Northern Energy Advantage Program
Find out how northern industrial electricity consumers can get a rebate to reduce energy costs.
The Northern Energy Advantage Program (NEAP) supports Northern Ontario’s largest industrial electricity consumers with competitive, stable and predictable electricity price rates. The program helps them improve their competitiveness and their ability to secure investments, while continuing to create and sustain good jobs in Northern Ontario.
Program participants receive a rebate of two cents per kilowatt hour. Individual rebates are capped at 2017 to 2020 average consumption levels.
To apply for NEAP, each individual facility must be:
- located in Northern Ontario
- directly owned and controlled by the applicant
- a production or processing facility that consumes a minimum of 50,000 mega-watt hours (MWh) of electricity per year
- classified as being within one of the following North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) 2002 industry sectors (with certain exceptions outlined in the program rules):
- mining and oil
- gas extraction
- manufacturing
- other industries may be considered where the company and/or facility is aligned with, or complementary to, eligible industries such as the battery supply chain or clean technologies
- a market participant purchasing electricity from either:
- the Independent Electricity Service Operator (IESO) administered electricity market
- a local distribution company, including Hydro One
Download and read the full program rules to make sure your company meets the eligibility requirements.
Energy management plan
To participate in the program, you must submit an energy management plan for each facility. The plan must detail your proposed steps and methods for improving electrical efficiency and sustainability over the duration of the program.
You can find the requirements for an energy management plan in section 4.0 of the program rules.
How to apply
We are currently accepting applications for participation in the program. We review and evaluate applications in the order we receive them. To apply:
- Download and complete the application form.
- Send your completed application, including all required documentation, by email or mail to:
Martin Rondeau
Northern Energy Advantage Program
Ministry of Northern Development
Willet Green Miller Centre
933 Ramsey Lake Road, 4thfloor
Sudbury, Ontario
P3E 6A5
Contact us
If you have questions about the program, contact:
Martin Rondeau
Program Advisor