habitat Referral Protocol for Ontario” (or its replacement).
  • Continuing to apply provincial regulations, guidelines and permit conditions to protect fish habitat.
  • Continuing to contribute to the understanding of temperature changes on thermal habitat within lakes through the Northwest Region Lake Temperature Monitoring Program.
  • Continuing to provide habitat protection for species identified as protected under the Endangered Species Act through requirements of the Act.

Invasive species

In applying provincial level direction to FMZ 5 invasive species management, the following objectives have been identified:

  1. Prevent expansion of aquatic invasive species into FMZ 5 waters.
  2. Manage existing invasive populations to minimize impacts on native species by halting their spread and reducing impacts of existing invaders.
Management actions:

Management of invasive species will focus on the following actions:

  • Review/develop OMNR policy for movement of boats and gear between waterbodies, particularly those known to contain invasive species.
  • Review existing information about invasive species and their impact on the environment and promote distribution of material to FMZ 5 anglers
  • Work with partner groups to identify top 5 invasive species threats to FMZ 5 waterbodies and develop a plan of action to meet objectives for these species
  • Enhance enforcement of live fish transport to discourage or prevent unauthorized species introductions


Education of the public was identified as an important requirement to meet the goal of managing aquatic resources in partnership with an involved and informed public. The following education actions have been identified in the plan:

  • Increase awareness of effects of introducing fish on other species.
  • Increased understanding of fish handling techniques and angling impacts to reduce catch and release mortality of sport fish.
  • Increase understanding of invasive species impacts and introduction pathways and reduce introduction of invasive species and work with partner groups to inform the public.
  • Increase utilization of small pike for consumption through education of filleting techniques.

Plan consultation

Public and Aboriginal consultation of the Fisheries Management Plan occurred in three stages:

  • Stage 1: Invitation to participate:
    • February 2012 – March 2012.
  • Stage 2: Review of the draft Fisheries Management Plan for FMZ 5:
    • October 15 – Nov. 30, 2012
  • Stage 3: Posting of Final Plan on Environmental Registry:
    • March 2014

The FMZ 5 Advisory Council, composed of a diverse group of local stakeholders and with Aboriginal Community observers, provided valuable insight and information throughout all stages of plan development.

Ongoing commitment to monitoring

Monitoring of the fisheries resources at a zone level is an essential component of FMZ 5 fisheries management. The continued commitment to the Broadscale Monitoring (BsM) program is required for the plan to be effective. In addition, a number of zone specific monitoring efforts including Black Crappie monitoring and temperature monitoring are identified.

1.0 Introduction

This plan provides direction for the management of fisheries resources within Fisheries Management Zone 5 (FMZ 5). Management objectives and actions are presented to address specific fisheries management issues and challenges identified by the FMZ 5 Fisheries Advisory Council and Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR) staff during the preparation of the background information document for FMZ 5 (OMNR 2012a). The FMZ 5 Fisheries Advisory Council provided invaluable advice to the OMNR during the development of management options and selection of proposed management actions for the management plan.

The plan will provide fisheries management direction to the zone beginning in 2013. Although there is no end date of the plan, there will be a review every five years to ensure that the adaptive management process is being followed. This review will include reassessing the issues addressed by the plan; ensuring the objectives to address the issues are still relevant and that management actions are achieving those objectives. This will also allow the opportunity for the plan to adapt to changes in fisheries management direction and provincial policy. The review will involve MNR staff and the FMZ 5 Advisory Council with broader public involvement dependent on the outcomes of the review.

This Plan will apply to all waterbodies across FMZ 5, with the exception of six Specially Designated Waterbodies (SDWs) (Figure 1) that are expected to have their own plans with specific objectives and monitoring strategies developed separately from this exercise. These SDW lakes or lake systems include Lake of the Woods-Rainy River, Shoal Lake, Rainy Lake, Eagle Lake, Wabigoon-Dinorwic lakes and the Winnipeg River system.

Quetico Provincial Park, a wilderness class park with a total area of 4,750 km2, is located entirely within FMZ 5. The daily entry quotas and a motor ban affect the amount and effectiveness of angling effort compared to the remainder of the zone. As a park, Quetico PP must meet requirement of the Provincial Parks and Conservation Reserves Act which includes the principle of Ecological Integrity. Currently, angling regulations in the park are the same as the rest of the zone with two exceptions that only artificial baits and barbless hooks may be used. A background information document which includes analysis of 2010 Broadscale Monitoring data has been drafted for Quetico PP which has concluded that the principle of ecological integrity is being met at the park scale under current zone management regulations. Quetico Park managers have reviewed the proposed management actions and concluded that they will continue to meet or enhance Ecological Integrity. Because of this, general FMZ 5 angling regulations will continue to be applied to the park except for the two previously mentioned exceptions. Fisheries assessment data will be continued to be analyzed separately for the park in the future to determine whether it continues to meet the principles of Ecological Integrity.

Figure 1. Fisheries Management Zone (FMZ) 5 boundaries with Specially Designated Waterbodies (SDW’s) identified

Figure 1. Fisheries Management Zone (FMZ) 5 boundaries with Specially Designated Waterbodies (SDW's) identified

Enlarge figure 1 (PDF)

2.0 Strategic direction and guiding principles

In 2005, the Ecological Framework for Recreational Fisheries Management in Ontario (OMNR, 2005a) was introduced to ensure fisheries resource sustainability through management and monitoring of fisheries resources at a broader scale and enhanced public involvement. The approach described in the “framework” is consistent with the Ontario government direction outlined in Biodiversity: It’s In Our Nature (OMNR 2012b) and OMNR strategic direction as outlined in Our Sustainable Future (OMNR, 2011), Ontario’s Biodiversity Strategy (Ontario, 2012), and with the principles stated in Strategic Plan for Ontario Fisheries (OMNR, 1992). OMNR is currently working on an updated Provincial Fish Strategy.

The Ecological Framework for Recreational Fisheries Management in Ontario initially focused on four key areas: 1) planning at the ecological fisheries management zone level; 2) managing and monitoring at the broader landscape level; 3) enhanced public involvement; and 4) regular reporting on the state of fisheries in Ontario.

FMZ 5 was one of 20 zones created as a basis for fisheries management across the province. The boundaries are based on ecological factors such as climate and watersheds, as well as angler use patterns related to landscape characteristics such as fishing pressure, road patterns and accessibility.

A Broadscale Monitoring program has been put in place in FMZ 5 with fish resource monitoring in the summer of 2010 and angling effort information collected in the summer of 2011 and winter of 2012. This program is scheduled to be repeated again in five years and will provide an evaluation of the fisheries resource on a landscape level and provide the ability to track trends in fish populations and angling effort as well as provide data to assist in making science based fisheries management decisions.

The third component of the “framework” is enhanced public involvement. The Fisheries Advisory Council for FMZ 5, comprised of representatives from stakeholder groups and input from Aboriginal community observers, provided advice to OMNR at all stages in the preparation of this management plan (see section 6.1 for more information on the FMZ 5 Advisory Council). Aboriginal Communities and organizations, sportsmen’s clubs, tourism organizations and local citizens committees were actively engaged throughout the process. Information was made broadly available through public and stakeholder meetings, displays at trade shows and local events, as well as council led initiatives including a dedicated website and newspaper articles. A summary of the public involvement into the development of the plan is provided in Section 6.0 and in a companion document to this Fisheries Management Plan.

Consideration of the strategic direction in the above noted policy documents and the Northwest Region Fisheries Management Action Plan - 2011 to 2016 (OMNR 2011) resulted in the establishment of the following set of 15 guiding principles for fisheries management within Zone 5. These guiding principles were incorporated as part of the terms of reference for the advisory council. During the deliberations by the advisory council, proposed management goals, objectives and actions were compared to the list of guiding principles to ensure that they were consistent. These principles will remain important during plan implementation to guide decision making in those situations not specifically addressed in the plan.

Guiding principles

Ecological approach:
An ecological approach to fisheries management which considers the entire aquatic environment including the fish community when making decisions will be followed to ensure conservation and sustainable use of the resource.
Landscape level management:
Generally, fisheries will be managed at a landscape scale, in this case, at the level of FMZ 5. In some cases, components of the resource within a zone may need to be managed differently where there is a strong biological rationale (e.g. within a zone lake trout lakes may be classified into large and small bodied populations and managed through different methods), or where there may be major differences in resource management objectives between geographic areas requiring different approaches to management (e.g. parks and protected areas). Individual lake management is discouraged other than in the context of large, specific fisheries known as Specially Designated Waters (SDW’s) designated by MNR (e.g. Rainy Lake, Lake of the Woods, etc).
Balanced resource management:
Strategies and actions will consider the ecological, economic, social and cultural benefits and costs to society, both present and future.
Sustainable development:
The finite capacity of the resource is recognized in planning strategies and actions within the FMZ. Only those natural resources over and above those required for long-term sustainability are available for use, enjoyment and development.
Fisheries management will ensure the conservation of biodiversity by committing to healthy ecosystems, protecting our native and naturalized species, and sustaining genetic diversity of fisheries in the FMZ. All species in the zone including non-sport fish and Species at Risk (SAR) must be considered.
Natural reproduction:
Priority will be placed on native, naturally reproducing fish populations that provide predictable and sustainable benefits with minimal long-term cost to society.
Habitat protection:
The natural productive capacity of habitats for fisheries resources will be protected and habitat will be enhanced/restored where necessary.
Valuing the resource:
Stakeholders and other users will be invited to understand and appreciate the value of fisheries resources and to participate in decisions to be made by MNR that may directly or indirectly affect aquatic ecosystem health.
Local, regional, provincial and federal cooperation and sharing of knowledge, costs and benefits will be sought to manage fisheries at the FMZ level.
Multi-party involvement / Aboriginal Interests:
A wide range of stakeholders, Aboriginal peoples, and interested parties will provide fisheries management advice to ensure an open and transparent process that acknowledges their valuable role. Ontario is committed to working together closely with all peoples and involving them in decision making.
Direct action:
All possible options will be considered and selected options must evolve to implementation actions that are feasible.
The best available information and science will be used for FMZ based objective setting and strategy development and implementation. Historical background information, Traditional Ecological Knowledge as well as new information from broad scale fisheries monitoring and reporting program will be considered.
Adaptive management:
FMZs will be managed using an adaptive management approach. Objectives will be set, monitoring will occur, results will be compared against objectives and management actions adjusted as necessary and where possible to ensure attainment of objectives.
Precautionary principle:
Where there is uncertainty related to a proposed activity or management action precautionary measures will be taken to ensure the activity errs on the side of resource conservation until cause-and-effect relationships can be established scientifically.

3.0 Description of Fisheries Management Zone 5

Fisheries Management Zone 5 extends over a large and varied geographic range covering an area of approximately 44,360 km2 including land and water. Located in the southern portion of the Northwest OMNR Region, FMZ 5 spans three MNR administrative districts including the entire Fort Frances District and southern portions of Kenora and Dryden districts.

Like much of the rest of Canada, the current pattern of landform features, surface geology and distribution of lakes and rivers across FMZ 5 was defined by the actions of glaciers which also influenced the fish communities that we see today. Fisheries Management Zone 5 is dominated by bedrock landforms that make up over 70% of the land area. This high proportion of bedrock dominated landscape tends to result in lakes that are clear and less productive compared to other parts of northwest Ontario.

FMZ 5 typifies the abundance and wide range of aquatic habitat types found in northwest Ontario. Over 5,000 lakes larger than 10 ha (1,007,450 ha in total) and thousands of kilometres of rivers and streams cover more than 23% of the total area in permanent water, with an additional 7% in associated wetlands. Of that water, the six Specially Designated Waterbodies (SDWs) account for over 35% of the total water area of the Zone.

In general, based on the physical and chemical characteristics of its lakes, FMZ 5 is the least productive of the zones in northwest Ontario. However, it is also the warmest zone which may offset some of its inherent low productivity. Trends in climate in the Northwest Region have been changing towards a warmer condition with all fisheries zones in northwest Ontario having experienced a warming trend over the past 40 years. FMZ 5 experienced the greatest increase with parts of the zones having had the average annual temperatures increase 1.0°C between the 1971-2000 period and the period from 1980-2010. Climate change models suggest that the Northwest Region will experience some of the largest impacts of climate change in Ontario. These changes can have a major impact on productivity, fish communities and distribution of those communities within FMZ 5 in future years.

Over 90% of the area within FMZ 5 is Crown Land, with approximately 18% of that area located in Provincial Parks and Protected Areas. Quetico Provincial Park, a wilderness class park, is the largest park in FMZ 5, with a total area of 4,750 km2 (11% of FMZ 5).

3.1 Biological description

Understanding the biological diversity and status of the fisheries resource in FMZ 5 as well as factors that affect that resource are crucial to producing a sound and effective fisheries management plan.

Biodiversity refers to the variety of life, as expressed through genes, species and ecosystems, that is shaped by ecological and evolutionary process. Fish biodiversity of FMZ 5 is higher than other zones in northwest Ontario with 67 species identified from its waterbodies. The most common sport fish within FMZ 5 include northern pike, walleye, lake trout, smallmouth bass and yellow perch, all of which are found in more than 35% the lakes and over 60% of the lake area. Other sport fish species with more limited distribution include muskellunge, sauger, largemouth bass, whitefish and Black Crappie. Fish species classified as Species at Risk and found within FMZ 5 include lake sturgeon and shortjaw cisco.

The productive capacity (or amount of fish available for harvest) of waterbodies is an important biological concept in the management of fish populations. Lakes, rivers and streams have a limited capacity to produce fish that is directly linked to the productivity of that waterbody. Lake shape, size area and depth as well as the chemical and temperature characteristics all affect the amount of fish a waterbody can support. FMZ 5 lakes generally have greater depth, clearer water and lower nutrient levels than other zones in northwest Ontario and, therefore, tend to be less productive.

A critical part of fisheries management involves reporting the known status of fish resources including what currently exists and the population health as well any limitations or potentials that may exist based on the capabilities of the FMZ 5 landscape. This data was summarized in the Background Information for the Development of a Fisheries Management Plan in Fisheries Management Zone 5 (OMNR 2012a) as well as supplemental summary and analysis of data collected during 2010 Broadscale Monitoring (BsM) of FMZ 5 (OMNR 2013). This information was used to both identify issues to be addressed in the plan and in the development of appropriate management actions. Because this plan is concerned with the management of fish population from non-SDW lakes, status and information is based mainly on those lakes although in cases where information is lacking, data from SDW lakes was included as well.

3.2 Socio-economic description

Situated in the southwest corner of northwest Ontario, FMZ 5 has the highest density of people in the Northwest Region outside of Thunder Bay. Major communities (more than 2,000 residents) within FMZ 5 include Fort Frances, Kenora, Dryden and Atikokan. There are 23 First Nations located totally or partially within FMZ 5. In addition to Ontario residents, FMZ 5 is adjacent to a large population of anglers from neighbouring jurisdictions, including the Upper Midwest states in the U.S. and Manitoba.

Road-based access to the fisheries of Fisheries Management Zone 5 is well distributed throughout the zone with the exception of Quetico Provincial Park. Scattered within road accessed areas are areas primarily accessed by air which are utilized by a well developed fly-in tourism industry. Major highways that provide primary access include highways 11, 17, 502, 71, and 622 among others with almost 13,000 km of gravel roads extending off from these main corridors. Over 2,400 lakes (46% of lakes larger than 10 ha) in FMZ 5 are currently within 500m of a road, a distance that is considered accessible by anglers or other resource users. Access management within an FMZ is a fine balance between providing angling opportunities and appropriately distributing fishing effort within the overall goal of preventing overexploitation and maintaining sustainability of fisheries resources.

The largest use of fisheries resources in FMZ 5 is by recreational angling. A total of 251,520 anglers were estimated to have fished in FMZ 5 in 2005, providing 9,219,920 hours of fishing effort which represents 46% of the total effort in the Northwest Region (Hogg et al. 2010). Non-SDW waters accounted for approximately 45% of the effort in FMZ 5 with the SDW waterbodies accounting for the remaining 55%. The majority (~72%) of angling effort is from non-residents of Canada with Ontario residents accounting for about 20% of the effort and Canadian residents making up the remaining 8%. The total economic value of the FMZ 5 angling fisheries was estimated to be approximately $200 million in 2005 (Hogg et al. 2010). Much of this is due to the tourist industry which is very well developed in FMZ 5. There are approximately 328 main base lodges and 156 out post camps (including those on SDW waters).

There is an active commercial food fishing industry in FMZ 5 with 21 commercial licences or allocations on non-SDW waters with an additional 25 licences on SDW waters. The majority of commercial fishing is by First Nation individuals or communities or individuals claiming Métis status. The most important commercial species is whitefish accounting for 88% of total allocated quota of 84,000 kg (185,700 lbs) from non-SDW waters with smaller allocations available for northern pike, walleye and Black Crappie. Quotas also exist for lake sturgeon although no harvest currently occurs due to self-imposed moratoriums by the First Nation communities holding the licences.

An active commercial bait harvest industry also exists in FMZ 5. There are 311 baitfish blocks within FMZ 5 although because one harvester can fish multiple blocks, the number of harvesters is much less. The estimated retail value of baitfish and leeches harvested from FMZ 5 was $5.4 million dollars for 2009.

Fisheries resources in FMZ 5 have a significant cultural and economic importance to Aboriginal communities. Besides being largest proportion of commercial fishers, employment within the tourist industry is an important source of income for many Aboriginal peoples and more recently, First Nation communities are generating income through sponsorship of competitive fishing events. Besides the recreational component, Aboriginal people can angle or use nets to harvest fish for subsistence or ceremonial purposes under rights guaranteed under Treaties signed with the Crown.

3.3 Current fisheries management actions

As with all Fisheries Management Zones in Ontario, the primary method of managing the angling fisheries of FMZ 5 is through angling regulations under the Ontario Fishery Regulations (2007). Other indirect management methods include access controls through the use road use strategies, restrictions on where non-residents can camp on Crown land and restrictions on the size and locations of outpost camps.

Two fisheries management programs that are more unique to FMZ 5 are the Northwest Region Boat Cache Program and the Border Waters Area. The Boat Cache Program affects all of FMZ 5 except the Atikokan area and controls the storing of boats on remote lakes for the purpose of angling by tourist industry or resident anglers (other parts of the program also allow storage of boats for trapping or baitfish harvesting and transport to remote private property). To store a boat on any lake with this area, operators/anglers are required to have a permit from OMNR. The program allows fisheries managers to limit the number of boats cached on a lake based on its sustainable harvest. There are currently 1390 boats cached on 745 lakes in FMZ 5 (recreational and commercial tourism boats combined)

The Border Water Area (Figure 2) is located in the south portion of FMZ 5 (Fort Frances District and Lake of the Woods). It was originally developed to reduce the impact of non-resident of Canada day trip anglers on the sustainability of walleye and lake trout fisheries within this area. It was first implemented in 1994 and revised in 2000 based on a North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) challenge. Within this area, the daily catch limits for non-resident sport fishing licences are reduced to 2 for walleye and 1 for lake trout (sport fishing licence possession limits and daily catch and possession limits for non-resident conservation licences are unchanged).

Commercial food fishing and baitfish harvesting is managed through the licencing and, in the commercial food fishery, the use of quotas.

Currently, the local fisheries management direction is provided in District Fisheries Management Plans (DFMP’s) that were prepared in 1988 for Fort France, Kenora, Dryden, Ignace and Atikokan districts. The DFMP’s will be replaced by the FMZ 5 Fisheries Management Plan upon its approval.

4.0 Broad fisheries management goal for FMZ 5

Based on provincial and regional fisheries management direction, the broad fisheries management goals for FMZ 5 are:

  1. To protect ecosystem, species and genetic diversity within FMZ 5 into the future.
  2. To optimize social, cultural and economic opportunities and values derived through the biologically sustainable use of aquatic resources for both present and future generations.
  3. To manage aquatic resources in partnership with an involved and informed public.

Goal a) recognizes that there is a hierarchy of biological diversity that needs to be considered and protected. It is this hierarchy which encompasses genetic, species and ecosystem diversity that contribute to the biological well being of the fisheries resources in FMZ 5.

Goal b) of the broad management goal incorporates the concept that there are biological limits to the use of fisheries resources. Unless use of the fisheries resource is biologically sustainable, people are unable to derive social, cultural or economic benefits and opportunities over the long term.

Goal c) recognizes the value and importance of a knowledgeable informed and involved public in effectively managing fisheries resources.

Specific objectives and management actions for priority issues were developed by the OMNR and FMZ 5 Advisory Council to ensure that this goal would be met in FMZ 5. These objectives are presented in the following section.

5.0 Issues, challenges and proposed management actions

Management issues, challenges and opportunities

The FMZ 5 Advisory Council and OMNR staff undertook an extensive discussion of the management issues and challenges facing the fisheries resources in FMZ 5. A complete summary of discussions related to management issues and challenges can be found in the Background Information for the Development of a Fisheries Management Plan in Fisheries Management Zone 5 (OMNR, 2012). A strategy to identifying objectives and management actions was identified to address each issue. As is the case with many discussions related to any issues and challenges, there were also opportunities to do some new things. In this case, there were opportunities identified to move management of the fisheries resources in FMZ 5 in some new directions.

Management objectives, indicators, benchmarks, actions and targets

One of the enhanced directions with fisheries management in FMZ 5 is that the new plan will be more objective based than in the past. This approach will more clearly identify what fisheries management is trying to achieve and allow both MNR and the public to assess whether management actions are working to achieve the desired results.

The following sections describe the management objectives, indicators, benchmarks, actions and targets that are associated with the various management issues and challenges. Each of these factors needs to be described so that it is understood what they are meant to do and how they fit together.

Management objectives

Management objectives describe what you want to achieve in the future or the “desired end result”. Objectives need to contribute to the broad fisheries management goal for the zone, be consistent with strategic direction and the guiding principles, and must be measurable. Objectives can reflect biological, economic or social considerations. In most cases, a range of objectives were identified to reflect the range of benefits people would like to see from the fisheries in FMZ 5.


Indicators are specific things that resource managers will measure so that they can determine whether or not they are achieving the management objectives. Indicators are directly linked to the management objectives and need to be measurable by monitoring programs. In most cases where biological and social objectives have been identified, there will be indicators for each of those objectives and there must be a monitoring program identified that is capable of measuring whether the objective is being achieved.


Benchmarks are associated with each of the indicators; they are very specific measures of an indicator that resource managers use to determine progress towards achieving the management targets and ultimately the management objectives. Benchmarks can be used in two ways. They can describe the current state (or where we are starting from), or they can also be used to describe a future state that demonstrates progress towards an objective.


Targets translate a management objective that is described in words into one that is described in terms of numbers. It is this number that makes the objective measurable. Since they are very specific measures of an indicator, targets help the public and resource managers understand when an objective is achieved. Targets are critical to determining future management responses. When a target is not met, it implies that the objective is not being met and management action would need to be taken to achieve it.

It is important to remember that there is always some variability around the measurement of indicators, particularly at this time when there has only been a single BsM assessment completed in FMZ 5 and the natural variability of the some of the indicators is not known. In answering whether targets are being met, the question really becomes “Is this difference between the value of the indicator and the target significant?” This will need to be taken into account when determining whether objectives are being achieved.

For the 2013 plan, all objectives indicate the desire to maintain current conditions with the exception of walleye status where the objective is to maintain or increase. Targets to measure objective achievement were set using a three level “green, yellow, red” approach. For each indicator, the green target has been set at the 2010 benchmark level with the implication that values falling in this zone will achieve the objective of maintaining/improving current conditions. The red target level indicates that that the objective has not been achieved and, as an interim basis, was set using a 25% reduction from the benchmark level. A value falling in the red target level would imply that the objective is not being met and management action would need to be taken to achieve it. The yellow target level lies between these two zones and values falling in this zone that may indicate that the objective is not being met and suggesting corrective management action could be considered if this objective is to be met. As more understanding of the variability of these indicators is gained, these values will be adjusted.

For each of the following issues, the objectives, indicators, benchmarks and targets have been summarized in a table.

5.1 Exploitation of fisheries resources

5.1.1 Walleye management strategy

Through a combination of natural distribution and past introductions, walleye are currently found in over 800 lakes throughout FMZ 5. They are found in a variety of lake types from shallow, stained lakes to deep, clear waterbodies with differences in biological characteristics and densities between lake types. Walleye are the most popular fish for both resident and non-resident anglers in FMZ 5 and account for most of the angling harvest from the zone. FMZ 5 has a well developed tourist industry that has traditionally catered to non-residents fishing for walleye and non-resident anglers account for approximately 75% of the angling effort in the zone.

FMZ 5 walleye data from Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN) surveys and creel surveys over the past two decades as well as 2010 BsM assessment suggests that walleye populations are sustainable but some lakes have population characteristics suggestive of high harvest levels. Walleye populations in FMZ 5 tend to be at lower abundance than other zones in northwest region. This can partially be attributed to the deeper, clearer, and consequently less productive lakes in the zone. However, walleye populations in FMZ 5 also typically have fewer older age classes and smaller fish suggesting higher levels of harvest. Assessment of walleye status based on the 2010 BsM survey suggests that approximately half the populations are showing indications of exploitation impacts with almost 20% classed as stressed. Although trend data is more limited, it suggests that walleye populations have been relatively stable over the past two decades. There is also greater spatial variability across the zone than apparent with other species. Walleye populations in the east and north portion of the zone tending to show higher walleye biomass relative to expected values while lakes to the west and especially the southwest tend to have lower biomass and fewer older fish.

In the late eighties, size restrictions were placed on walleye angler harvest with a restriction of not more than one over 50 cm (19.6″) in the limit of 6 fish for sport fishing licence anglers (3 fish for conservation licence anglers). In 1999, Northwest Region reduced walleye catch and possession limit to 4 for sport licences and 2 for conservation licences and reduced the size limit to not more than one fish over 46 cm (18″). The regulation that reduced daily catch limits for non-resident sport fishing licences in the Border Waters area was implemented in 2000. The current walleye angling regulation in FMZ 5 is as follows:

  • Season: open Jan 1-April 14, 3rd Saturday in May to Dec. 31
  • Catch and Possession Limits:
    • Sport Fishing Licence – 4.
    • Conservation Licence – 2;
  • Size Limit - no more than 1 greater than 46 cm
  • Within the Border Water Regulation area (see Figure 2), non-resident limits are:
    • Sport Fishing Licence– Daily – 2/Possession 4;
    • Conservation Licence– Daily – 2/Possession 2;
    • Size Limit - no more than 1 greater than 46 cm

In addition, there are several non-SDW lakes with exceptions or additional regulations (e.g. sanctuaries) to the zone regulations which are identified in Appendix 1.

The issue/challenge that was identified with walleye management was concern about the level of walleye exploitation affecting the ability to maintain an acceptable level of fishing quality.

Figure 2. Current area within FMZ 5 with reduced walleye and lake trout daily catch limits for non-resident anglers with sport fishing licences (Border Water Regulation area)

Figure 2. Current area within Fishing Management Zone (FMZ) 5 with reduced walleye and lake trout daily catch limits for non-resident anglers with sport fishing licences (Border Water Regulation area).

Enlarge figure 2 (PDF)

Objectives for walleye management in FMZ 5

The following objectives have been developed to guide management of walleye populations in the zone:

  • Maintain or improve walleye populations.
  • Manage walleye abundance to provide quality walleye angling experience in terms of number of fish caught.
  • Provide quality walleye angling experience by allowing opportunities to harvest fish for consumption (33-46 cm (13-18″) fish) consistent with sustainability of population.
  • Protect and maintain proportion of spawning stock identified as larger fish of 46 cm (18″) and larger.
  • Protect fish during spawning.
  • Maximize angling opportunities consistent with sustainability of population.
  • Secondary to the above objectives, provide quality walleye angling experience by maintaining opportunities to catch trophy (70cm+) fish.

There exists some range of opinion on the management objective for walleye in FMZ 5. In areas such as the southwest portion of the zone where populations tend to be most stressed, there is a desire for improvements in walleye populations. In the north and east parts of the zone, there is more satisfaction with current walleye population conditions and an objective to maintain current populations. The management objectives are primarily focused on maintaining current population status throughout the zone. Table 5.1.1-1 provides more details on how these targets will be defined and measured in the future.

Management actions to meet walleye management objectives

The management actions which have been developed as part of this plan to meet the walleye objectives are presented below (see rationale below for further discussion). Other management action options considered as part of the planning process are provided in Appendix 3.

Walleye management actions
  • Current regulation but reduce daily limits for non-resident with sport fishing licences across entire zone
    • Season: open Jan 1 - April 14, 3rd Saturday in May to Dec. 31
    • Catch limits:
      • Sport – 4;
      • Conservation – 2;
      • Size Limit: no more than 1 greater than 46 cm.
    • Non-resident catch limits in FMZ 5:
    • Catch limits:
      • Sport Fishing Licence – Daily – 2/Possession 4;
      • Conservation Licence – Daily – 2/Possession 2;
      • Size Limit: no more than 1 greater than 46 cm.
  • Continue to investigate walleye management options should future status data indicate further conservation of walleye populations is required.
  • Maintain conservation limits for non-residents camping on crown land (current regulation)
  • Maintain current exceptions to zone regulations except for:
    1. standardize all spring walleye sanctuary dates in FMZ 5 to be from April 1 to June 14;
    2. remove limit exceptions on Turtle Lake, Crowrock Lake, Dashwa Lake, Eye Lake and Dovetail Lake (Atikokan area lakes).
  • Education about angling ethics and its potential impacts on walleye populations and an overview of walleye management including habitat.
Rationale for selection of management actions
Maintaining current zone angling regulations with the exception that daily limits for non-resident sport fishing licence reduced for entire zone

The zone angling regulation selected at this time to meet walleye objectives was to maintain the current regulation with the exception that daily limit for non-resident sport fishing licence be reduced for entire zone. The current regulation was felt to be easy to understand and provides opportunities to fish and meets desire to harvest fish for consumption. As well, it provides some protection of mature fish while still permitting harvest of an injured large fish.

Currently, the daily catch limit for non-resident anglers with sport fishing licences is 2 walleye in the south part of FMZ 5 compared to 4 for other anglers (possession and conservation licence limits are the same as other anglers) (Figure 2). This regulation has been in place since 2000. Expanding the reduced daily catch limits for non-residents sport fishing licence from the south part of the zone to the entire zone accomplishes several things. By reducing walleye harvest in the north part of the zone, it provides a first step in meeting the objective of improving walleye populations in the zone. Assessments indicate that FMZ 5 walleye populations show signs of harvest stress and non-resident anglers account for about 75% of the walleye effort in the zone. This change also standardizes non-resident angling regulations across entire zone which simplifies angler understanding and enforcement.

The implementation of the regulation change will not be implemented until at least 2016 to allow the tourist industry time to inform their clients and adjust marketing plans. Also, because the regulation does not currently exist in this area, it will require approval by the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans which may also affect its implementation.

Investigate need for more conservative management of walleye populations in FMZ 5 and evaluate potential management options before the next plan review

During the development of the FMZ 5 plan, there was a desire expressed for improvements in walleye populations, especially in the western part of the zone. There were also questions about the trend in walleye population status in the zone. Because the regulation selected is the status quo for much of the zone, it is unlikely to result meet objective of improvement in many walleye populations if other factors such as angling effort or environmental conditions remain constant, or don’t change in a manner that would promote increased walleye populations.

Available data provides good information on the current status of walleye populations in the zone suggesting that walleye populations are sustainable but some lakes have population characteristics showing impacts of harvest and characterized as stressed (about 20% of lakes) or exploited (~30% of lakes). What is less clear is the trend of walleye populations across the zone as available trend data is limited to mainly the southern parts of FMZ 5. The proposed management action is that prior to the next plan review scheduled in 5 years (2018), OMNR biologists and the FMZ 5 Advisory Council would work at investigating whether a more conservative approach to managing walleye populations is required and assess what options might be most appropriate. Another broad scale assessment of fish population status is scheduled prior to that time which will provide more information and confirmation of walleye population trends on which to base management decisions.

Current exceptions to zone regulations

There are currently a number of exceptions to the zone wide regulation on non-SDW lakes related to walleye management (Appendix 1). These were reviewed to determine whether they were still required to meet walleye objectives in the zone and it was assessed that they will be maintained as required management actions with two exceptions. The first is related to sanctuaries that have been put in place to protect pre- and post-spawn concentrations of walleye from over harvest. There are currently two sanctuary dates across the zone (April 1 to May 31 and April 1 to June 14) although spawning times are considered similar across the zone. In order to best provide protection of these walleye when they are vulnerable to harvest as well as to simplify angling regulations, the dates of all sanctuaries implemented for walleye management will be standardize to be from April 1 to June 14.

There are also a number of lakes in the Atikokan area (Dashwa, Crowrock, Turtle, Eye and Dovetail) that have conservation limits for walleye for all anglers. These lakes all have introduced populations and were closed following the introduction to allow the populations to become established. During the public consultation to re-open the lakes in the mid- and late nineties, the public expressed a strong desire for reduced limits to reduce the impact of the initial harvest pulse when the lakes were opened to angling and to manage the populations to provide higher quality fisheries than other lakes in the area. Since that time, the non-resident daily catch limit has been reduced to conservation limits on all lakes in the Atikokan area. The limit exceptions on these lakes will be removed and they will be managed under the zone walleye limits to reduce the amount of angling regulation exceptions and move towards a landscape level management approach.

Maintaining conservation limits for non-residents camping on Crown land

The current regulation that requires non-residents camping on Crown land to follow conservation limits regardless of licence is to be maintained. These anglers provide limited economic benefits to Ontario compared to non-residents staying at resorts and maintaining reduced limits may help to maintain sustainability of populations as well as meet socio-economic desires for the zone.

Education about angling ethics

A non-regulatory management action proposed by the council and supported by the OMNR is increased education on the impacts of angling ethics on walleye populations. For example, education could highlight the high mortality associated with catch and release angling of some species such as walleye from deep water (>10m/30′).

Monitoring strategies for walleye management in FMZ 5

The following monitoring activities are proposed to assess whether the management actions are effectively achieving the objectives.

  1. Broadscale Monitoring (BsM) to assess walleye objective achievement on a 5 year cycle.
  2. Monitor of water temperatures and walleye spawning times from representative locations across the zone

Landscape level monitoring of fish populations has been identified as the most effective and efficient method of assessing fish population status and determining whether fish management objectives are being met (OMNR 2005). See section 7.0 for further discussion on future monitoring using the Broadscale Monitoring program.

During discussion about walleye management, concerns were expressed about whether the current closed season from April 15 to the third Saturday in May is effectively protecting walleye from overexploitation while they are spawning given the variation in spring temperatures observed in recent years. Given the uncertainty around spawning times and temperature variation between years, it was proposed that OMNR monitor water temperatures and walleye spawning times from sites across the zone so that more information would be available to evaluate this concern during the next plan review.

Table 5.1.1-1footnote 1 describes how the results from monitoring programs will be used to assess whether the management actions are achieving the objectives.

Table 5.1.1-1footnote 1 – Summary of FMZ 5 walleye management objectives and management actions
  1. Maintain or improve walleye populations.
  2. Manage walleye abundance to provide quality walleye angling experience in terms of number of fish caught.
  3. Provide high quality walleye angling experience by allowing opportunities to harvest fish for consumption (33-46 cm (13-18″) fish) consistent with sustainability of population.
  4. Protect and maintain proportion of spawning size fish of 46 cm (18″) and larger.
  5. Protect fish during spawning.
  6. Maximize angling opportunities consistent with sustainability of population.
  7. Provide high quality walleye angling experience by maintaining opportunities to catch trophy (70cm+) fish.
  1. Walleye Status indicator: Walleye status to be determine by the proportion of walleye populations from BsM walleye trend lakes where the observed biomass is:
    1. greater than 75% of the maximum expected biomass for fish over 32 cm (i.e. lightly exploited) and
    2. less than 25% of the maximum expected biomass for fish over 32 cm (i.e. stressed).
  2. Walleye abundance indicator:
    • Area weighted catch per unit of effort (#/large mesh nets) of walleye from BsM walleye trend lakes (except QPP lakes).
  3. Harvest opportunity indicator:
    • Harvest opportunities determined by the current daily limits for fish between 33 and 46 cm (13-18″)
  4. Spawning stock indicator:
    1. Proportion of walleye larger than 46 cm caught in large mesh nets from FMZ 5 BsM walleye trend assessment lakes (all lakes combined except QPP).
    2. Proportion of lakes with walleye larger than 46 cm from FMZ 5 BsM walleye trend assessment lakes (except QPP).
  5. Spawning season protection indicator: Number of days that walleye spawning occurs within the closed season (Apr. 15 to 3rd Saturday in May).
  6. Angling opportunity indicator:
    • Angling opportunities determined by the length of open walleye angling season.
  7. Trophy walleye indicator:
    • Proportion of lakes with walleye larger than 70cm from FMZ 5 BsM walleye trend assessment lakes (except QPP).
Benchmark (i.e. sustainability line, current value, etc.)
    1. 2010 – 51% of lakes classed as lightly exploited.
    2. 2010 - 18% of lakes classed as stressed.
  1. 2010 median catch/net (2 gangs) – 3.6 walleye/net (range from 0.1 – 19.7)
  2. Current daily harvest limits are 4/2 for S/C licences with only 1 fish over 46>cm except for non-residents within the border water regulation area where daily limits are 2 walleye, regardless of licence.
    1. In 2010 BsM, 25% walleye captured were larger than 46cm.
    2. In 2010 BsM, at least 1 walleye larger than 46cm was caught in 91% of trend lakes
  1. Currently this is not monitored on an annual basis so a benchmark is not known
  2. Currently, the walleye angling season is open from 3rd Sat in May to April 15th the following year.
  3. In 2010 BsM, at least 1 walleye >70cm was caught in 33% of walleye trend lakes.
Target (interim targets see discussion in 5.0)
    1. Green/good - >=50% of lakes classified as lightly exploited.
      Yellow/caution – 38-50% of lakes classified as lightly exploited.
      Red/Fail- <38% of lakes classified as lightly exploited.
    2. Green/good- <15% of the lakes classified as stressed.
      Yellow/caution – 15-20% of lakes classed as stressed;
      Red/Fail - >20% of lakes classed as stressed
  1. Green/good-median catch >= 3.5 walleye/net
    Yellow/caution – median catch 2.5-3.5 walleye/net;
    Red/Fail – median catch <2.5 walleye/net
  2. Current daily limits assuming sustainability of population status is achieved.
    1. Green/good- >=25% of walleye captured larger than 46cm
      Yellow/caution – 20-25% of walleye captured larger than 46cm
      Red/Fail – <20% of walleye captured larger than 46cm
    2. Green/good- >=90% of lakes to have at least 1 walleye captured >46cm
      Yellow/caution – 70-90% of lakes to have at least 1 walleye captured >46cm
      Red/Fail – <70% of lakes to have at least 1 walleye captured >46cm.
  1. All walleye spawning to occur entirely within the closed season across the zone for 80% of the years (i.e. 8 out of 10 years).
  2. Maintain current length of season which varies from 328 – 335 days depending on year assuming sustainability of population status is achieved.
  3. Green/good - >=30% of lakes have walleye>70cm
    Yellow/caution - 25-30% of lakes have walleye>70cm;
    Red/Fail - < 25% of lakes have walleye>70cm;
  1. 2020
  2. 2020
  3. 2015
    1. 2020
    2. 2020
  1. 2015
  2. 2015
  3. 2020
Management actions
  1. Maintain current regulation with exception of expanding the reduced daily catch limit for non-resident sport fish licence anglers to the entire zone
  2. Maintain current exceptions except where noted in draft plan
  3. Maintain conservation limits for non-residents camping on crown land
  4. Investigate options for more conservative management of walleye populations in FMZ 5
  5. Education about angling ethics and potential impacts on walleye populations
Monitoring strategy
  1. BsM monitoring of lakes on 5 year interval
  2. Monitoring of water temperatures and walleye spawning times from representative locations across the zone.

5.1.2 Northern pike management strategy

Northern pike (Esox lucius) are the most widely distributed sport fish species in FMZ 5 being found in almost 1200 lakes and about 90% of the lake area. They occur in a wide variety of lake types ranging from very small, shallow lakes to large, unproductive lake trout lakes. The size and depth of lakes has been found to determine a number of northern pike characteristics. Shallower lakes tend to be dominated by larger numbers of smaller sized fish while larger, deeper lakes tend to have lower pike densities, but larger sized pike (Pierce and Tomcko 2005, OMNR 2013). Northern pike are the second most commonly caught and harvested in the zone. The opportunity to catch a large pike is important to non-resident tourist industry guests.

In the late 80’s, the first size limit was placed on northern pike angler harvest with a restriction of not more than one over 70 cm in the limit of 6 fish. In 1999, Northwest Region reduced northern pike sport licence daily catch and possession limits from 6 to 4, and instituted a protective slot of none between 70-90 cm and not more than one over 90 cm size limit. The assumed management objective of the protective slot was to increase the number of trophy pike (i.e. larger than 90 cm) by reducing the harvest of large northern pike, and to increase the recruitment of more northern pike into the trophy category. A review of FMZ 5 pike data collected since the mid-80’s (mainly from SDW lakes that are biologically capable of producing large pike) indicate that the proportion of large pike in the population and angler harvest increased following the “1 over 70cm” regulation with further increases after the 70-90cm protected slot was implemented (Jackson 2012). A review of FWIN data from FMZ 5 lakes collected since the mid-90’s and Broadscale Monitoring data from 2010 suggested that pike populations are relatively healthy and similar to other populations in northern Ontario (OMNR 2012a). Trend data from the FWIN surveys, although limited, suggests that populations are stable to increasing with average size of fish caught generally increasing.

The current northern pike angling regulation in FMZ 5 is as follows:

  • Season: open all year
  • Catch and Possession Limits:
    • Sport Fishing Licence - 4
    • Conservation Licence - 2
  • Size Limits - none between 70-90cm, not more than 1 > 90cm

There are no exceptions specific to northern pike management on non-SDW lakes in FMZ 5.

The issue that was raised about pike management was mainly about dissatisfaction with the existing regulation which did not allowing harvest of pike in the preferred size range.

Objectives for northern pike management in FMZ 5

The following objectives have been developed to guide future management of pike populations:

  1. Maintain current overall northern pike abundance in FMZ 5.
  2. Maintain large size (>70cm/27.5″) northern pike in population.
  3. Manage pike size distribution to provide anglers with trophy angling for pike >90cm/35.5″ in those lakes that can provide such opportunities.
  4. Provide anglers the opportunity to consume the preferred size of northern pike (60-80cm/23.5-31.5″).
  5. Maximize pike angling opportunities within the sustainable limits of the population.

These management objectives attempt to strike a balance between protecting large fish to provide for trophy angling opportunities in lakes that can produce large fish and allowing anglers to harvest pike for consumption. Table 5.1.2-1 provides more details on how these targets will be defined and measured in the future.

Management actions to meet northern pike management objectives in FMZ 5

The management actions which have been developed as part of this plan to meet the northern pike objectives are presented below (see rationale below for further discussion). Changes to current limits and seasons were discussed but rejected by the Advisory Council on the basis that the pike population was generally healthy based on data from the past 15 years and that these changes were not required to achieve the objectives. For the same reasons, the Advisory Council recommended that pike not be added to the species (currently walleye and lake trout) with reduced limits for non-residents.

Northern pike management actions
  • 0 over 75cm (29.5″) size limit
  • Season: Open all year
  • Catch limits:
    • Sport Fishing – 4,
    • Conservation – 2;
  • Size Limit: None greater than 75 cm.
  • Maintain conservation limits for non-residents camping on crown land (current regulation)
  • Education around techniques for cleaning pike for consumption.
Rationale for selection of management actions

Although the current regulation with a protective slot from 70 – 90cm appears to have increased the number of large pike in lakes, it has been unpopular with anglers who wish to harvest pike for consumption. Since its implementation, anglers have indicated to MNR that the regulation prevents the harvesting of the most desirable sized northern pike for consumption and that the smaller fish are too difficult to clean because of the number of bones in pike. Members of the FMZ 5 Advisory Council identified the preferred size for consumption as 60-80 cm ((23.5″ – 31.5″) or approximately 1-3 kg (2.5 -6.5 lbs)). There is also a feeling by some that by restricting the harvest of pike in the preferred size range, harvest of other species such as walleye has been increased. Another concern expressed was that many lakes in the zone were incapable of producing trophy fish because of lake characteristics and anglers were being restricted from harvesting preferred size fish even though the probability of these lakes meeting the objective of producing trophy size fish was low. Because of these concerns, the current 70-90 cm protected slot regulation was not preferred by the Advisory Council as a management action.

0 over 75cm (29.5″) size limit

The regulation of a size limit of no fish greater than 75cm (29.5″) was considered the option that best balanced the desire to maintain the number of large pike while allowing increased harvest of pike in the preferred size range (identified as 60cm – 80cm (23.5″ – 31.5″)). Investigation into predicting the results of the proposed options by modelling their effectiveness compared to the current regulation suggests that although all options considered would result in some level of decline in large fish numbers, this option would result in the least decline. It also allows harvest of a greater range of fish in the preferred size range. The increase from 70 cm (27.5″) to 75 cm(29.5″) corresponds to an increase from about a 1.9 kg to a 2.5 kg (~4.25lb to a ~5.5lb) fish based on the average weights of FMZ 5 pike. It was also considered simpler to understand than the current regulation. The tourist industry has indicated that they feel that there was little need for harvesting trophy pike given that increasingly, anglers understand the biological and social value of these large fish and choose to release them. Concerns with this regulation include that it did not entirely achieve the objective of allowing harvest from the entire preferred size range and is unlikely to maintain numbers of trophy pike in all lakes. There is also concern that not allowing the harvest of any large fish greater than 75cm would require anglers to release large fish even if they were severely injured and expected to die and this was expected to be unpopular with some anglers or in some circumstances. In spite of these, it was felt that the expected benefits of this regulation outweighed the identified concerns.

Maintaining conservation limits for non-residents camping on Crown land

The current regulation of requiring non-residents camping on Crown land to follow conservation limits regardless of licence will be maintained. These anglers provide limited economic benefits to Ontario compared to non-residents staying at resorts and maintaining reduced limits may help to maintain sustainability of populations.

Education around cleaning pike

The plan has identified increased education on filleting pike and especially methods to efficiently removing the “Y” bones from small pike as a management action. It was thought that by increasing awareness of techniques to clean pike that it may increase the use of smaller sized pike for consumption.

Other options considered but rejected by the Advisory Council and OMNR for further discussion are presented in Appendix 3 along with the rationale for not considering them at this time.

Monitoring strategies for northern pike management in FMZ 5

The following monitoring activities are proposed to assess whether the management actions are effectively achieving the objectives.

  1. Conduct Broadscale Monitoring (BSM) for pike population status assessment and to assess objective achievement.

Landscape level monitoring of fish populations has been identified as the most effective and efficient method of assessing fish population status and determining whether fish management objectives are being met (OMNR 2005). See section 7.0 for further discussion on future monitoring using the Broadscale Monitoring program.

Table 5.1.2-1footnote 1: Summary of FMZ 5 northern pike management objectives and management actions


  1. To maintain current overall northern pike abundance in FMZ 5.
  2. To maintain large size northern pike in population (>70cm).


  1. Manage pike size distribution to provide anglers with trophy angling for pike>90cm/35.5” in those lakes that can provide such opportunities.
  2. Provide anglers the opportunity to consume the preferred size of northern pike.
  3. Maximize pike angling opportunities within sustainability of population.
  1. Pike abundance indicator:
    Area weighted catch per unit of effort (#/large mesh nets) of northern pike from fixed BsM lakes containing northern pike (except QPP).1) 2010 median catch/net (2 gangs) – 0.8 pike/net (range from 0.4 – 5.2)
  2. Large Pike indicator:
    1. Proportion of northern pike larger than 70 cm caught in large mesh nets from BsM trend lakes containing northern pike (all lakes combined except QPP).
    2. Proportion of northern pike larger than 90 cm caught in large mesh nets from BsM trend lakes containing northern pike (all lakes combined except QPP).
  3. Trophy Pike opportunities indicator
    1. Proportion of lakes with northern pike larger than 90cm from BsM trend lakes containing northern pike (except QPP).
    2. Regulation provides protection of trophy size fish and opportunity to catch trophy sized fish.
  4. Ability to harvest preferred size pike indicator
    1. Regulation allows opportunity to harvest pike in preferred range between 60 and 80 cm.
  5. Pike angling opportunity indicator
    1. Length of pike fishing season
Benchmark (i.e. sustainability line, current value, etc)
  1. 2010 median catch/net (2 gangs) – 0.8 pike/net (range from 0.4 – 5.2)
    1. 2010 - 16% of all pike captured in FMZ 5 larger than 70cm
    2. 2010 - 3% of all pike captured in FMZ 5 larger than 90cm
    1. 2010 - 34% of BsM lakes caught at least 1 pike larger than 90cm
    2. ability of regulation to protect current and future trophy size pike
  1. Ability of regulation to allow harvest of pike between 60 cm and 80 cm
  2. Currently can angle for pike 365 days/year
Target (interim targets see discussion in 5.0)
  1. Green/good- median catch >= 0.8 pike/net
    Yellow/caution – median catch 0.6-0.8 pike /net;
    Red/Fail – median catch <0.6 pike/net
    1. Green/good- >=15% of pike captured larger than 70cm
      Yellow/caution – 10 -15% of pike captured larger than 70cm
      Red/Fail – <10% of pike captured larger than 70cm
    2. Green/good- >=3% of pike captured larger than 90cm
      Yellow/caution – 1.5-3% of pike captured larger than 90cm
      Red/Fail – <1.5% of pike captured larger than 90cm
    1. Green/good- >=35% of lakes with pike > 90cm;
      Yellow/caution - 25-35% of lakes with pike > 90cm;
      Red/Fail - < 25% of lakes with pike >90cm
    2. Meet indicator
  1. Meet indicator
  2. Pike angling season to remain at 365 days/year

2020 for all targets

Management actions
  1. 0 over 75cm (29.5″) size limit, Limits S-4/C-2; Season: open all year
  2. Maintain conservation limits for non-residents camping on Crown land
  3. Education around cleaning pike for consumption.
Monitoring strategy

Broadscale Monitoring of FMZ 5 to assess northern pike objective achievement at 5 yr cycle (next survey scheduled for 2015).

5.1.3 Smallmouth and largemouth bass

Smallmouth bass are not native to FMZ 5 and were first introduced into the zone approximately 100 years ago. They are now known to exist in over 560 lakes throughout the zone with populations being found in new lakes almost yearly. Largemouth bass are also not thought to be a native species throughout most of FMZ 5 although they are found in much fewer lakes (~100) located primarily in the south and west part of the zone. Most of the discussion and available data on bass populations in FMZ 5 is focused on smallmouth bass.

FMZ 5 bass populations have supported world class recreational fisheries and have traditionally been popular with non-resident anglers and the tourist industry which has likely contributed to their spread throughout the zone. In more recent years, bass fishing has become more popular with resident anglers and several tournaments in towns such as Fort Frances, Kenora and Atikokan have become important events within these communities.

Prior to 1999, the limit for bass was S-6/C-3 with no size limits and no closed seasons. In 1999, Northwest Region reduced limits from S-6/C-3 to S-4/C-2, with a maximum size limit and reduced limits from Dec. 1st to June 30th. The regulation change appeared to be mainly a proactive measure to maintain quality angling opportunities. 2010 Broadscale Monitoring data from FMZ 5 lakes suggests that bass populations are very healthy and have high proportions of old, large fish and recruitment consistent with environmental conditions. Trend data from a number of lakes in the eastern portion of FMZ 5 indicate that bass abundance has either remained stable or increased between the late 1990’s and 2010 with average size of bass increasing on almost all lakes. Information from FMZ 5 lakes supports research that temperature is an important factor affecting both growth and year class survival of bass and the generally increasing temperatures over the past 25 years have appeared to benefit bass populations.

The current bass angling regulation in FMZ 5 is as follows:

  • Season: open all year
  • Catch and possession limits:
    • Sport Fishing Licence – 4, 2 from Jan. 1 – June 30 and Dec. 1 – Dec. 31
    • Conservation Licence – 2; 1 from Jan. 1 – June 30 and Dec. 1 – Dec. 31
    • Size Limit - must be less than 35cm from Jan. 1 – June 30 and Dec. 1 – Dec. 31

There is only one exception to FMZ 5 zone regulations on non-SDW lakes in FMZ 5 related to bass management. Kakagi Lake has a catch and release season from June 1-30 in addition to the zone wide regulation (same as Lake of the Woods).

Objectives for Smallmouth and Largemouth Bass Management in FMZ 5

The following objectives have been developed to guide future management of bass populations in the zone:

  1. Maintain angling and harvest opportunities consistent with maintaining quality objectives for the fishery.
  2. Maintain abundance of bass to provide anglers opportunities to catch numbers of fish.
  3. Maintain numbers of quality (>43cm/17″) and trophy (>50cm/19.5″) bass to provide anglers opportunities to catch large fish.
  4. Maintain opportunities for competitive fishing events consistent with sustainability of the population.
  5. Prevent unauthorized expansion into new waters.

There exists a wide range of opinion on the management objective for bass in FMZ 5 within the angling public. Opinions range from people who see bass as invasive and would like to see them eliminated (often supporting very liberal limits, etc.) to those who see bass as valuable, high quality fishery which should be protected and who often support very restrictive regulations and reduced harvest. The proposed management objectives attempt to strike a balance by protecting the current high quality angling in established populations while preventing the spread and potential detrimental impacts on native species where bass do not currently exist. Table 5.1.3-1 provides more details on how these targets will be defined and measured in the future.

Management actions to meet smallmouth and largemouth bass management objectives in FMZ 5

The management actions which have been developed as part of this plan to meet the bass management objectives are presented below (see rationale below for further discussion). Other options considered but rejected by the Advisory Council and OMNR for further discussion are presented in Appendix 3 along with the rationale for not considering them at this time.

Bass management actions
  • Maintain winter/spring size restriction with simplified season; eliminate reduced limits in winter/spring
    • Season: Open all year
    • Catch Limit:
      • Sport Fishing Licence – 4
      • Conservation Licence– 2
    • Size Limit: must be less than 35cm from Jan. 1 – June 30
  • Maintain exception on Kakagi Lake, harmonized with bass regulations on Lake of the Woods
  • Maintain conservation limits for non-residents camping on crown land (current regulation)
  • Education and awareness on effects of bass introductions on other species
  • Education and awareness on effects of angling on bass including nesting fish
  • Recommend development of policy/guidelines for tournaments (including permitting)
Rationale for management actions
Maintain spring size restriction with simplified season; eliminate reduced limits in winter/spring

The proposed regulatory management action is the same as the current regulation but eliminates the reduced limits during the winter and spring (i.e limits would remain at S-4/C-2 all year) and maintains the winter/spring size restriction but simplifies the dates to January 1st to June 30th. The purpose is to maintain protection of large bass during the spring/winter periods, including the key nesting and parental care period under most annual climate scenarios, while providing harvest opportunity of smaller sized bass during that period. One of the concerns expressed about the current regulation is that the combination of the size limit (none larger than 35cm) and reduced limits (S-2/C-1) unnecessarily restrict the opportunity for anglers to harvest bass for consumption during the spring and are not available as an alternative to more traditional species such as walleye or northern pike. This has been particularly noted for tourist guests with conservation licences who are currently limited to 1 bass less than 35cm. The proposed management action meets the objective of maintaining angling and harvest opportunities while also maintaining current protection of large bass in the winter and spring when they are vulnerable to anglers. By providing the opportunity to harvest more small fish, it may help in balancing harvest across the fish community. The angling and harvest of some bass at all times of the year is considered important to the tourist industry in marketing bass angling opportunities as well as allowing opportunities for bass to be harvested instead of traditional species such as walleye. With no size limits in the summer, this regulation does not restrict bass angling tournaments to weigh limits of large bass and meets the objective of maintaining opportunities for tournaments. It also simplifies the regulation by maintaining the same catch limits throughout the year. This action also meets objectives of the Quetico Provincial Park Stewardship Plan (OMNR 2005) which has objectives to promote smallmouth bass as species for consumption and a management strategy to promote a shift from walleye harvest to smallmouth bass harvest.

The option also adjusts the size limit season from the period of Dec. 1 - June 30 to Jan. 1 – June 30 to address what was seen by the Advisory Council and the public as confusion in the angling regulation summary. Because the summary is prepared as an annual summary and season dates cannot cross calendar years, the size limit period must be written as two separate periods (i.e. Jan. 1 –June 30 and Dec. 1 – Dec. 31). Members of the council felt the wording of regulation could be simplified by eliminating the December period. It was also felt that angling during the month of December was extremely limited because of typical ice conditions at that time of year and lack of interest in ice fishing for bass and there would be very little risk to bass populations from this change.

Maintain current exception on Kakagi Lake

Currently there is only one exception to zone regulations specifically for bass management. A catch and release season from June 1-30 is in place on Kakagi Lake which is the same as on the adjacent Specially Designated Waters of Lake of the Woods. It is proposed that this exception remain in place or if necessary, changed to be consistent with Lake of the Woods regulation changes.

Maintaining conservation limits for non-residents camping on crown land

The current regulation of requiring non-residents camping on Crown land to follow conservation limits regardless of licence will be maintained. These anglers provide limited economic benefits to Ontario compared to non-residents staying at resorts and maintaining reduced limits may help to maintain quality of bass fishery.

Education and awareness on effects of bass introductions

The plan identifies increased education on impacts of introduced bass populations on native fish communities as important to maintain biodiversity and ecosystem health in the zone. Bass have had impacts on other species in FMZ 5 and in some instances, such as introduction of bass into small lake trout lakes, can affect the sustainability of native species. Increased education to make the public more aware of the consequences of moving bass into new lakes may help reduce future unauthorized introductions.

Education and awareness on effects of angling on bass including angling for nesting fish or from deep water

Increased public education was identified to increase the awareness of the impacts of angling on maintaining quality size bass populations including angling mature male bass while they are guarding nests and vulnerable to anglers. Better understanding of the potential impacts of their angling activities may help anglers manage their activities to minimize detrimental impacts on established bass populations. For example, education may highlight the high mortality associated with catch and release angling from deep water (>10m or 30′).

Recommend development of policy/guidelines for tournaments (including permitting)

The plan recommends that policy and/or guidelines (including permitting) be developed for tournaments for all species including bass. This would be a provincially led project involving Fisheries Policy section. Concerns about the timing and number of tournaments and fish handling procedures were raised by council members and policy or guidelines would provide a consistent approach to managing events. A potential advantage of permitting tournaments is that it would allow additional regulation options for zone wide bass management. One concern expressed about proposed management action is that it does not provide protection for large bass throughout the entire year, especially the summer season when the angling effort for bass is high. Simple management actions that might address this, such as year round size limits, were rejected as not meeting the objective of maintaining current tournaments. If these management actions are required in the future to meet bass quality objectives, a permitting option for tournaments may assist in meeting all plan objectives for bass.

Monitoring strategies for bass management in FMZ 5

The following monitoring activities are proposed to assess whether the management actions are effectively achieving the objectives.

    1. Conduct Broadscale Monitoring (BsM) for smallmouth bass population status assessment and to assess objective achievement.
    2. Assist OMNR science and research to develop bass population assessment methodology.
    3. Work with OMNR science and research staff to determine the need for additional data from methods such as Nearshore Community Index Netting to assess bass population status.

Landscape level monitoring of fish populations has been identified as the most effective and efficient method of assessing fish population status and determining whether fish management objectives are being met (OMNR 2005). See section 7.0 for further discussion on future monitoring using the Broadscale Monitoring program.

Table 5.1.3-1footnote 1 – Summary of bass management objectives and management actions


  1. Maintain angling and harvest opportunities consistent with quality fisheries.
  2. Maintain abundance of bass to provide anglers opportunities to catch numbers of fish.
  3. Maintain numbers of quality (>43cm/17″) and trophy (>50cm/19.5″) bass to provide anglers opportunities to catch large fish.
  4. Prevent unauthorized expansion into new waters.


  1. Maintain opportunities for tournaments consistent with sustainability of the population.
  1. Opportunities indicator
    1. Angling opportunities determined by the length of open bass angling season.
    2. Harvest opportunities determined by the current daily limits
  2. Bass abundance indicator:

    Area weighted catch per unit of effort (#/large mesh nets) of smallmouth bass from BsM trend lakes containing smallmouth bass (all lakes combined except Quetico PP)

  3. Large Bass indicator
    1. Proportion of smallmouth bass larger than 43 cm caught in large mesh nets from BsM trend lakes containing smallmouth bass (all lakes combined except QPP).
    2. Proportion of lakes with smallmouth bass larger than 43 cm from BsM trend lakes containing smallmouth bass (except QPP).
    3. Proportion of lakes with smallmouth bass larger than 50cm from BsM trend lakes containing smallmouth bass (except QPP).
  4. Number of new lakes with smallmouth bass and largemouth bass populations.
  5. Number of bass angling tournaments on non-SDW lakes within FMZ 5.
Benchmark (i.e. sustainability line, current value, etc)
    1. currently, the bass angling season is open 365 days/year
    2. current daily harvest limits are 4/2 for S/C licences except for the period Dec 1 to June 30 when limits are 2/1 for >S/C licences
  1. 2010 median catch/net (2 gangs) – 0.5 smallmouth bass/net (range from 0.1 – 4.4)
    1. in 2010 BsM, 15% bass captured were larger than 43cm
    2. in 2010 BsM, at least 1 bass larger than 43cm was caught in 55% of lakes
    3. in 2010 BsM, at least 1 bass larger than 50cm was caught in 5% of lakes
  1. Number of lakes with smallmouth bass and largemouth bass in FMZ 5 outside of SDW’s/QPP is currently approximately 420 smallmouth bass lakes and 67 largemouth lakes. In addition, there are a number of lakes where bass are expected to expand to based on downstream movement from existing populations.
  2. Currently there are 9 tournaments on non-SDW lakes in the zone
Target (interim targets see discussion in 5.0)
    1. 365 days
    2. daily limits at or above current levels assuming achievement of quality objectives
  1. Green/good - median catch >= 0.5 bass/net
    Yellow/caution – median catch 0.4-0.5 bass/net;
    Red/Fail – median catch <0.4 bass/net
    1. Green/good– >=15% of bass captured larger than 43cm
      Yellow/caution – 10-15% of bass
      Red/Fail – <10% of bass
    2. Green/good- >=55% lakes with at least 1 bass larger than 43cm;
      Yellow/caution – 40-55% lakes with at least 1 bass larger than 43cm;
      Red/Fail - <40% of lakes with at least 1 bass larger than 43cm
    3. Green/good - >=5% lakes with at least 1 bass larger than 50cm;
      Yellow/caution - 3-5% lakes with at least 1 bass larger than 50cm;
      Red - <3% lakes with at least 1 bass larger than 50cm;
  1. No new unauthorized introductions of smallmouth or largemouth bass
  2. >= 9 tournaments
    1. 2015
    2. 2015
  1. 2020
    1. 2020
    2. 2020
    3. 2020
  2. 2015
  3. 2015
Management actions
  1. Current regulations but no reduced limits in winter/spring and simplified size limit season
  2. Maintain conservation limits for non-residents camping on crown land. Maintain current exception on Kakagi Lake
  3. Education and awareness on effects of bass introductions on other species
  4. Education and awareness on effects of angling on nesting bass
  5. Recommend development of policy/guidelines for tournaments
Monitoring strategy
  1. Broadscale Monitoring of FMZ 5 at 5 yr intervals (next survey planned for 2015).
  2. Sample bass from angling tournaments on non-SDWs to obtain growth, year class strength, etc. data not available from BsM data because of low sample size/lake.

5.1.4 Lake Trout

With over 560 known lake trout lakes, FMZ 5 has the highest number of lake trout lakes in the northwest region and is one of the highest density areas within the province. Review of lake trout populations in both Atikokan and Kenora areas suggest that about 30% of the lakes contain small bodied trout that rely on invertebrates and small fish while the remaining 70% of the lakes have cisco, whitefish and/or smelt available as prey resulting in larger bodied trout. Lake trout angling in the zone has traditionally been focused on winter ice fishing or early spring after ice out with less interest during the summer months. Currently, there is less interest from anglers (especially non-resident anglers) in lake trout than other species.

Recent data collected during the 2010 BsM survey suggests that lake trout populations are showing little sign of overharvest stress with average ages ranging from 8 to 17 years with most populations having an average age around 13 years. However, there is recognition that lake trout may be affected by impacts other than angling such as climate change, species introductions, or habitat impacts more than some other sport fish species.

Lake trout angling regulation changes in recent decades include a limit reduction form 3 fish to 2 fish in the late 1980’s (early 1990’s in the Atikokan area) and the addition of a 1 over 56cm size limit from September 1-30 in 1999. The regulation that reduced daily catch limits for non-resident sport fishing licences in the Border Waters area was implemented in 2000.

The current lake trout angling regulation in FMZ 5 is as follows:

  • Season: open January 1 – September 30
  • Catch and Possession Limits:
    • Sport Fishing Licence – 2
    • Conservation Licence – 1
  • Size Limit - not more than 1 larger than 56cm from Sept 1 – Sept 30.

Within the Border Water Regulation area (see Figure 2), non-resident limits are:

  • Catch Limits
    • Sport Fishing Licence – Daily – 1/Possession - 2;
    • Conservation Licence - Daily – 1/Possession - 1
  • Size Limit - not more than 1 larger than 56cm from Sept 1 – Sept 30.

In addition, there are several non-SDW lakes with exceptions or additional regulations (e.g. sanctuaries) to the zone regulations which are identified in Appendix 2.

Objectives for Lake Trout management in FMZ 5

The following objectives have been developed to guide management of lake trout populations in the zone:

  1. Maintain lake trout abundance
  2. Maintain angling opportunities for lake trout within sustainable limits of the populations.
  3. Maintain the proportion of mature fish (>56 cm/ 22″) currently present in FMZ 5 lakes
  4. Protect mature fish during the fall spawning season
Management actions to meet lake trout management objectives in FMZ 5

These management objectives focused on maintaining current populations which are felt to be providing quality angling opportunities and populations that show few signs of harvest stress. Table 5.1.4-1 provides more details on how these targets will be defined and measured in the future.

The management actions which have been developed as part of this plan to meet the lake trout management objectives are presented below (see rationale below for further discussion). Other options considered but rejected by the Advisory Council and OMNR for further discussion are presented in Appendix 3 along with the rationale for not considering them at this time.

Lake Trout management actions
  • Current regulation but with non-resident sport fishing daily limits reduced across entire zone
    • Season: open January 1 – September 30
    • Catch Limits
      • Sport Fishing Licence – 2
      • Conservation Licence – 1
      • Size Limit - not more than 1 larger than 56cm from Sept 1 – Sept 30.
    • Non-resident limits:
      • Catch Limits
        • Sport Fishing Licence – Daily – 1/Possession - 2
        • Conservation Licence - Daily – 1/Possession - 1
      • Size Limit - not more than 1 larger than 56cm from Sept 1 – Sept 30.
  • Maintain individual lake regulations where rationale exists to maintain populations
  • Maintain conservation limits for non-residents camping on crown land (current regulation)
  • Education to promote catch and release handling techniques.
Rationale for selection of management actions
Maintaining current regulations and expand reduced daily catch limits for non-resident anglers if expanded for walleye

The current regulation was selected as the preferred management action by the FMZ 5 Advisory Council and supported by the OMNR on the basis that it is currently meeting all of the proposed management objectives. FMZ 5 lake trout data does not suggest that current levels of angling harvest are negatively impacting populations. The current regulation is considered to be relatively simple and easy to follow by anglers as there is no size limit during much of the angling season (particularly during the winter).

The council supported expanding reduced non-resident catch limits for lake trout if the walleye daily catch limits for non-residents are reduced in the entire zone to support the principle of simplified regulations and movement to a landscape management approach. With the recommended action for walleye to implement this regulation across the zone in 2016 pending DFO approval, the reduced non-resident sport fishing licence daily catch limit for lake trout will be at the same time.

Maintain individual lake regulations

There are a number of exceptions to the zone regulation for lake trout. These generally involve a number of modifications to the angling seasons to reduce angling effort on small lakes with vulnerable populations that usually have increased access to lake (e.g.construction of a highway adjacent to lake) or special research lakes (ELA area, CNFER study lakes, Grimshaw Lake).

These exceptions were considered essential to maintain sustainability of current lake trout populations in these lakes (see Appendix 2 for list of lakes and rationale for each lake).

Maintain conservation limits for non-residents camping on Crown land

The current regulation of requiring non-residents camping on Crown land to follow conservation limits regardless of licence will be maintained. These anglers provide limited economic benefits to Ontario compared to non-residents staying at resorts and maintaining reduced limits may help to maintain sustainability of populations.

Education to promote catch and release handling techniques

The plan has identified promoting catch and release handling techniques through education materials to reduce angling mortality of lake trout. It is hoped by increasing knowledge of effective catch and release handling techniques, mortality of released fish can be reduced.

Monitoring strategies for Lake Trout management in FMZ 5

The following monitoring activities are proposed to assess whether the management actions are effectively achieving the objectives.

  1. Conduct Broadscale Monitoring (BsM) to assess lake trout population status and objective achievement.
  2. Participate in the Northwest Region Lake Temperature Monitoring Program on currently monitored FMZ 5 lakes to monitor affect of changing temperature on lake trout habitat.

Landscape level monitoring of fish populations has been identified as the most effective and efficient method of assessing fish population status and determining whether fish management objectives are being met (OMNR 2005). See section 7.0 for further discussion on future monitoring using the Broadscale Monitoring program.

Table 5.1.4-1footnote 1 – Summary of Lake Trout management objectives and management actions
  1. Maintain lake trout abundance
  2. Maintain angling opportunities for lake trout within sustainable limits of the population.
  3. Maintain proportion of mature fish (>56 cm) currently present in FMZ 5 lakes 4.
  4. Protect mature fish during the fall spawning season
  1. Abundance indicator:
    1. Population status to be determine by the from FMZ 5 BsM lake trout trend lakes where the estimated biomass is greater than the expected biomass for fish over ?cm
    2. Area weighted catch per unit of effort (#/large mesh nets) of from FMZ 5 BsM lake trout trend lakes (all lakes combined except QPP).
  2. Angling opportunity indicator:

    Angling opportunities determined by the length of open lake trout angling season. Number of days that lake trout spawning occurs within the protected season (Oct. 1 to Dec. 31).

  3. Mature fish indicator:
    1. Proportion of lake trout larger than 56 cm caught in large mesh nets from fixed FMZ 5 BsM lakes containing lake trout (all lakes combined except QPP).
    2. Proportion of lakes with lake trout larger than 56 cm from fixed FMZ 5 BsM lakes containing lake trout (except QPP).
  4. Spawning season protection indicator:

    Number of days that lake trout spawning occurs within the protected season (Oct. 1 to Dec. 31).

Benchmark (i.e. sustainability line, current value, etc)
    1. this benchmark will be determined based on 2010 BsM results when methodology is finalized (2013?)
    2. 2010 median catch/net (2 gangs) – 1.1 lake trout/net (range from 0.1 – 4.1)
  1. Current angling season is from Jan. 1 to Sept 30.
    1. >=39% of lake trout captured to be larger than 56 cm.
    2. >=92% of lakes to have at least 1 lake trout captured >56cm.
  1. Currently this is not monitored on an annual basis so a benchmark is not known
Target (interim targets see discussion in 5.0)
    1. targets to be set based on 2010 BsM results with green >= current level and red level 25% less than current level.
    2. Green/good-median catch >= 1.0 trout/net
      Yellow/caution – median catch 0.75-1.0 trout/net;
      Red/Fail – median catch <0.75 trout/net.
  1. Maintain current length of season (273-274 days depending on year)
    1. Green/good- >=40% of trout captured larger than 56cm
      Yellow/caution – 30-40% of trout captured larger than 56cm
      Red/Fail – <30% of trout captured larger than 56cm
    2. Green/good- >=90% lakes at least 1 trout >56cm;
      Yellow/caution - 70-90% lakes at least 1 trout >56cm;
      Red/Fail - <70% lakes at least 1 trout >56cm;
  1. All lake trout spawning to occur entirely within the closed season across the zone.
    1. 2020
    2. 2020
  1. 2015
    1. 2020
    2. 2020
  1. 2015
Management actions
  1. Maintain current regulation with exception of expanding the reduced daily catch limit for non-resident sport fish licence anglers to the entire zone
  2. Maintain individual lake regulations where rationale exists to maintain populations
  3. Maintain conservation limits for non-residents camping on crown land (current regulation)
  4. Promote catch and release handling techniques through education materials.
Monitoring strategy
  1. BsM monitoring of lakes on 5 year interval
  2. Monitoring of water temperatures and lake trout spawning times from representative locations across the zone.

5.1.5 Black crappie

Black crappie were introduced into FMZ 5 waters approximately 80 years ago and have slowly spread throughout the zone since then with current estimates of about 100 lakes. Up until about 10 years ago, they were confined mainly to the south and west portions of the zone but in the last decade, new populations have become established in the Atikokan and Dryden areas. With the increase in distribution, there has been increasing interest from anglers and, in areas where they are established, they have become important recreational angling species for both resident and non-resident anglers. In some cases, anecdotal reports suggest that high harvest has reduced angling quality through the loss of preferred size (>25cm) fish. This has resulted in the loss of recreational and economic benefits. Data on crappie populations from FMZ 5, while limited, does support the idea that angling quality has declined in areas of high harvest. At the same time, concerns exist about the impacts of new crappie introductions on native fish communities (in particular, the impact on potential harvest of walleye populations in smaller, shallower lakes).

Crappie limits were reduced from 30S/15C in 1999 to address public concerns about declining angling quality for crappie at that time and to increase valuation of crappie fishery.

The current crappie angling regulation in FMZ 5 is as follows:

  • Season: open all year
  • Catch and Possession Limit:
    • Sport Fishing Licence – 15
    • Conservation Licence - 10
  • Size Limit: None
Objectives for Crappie management in FMZ 5

The following objectives are proposed to guide management of crappie populations in the zone:

  1. Prevent unauthorized expansion into new waters.
  2. Manage existing populations to maintain sustainable, high quality (crappie>25 cm/10″) fisheries for consumption.
  3. Manage existing populations to maintain characteristics of a healthy fish population (# of age classes, maximum age).

The management objectives attempt to strike a balance between protecting quality angling in established populations while preventing the spread and potential detrimental impacts on native species where crappie do not currently exist. The quality angling objective was considered necessary to maintain angler interest in harvesting crappie with a concern that if size of crappie declined, interest in fishing for and harvesting them would also decline. Fish that anglers considered desirable for consumption were defined as greater than 25 cm (10″) by the FMZ 5 Advisory Council.

Management actions to meet Black Crappie management objectives in FMZ 5

The proposed management actions are presented below along with the level of support by the FMZ 5 Advisory Council (see rationale below for further discussion). MNR is proposing to implement the managements below unless public consultation indicates an alternate management action is preferred and that action would allow for the achievement of the above objectives. Other options considered but rejected by the Advisory Council and OMNR for further discussion are presented in Appendix 3 along with the rationale for not considering them at this time.

Black Crappie management actions
  • Reduced limits.
    • Catch Limits:
      • Sport Fishing Licence - 10
      • Conservation Licence– 5
    • Size Limit: None
    • Season: Open all year
  • Maintain conservation limits for non-residents camping on crown land (current regulation)
  • Education about impacts of crappie introductions on native fish communities
  • Education about impacts of angling on crappie (e.g. catch and release mortality of small fish caught in deep water)
  • Collect more information on FMZ 5 Black Crappie populations from non-SDW lakes.
Rationale for selection of proposed management actions
Reduction of angling limits

The angling limit for Black Crappie will be reduced to 10 for sport fishing anglers and 5 for conservation anglers. There was a concern that current harvest is limiting the ability to meet the objectives to provide sustainable, high quality (crappie >25 cm) fisheries for consumption and maintain characteristics of a healthy fish population. There was a feeling expressed that 15 fish/person is more than is required and that a conservation limit of 10 fish is not meeting a conservation ethic. By reducing the limits to 10 for sport fishing anglers and 5 for conservation anglers, it is felt that this may help prevent reduced angling quality and subsequent loss of economic and recreational angling opportunities. Although there is little data available on FMZ 5 crappie population status, this action is felt to be precautionary with the lack of information and the expectation of increasing angling effort for this species in the future. This proposal would also make limits the same as the state of Minnesota (daily catch/possession limit of 10 crappie) which may help address the concern that day trip anglers from Minnesota are responsible for a large proportion of the crappie harvest from lakes in the south part of FMZ 5.

Concerns with the proposed regulation include a lack of data on FMZ 5 crappie populations to support the need for a limit reduction or evaluate its effectiveness. The proposed limit reduction may not reduce the negative pulse fishing effects on populations and it doesn’t address potential impact of harvest of mature fishing during the spring spawning period.

Maintaining conservation limits for non-residents camping on Crown land

The current regulation of requiring non-residents camping on Crown land to follow conservation limits regardless of licence will be maintained. These anglers provide limited economic benefits to Ontario compared to non-residents staying at resorts and maintaining reduced limits may help to maintain quality of these fisheries.

Education about impacts of Crappie introductions

The plan includes actions to increase public education about impacts of introduced crappie populations on native fish communities. Studies have shown that Black Crappie can negatively impact the productivity of native species including walleye. Increased education to make the public more aware of the consequences of moving crappie into new lakes may help reduce future unauthorized introductions.

Education about angling impacts on Crappie populations

The plan includes actions to increase public awareness of the impacts of angling on crappie. In particular, there was a concern about high catch and release mortality of crappie caught and released from deep water (>10m/30’) in the winter. Better understand of the potential impacts of their angling activities may help anglers manage their activities to minimize detrimental impacts on established crappie populations.

Collection of more information on FMZ 5 Black Crappie

A concern expressed during the preparation of the FMZ 5 plan was the lack of data for FMZ 5 crappie populations to allow monitoring of population status, measure achievement of objectives and make effective management decisions. The standard Broadscale Monitoring program does not effectively monitor crappie populations in the zone both because of the coverage of lakes with crappie populations (only 17 of 130 lakes assessed in 2010 have crappie) and ineffectiveness of the gill nets used in BsM at capturing crappie (only 52 crappie caught from 11 lakes). A monitoring strategy has been developed to allow collection of more crappie data prior to the 5 year plan review.

Monitoring strategies for black crappie management in FMZ 5

The following monitoring activities are proposed to assess whether the management actions are effectively achieving the objectives.

  1. Establish a monitoring protocol based on Nearshore Community Index Netting methodology to effectively assess Black Crappie population status in FMZ 5. A proposed methodology to better assess Black Crappie populations is presented in Appendix 4.
  2. Track distribution, method and time of introduction for Black Crappie in FMZ 5 lakes.
Table 5.1.5–1footnote 1 – Summary of Black Crappie Management objectives and management actions


  1. Prevent unauthorized expansion into new waters.
  2. Manage existing populations to maintain characteristics of a healthy fish population (# of age classes, maximum age)


  1. Manage existing populations to maintain sustainable, high quality fisheries for consumption
  1. Number of new lakes with Black Crappie populations
  2. Age structure of crappie populations (# of age classes, maximum age, etc)
  3. Abundance/proportion of crappie >25cm (TBD after identification of a monitoring program)
Benchmark (i.e. sustainability line, current value, etc.)
  1. Number of lakes with Black Crappie in FMZ 5 outside of SDW’s/QPP is currently 79. In addition, there are a number of lakes where crappie are expected to expand to based on downstream movement from existing populations
  2. To Be Determined (TBD) after identification of a monitoring program
  3. TBD after identification of a monitoring program
Target (currently proposed)
  1. Number of new lakes that result from unauthorized introduction (i.e. not including natural movement from current populations) to be zero.
  2. currently unknown (data deficient)
  3. currently unknown (data deficient)
  1. 2015
  2. need data to determine targets (to be establish at next plan review)
  3. need data to determine targets (to be establish at next plan review)
Management actions
  1. Reduce catch limits to Sport Fishing Licence – 10;Conservation Licence– 5
  2. Maintain conservation limits for non-residents camping on crown land (current regulation)
  3. Education about impacts of crappie introductions on native fish communities
  4. Education about impacts of angling on crappie (e.g. catch and release mortality of small fish caught in deep water)
  5. Collect more information on FMZ 5 Black Crappie populations from non-SDW lakes.
Monitoring strategy
  1. Monitoring program to be developed and implemented by MNR Districts (see appendix 3)
  2. Track distribution, method and time of introduction for Black Crappie in FMZ 5 lakes.

5.1.6 Commercial fisheries management


Commercial fishing activity occurs on 21 lakes in FMZ 5 in addition to all eight Specially Designated Waters. Lake whitefish are the most important commercially fished species and make up 89% of the commercial fish quota for non-specially designated lakes followed by lesser amounts of northern pike, walleye and Black Crappie.

Previously, the direction for the management of commercial fisheries in FMZ 5 (including allowable gear, species and harvest targets) could be found in individual District Fisheries Management Plans (DFMP’s). Given that the FMZ 5 Fisheries Management Plan effectively replaces these plans, and that a new strategic policy for Ontario’s Commercial Fisheries was completed in 2011, it important that this new plan contain modernized commercial fisheries management direction that is consistent with new strategic direction across the zone.

Provincial management direction

In December 2011, OMNR released the Strategic Policy for Ontario’s Commercial Fisheries (OMNR 2011). This policy outlines the goals, principles, objectives and management strategies to be applied to commercial fisheries management at a provincial level as follows:

Goal for commercial fisheries in Ontario
Guiding principles for commercial fisheries in Ontario

The following basic principles or statements help form the foundation for the management of resources utilized by commercial fisheries. Many of these originate in other MNR strategic policies and directives. They apply to all natural resources and are stated here in the context of commercial fisheries.

  • Fish resources belong to all the people of Ontario.
  • Commercial fishing is economically and culturally important to people of Ontario.
  • Fish resources are limited and therefore, there must be a limit to their use.
  • MNR has responsibility and authority to manage fisheries and fishing activity in Ontario
  • Fish resources have value; the use of which should provide a fair return (ecological, social, or economic) to the people of Ontario.
  • Decision making should be adaptive, transparent, and proactive, taking into consideration the best available science and existing knowledge.
  • First allocation of the resource will always go to conservation of the resource.
  • Ontario is committed to fulfilling its constitutional obligations with respect to Aboriginal and Treaty rights including obligations to consult and where appropriate, accommodate.
  • Bi-national commitments have an important role in the decision making process used tomanage Ontario’s fishery resource for shared waters between Canada and the United States.
  • Partnerships, Fisheries Management Zone Councils, community-based stewardship programs and agreements with Aboriginal communities enhance Ontarian’s connection to the fisheries resource.

To meet the goal and follow these guiding principles, the Strategic Policy for Ontario’s Commercial Fisheries identified three broad objectives to guide commercial fisheries management throughout the province:

  1. Embrace ecological sustainability

    Maintain and restore ecosystem diversity and fish populations that provide for long term maintenance and restoration of resources for Ontario commercial fisheries.

  2. Sustainable economic development

    Safe and environmentally sound commercial fisheries that provide for sustainable economic opportunities.

  3. Societal and cultural values

    Commercial fisheries contribute to the social and cultural welfare of all the people of Ontario both now and in the future.

Objectives for commercial fisheries management in FMZ 5

In applying this provincial level direction to FMZ 5 commercial fisheries management, the MNR has defined the following objectives.

Commercial fisheries management in FMZ 5 will support commercial fishing opportunities in a manner that:

  1. Meets Aboriginal and treaty rights obligations and contributes to the social and cultural welfare of all the people of Ontario both now and in the future.
  2. Supports an industry with harvest levels that sustain healthy fish populations over the long term within the zone.
  3. Addresses current biological, social, economic and human health concerns when considering new commercial food fishing opportunities.
  4. Promotes the development and use of ecologically sustainable and ethical fishing practices and considers Canada Food Inspection Agency standards and regulations.
Management actions for commercial fisheries management in FMZ 5

To meet these management objectives, the MNR is proposing the following management actions:

Commercial fisheries management actions
  • Work together with commercial fish partners to:
    1. use both science and traditional knowledge as a foundation to assess ecosystem health and population status criteria for commercially harvested species and apply this knowledge to resource management decisions.
    2. develop and promote Best Management Practices (BMP’s) (gear, seasons, etc) that reduce incidental catch of non-target species and promotes the use of ecologically sustainable and socially acceptable fishing practices.
  • Use ecosystem health and population criteria to update and confirm that quotas are consistent with sustainable harvest levels.
  • Monitor emerging recreational interest in lake whitefish to support the commercial fishery as a priority in potential over-harvest situations.
  • Continue to work with and support other agencies to ensure healthy, wholesome fish is available to the public.
Rationale for selection of management actions

These management actions were selected to achieve consistency in commercial fishery management across FMZ 5 that meets the provincial objectives. They also promote working with partners including First Nation communities and individuals to develop methods and techniques that consider biological, social, economic and cultural concerns.

Monitoring strategies for commercial fisheries Management in FMZ 5

The following monitoring activities are proposed to assess whether the management actions are effectively achieving the objectives.

  1. Conduct Broadscale Monitoring (BsM) on a 5 year cycle for fish population health assessment.
  2. Consider commercial catch sampling for species and lakes where current harvest levels are identified as a potential risk to populations.
  3. Ensure accurate and consistent reporting of amount of commercially harvested fish.
Table 5.1.6-1footnote 1 FMZ 5 commercial fisheries objective summary
  1. Support an industry with harvest levels that sustain fish population status over the long term within the zone.
  2. Meet Aboriginal and treaty rights obligations and contribute to the social and cultural welfare of all the people of Ontario both now and in the future.
  3. Address biological, social and economic concerns and recognize the commercial economic value of lake whitefish when considering new opportunities.
  4. Promote the development and use of ecologically sustainable and socially acceptable fishing practices and consider current food fish contamination standards and regulations.
    1. for species harvested primarily by commercial harvest (i.e. whitefish), harvest levels not to exceed 90% of maximum sustainable yield levels as determined by MEI.
    2. for species with combined commercial and angling harvest, meet population status objectives identified in species objectives.
  1. To be determined
  2. To be determined
    1. development of commercial fishing Best Management Practices (BMP’s) that reduce incidental catch of non-target species and promotes the use of ecologically sustainable and socially acceptable fishing practices.
    2. Contaminant levels in commercially harvested fish to meet food fish contamination standards and regulations
Benchmark (i.e. sustainability line, current value, etc.)
  1. 90% of MEI based sustainable yields as per Northwest Region Fisheries Management Action Plan
  2. To be determined
  3. To be determined
    1. current food fish contamination standards and regulations.
Target (currently proposed)
  1. 90% of MEI based sustainable yields
  2. To be determined
  3. To be determined
    1. BMP’s prepared by 2018
    2. current food fish contamination standards and regulations.
  1. 2018
  2. ongoing
  3. ongoing
  4. 2018
Management actions
  1. Work together with commercial fish partners to:
    • use both science and traditional knowledge as a foundation to assess ecosystem health and population status criteria for commercially harvested species and apply this knowledge resource management decisions.
    • develop and promote Best Management Practices (BMP’s) (gear, seasons, etc) that reduce incidental catch of non-target species and promotes the use of ecologically sustainable and socially acceptable fishing practices
  2. Use ecosystem health and population criteria to update and confirm quotas are consistent with sustainable harvest levels
  3. Review recreational whitefish harvest levels/regulations to recognize economic importance of this species to the commercial fishery and manage whitefish to support the commercial fishery in potential over harvest situations
  4. Support/conduct contaminant monitoring on species known to be at risk of high contaminant levels (e.g. predator species)
Monitoring strategy
  1. BsM sampling on currently selected commercially fished lakes.
  2. Consider commercial catch sampling in species and lakes where current harvest levels are identified as a potential risk to populations or where contaminants are a potential concern.
  3. Ensure accurate and consistent reporting of amount of commercially harvested fish.

5.1.7 Other species

There are a number of other sportfish species in FMZ 5 that are covered under the Ontario Fishing Regulations. During issues identification process, none of these species were identified as priority issues by the FMZ 5 Advisory Council or OMNR. The council reviewed the regulations for the remaining sportfish species and suggested that the seasons, catch and possession limits, and size limits for these species will remain unchanged.

Muskellunge distribution in FMZ 5 is limited mainly to cool water lakes and rivers in the western and southern portions of the zone. Muskellunge have limited distribution throughout Ontario with FMZ 5 having about 30% of the known populations. Even where they exist, they tend to have low abundance and given the rarity of the muskellunge resources and its social and economic importance, they tend to be managed at a more individual lake basis than other species.

Angling harvest is controlled by a combination of seasons, low limits and minimum size limits which can be varied by lake depending upon the growth of fish in an individual population.

The general regulation for the zone is as follows:

  • Season: Open 3rd Saturday in June to December 15th
  • Catch Limits:
    • Sport Fishing-1
    • Conservation-0;
  • Size Limit: must be greater than 102cm (40 ")

There are several lakes (16 non-SDW and 17 SDW and associated lakes) in which the minimum size limit is different than the general zone regulation. These size limits were established in 2005 and are based on growth characteristics of fish from these lakes.

Yellow Perch are widespread throughout FMZ 5 but not frequently targeted for harvest.

  • Season: Open all year
  • Catch limits:
    • Sport Fishing - 50
    • Conservation - 25;
  • Size limits: None

Sunfish (e.g. pumpkinseeds, bluegills) have limited distribution in the zone and are rarely harvested from non-SDW lakes.

  • Season: Open all year
  • Catch limits:
    • Sport Fishing - 50/
    • Conservation - 25
  • Size limits: None

Brook Trout have been introduced to lakes within FMZ 5 through OMNR stocking programs with the objective of providing additional angling opportunities.

  • Season: Open all year
  • Catch limits:
    • Sport Fishing - 5
    • Conservation - 2; (also see aggregate limits below).
  • Size limits: None

Splake have been introduced to lakes within FMZ 5 through OMNR stocking programs with the objective of providing additional angling opportunities.

  • Season: Open all year
  • Catch limits:
    • Sport Fishing - 5
    • Conservation - 2 (also see aggregate limits below).
  • Size limits: None

Rainbow Trout have been introduced to lakes within FMZ 5 through the OMNR stocking with the objective of providing additional angling opportunities.

  • Season: Open all year
  • Catch limits:
    • Sport Fishing - 5
    • Conservation - 2 (also see aggregate limits below).
  • Size limits: None

Lake Whitefish are widely distributed throughout FMZ 5 but currently, are not frequently targeted by anglers in most lakes.

  • Season: Open all year
  • Catch Limits:
    • Sport Fishing - 12
    • Conservation - 6.
  • Size limits: None

Lake Sturgeon are designated as a ‘threatened’ species on the Species at Risk in Ontario list and afforded protection under the Endangered Species Act, 2007.

  • Season: Closed all year

Aggregate limits for trout and salmon will continue to apply in FMZ 5. A daily catch and possession limit for any combination of trout and salmon is Sport Fishing-5/Conservation-2. Individual species limits apply within the aggregate limit.

It is also proposed that the current regulation of requiring non-residents camping on Crown land to follow conservation limits regardless of licence be maintained. These anglers provide limited economic benefits to Ontario compared to non-residents staying at resorts and maintaining reduced limits may help to sustain populations.

5.2 Fish habitat and ecosystem health

5.2.1 Habitat and development


Suitable habitat to support healthy fish populations is a necessary requirement to ensure that fish populations can be managed to provide social and economic benefits to the public in a sustainable manner. Development projects such as mining, hydroelectric development, roads and water crossings have the potential to impact habitat and affect the ability to perpetuate fish populations at acceptable levels. Other developments such as cottage subdivisions and boat caches around lakes and streams can impact the level of harvest from lakes, the sustainability of fish populations and the ability to maintain quality angling opportunities.

Protection of fish and fish habitat is a responsibility of the federal government. Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) utilizes the Fisheries Act to protect fish and fish habitat, ensure passage of fish and the prevention of pollution that can have detrimental impacts on fish populations. DFO’s Policy for the Management of Fish Habitat, and the principle of “no net loss” required that projects either avoid impacts to fish habitat or provide compensation to maintain the amount of fish habitat. To meet DFO’s policy of “no net loss” of fish habitat, any project which had the potential of affecting fish habitat had to undergo an assessment to determine whether fish habitat would be altered or destroyed and cause serious impacts to fish habitat.

Recent amendments to the Fisheries Act have shifted its focus to the protection of fish that are part of a commercial, recreational, or Aboriginal fishery (including their habitat and the fish that support them) as opposed to protecting the habitat of all fish. A new Fisheries Protection Policy Statement replaced the Policy for the Management of Fish Habitat when the new prohibition came into force.

Ontario works with DFO to help achieve the requirements of the Fisheries Act through the “Fish Habitat Referral Protocol for Ontario, 2009”. This agreement is subject to modification given recent changes to the Fisheries Act.

In addition to the federal Fisheries Act, Ontario has a number of provincial acts and regulations that address the protection of fish habitat and sustainability of fish populations including the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, Public Lands Act, Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act (LRIA), Planning Act and Endangered Species Act (ESA). MNR also has a number of guidelines (e.g. Forest Management Guide for Conserving Biodiversity at the Stand and Site Scales) and tools such as work permits, water management and forest management planning, LRIA approvals, ESA permits and agreements and the lakeshore capacity assessment handbook to assist in habitat protection and the sustainability of fish populations. In addition to managing impacts to fish habitat, these tools also allow MNR to consider the impact of development on the exploitation of fish populations.

Current management direction

At the provincial level, the Strategic Plan for Ontario’s Fisheries SPOF II (OMNR, 1992) provides the strategic level direction for the management of Ontario’s fisheries resources (although Ontario is currently working on an updated Provincial Fisheries Strategy). It identifies the loss of fish habitat as a major issue facing Ontario’s fisheries, and the importance of protecting fish habitat can be inferred from the goal and management objectives in the Plan.

The following goal was established for the management of the fisheries resources in Ontario:

  • Healthy aquatic ecosystems that provide sustainable benefits, contributing to society’s present and future requirements for a high-quality environment, wholesome food, employment and income, recreational activity, and cultural heritage.

The specific fisheries management objectives described to meet this goal are:

  • To protect healthy aquatic ecosystems;
  • To rehabilitate degraded aquatic ecosystems; and
  • To improve cultural, social and economic benefits from Ontario’s fisheries resources.

Specifically for lake sturgeon, which is considered a threatened species in FMZ 5 under Ontario’s Endangered Species Act, Ontario’s Lake Sturgeon Recovery Strategy (Golder Associates Ltd. 2011) identified an objective to maintain, enhance and, where feasible, restore habitat in order to support lake sturgeon.

Previous District Fisheries Management Plans (DFMP’s) in FMZ 5 contain the following general fisheries management objective which addresses fish habitat protection:

  • to protect, rehabilitate, enhance and maintain fish communities and their environment, to provide an optimum contribution of fish, fish opportunities and associated benefits to society.
Objectives for fish habitat and development management in FMZ 5

In applying this provincial level direction to FMZ 5 fish habitat and development management, the MNR has identified the following objectives.

Management actions to meet fish habitat and development management objectives in FMZ 5

To meet these management objectives, the OMNR has identified the following management actions:

Habitat and development management actions
  • Continue working with DFO to help achieve the requirements of the Fisheries Act through the “Fish Habitat Referral Protocol for Ontario (2009)” (or its replacement).
  • Continue to apply provincial regulations, guidelines and permit conditions to protect and perpetuate fisheries (including fish habitat).
  • Continue to contribute to the understanding of temperature changes on thermal habitat within lakes through the Northwest Region Lake Temperature Monitoring Program.
  • Continue to provide habitat protection for species identified as protected under the Endangered Species Act through requirements of the Act.
Monitoring strategies for fish habitat and development management in FMZ 5

The following monitoring activities will be used to assess whether the management actions are effectively achieving the objectives.

    1. Conduct Broadscale Monitoring (BsM) for fish population status and water quality assessment.
    2. Support ongoing development of ecosystem level indicators based on BsM assessment to determine status of ecosystem structure and health.
  1. Continue habitat inventory programs and habitat assessments related to forestry water crossings as well as inventory of critical fish habitats such as spawning sites.
  2. Participate in the Northwest Region Lake Temperature Monitoring Program on currently monitored FMZ 5 lakes.
  3. Continue to develop partnerships and contribute to periodic assessment of lake sturgeon habitat and populations. Support monitoring and science investigations in lake sturgeon populations and development of standard assessment protocols and techniques.
Table 5.2-1footnote 1 - FMZ 5 habitat and development objective, management and monitoring summary
  1. Maintain or enhance healthy aquatic ecosystem structure, function and diversity that support a healthy, sustainable, naturally-reproducing native fish community in FMZ 5, thereby providing for optimum contribution of fish, fishing opportunities and associated cultural, social, and economic benefits to society.
  2. Anticipate, prevent or, where feasible, adapt to large scale environmental changes that affect aquatic ecosystems and the fish communities that rely on them.
  3. Minimize cumulative environmental effects that could impact fish communities and their supporting ecosystems.
  4. Maintain, enhance or restore habitat in FMZ 5 in order to support species at risk including lake sturgeon where they currently or formerly existed.
  5. Ensure that developments that have the potential to affect exploitation levels of fisheries consider the impact of increased harvest on ability to meet species objectives and maintain sustainable, healthy fish populations.
  1. BsM based ecosystem status and health indicators to be developed.
  2. BsM based ecosystem status and health indicators to be developed.
  3. BsM based ecosystem status and health indicators to be developed.
  4. Sturgeon age class and abundance indicators
  5. BsM fish population status indicators
Benchmark (i.e. sustainability line, current value, etc.)
  1. To be determined
  2. To be determined
  3. To be determined
  4. These are defined on an individual stock basis.
  5. 2010 BsM levels
Target (currently proposed)
  1. 2010 BsM levels
  2. 2010 BsM levels
  3. 2010 BsM levels
  4. increase in age class and abundance indicators.
  5. 2010 BsM levels
  1. 2020
  2. 2020
  3. 2020
  4. 2020
  5. 2020
Management actions
  1. Continue working with DFO to help achieve the requirements of the Fisheries Act through the “Fish Habitat Referral Protocol for Ontario (2009)” (or its replacement).
  2. Continue to apply provincial regulations, guidelines and permit conditions to protect fisheries and fish habitat.
  3. Continue to contribute to the understanding of temperature changes on thermal habitat within lakes through the Northwest Region Lake Temperature Monitoring Program.
  4. Continue to provide habitat protection for species identified as protected under the Endangered Species Act through requirements of the Act.
Monitoring strategy
  1. Conduct BsM monitoring on 5 year cycle and support development of ecosystem health indicators.
  2. Continue habitat inventory programs and habitat assessments related to forestry water crossings as well as inventory of critical fish habitats e.g. spawning sites,
  3. Participate in the Northwest Region Lake Temperature Monitoring Program on currently monitored FMZ 5 lakes.
  4. Continue to develop partnerships and contribute to periodic assessment of lake sturgeon habitat and populations. Support monitoring and science investigations in lake sturgeon populations and development of standard assessment protocols and techniques.

5.2.2 Invasive species description

The number of invasive species in Ontario has increased dramatically over the past 50 years and further introductions are expected in the future. Invasive aquatic species have been shown to negatively impact native fish and wildlife species.

OMNR describes an alien species as a plant, animal or micro-organism introduced into an area beyond the species natural past or present range as a result of human actions. Introductions of alien species may be deliberate or accidental, beneficial or harmful, from other continents, neighbouring countries or from other ecosystems within Canada (OMNR 2008a). Alien species are sometimes introduced intentionally to provide benefits to society and to ecosystems (for example, authorized fish stocking and intentional introductions of biological controls (OMNR 2008a)). In these cases, alien species are considered to be introduced rather than invasive.

Invasive species are those harmful alien species whose introduction or spread threatens the environment, the economy and/or society, including human health. This definition may include species which are native to Ontario but have been introduced to a new area due to human activity.

Introduced species and invasive species represent two distinctive groups in terms of management intent but may overlap with respect to consequence where an introduced species may become an invasive. For example, the planned introduction of a fish species may be undertaken to enhance fishing opportunities. The same species moved to another waterbody without environmental consideration can have significant negative consequences and become invasive. For both groups the pathway for introduction into an ecosystem can be either intentional or unintentional. In all cases, the establishment of invasive/introduced species will have impacts to some degree on native aquatic communities.

There is also the issue that from a social or economic viewpoint, opinions can differ between people on whether a species is introduced or invasive. For the purposes of this plan, the primary indicator of whether a species is considered an invasive species or not will be whether it has a negative impact on the diversity and/or function of the aquatic ecosystem.

Within Fisheries Management Zone 5, there are currently a number of invasive species and a potential for this number to increase given the proximity to the U.S. waters and other major watersheds. There is also concern about the current lack of public understanding on how invasive species are moved between waterbodies and the impact of these species on native ecosystems. Examples of invasive species concerns include:

  • introduction of fish species either accidentally such as by anglers dumping unused bait in lakes, or willfully such as intentional introduction of species into lakes;
  • the lack of general knowledge about potential impacts of other species such as rusty crayfish;
  • There is a need to understand how invasive species enter FMZ 5 waterbodies, their effect on fish communities and impacts on amount and quality of fish available for harvest.
  • the potential for further introductions of invasive species from US by anglers (boats/bait/float planes, etc).
  • Concern that MNR could be moving invasive species around as part of our monitoring efforts, enforcement , etc

There is a feeling that, to date, there has not been enough effective education of the public about invasive species and their impacts on the aquatic environment.

Current management direction

Ontario’s Biodiversity Strategy (OMNR, 2011) identified as one of its goals to protect, restore and recover Ontario’s genetic, species and ecosystem diversity and related ecosystem functions and processes. Invasive alien species are identified as one of the potential threats to ecosystem diversity and ecosystem functions in Ontario.

Recently, the province released the Ontario Invasive Species Strategic Plan (OMNR 2012) with the objectives of:

  1. reducing impacts of existing invaders;
  2. prevent new invaders from arriving and surviving and
  3. halt the spread of existing invaders where possible.

The goals of this plan are to identify actions and activities that would prevent harmful introductions before they occur; detect and identify invasive species before or immediately after they become established; respond rapidly to invasive species before they become established or spread; implement innovative management actions and take practical steps to protect against impacts of invasive species.

Objectives for invasive species management in FMZ 5

In applying this provincial level direction to FMZ 5 invasive species management, the MNR has defined the following objectives.

  1. Prevent expansion of aquatic invasive species into FMZ 5 waters.
  2. Manage existing invasive populations to minimize impacts on native species by halting their spread and reducing impacts of existing invaders.
Management actions for invasive species management in FMZ 5

To meet these management objectives, the MNR has identified the following management actions:

Invasive species management actions
  • Review/develop/implement MNR policy for movement of boats and gear between waterbodies, particularly those known to contain invasive species.
  • Review existing information about invasive species and their impact on the environment and promote distribution of material to FMZ 5 anglers.
  • Work with partner groups (e.g. OFAH, Rainy River Stewardship Council, Rainy River First Nations Watershed Program, etc) to identify top 5 invasive species threats to FMZ 5 waterbodies and develop a plan of action to meet objectives for these species (e.g. development of educational material if it doesn’t exist, methods of distribution of educational material, direct management actions, etc).
  • Enhance enforcement of live fish transport to discourage or prevent unauthorized species introductions
Rationale for selection of management actions

The management actions were selected to achieve consistency in invasive species management across the zone that meets the provincial objectives. They also promote working with partners to develop methods and techniques that consider local needs and address biological, social, and economic concerns.

Monitoring strategies for invasive species management in FMZ 5

The following monitoring activities will be used to assess whether the management actions are effectively achieving the objectives.

  1. Conduct Broadscale Monitoring (BSM) to monitor spread of invasive fish and zooplankton species.
  2. Track incidental reports of invasive species using Land Information Ontario (LIO).
  3. Conduct specific invasive species sampling on waterbodies assessed as being at high risk to invasion.
  4. Enhance enforcement of live fish transport and discourage or prevent unauthorized species introductions. Priority for enforcement action will be determined using a risk based approach.
Table 5.2.2footnote 1 FMZ 5 invasive species objective summary
  1. Prevent expansion of aquatic invasive species into FMZ 5 waters.
  2. Manage existing invasive populations to minimize impacts on native species by halting their spread and reducing impacts of existing invaders.
  1. Number of new invasive species
    1. Distribution of invasive species in FMZ 5.
    2. BsM based ecosystem status and health indicators to be developed.
Benchmark (i.e. sustainability line, current value, etc.)
  1. Current number of invasive species in FMZ 5 (2012)
    1. Current (2012) distribution of invasive species in FMZ 5.
    2. To be determined
Target (currently proposed)
  1. No new invasive species
    1. No increase in invasive species distribution beyond natural movement from current waterbodies.
    2. To be determined
  1. 2020
    1. 2020
    2. 2020
Management actions
  1. Review/develop MNR policy for movement of boats between waterbodies, particularly those known to contain invasive species.
  2. Review existing information about invasive species and their impact on the environment and promote distribution of material to FMZ 5 anglers.
  3. Work with partner groups (e.g. OFAH, Rainy River Stewardship Council, etc) to identify top 5 invasive species threats to FMZ 5 waterbodies and develop a plan of action to meet objectives for these species.
  4. Enhance enforcement of live fish transport to discourage or prevent unauthorized species introductions
Monitoring strategy
  1. Conduct BsM monitoring for fish and zooplankton on a 5 year cycle.
  2. Track incidental reports of invasive species using LIO.
  3. Conduct specific invasive species sampling on high risk waterbodies.

5.3 Education

Education of public and anglers was identified as a management action for most issues dealt with in this plan. This section summarizes all the education action items identified by individual issue.

Table 5.3-1 – Summary of action items related to public education

IssueEducation objectiveEducation action
Walleye/Crappie/Bass ManagementImprove understanding of angling ethics impacts on sport fish populationsDevelop and distribute education products for distribution to anglers
Northern Pike ManagementIncrease utilization of small pike for consumption.Develop and distribute education products describing pike filleting methods.
Bass/Crappie ManagementIncrease awareness of effects of introducing fish on other speciesDevelop and distribute education products for anglers and general public
Lake Trout Sustainability Bass/Crappie/Walleye/ northern pike ManagementReduce catch and release mortality of sport fish.Develop and distribute education products outlining proper catch and release techniques.
Invasive Species ImpactsIncrease understanding of invasive species impacts and introduction pathways and reduce introduction of invasive species.Develop education products for anglers and general public (linked to development of an FMZ 5 Invasive Species Action Plan)

5.4 Exceptions to FMZ 5 wide regulations

Although the landscape approach proposed for fisheries management in provincial direction documents suggests that angling regulations should be consistent for all waterbodies across a zone, there are still waterbodies and species that OMNR managers feel need to be managed under an individual lake approach.

Specially Designated Waters (SDW’s)

Specially Designated Waters are waters that, for a number of reasons including their size, amount of fishing effort, diversity of fisheries and importance to the local economy were considered important enough that they needed their own fisheries management plan including objectives, management actions and monitoring program. Because of this, it is expected that SDW’s can have management actions that are exceptions to zone regulations for any species if supported by their objectives or monitoring results.


The muskellunge sport fishery is focussed on catch and release of large trophy sized fish. Regulation of this fishery generally by minimum size limits based on the growth characteristics. The zone regulation is that the minimum size to harvest is 102cm (40 ") based on growth of a typical muskellunge from FMZ 5 lakes. However, there are several lakes that have different growth rates including lakes with faster growth and there is a concern that allowing harvest at 102cm may not allow fish from these lakes reach their true size potential. For these lakes, (16 non-SDW and 17 SDW and associated lakes), the minimum size has been set at a higher length (either 122cm (48”) or 137cm (54”) based on the growth or maximum size observed in these waterbodies. These size limits were established in 2005 and any future changes to individual lakes will need to be based on information about growth rates or maximum size of muskellunge from these lakes.


Exceptions to zone regulations for walleye management generally fall into one of two categories (see Appendix 1 for complete list of walleye management exceptions). The first is sanctuaries that were established to protect pre- or post-spawning concentrations that are vulnerable to over harvest. There are currently two dates for sanctuaries in place across FMZ 5 – April 1 to May 31 and April 1 to June 14. These sanctuaries will remain in place but the sanctuary dates be April 1 to June 14 to simplify the regulations.

The second group of exception lakes are a number of lakes in the Atikokan area (Dashwa, Crowrock, Turtle, Eye, Dovetail) that have sport fish licence daily catch limits reduced to 2 fish. These lakes had walleye introduced into them in the late eighties/early nineties and were closed to angling at that time to allow populations to become fully established. This regulation was put in place in 90’s with the opening of the walleye angling season to allow the population some protection from the initial pulse of angling activity and to provide for higher quality fisheries. Since that time, non-resident sport fish licence daily catch limits have been reduced in the entire Border Waters Area (including the area surrounding these lakes) and walleye population has become fully established. Because of these changes, this exception will be removed and the walleye fishery in these lakes be managed under the general zone regulations.

The only other walleye regulation exceptions are on the lakes that make up the Lower Seine River below the Sturgeon Falls dam (Partridge Crop, Wild Potato, Shoal, Grassy, Little Grassy and the river connecting them). These lakes are contiguous with Rainy Lake and require the same regulation as used on Rainy Lake for enforcement purposes and to provide the same level of protection to shared fish stocks.

Lake Trout

Exceptions to zone regulations for lake trout management generally fall into one of two categories (see Appendix 2 for complete list of lake trout management exceptions). The first is a number of lakes that use closed lake trout angling seasons or to reduce angling effort on small lakes with vulnerable populations that usually have had increased access to lake (e.g. construction of a highway adjacent to lake). Although the sanctuary dates vary between lakes, the current exceptions will remain in place at this time to maintain sustainability of populations on these lakes.

The second group of exceptions are special research lakes (ELA area, CNFER lakes, Grimshaw Lake). Because FMZ 5 is one of the relatively few areas with high density of lake trout populations in the province, it is important that some lakes are set aside without harvest to study environmental effects on populations.

Smallmouth Bass/Largemouth Bass

Only one FMZ 5 lake has an exception for bass management. Kakagi Lake has a catch and release only season in the spring which is the same as adjacent SDW waterbody of Lake of the Woods. The exception is considered necessary to prevent large numbers of anglers from Lake of the Woods from moving to Kakagi Lake to harvest bass during the month of June.

Quetico Provincial Park (QPP)

There are two exceptions to the general zone regulations that apply to Quetico Provincial Park. The rationale for these exceptions is provided in the Quetico PP Fisheries Stewardship Plan (OMNR 2006) and is summarized briefly here. The first of these is the use of artificial lures only which was put in place mainly to reduce the chance of invasive species including non-native baitfish, crayfish or leeches from being introduced into the park. The second exception is that only barbless hooks can be used in the park. It was put in place to reduce unnecessary or preventable catch and release related mortality.

6.0 Public and Aboriginal community involvement

A detailed summary of the Public and Aboriginal Community Involvement program is available in a companion document to this Fisheries Management Plan.

6.1 Fisheries Management Zone 5 Advisory Council

As one of the components of the Ecological Framework for Fisheries Management in Ontario, enhancing public and Aboriginal involvement in the management planning process was integral to the development of the FMZ 5 Fisheries Management Plan. The Fisheries Management Zone 5 Advisory Council is comprised of representatives from a diverse group of local stakeholders and observers representing Aboriginal Communities. Through all stages of the preparation of the management plan, the Advisory Council provided critically important insight and information that shaped the management plan to reflect local interests and concerns. Their active participation in the plan development process was very much appreciated.

Members and affiliations of the FMZ 5 Advisory Council

  • Lucas Adams, North Western Ontario Tourism Association (NWOTA)
  • Tom Beck, Commercial baitfish industry
  • Paul Blanchfield, Science community (Dept. Fisheries and Oceans)
  • Richard Boileau, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH)
  • Bob Burns, Council Co-chair - Atikokan Area non-affiliated outdoor enthusiast
  • Karla Clark, Kenora District Camp Owners Association (KDCA)
  • Paul Darling, Dryden area non-affiliated outdoor enthusiast with connection to youth
  • Roy DeCorte, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH)
  • Jeremy Dickson, Nature and Outdoor Tourism Ontario (NOTO)
  • Jeff Gustafson, Kenora Area non-affiliated outdoor enthusiast – sports writer
  • Phil Haggberg, North Western Ontario business
  • Ralph Hill, Rainy River District Stewardship Council
  • Al Ufland, Kenora area non-affiliated outdoor enthusiast


  • Leslie Copenace, Naotkamegwanning (Whitefish Bay First Nation) commercial fisherman
  • Josh Peacock, Anishinaabeg of Kabapikotawangag Resource Council Inc (AKRC)

6.2 Aboriginal community involvement

Aboriginal involvement was strongly encouraged and sought at all stages of development of this Fisheries Management Plan. The aboriginal community had two members involved with the FMZ 5 Advisory Council as observers. Letters were sent to all aboriginal communities to advise them of the initiation of the Advisory Council, at the Invitation to Participate stage, prior to the draft plan to share thinking to date and at draft plan review stage. Meetings were held with the Fort Frances Chief Secretariat, Grand Council Treaty 3, and commercial fishermen from Onigaming First Nation.

6.3 Public consultation program

The Advisory Council worked to ensure that information on the Fisheries Management Planning process was presented to the public though methods that were engaging and accessible. The Council established a website to provide information about the FMZ 5 planning process to the public and as a way to get feedback on the proposed management options prior to selecting a preferred option. They also attended stakeholder meetings

Individuals from the FMZ 5 Advisory Council developed an information display and attended the following events to promote the planning process prior and obtain feedback on proposed options following the Invitation to Participate (First Stage of Public Consultation).

  • Fort Frances Home Show (date)
  • Dryden Sports and Home Show (April 19-21, 2012)
  • Fort Frances Mall Days
  • Fort Frances Canadian Bass Championship (July 26-28, 2012)
  • Atikokan Bass Classic (August 17-18, 2012)
  • Emo Fall Fair

6.3.1 Invitation to participate and background information report

An Invitation to Participate stage was initiated in February 2012 to present the Background Information Report for Fisheries Management in FMZ 5 and identify issues to be dealt with in the upcoming plan. The purpose of this first Invitation to Participate was to engage interested members of the public in the preparation of the Fisheries Management Plan. At this stage, the Background Report and the Management Issues and Challenges identified by the Council were available for review and input.

The Invitation to Participate was distributed through the following methods:

  • Letters to Stakeholders
  • Letters to Aboriginal Communities
  • Newspapers
  • Policy Proposal Notice Published on the Environmental Registry
    • Date: Feb. 1st – March 15th, 2012.

6.3.2 Draft plan consultation

This stage of consultation provides an opportunity for the public to provide input on the proposed objectives and management actions to guide fisheries management in FMZ 5. Draft plan consultation consists of open houses, letters to stakeholders, letters to First Nation communities, posting on the Environmental Registry and meeting with First Nation communities and stakeholder groups at their request.

Draft Plan consultation notification was distributed through the following methods:

  • Letters to Stakeholders (October 15th, 2012)
  • Letters to Aboriginal Communities (October 15th, 2012)
  • Newspapers
  • Policy Proposal Notice Published on the Environmental Registry
    • Date: October 15th, 2012– November 30th, 2012

The draft plan was available at OMNR work centres in Fort Frances, Atikokan, Kenora, Red Lake, Dryden and Ignace, on the OMNR website, and on the Environmental Registry for public review and comment. Open houses to allow the public an opportunity to view and comment on the draft plan were held in the following locations:

  • Atikokan – Oct. 30th, 2012
  • Fort Frances – Nov. 1st, 2012
  • Kenora – Nov. 6th, 2012
  • Dryden – Nov. 7th, 2012
  • Ignace – Nov. 8th, 2012

6.3.3 Final plan

The final Fisheries Management Plan for FMZ 5 will be available at OMNR work centres in Fort Frances, Atikokan, Kenora, Red Lake, Dryden and Ignace and on the OMNR website. Upon completion of the plan, a Decision Notice was posted to the Environmental Registry.

7.0 Ongoing commitment to monitoring

One of the pillars of the Ecological Framework for Fisheries Management (EFFM) is the implementation of a Broadscale Monitoring (BsM) program. The landscape approach to fisheries management necessitates the non-biased sampling of lakes across the landscape in order to determine zone-wide fisheries status. Previous assessment work has tended to target ‘issue lakes’ or has been conducted in specific areas and did not provide an unbiased sample of lakes across the zone. The intent of the Broadscale Monitoring program is to sample each FMZ on a five year rotation. The protocol monitors a number ‘fixed’ walleye and lake trout lakes based on the proportion of known populations at the district/QPP level in the zone. The fixed or trend lakes were initially selected at random but will be re-sampled every 5 years (i.e. next survey is scheduled for 2015). Assessment of fixed lakes provides an indication of trends in fish population status within the zone. The broad-scale program utilizes a gillnetting protocol which is designed to sample the entire fish community rather than targeting a particular species as many of the previous netting protocols have done. In addition to sampling the fish community, the broad-scale program provides fish samples for Ministry of Environment contaminant analysis, collects water chemistry, transparency, bathymetry and temperature data to measure habitat parameters and samples zooplankton and benthos. Angling effort is estimated using aerial effort surveys.

This monitoring program will greatly improve fisheries management in two ways. First, trends in the abundance and population structure of fish species will be assessed on a landscape basis and will provide information upon which to manage the fisheries resource over the long term. The program will also allow the development of improved models which will integrate exploitation, habitat and community factors to predict changes in carrying capacity related to long term environmental change as well as assess how management actions can mitigate negative effects.

Broad-scale monitoring represents a large ongoing commitment of resources and there is a realization that delivery of the program may evolve with increased knowledge of the resources status and management requirements. However, the FMZ 5 Advisory Council and MNR managers consider this program to be an essential component of fisheries management planning and they feel that it is of critical importance to retain commitment to this program to meet zone management needs for the long term.

8.0 Review and amendment of the Fisheries Management Plan

Fisheries management zone plans do not have a “sunset” date, rather they are reviewed every 5 years. The review of the FMZ 5 Fisheries Management Plan will occur in 2018 after the next round of broad scale monitoring which is scheduled for 2015. The FMZ 5 Advisory Council will be involved in the review of the management plan in 2018.

The purpose of the review will be to identify sections of the management plan need to be updated and it is only those portions of the plan that will be changed. Depending upon the nature of the changes, public consultation may or may not be required. Significant changes in plan direction will require further consultation with the public, stakeholder groups and Aboriginal communities. The nature and scope of consultation efforts will be determined by the MNR District Manager, Fort Frances District.

Amendment of the plan can occur prior to a review being conducted. It is anticipated that amendments to the plan would only occur if there was a significant management issue that would have an immediate affect on fisheries across the zone.

9.0 Implementation plan

For the final plan, an implementation plan will be developed that will outline how the selected management actions will be put in place, who will be responsible for them and how they will be delivered. The table currently identifies the preferred regulatory management actions presented in the draft plan.

Regulatory actions
Management actionResponsibilityDue datePriority
  • Change pike angling regulation to: Limits-Sport Fishing – 4, Conservation – 2;
  • Size Limit: None greater than 75 cm.
  • Seasons: Open all year
MNRFMZ 5 Project lead biologistRegulation in effect Jan. 2014High
  • Change bass angling regulation to: Catch Limit:
    • Sport Fishing Licence – 4
    • Conservation Licence– 2
  • Size Limit: must be less than 35cm from Jan. 1 – June 30.
  • Season - Open all year
MNRFMZ 5 Project lead biologistRegulation in effect Jan. 2014High
  • Change Black Crappie angling regulation to: Catch Limits:
    • Sport Fishing Licence - 10
    • Conservation Licence– 5
  • Season: Open all year
MNRFMZ 5 Project lead biologistRegulation in effect Jan. 2014High
  • Change walleye angling regulation for non-residents to:
    • NR Limits -
      • Sport Fishing – Daily - 2, Possession - 4
      • Conservation – Daily - 2, Possession - 2
  • Size Limit: Only one greater than 46 cm.
  • Seasons: 3rd Sat in May – Apr 15th
MNRFMZ 5 Project lead biologistRegulation proposed for Jan. 2016 or later pending on DFO decisionHigh
  • Change lake trout angling regulation for non-residents to:
    • NR Limits -
      • Sport Fishing – Daily - 1, Possession - 2
      • Conservation – Daily - 1, Possession - 1
  • Size Limit: Only one greater than 56 cm – Sept 1 – Sept 30.
  • Seasons: Jan. 1 to Sept. 30
MNRFMZ 5 Project lead biologistRegulation proposed for Jan. 2016 or later pending on DFO decisionHigh
Education actions
Management actionResponsibilityDue datePriority
Catch and release handling techniques for sport fish in FMZ 5OMNR FMZ 5 Project Team with assistance from FMZ 5 Advisory Council2014High
Invasive species awareness (linked to the development of a FMZ 5 Invasive Species Action Plan)OMNR FMZ 5 Project Team with assistance from FMZ 5 Advisory Council2015High
Raising awareness of potential impacts of introducing fish to other lakes (Crappie/Bass)OMNR FMZ 5 Project Team with assistance from FMZ 5 Advisory Council2016Medium
Angling ethics and the potential impacts of harvesting on sport fishery populations (Walleye/Crappie/Bass)OMNR FMZ 5 Project Team with assistance from FMZ 5 Advisory Council2016Medium
Cleaning pike for consumption.OMNR FMZ 5 Project Team with assistance from FMZ 5 Advisory Council2016Low
Other actions
Management actionResponsibilityDue datePriority
Recommend MNR develop policy/guidelines for tournaments (including permitting)OMNR FMZ 5 Project Team2013high
Work with partner groups to develop an Invasive Species Action Plan for FMZ 5.OMNR FMZ 5 Project Team and partner groups2015high
Review/develop MNR policy for movement of boats and gear between waterbodies, particularly those known to contain invasive species.OMNR FMZ 5 Project Team2015high
Investigate options for more conservative management of walleye populations in FMZ 5 before the next plan review.OMNR FMZ 5 Project Teamprior to 2018high
Work together with commercial fish partners to develop ecosystem health and population status criteria and develop and promote Best ManagementOMNR FMZ 5 Project Team and commercial fish partnersprior to 2018medium
Use ecosystem health and population criteria to update and confirm quotasOMNRprior to 2018medium
Continue to work with and support other agencies in fish contaminant sampling.OMNRongoingmedium
Monitor emerging recreational interest in lake whitefishOMNRongoinglow
Monitoring actions
Management actionResponsibilityDue datePriority
FMZ 5 Broadscale MonitoringOMNR - NWSIAssessment planned for 2015high
Participate in the Northwest Region Lake Temperature Monitoring Program on currently monitored FMZ 5 lakes to monitor effect of changing temperatureOMNRongoinghigh
Collect more information on FMZ 5 Black Crappie populations from non-SDW lakes (see monitoring plan).OMNR and partnersongoinghigh
Continue to develop partnerships and contribute to periodic assessment of lake sturgeon habitat and populations.OMNRongoinghigh
Continue habitat inventory programs and habitat assessments related to forestry water and critical fish habitats.OMNRongoinghigh
Support development of ecosystem level indicators based on BsMOMNR Science and InformationPrior to 2018 plan reviewhigh
Support development of bass population assessment methodologyOMNR Science and InformationPrior to 2018 plan reviewhigh
Monitor of water temperatures and walleye spawning times in FMZ 5OMNR and partnersongoingmoderate
Consider commercial catch sampling for species and lakes where current harvest levels are identified as a potential risk to populations.OMNRongoingmoderate


The FMZ 5 project team would like to thank the members of the FMZ 5 Advisory Council for their commitment and many days of effort in assisting with the completion and implementation of the Fisheries Management Plan.


Jackson, B.W. 2012. Effectiveness of northern pike size based angling regulations in FMZ 5 SDW lakes – Draft. OMNR Atikokan Area – Fort Frances District. 11p.

Hogg, S.E., N.P. Lester and H. Ball. 2010. 2005 Survey of Recreational Fishing in Canada: Results for Fisheries Management Zones in Ontario. Applied Research and Development Branch. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 32p. + appendices.

OMNR (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources) 2013. 2010 FMZ 5 Broadscale Monitoring Data Summary: Supplemental Data to the Background Information for the Development of a Fisheries Management Plan in Fisheries Management Zone 5 - Draft. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources – Fort Frances District. 106pp

OMNR (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources) 2012. Background Information for the Development of a Fisheries Management Plan in Fisheries Management Zone 5. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources – Fort Frances District. 220 pp.+ appendices Ontario 2012. Biodiversity: It’s In Our Nature. Ontario Government Plan to Conserve Biodiversity, 2012-2020. Queen’s Printer for Ontario. Toronto, ON 42 pp.

OMNR (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources) 2011a. Protecting What Sustains Us – Ontario’s Biodiversity Strategy 2008. Queen’s Printer for Ontario. 44 p.

OMNR (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources). 2011b. Northwest Region Fisheries Management Action Plan - 2011 to 2016 (OMNR 2011). Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources – Northwest Region. 29p.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 2011. Our Sustainable Future: A Renewed Call to Action. Queen’s Printer for Ontario. 24 pp.

OMNR (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources). 2005. Quetico PP Fisheries Stewardship Plan. Quetico Provincial Park. 43 pp.+ appendices

OMNR (Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources). 2005. A New Ecological Framework for Recreational Fisheries Management in Ontario. Fisheries Section, Fish and Wildlife Branch. 18pp.

Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 1992. Strategic Plan for Ontario Fisheries, SPOF II, An Aquatic Ecosystem Approach to Managing Fisheries. Queen’s Printer for Ontario. 22pp

Pierce, R.B., and C.M. Tomcko. 2005. Density and biomass of native northern pike populations in relation to basin-scale characteristics of north-central Minnesota lakes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:231-241.

Appendix 1. Lakes with current exceptions related to walleye management and rationale for retaining, editing or removing exceptions

LakeAreaRationaleException regulation
Crowrock Lake (48°58'N., 91°49'W.).FF-AtikRegulation was put in place in 90’s following introduction of walleye to provide for higher quality fisheries. Since then, non-resident daily limits have been reduced and walleye population has become fully established. MNR intends to recommend removing this exception to the public as part of the draft plan.Walleye S - 2 and C - 2, not more than 1 greater than 46 cm (18.1 ").
Crowrock Lake (48°58'N., 91°49'W.).FF-AtikRegulation was put in place in 90’s following introduction of walleye to provide for higher quality fisheries. Since then, non-resident daily limits have been reduced and walleye population has become fully established. MNR intends to recommend removing this exception to the public as part of the draft plan.Fish sanctuary Apr. 1 - June 14 - no fishing from upstream from the narrows at 49º00'00"N., 91º43'50"W.
Dashwa Lake (48°56'N., 91°45'W.).FF-AtikRegulation was put in place in 90’s following introduction of walleye to provide for higher quality fisheries. Since then, non-resident daily limits have been reduced and walleye population has become fully established. MNR intends to recommend removing this exception to the public as part of the draft plan.Walleye S - 2 and C - 2, not more than 1 greater than 46 cm (18.1 ").
Dovetail Lake (48°53’N., 92°02’W.).FF-AtikRegulation was put in place in 90’s following introduction of walleye to provide for higher quality fisheries. Since then, non-resident daily limits have been reduced and walleye population has become fully established. MNR intends to recommend removing this exception to the public as part of the draft plan.Walleye S - 2 and C - 2, not more than 1 greater than 46 cm (18.1 ").
Eye Lake (48º52’N., 91º45’W.).FF-AtikRegulation was put in place in 90’s following introduction of walleye to provide for higher quality fisheries. Since then, non-resident daily limits have been reduced and walleye population has become fully established. MNR intends to recommend removing this exception to the public as part of the draft plan.Walleye S - 2 and C - 2, not more than 1 greater than 46 cm (18.1 ").
Seine River System - from Kettle Point of Rainy Lake upstream to CrillyFF-AtikMaintain exception - these waterbodies are connected to Rainy Lake and need to have the same regulations as Rainy for enforcement purposes.Walleye must be between 35-45 cm (13.8-17.7 ") or greater than 70 cm (27.6 ") and not more than 1 greater than 70 cm (27.6 in).
Turtle Lake (48°57'N., 91°57'W.)FF-AtikRegulation was put in place in 90’s following introduction of walleye to provide for higher quality fisheries. Since then, non-resident daily limits have been reduced and walleye population has become fully established. MNR intends to recommend removing this exception to the public as part of the draft plan.Walleye S - 2 and C - 2, not more than 1 greater than 46 cm (18.1 in.).
Island Creek (49°49’02″N., 94°19’10″W.) - Haycock Twp. - KenoraKenMaintain sanctuary but adjust date to April 1 – June 14 to be consistent across FMZ 5Fish sanctuary - no fishing from Apr. 1 - May 31.
Laclu Creek (Belle Creek) (49°48’N., 94°36’W.) Pellatt Twps. KenoraKenMaintain sanctuary but adjust date to April 1 – June 14 to be consistent across FMZ 5Fish sanctuary - no fishing from Apr. 1 - May 31.
Ladysmith Creek and Unnamed Creek (between Rugby Lake and the confluence of Ladysmith CreekDryMaintain sanctuary but adjust date to April 1 – June 14 to be consistent across FMZ 5Fish sanctuary - no fishing from Apr. 1 - May 31.
Moose Creek - between Big Moose Lake and Cobble LakeDryMaintain sanctuary but adjust date to April 1 – June 14 to be consistent across FMZ 5Fish sanctuary - no fishing from Apr. 1 - May 31.
Rugby LakeDryMaintain sanctuary but adjust date to April 1 – June 14 to be consistent across FMZ 5Fish sanctuary - no fishing from Apr. 1 - May 31.
Trout River (49°01’N., 92°53’W.) -FFYesFish sanctuary - no fishing from Apr. 1 - June 14.
White Otter LakeFF-AtikYesFish sanctuary - no fishing from Apr. 1 - June 14.

Appendix 2. Lakes with current exceptions which are related to lake trout management and rationale for retaining, editing or removing exceptions

LakeAreaRationaleException Regulation
Crook Lake (49°04’N., 92°08’W.).FF-AtikLake is small (150ha) with a population of small bodied trout. Regulation was put in place in early 80’s when Hwy 622 was constructed within 50m of the lake. Assessment of lake in 90’s indicated population status was at or above other area lakes suggesting regulation is preventing over exploitationFish sanctuary - no fishing from Feb 1 - June 30 & Aug. 1 - Dec. 31.
Dryberry Lake - Northwest Bay, Point Bay and Point Lake - (49°30’N., 93°50’W.)KenRegulation was established in late eighties to protect/promote a trophy lake trout fishery. Would consider removing exception only if zone regulation was changed to option allowing only 1 trout over 56 cm for entire season.Lake trout S - 1 in one day, possession limit of 2, not more than 1 greater than 65 cm (25.6 ") and C - 1, any size.
Dryberry Lake - Northwest Bay, Point Bay and Point Lake - (49°30’N., 93°50’W.)KenRegulation was established in late eighties to protect/promote a trophy lake trout fishery. Would consider removing exception only if zone regulation was changed to option allowing only 1 trout over 56 cm for entire season.Fish or fish parts may not be used as bait from Jan. 1 - Fri. before 3rd Sat. in May. Only barbless hooks may be used from Jan. 1 - Fri. before 3rd Sat. in May.
Grimshaw Lake (48°58’N., 93°04’W.).FFThis small lake was closed to angling in the 60’s to preserve an unexploited population of lake trout to be used for research purposes. Was recently used as part of the lake trout calibration for BsM program.Fish sanctuary - closed all year.
Lakes #20, 26, 39, 42 - CNFER research lakesFF-AtikThese four small (<50ha each) lakes were closed to angling as part of a study by Center for Northern Forst Ecosystems Research/Lakehead University study on impact of logging up to shoreline. Although the studies have concluded, discussions continue about the need for future research and continued closure but at this time they remain closed to all angling.Lake trout closed all year
Lilac Lake (48°17’N., 92°22’W.) -FF-AtikRelatively small (300 ha) lake trout lakes that have potential to receive high non-resident day tripping effort because of proximity to US border. Regulation was put in place to prevent over exploitation by non-resident day trip anglers.Fish sanctuary - no fishing from Jan. 1 - May 31 & Oct. 1 - Dec. 31.
Little Grey Trout LakeFF-AtikLake is small (150ha) with a population of large bodied trout. Regulation was put in place in early 80’s when Hwy 622 was constructed close to lake.Fish sanctuary - no fishing from Feb 1 - June 30 & Aug. 1 - Dec. 31.
Rutter Lake (49°04’N., 92°12’W.)FF-AtikLake is small with a population of large bodied trout. Regulation was put in place in early 80’s when Hwy 622 was constructed within 100m of the lake. Assessment of lake in 90’s indicated population status was at or above other area lakes suggesting regulation is preventing over exploitationFish sanctuary - no fishing from Feb 1 - June 30 & Aug. 1 - Dec. 31.
Scattergood LakeFF-AtikLake is has a population of small bodied trout. Regulation was put in place in late 70’s when Hwy 502 was constructed within 50m of the lake. Assessment of lake in 80’s suggested regulation is preventing over exploitationFish sanctuary - no fishing from Jan. 1 - July 31 & Sept. 1 - Dec. 31.
Seahorse Lake.FFLake is very small (<50ha) with a population of large bodied trout. Regulation was put in place in when a logging road created access to the lake and it was determined that given the size of trout and the very small population size, no level of harvest could be considered sustainable.Lake trout closed all year.
Secret Lake (49°04’N., 92°08’W.)FF- AtikLake is small (150ha) with a population of large bodied trout. Regulation was put in place in early 80’s when Hwy 622/primary logging road was constructed within 30m of the lake. Assessment of lake in 90’s indicated population status was at or above other area lakes suggesting regulation is preventing over exploitationFish sanctuary - no fishing from Feb 1 - June 30 & Aug. 1 - Dec. 31.
Trout Lake (48°17’N., 92°20’W.)FF-AtikRelatively small (300 ha) lake trout lakes that have potential to receive high non-resident day tripping effort because of proximity to US border. Regulation was put in place to prevent over exploitation by non-resident day trip anglers.Fish sanctuary - no fishing from Jan. 1 - May 31 & Oct. 1 - Dec. 31.

Appendix 3. Other potential management actions considered by the Advisory Council or OMNR but not selected in this plan


Achievement of objectives

Management optionsMaintain or improve walleye populationOpportunities to catch numbers of fishOpportunities to harvest fish from 33-46 cm for consumptionProtect spawning stock/large/old mature fish (46 cm+)Protect fish during spawningMaximize angling opportunitiesProvide high quality walleye angling experience by providing opportunities to catch trophy fish
Closed Season extension (suggestion of April 1 - May 31)Questionable - may result in increase in population if increased harvest during years with early spring is limiting populationReduced opportunites because of reduced angling season (amount depends upon actual dates chosen)Reduced opportunites because of reduced angling season (amount depends upon actual dates chosenMay increase protection if these size fish become more vulnerable to harvest in early springYesNoN/A
Same as current except 0 fish over 46 cmYes (maintain; increase in some conditions)YesYes, although in some lakes dominated by larger fish, this may reduce ability to harvest fish for consumptionYesYes in most years – not in years with late ice out or early springYesYes
Reduce non-resident daily catch and possession limits to 2S/1CYes (increase)YesReduced opportunity for harvest for non-residentsNo (only partial protection)Yes in most years – not in years with late ice out or early springYesYes

Advisory Council and MNR comments

Management optionsProsConsAdvisory Council AdviceMNR comments
Closed Season extension (suggestion of April 1 - May 31)Reduces harvest (shortens fishing season)Reduction in angling opportunities; lengthening closed season hard to justify under climate change justification; we probably currently lack information to define walleye spawning times related to temperature.Do not present as an option at this time.Do not present as an option at this time. Assess appropriateness of walleye closure dates as an action item in the monitoring part of the plan.
Same as current except 0 fish over 46 cmBetter protection of spawning size fish and trophy sized fish, simpler regulation, reduce concern about consumption of contaminated fishAffects tournaments (ability to weigh in larger fish); different reg than adjacent FMZ’s, may reduce ability to harvest fish for consumption in lakes dominated by larger fishConsider as option in draft plan

Consider as option in draft plan

MNR modeled this regulation to look at the expected effectiveness of this regulation relative to the current regulation. Results suggested

  1. it would have limited effectiveness;
  2. it would be most effective in deeper clearer lakes that have larger walleye
  3. it would be relatively ineffective in recovering stressed populations .
Reduce non-resident daily catch and possession limits to 2S/1C Strong concern from tourism industry about the impact on their industry from this regulation; Would put tourist industry at a marketing disadvantage to other areas (e.g. LOW, FMZ 4)This was not supported by FMZ 5 council as an otion to present to the public

Consider as an option in draft plan.

This option is currently in place on the Winnipeg R. system where it is intended as a recovery regulation , not really meant to be a permanent regulation. Reduces walleye harvest by non-residents (~75% of effort across FMZ 5, higher in some areas).

MNR completed a modeling exercise to look at the expected effectiveness of this regulation relative to the current regulation. Results suggest it was most effective in darker stained lakes that have higher levels of walleye angling effort.

Northern Pike:

Achievement of objectives

Management optionsMaintain abundance of pikeMaintain abundance of large/trophy pikeMaintain trophy pike angling opportunityOpportunity to harvest pike in preferred size range (60-80cm)Maximize angling opportunity
Current regulations (Limit 4/2, 0 between 70cm to 90 cm, 1 over 90 cm) Limit 4/2, 1 over 70cmYesYesYesNo/partially (allows for fish between 60-70 cm but none between 70-80 cm )Yes
Limit 4/2, 1 over 70cmYesYes maybeYesYes (allows at least 1 fish in the entire preferred range of 60-80cm)Yes
Limit 4/2, 1 over 70cm, 0 over 80cm (i.e. harvest of only 1 between 70-80cm, 0 over 80cm)YesYesYesYes (allows harvest in the entire preferred range of 60-80cm)Yes
Limit 4/2, 1 over 60cmYesYes (maybe)YesYes (allows 1 fish in the entire preferred range of 60-80cm)Yes
Limit 4/2, 1 over 70cm, 0 over 90cm (i.e. harvest of only 1 between 70-90cm, 0 over 90cm)YesYesYes (no harvest )Yes (allows at least 1 fish in the entire preferred range of 60-80cm)Yes
Adding pike to species to border water regs. for non residents in FF districtYesYesYesno changeYes
Season Closure in SpringYesYesYesReduces opportunities in springNo doesn’t maximize angling opportunities

Advisory Council and MNR comments

Management optionsAdvisory Council Comments - ProsAdvisory Council Comments - ConsAdvisory Council AdviceMNR comments
Closed Season extension (suggestion of April 1 - May 31)Improved proportion of large and trophy size pike. Fish all year Easier to understand than current reg. Satisfies demand to be able to harvest pike >70cm. Reduce harvest demand on walleye (compared to current), same as FMZ 6 to east of us.Placing more harvest on walleye. Non-compliance (slots are more complex than I over maximum size limits) Doesn’t provide as much protection of large size pike as currently. Doesn’t protect entire spawning pop.

Consider as an option in draft plan (added at Aug 22 meeting) Status quo

- not preferred by resident anglers who desired opportunity to harvest pike; supported by tourist industry because protects large pike.

Consider as option in draft plan (status quo, acheives objective of large pike)
Same as current except 0 fish over 46 cmEasier to understand than current reg. Satisfies demand to be able to harvest pike >70cm. Reduce harvest demand on walleye (compared to current), same as FMZ 6 to east of us.Doesn’t provide as much protection of large size pike as currently. Doesn’t protect entire spawning pop.Consider as option in draft planConsider as option in draft plan
Reduce non-resident daily catch and possession limits to 2S/1CComplete protection of trophy fish, also harvest of desirable fish; improved perception/marketing of trophy fish management.Slot size enforcement; doesn’t protect entire spawning population. No chance to keep damaged fish over 80 cm, no chance to keep trophy fish, need clarification on photographs before release.Consider as option

Consider as option

Provides similar protection to large pike as current regulation in protection of large fish. No chance to keep damaged fish over 80 cm. Creel surveys indicate that current harvest of trophy pike (>90cm) is very limited.

 Protects larger percentage of spawners; by protecting 3 more pike 60-70 may compensate for increased harvest of 70-90, same as currently proposed reg in FMZ 4 (considered a balance between providing opportunity to harvest preferred size fish while still protecting large fish by FMZ 4 Advisory Council).Restriction of number of fish harvested in preferred range.Originally consider ed as an option, dropped following FTR comments to reduce number of options being represented in draft plan for public review.Originally consider as an option by FMZ 5 Planning Team, Fisheries Technical Review (FTR) committee did not recommend presenting more than 3 options to public for review in draft plan.
 Complete protection of trophy fish, also harvest of desirable fish; improved perception/marketing of trophy fish management.Slot size enforcement; doesn’t protect entire spawning population. No chance to keep damaged fish over 90cm, no chance to keep trophy fish, need clarification on photographs before release.Originally considered as an option, it was subsequently dropped because of similarities to other options.Drop as option
  If no sustainability issue, why restrict non-residents furtherDrop as optionDrop as option
 Protects spawning fish when vulnerable to angling.Low angling effort and harvest of pike at this time; add unnecessary regulationDrop as optionDrop as option


Achievement of objectives

Management optionsMaintain angling and harvest opportunities consistent with sustainability of the populationProvide anglers with the opportunities to catch lots of fish (abundance).Provide anglers with the opportunities to catch quality (>43cm/17″ ) and trophy (>50cm/19.5″) bass.Prevent unauthorized expansion into new watersMaintain opportunities for tournaments consistent with sustainability of the population.
Catch & release only (June 1-30 – currently on LOW, Crow Lake)Yes (fishing)
No (harvest is restricted)
YesYes (if survival and recruitment are improved)NoNo (although currently no June CFEs)
Limit: S-4 only 1 over 35cm; C-2 only 1 over 35cm; Season: all yearReduce ability to harvest larger bass in summer/fallYesYesNoAffects tourname nts because it eliminates the ability to weigh in the 5 largest bass caught by a team.
Current reg (but change size restriction period from Dec. 1-June 30 to May 1-June 30)YesYesYesNoYes
Closed season (May 1-June 30)No (limits fishing opportunities but might enhance sustainability)No (limits fishing opportunities but might enhance sustainability)Yes (if survival and recruitment are improved)NoYes

Advisory Council and MNR Comments

Management optionsAdvisory Council comments - ProsAdvisory Council comments - ConsCouncil adviceMNR comments
Catch & release only (June 1-30 – currently on LOW, Crow Lake)Intent to protect spawning fish; Crow Lake tourist industry likes current spring catch and release regulationLimits harvest opportunity for consumption, especially on non-walleye lakes;
Direct harvest to other species (walleye, lake trout);
Consider as option – during selection of a preferred option, this option was droppedThis option was not endorsed for public consultation by FTR reviewas being excessively restrictive and overly complicated given the status of the population.
Limit: S-4 only 1 over 35cm; C-2 only 1 over 35cm; Season: all yearSimpler regulation, protection of larger bass year roundReduced protection of large bass during spring, impact on tournamentsDo not considerDo not consider but reference in plan that MNR feels that this regulation acheives the objectives we want in a simpler format but cannot be used because of our current management decisions around tournaments
Current reg (but change size restriction period from Dec. 1-June 30 to May 1-June 30)Potential spring open-water season opportunities Easier to understand (dates) More harvest opportunitiesLarge bass vulnerable to harvest in winterOriginally considered as an option, it was subsequently dropped because of similarities to other options.Do not consider -
Similar concepts as option to change size limit dates to Jan. 1 to June 30;
Both provide protection to large bass during the spring spawning period;
Jan.1- June 30 option provides protection to large bass caught by ice fishermen
Closed season (May 1-June 30)Protects spawning fish; same as regulation on Lake of the Woods and Kakagi Lake (exception regulation)Reduced opportunities
Compliance issues
Uncertain benefits
Economic impacts
Shift effort to other species
Do not considerDo not consider - Concern about loss of angling opportunites and shift in angling effort to other species

Black Crappie:

Achievement of objectives

Management optionsPrevent unauthorized expansion into new waters.Manage existing populations to maintain sustainable, high quality fisheries for consumptionManage existing population s to maintain characteristics of a healthy fish population
Add crappie to border waters regulationsNoYes - reduce harvest from non-resident anglersMay help to reduce harvest and increase older fish in population

Advisory Council and MNR comments

Management optionsAdvisory Council comments - ProsAdvisory Council comments - ConsCouncil AdviceMNR comments
Add crappie to border waters regulationsReduces harvest from from non-resident anglers
  • Might increase culling to keep fewer, larger fish
  • high C&R mortality; Change of approach to border waters reg
  • adding species with a social/angling quality concern versus a biological concern.
  • potential of increasing controversy of entire border waters reg.
Originally considered as an option, dropped following FTR comments.Originally considered as an option by FMZ 5 Planning Team, Fisheries Technical Committee review did not recommend this option as there were simpler methods to meet same objectives (i.e. general limit reductions).

Appendix 4. Proposed FMZ 5 Black Crappie monitoring program

Concerns have been expressed about the inability of the current BsM program to provide sufficient data to monitor population status, measure achievement of objectives and make effective management decisions for Black Crappie. The standard Broadscale Monitoring program does not effectively monitor crappie populations in the zone both because of the coverage of lakes with crappie populations and ineffectiveness of the gill nets used in BsM at capturing crappie. This affects the ability to ensure the sustainability of this fishery which is considered a priority issue in FMZ 5 by the Advisory Council.

The following methods are provided for consideration in the development of potential monitoring strategy for Black Crappie in FMZ 5:


  • Use Near Shore Community Index Netting (NSCIN - late summer trap netting) as the provincially standardized assessment methodology best suited to assessing Black Crappie populations. This technique would provide statistically valid and provincially comparable measures of Black Crappie abundance and selected population attributes (age & length composition, growth, recruitment, mortality)
  • Sample intensity of lakes to be same as the BsM program (10% of populations). The sampling cycle is proposed to be 5 years to be consistent with the BsM program but sampling of all lakes need not occur in one year as the BsM assessment.
  • In order to be most efficient in terms of staff and costs, lakes may not be selected randomly but chosen to be representative of the range of crappie lakes in the zone but still be readily accessible to assessment crews.
  • Currently, for the area of FMZ 5 outside of Quetico PP (and not including SDW’s) there are 75 known Black Crappie lakes in FMZ 5. Based on sampling 10% of the current known population and proportional sampling between offices, this wouldrequire assessment of 8 lakes with distribution between the 4 offices as shown in Table 1 (option 1).
  • Based on expected change in Black Crappie distribution from downstream movement from current lakes, we might expect to have about 100 lakes with Black Crappie in FMZ 5 in the near future without further introductions. This would require a sampling of 10 lakes with the proportional distribution between offices as shown in Table 1 (option 2)

Table 1. Proposed distribution of crappie monitoring lakes between FMZ 5 offices

OfficeNumber of lakes/office
(option 1)
Number of lakes/office
(option 2)
Fort Frances34

The majority of the Black Crappie lakes in FMZ 5 are less than 500ha (Figure 4-1). It is proposed to sample lakes proportional to the current size distribution, with the number of lakes sampled by area as shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Proposed distribution of crappie monitoring lakes between lake sizes.
Lake size (ha)Number of lakes/size
(option 1)
Number of lakes/size
(option 2)
<500 ha67
500-1500 ha12
1500-5000 ha11
5000 ha +00

Figure App. 4-1. Size distribution of FMZ 5 lakes inhabited by Black Crappie (not including Quetico PP or Specially Designated Waters)


50-500 hectares


500-1,500 hectares


<50 hectares


1500-5000 hectares


5000+ hectares

Recommended approach

Given the expansion of crappie range in the district and the importance of crappie to the recreational fisheries, it is recommended to proceed with option 2 (i.e. assess 10 lakes within the zone over the next 5 years) and attempt to follow the lake size distribution to the best extent possible. Because of logistic and financial considerations, lakes will not be randomly selected but chosen by district staff to represent the range of crappie sport fisheries within their area but still be assessed efficiently.