Skilled trades
Trade up to a career in the skilled trades. Learn about over 140 trades, how to apply for an apprenticeship and find resources and funding to become a tradesperson.
Learn about careers in the trades
Training for the skilled trades gives you access to thousands of well-paying jobs and an in-demand career for life. These rewarding careers enable you to earn while you learn on the job as an apprentice, work with cutting-edge technology and be part of the workforce needed to build the economic future of Ontario.
Explore over 140 skilled trades
Browse over 140 skilled trades. Learn about trade certification requirements and apprenticeship programs.
Success stories
Meet tradespeople who are working and making a difference in the skilled trades.
Quick facts
Whether you’re starting your career — or interested in a new career — working in the skilled trades can pay well, and provide a stable, safe and meaningful career.
1 in 6
job openings are projected to be in the skilled trades by 2026
85 to 90%
of an apprenticeship is paid, on-the-job training
employers offer paid apprenticeships
Get started
Get a head start on your career in school
Check out all the ways you can learn about the skilled trades in elementary and high school.
Apply to college
Take a pre-trades program, get a diploma and complete in-school requirements at the same time.
Apply for an apprenticeship
Get paid while you learn with a skilled trades apprenticeship. Learn how to prepare, start and finish an apprenticeship.
Trade certification for experienced workers
If you have skilled trade training and/or work experience from another province, territory or country, you may be eligible for certification in Ontario.
Apprentice resources
Financial supports for apprentices
Learn about provincial and federal financial supports for apprentices, find out if you qualify and how to apply.
Supports for employers
Learn how to hire an apprentice, how it benefits you as an employer and get financial support to help with the cost of training new apprentices.
Find a registered apprentice
Search for registered apprentices and people certified in the compulsory trades.
Search for jobs
Search for jobs available right now. Browse the job bank or connect with Employment Ontario to find the job that’s right for you.
Stay up-to-date
Check this page regularly to stay up-to-date on changes to the skilled trades and apprenticeship system.
Contact us
Connect with us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.
Get advice and ask questions about working in the skilled trades over email, phone and live chat, or request an in-person appointment with an Employment Ontario training consultant by contacting an Employment Ontario apprenticeship office near you.
Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
(Closed on statutory holidays)