Great Lakes and watersheds
Learn about how we protect the Great Lakes and watersheds to keep these vital waterways and ecosystems clean and healthy.
Protecting and restoring the Great Lakes
Learn how we're addressing threats to the waters and ecosystems of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin to safeguard this vital resource and habitat.
Ontario's Great Lakes Strategy
Learn how we can conserve and manage our water resources by working together, and continue to protect fish, parks, beaches, coastal wetlands and water.
Canada-Ontario Great Lakes agreement
Read about the collaborative agreement to address the most significant challenges facing the Great Lakes, such as pollution, climate change and protecting ecosystem health that continues to threaten these waterways.
Canada-Ontario Lake Erie Action Plan
Learn how we're reducing harmful and nuisance algal blooms in Lake Erie, a commitment under the Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan.
Protecting Lake Simcoe
Learn about what Ontario is doing to protect Lake Simcoe and its watershed, and to address emerging challenges, including climate change and invasive species.
Great Lakes Local Action Fund
Learn about the Great Lakes Local Action Fund for projects to protect and restore coastal, shoreline and nearshore areas of the Great Lakes. Applications for the second round of funding are open until 2:00 p.m. March 11, 2022.
Managing Great Lakes water levels
Why water levels in the Great Lakes change, why it matters and how they’re being managed.
Water quality in local lakes
Search this map and view Secchi depth and total phosphorus data from sampling sites that are part of the Lake Partner Program.
Water sampling and testing
Learn how you can volunteer to track water quality through collecting samples from inland lakes.
Great Lakes watersheds locator
Search this map to find which Great Lakes Basin watersheds corresponds to the selected location.
Experimental lakes area
Learn about the 58 small lakes and their drainage basins that are managed through a joint agreement between the Canadian and Ontario governments.