
The land use policy and stewardship team is responsible for researching, developing and implementing provincial legislation, regulation, policy and guidance material related to land use planning and environmental issues that affect the agri-food sector.

Staff in the unit:

  • help residents, consultants and municipalities understand provincial agricultural and rural land use policies
  • provide correspondence on Planning Act applications to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) through the One-Window provincial planning system for official plans, zoning by-laws or lot creation
  • provide correspondence to other agencies for Aggregate Resource Act or Environmental Assessment Act applications
  • provide data, training and tools for land use planning topics such as permitted uses, identifying prime agricultural areas and Minimum Distance Separation (MDS) setbacks

Contact information

Geographically-specific questions

If you have a geographically-specific question, please contact the appropriate rural planner using the staff coverage map.

Environmental assessments notifications

For province-wide notifications related to environmental assessments, please email omafra.eanotices@ontario.ca.

Province-wide questions

For province-wide questions related to agricultural land use planning and stewardship policies, please contact: