Rehabilitation programs and services for offenders
Learn about programs and services offered to inmates in Ontario’s correctional facilities or offenders who are serving time in the community
There are a variety of programs and services available to inmates and offenders who are remanded or sentenced in correctional facilities, or who are under community supervision through probation and parole.
We design correctional programs to:
- help offenders correct or change behaviour related to their offence
- hold them responsible for their behaviour
- promote public safety
We offer four main types of programming intended to affect positive change with inmates and offenders:
- life skills programs
- rehabilitative programs to address issues, such as substance abuse, anger management, etc.
- education and literacy programs
- work programs
For more information about adult offender rights in Ontario correctional facilities, read the Inmate information guide for adult institutions.
Life skills programs
Life skills programs address a variety of healthy living needs in short, often single session programs. Life skills are available at most institutions and probation and parole offices and are delivered by:
- ministry staff
- contract agencies such as the John Howard Society or Elizabeth Fry Society
- volunteers
Life skills programs include:
- core life skills, such as budgeting, goal setting, problem solving, supportive relationships, substance use, gambling, etc.
- employment related skills, such as job search and computer skills
- parenting skills
Rehabilitative programs
Rehabilitative programs address factors that can contribute to re-offending. They include programs to address:
- anger management
- anti-criminal thinking
- substance abuse
- domestic violence
- sexual offending
There are several levels of rehabilitative programs for each of the five areas listed above that respond to the inmate or offender’s level of risk, need, motivation, legal status and individual characteristics. These include:
- introductory level and orientation programs
- advanced skills and intensive programs
- maintenance programs
Treatment programs
Treatment programs are one type of rehabilitative program to address specific offender needs. These programs are offered at selected institutions where offenders apply to attend. Treatment programs are available to address issues, such as:
- significant mental health issues
- sexual harassment and violence
- domestic violence
- substance abuse
Services for inmates meet a range of needs, including medical care, counselling, psychiatric, spiritual and religious care, recreation and crisis intervention. Volunteers play an important role in providing various services as well.
Education programs
Educational opportunities are available to inmates and offenders through a variety of partnerships that include, but are not limited to:
- the Ministry of Education
- the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities
- the Provincial Schools Authority
- community colleges and school boards
- community literacy organizations
Educational programs are delivered by:
- teachers
- continuing education instructors
- literacy instructors
- ministry volunteer literacy tutors
Educational programs are provided in the following four categories:
Adult basic literacy programs
These programs are for individuals with no or limited reading and writing skills. These programs are delivered by:
- literacy instructors employed by school boards, community colleges, community literacy organizations
- trained ministry volunteer literacy tutors
High school programs
These programs are for individuals working towards getting secondary school credits leading to the Grade 12 Ontario Secondary School Diploma. These credit courses are delivered by qualified teachers employed by school boards.
Self-study programs
These programs are for individuals wanting to either:
- enroll in high school, community college or university correspondence courses
- prepare for the General Education Development testing program that leads to the Ontario Secondary School Equivalency Certificate
The applicant must pay for the application and administrative fees and learning materials for these programs.
Other educational programs
We offer other educational programs at some institutions, such as:
- English as a second language and other types of specialized language instruction
- the Academic and Career Entrance program
Locating inmate educational records
Find information about locating the educational records of inmates who are currently, or have participated in, any of the high school credit courses offered in our institutions that count towards obtaining the Grade 12 Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
Work programs
Work programs are intended to provide practical skills in a real-life environment to help inmates prepare to return to the community.
All institutions provide work programs. such as kitchen work, laundry, cleaning and grounds.
Some institutions provide industry programs, such as auto/small engine, cook chill, woodworking and carpentry, licence plate manufacturing, metal fabrication and textiles.
Trilcor Correctional Industries
Trilcor Industries is a work program that provides inmates with the opportunity to work at meaningful jobs while serving their sentence. The program provides inmates with cost effective, rehabilitative work experience that teaches them valuable skills that will serve them well upon release. A regular work schedule teaches offenders accountability, responsibility and teamwork.
Inmates that work at the Trilcor Industry program work in the following jobs:
- production of tailored products, such as clothing, bedding and blankets
- linen services
- marker plants for Ontario License plates
Trilcor's products are marketed to:
- federal, provincial and municipal levels of government
- school boards
- not-for-profit organizations
Ontario's correctional facilities also use many of Trilcor's products which provides the Ministry of the Solicitor General with direct cost savings.
Contact information
Trilcor Correctional Industries Business Office is located at:
2800 High Point Dr
Unit # 217
Milton, ON L9T 6P4
For product information, contact: