
Ontario’s sport and recreation programs for Indigenous peoples were developed in partnership with Indigenous communities and organizations.

By providing funding and mentorship through these programs, Ontario helps support Indigenous organizations and First Nations deliver activities in their communities.

The programs aim to:

  • provide community-based sport and recreation opportunities for all age groups that meet the needs of Indigenous peoples
  • develop a clear pathway for Indigenous athletes to participate and reach their full potential in organized competitive sport
  • revitalize Indigenous culture and resiliency through land-based physical activity programs and leadership development
  • enable participation in sport, physical activity and recreation that contributes to active, healthy and resilient Indigenous communities

Sport Pathway for Ontario Native Wellness

Ontario supports initiatives that provide sport and recreation opportunities for Indigenous athletes, coaches and volunteers.

The Sport Pathway for Ontario Native Wellness initiative is delivered in partnership with Indigenous Sport & Wellness Ontario (ISWO), the nationally recognized Provincial/Territorial Aboriginal Sport Body for Ontario.

The Sport Pathway supports an integrated regional network of opportunities for all Indigenous peoples — First Nations, Métis and Inuit, living on and off reserve in urban, rural and remote settings — to participate at recreational levels and advance to high performance competition.

The goals of the Sport Pathway initiative are to:

  • reduce barriers for Indigenous peoples to participate in organized sport
  • create opportunities for Indigenous athletes to train and compete within the Indigenous community to build skill and competition preparedness
  • build on the existing mainstream sport and recreation system to involve and develop Indigenous participants, athletes and coaches to achieve their full potential

Since 2014, Sport Pathway funding has helped ISWO to develop and deliver dozens of programs, tournaments and events across Ontario each year including:

  • multi-sport and cultural camps for youth
  • sport and athlete development programs
  • coaching certification and training workshops
  • wellness programs
  • invitational sport tournaments and multi-sport games
  • youth leadership programs

The Sport Pathway also supports the selection, training and coordination of Team Ontario at the North American Indigenous Games — an international multi-sport event for Indigenous youth from across Canada and the United States — and the National Aboriginal Hockey Championships.

Community Aboriginal Recreation Activator Program

The Community Aboriginal Recreation Activator Program (CARA) provides First Nations with community-driven sport, recreation, and physical activities to enhance the quality of life for community members.

Participating communities are provided with funding to hire an activator. Each activator creates, facilitates and implements a recreation plan tailored to community needs, with the goal of enhancing the community’s participation in sport and recreation.

The following communities are currently participating in the program:

  • Alderville First Nation
  • Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation
  • Asubepeeschoseewagong Netum Anishinabek (Grassy Narrows) First Nation
  • Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation
  • Batchewana First Nation of Ojibways
  • Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation
  • Chippewas of the Thames First Nation
  • Constance Lake First Nation
  • Curve Lake First Nation
  • Dokis First Nation
  • Eabametoong First Nation
  • Eagle Lake First Nation (Migisi Sahgaigan)
  • Kingfisher Lake First Nation
  • Long Lake #58 First Nation
  • Mississauga First Nation
  • Mitaanjigamiing First Nation
  • Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte
  • Moose Cree First Nation
  • Nibinamik First Nation
  • Nipissing First Nation
  • Ojibways of Onigaming First Nation
  • Oneida Nation of the Thames
  • Sachigo Lake First Nation
  • Saugeen First Nation
  • Thessalon First Nation
  • Wasauksing First Nation
  • Webequie First Nation

These communities also receive ongoing support and mentorship from regional staff of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport to support capacity building.

Youth Cultural Camps

As part of Ontario’s journey of healing and reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, the Youth Cultural Camps (YCC) program provides community-based cultural programming opportunities for Indigenous youth to:

  • expand their understanding of traditional knowledge and languages
  • develop leadership skills through experiential and land-based activities

The funding supports Indigenous organizations and communities to administer and coordinate youth cultural camps and cultural programming that is customized to the needs of their members. YCC supports Indigenous youths and young adults to connect to their culture, learn from Knowledge Keepers and Elders in their community, build resilience and gain a stronger sense of self, confidence and hope for the future.

Currently, funded partners include:

  • First Nations Political Territorial Organizations
  • Independent First Nations
  • Métis Nation of Ontario
  • Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres
  • Indigenous Sport and Wellness Ontario
  • Sagamok Anishnawbek First Nation
  • Six Nations of the Grand River