Significant wildlife habitat ecoregional criteria schedules: Ecoregion 3E
This document supports the Significant Wildlife Habitat Technical Guide. It provides detailed information on the description, criteria, information sources and assessment methods for significant wildlife habitat in Ecoregion 3E.
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This schedule provides the recommended criteria for identifying Significant Wildlife Habitat (SWH) within Ecoregion 3E.
Planning authorities, or anyone involved in assessing wildlife habitat significance in Ecoregion 3E, use this schedule along with the Significant wildlife habitat technical guide when completing an ecological site assessment.
The schedules, including descriptions of wildlife habitat, wildlife species, and the criteria provided for determining SWH, are based on science and expert knowledge.
Tables 1.1 through 1.4 in the schedules provide guidance for SWH designation for the four categories of SWH, outlined in the Significant wildlife habitat technical guide and its appendices.
The ecological land classification (ELC) ecosite codes are described using the provincial ecological land classification system for the boreal forest.