Framework for funding approval of programs of instruction for colleges of applied arts and technology
Read the binding policy directive that defines the framework for ministry approval of funding for programs of instruction from the general purpose operating grant. It applies to all colleges of applied arts and technology.
Issued: April 1, 2003
Revised: February 1, 2005, April 1, 2005
New format re-issued July 2023 (no policy changes)
Purpose and application
The delivery of programs of instruction is the core business of colleges of applied arts and technology in Ontario. Public funding is provided to assist colleges in offering programs of instruction that are consistent with the objects set out in the Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002 and that meet provincial and community priorities.
Under the Ontario Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology Act, 2002, the Minister of Colleges and Universities (formerly Training, Colleges and Universities) has the authority to issue binding policy directives in relation to the manner in which colleges carry out their objects or conduct their affairs.
This binding policy directive applies to all colleges of applied arts and technology in Ontario and defines the framework within which the ministry will approve programs of instruction for funding from the general purpose operating grant.
This binding policy directive came into effect February 1, 2005 with the establishment of a system-wide credentials validation service and the revised Minister’s Binding Policy Directive on Framework for Programs of Instruction.
For further information regarding this binding policy directive, contact
The approval of programs for funding purposes is intended to promote access to a range of programs that respond to provincial economic and societal needs, in the context of limited public dollars.
Funding decisions related to programs of instruction offered by colleges of applied arts and technology are made in relation to the overall college system and the mandate of the colleges, collectively and individually.
Binding policy directive
A. The college is to ensure that all of the following elements have been addressed with respect to the program of instruction prior to submitting a request for approval for funding form:
- The program has been approved by a college board of governors, and has been submitted for funding approval consistent with the requirements of the related operating procedure.
- The program is consistent with the Minister’s Binding Policy Directive on Framework for Programs of Instruction, including the Ontario Qualifications Framework it describes, and any applicable program standards.
- The program is compliant, where applicable, with all regulations and legislation pertaining to a regulated field of practice.
- The program is deemed to meet an identified economic or societal need.
B. In making funding approval decisions, the ministry will consider the following:
- The need to provide public support to a new program field or for further program offerings in a given field, and to provide the available funding to support college activities through the general purpose operating grant, taking into account government directions and priorities and the availability of existing educational and training opportunities in the field in question.
- The broader public policy issues raised by the program in question.
- The regulated entry to practice requirements for any field, where applicable.
Summary of responsibilities
Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology
The college is responsible for:
- Ensuring that the board of governors approves programs of instruction to be offered by the college and determining which programs are to be submitted for funding approval.
- Meeting the requirements outlined in the operating procedure Funding Approval of Programs of Instruction Procedures when submitting requests directly to the ministry or via the Credentials Validation Service.
Ministry of Colleges and Universities
The ministry is responsible for:
- Developing operating procedures to facilitate colleges of applied arts and technology to request funding for postsecondary programs of instruction.
- Approving for funding those programs of instruction that meet or exceed the criteria established by the minister.