Whereas the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector provides an important economic and social contribution within Ontario;

And whereas the Program was established to address challenges related to agriculture, food and rural affairs;

And whereas the mental health of farmers as well as others who work in the agri-food sector can be a significant challenge for agriculture, food and rural affairs, given the high-stress situations they operate under;

And whereas the Previous Order needs to be amended to include mental health as a significant challenge for agriculture, food and rural affairs to assist farmers and others in the agri-food sector who are experiencing mental health issues as well as eliminate any stigma associated with mental health issues;

And whereas section 6.2 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Act provides the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs with the authority to establish programs for the encouragement of agriculture, food and rural affairs within Ontario;

And whereas sections 49 and 54 of the Legislation Act, 2006 has the effect of providing the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs with the power to amend, revoke or replace from time to time an order establishing a program under section 6.2 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Act;

And whereas I, the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, am of the opinion that making amendments to the Previous Order to create initiatives to address the mental health issues that farmers and others work in the agri-food sector experience as well as eliminate any stigma associated with mental health issues is necessary for the encouragement of agriculture, food and rural affairs in Ontario;

Now therefore, and pursuant to my authority under section 6.2 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Act and sections 49 and 54 of the Legislation Act, 2006, I hereby order the Previous Order be amended as set out in the herein Order.

Part 1 – Interpretation

  1. For the purposes of this Order, the following terms will have the meanings set out below:

    "Order" means this Minister's Order;

    "Previous Order" means Minister's Order 0007/2019, which established the Program as of April 17, 2019, as amended;

    "Program" means the Grassroots Growth Program;

  2. Any capitalized term not defined within this Order will have the same meaning as set out under the Previous Order.

Part 2 – Amendment To Part II – Purpose Of The Grassroots Program Of The previous Order

  1. Part II of the Previous Order is amended by adding the following as section 2.3 to the Previous Order:

    2.3 Without limiting anything set out in sections 2.1 or 2.2 of this Order, the purpose of this Program is to also support farmers and others who work in the agri-food sector in addressing mental health issues, including the elimination of any stigma associated with mental health issues.

Part 3 – Amendment To Part VI – The Grassroots Growth Program Of The Previous Order

  1. Section 6.1 f of the Previous Order, as amended, is revoked and replaced with the following:
    1. Any request for funding submitted, including a proposed Project, and Payment must meet the objectives set out in section 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3.

This Order comes into effect on signature.

Original signed by:

The Honourable Lisa Thompson
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs

Executed on this 9th day of December, 2021.