How the information you submit will be used

Your observations help support biodiversity conservation efforts. The Natural Heritage Information Centre (NHIC) reviews and may add the information you share into the official provincial record. Some agencies and researchers use this information to plan, protect and study Ontario’s natural heritage.

We collect the observer’s name and contact information as part of the observation record in compliance with the Ministry of Natural Resources Act.

Given the nature of this work, we are only able to collect data from those individuals who agree to all of the following:

  • The Government of Ontario may use your name and observations to inform the provincial record.
  • Ontario government staff may use your name and contact information to verify the observation
  • Your name and observations (contained in the provincial record) may be accessed by non-government agencies, organizations, researchers, and individuals. Personal contact information will not be disclosed.

If you have any questions about the collection and use of your information, please contact the Natural Heritage Information Centre at 705-755-2159 or

Report on species of conservation concern

Species of conservation concern include species at risk as well as rare and rapidly declining species. We actively collect this information to track and communicate species conservation statuses in Ontario, Canada and across their global ranges.

View species of conservation concern (Excel) in Ontario.

Your observations are critical to the understanding of species biodiversity and conservation in Ontario.

There are many options available to submit observations, but please use only one method to prevent duplication of information. We frequently scan the biodiversity databases listed in this section to find observations we can use. If possible, take photographs of the plants or animals you are reporting on and submit them along with your observations.

To submit one observation:

Species at risk permit/authorization holders:

To send observations made while carrying out activities under regulation of the Endangered Species Act, download and complete the Ontario Species at Risk Observation Reporting Form (Excel) and email it to the Natural Heritage Information Centre.

To submit multiple observations:

Tips to fill out observation reporting spreadsheets

  • Fill in all mandatory fields that are highlighted in yellow.
  • Fill in all additional fields if you have the information being requested.
  • Follow the instructions and examples under each field.

Report on wildlife concentration areas

Wildlife concentration areas are locations that regularly support groups of associated species during parts of their life cycles (such as during breeding or migrating). These species concentrations may occur seasonally, semi-annually or annually and occur in distinct, definable areas.

Examples include:

  • migratory shorebird and waterfowl concentration areas
  • colonial waterbird breeding sites
  • raptor winter concentration areas
  • bat nursery colonies

To report on wildlife concentration areas please email your observations to the Natural Heritage Information Centre or mail them to:

Natural Heritage Information Centre
Ministry of Natural Resources
300 Water Street, 2nd Floor North Tower  
Peterborough, ON K9J 3C7

Currently tracked wildlife concentration areas (Excel)

Report on rare or exemplary plant communities

Plant communities or vegetation types are a recurring group of plants that have consistent compositions and structures. They grow and thrive in particular combinations of substrate, moisture, and landform.

Examples include:

  • dry tallgrass prairie
  • white cedar/goldthread-sphagnum swamp
  • cottonwood treed dune

To report on rare plant communities, please email your observations to the Natural Heritage Information Centre or mail them to:

Natural Heritage Information Centre
Ministry of Natural Resources
300 Water Street, 2nd Floor North Tower  
Peterborough, ON K9J 3C7

Plant communities currently tracked (Excel)