Ontario’s Early Years and Child Care Annual Report 2019
Ontario’s Early Years and Child Care Annual Report 2019 describes the early years and child care system, key data and measures for child care and indicators under the Canada-Ontario Early Learning and Child Care Agreement.
Executive summary
The annual report describes the early years and child care system in Ontario. The report includes:
- an overview of the early years and licensed child care system, including trends over the years
- key early years and child care data, including:
- the number of licensed child care centres and spaces
- the number of home child care agencies
- EarlyON child and family centre locations and number of visits
- indicators under the Canada-Ontario Early Learning and Child Care Agreement
- information on children’s developmental health and wellbeing collected using the early development instrument (EDI)
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- acknowledge your request within three business days
- provide you with the content within 15 business days
Updated: September 18, 2023
Published: March 30, 2021