Indigenous control over child and family services
Learn more about our actions to support Indigenous control over child and family services.
Ontario works with representatives of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples to support the implementation of their own models for child and family services, including those governed under Indigenous laws.
Ontario’s commitments are reflected in:
- Ontario Indigenous Children and Youth Strategy
- Child welfare redesign
- Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017, s.1(2)(6)
For more information on Ontario supports for the development and implementation of Indigenous-led models, please email:
Canada’s legislation
The Government of Canada’s An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families came into force on January 1, 2020.
Indigenous Services Canada has developed resources and materials to help you understand the Act:
- A webpage about reducing the number of Indigenous children in care
- Key highlights of the Act
- Plain language descriptions of what the Act means for Indigenous children, parents, caregivers, and Indigenous governing bodies, communities and people
- Repository for notices under section 12 of the Act
- Lists of notices and requests related to the Act that Indigenous Services Canada has received from Indigenous governing bodies from across Canada
Ontario’s role in Canada’s legislation
Canada’s legislation defines how:
- Indigenous groups, communities and peoples, as well as Indigenous governing bodies acting on their behalf, can exercise legislative authority in relation to child and family services
- Indigenous laws can gain the force of law as federal law
Ontario may engage in discussions with the Indigenous group, community or people after they:
- formally notify Indigenous Services Canada and the Government of Ontario that they intend to exercise legislative authority in relation to child and family services
- request to enter into a coordination agreement
As the regulator of provincial child and family services under the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017, Ontario’s role in negotiations includes:
- providing guidance on how the provincial system can or would interact with and relate to a proposed Indigenous model of child and family services
- collaborating with the Indigenous group, community or people on appropriate actions that Ontario may take to support coordination of child and family services in Ontario
Negotiations may result in signing a coordination agreement between an Indigenous group, community or people, the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada.
Indigenous laws with the force of federal law and signed coordination agreements in Ontario
Wabaseemooong Independent Nations
- Law: Wabaseemoong Independent Nations’ Customary Care Code
- Affiliated care provider: Wabaseemoong Child Welfare Authority
- Contact number:
807-927-2222 - Coordination agreement signed on March 10, 2022
Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug
- Law: Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug Dibenjikewin Onaakwonikewin
- Affiliated care provider: Dibenjikewin Oganawenjikeg Opimojiketamaakeg
- Contact number:
1-833-982-5436 - Coordination agreement signed on April 11, 2023
Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation
- Law: Nigig Nibi Ki-win
- Affiliated care provider: Nigig Nibi Ki-win Gamik Society
- Contact number:
Information for children’s aid societies and provincial service providers
Canada’s An Act respecting First Nations, Inuit and Métis children, youth and families and Ontario’s Child, Youth, and Family Services Act, 2017, apply in the provision of child and family services for Indigenous children and youth in Ontario.
Indigenous groups, communities or peoples planning to develop and implement Indigenous laws and systems may contact children’s aid societies and provincial service providers for information or opportunities to develop new relationships and coordinate services.
If your agency is supporting an individual who is affiliated with one of the care providers noted above, we encourage you to reach out to that care provider.
We will update this page as new information comes available and new coordination agreements are signed.