Job Site Challenge
If you have a large tract of land or industrial site, learn how it could be marketed to domestic and international investors in Canada’s first mega site program.
The Ontario government is developing an inventory of mega sites that can support large-scale manufacturing operations, to be marketed to international and domestic investors as part of the province’s open for business, open for jobs strategy.
Mega sites typically range from 500-1500 acres in size and have the timing and cost of development readily known and streamlined to meet project timelines.
Ontario’s Job Site Challenge Program – the first of its kind in Canada – will identify suitable mega sites for large-scale, anchor investments.
The Job Site Challenge is part of a suite of site selection services that includes the Investment Ready: Certified Site Program and other site selection services.
The Job Site Challenge Program will allow Ontario to compete with the more than 35 US jurisdictions that have either certified or mega-site programs
Application period
The application period for the program is now closed. Thank you for your interest in the Job Site Challenge Program.
To contact us, please email
Who can apply
You are invited to submit proposals for consideration if you are a:
- municipality
- economic development agency
- industrial property owner
- other interested party
Site eligibility
The site does not have to be fully ready for development.
Your proposal will be evaluated based on 13 criteria, including:
- size and configuration
- location and transportation
- utilities and servicing
- site condition and previous land uses
- surrounding property uses
- automotive and/or advanced manufacturing footprint
- talent and training
- ownership and title
- policy and regulatory framework (for example, zoning)
- government approvals
- engaging with Indigenous communities
- incentives
- community benefits
Note: Lands located in the Greenbelt, Oak Ridges Moraine, Niagara Escarpment Planning Area or Source Water Protection Zones are specifically excluded from eligibility.