The Estimates, 2023-24

Table 2 - Operating: comparative statement of total
Ministry Operating expense 2023-24
Operating expense 2022-23
Operating expense 2021-22
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs $618,206,487 $639,637,387 $557,303,066
Attorney General $1,874,403,014 $1,862,837,614 $1,942,913,035
Cabinet Office $55,584,828 $49,959,514 $47,302,280
Children, Community and Social Services $19,334,403,465 $18,396,348,565 $17,222,128,391
Citizenship and Multiculturalism $64,113,387 $62,530,014 $35,601,776
Colleges and Universities $6,910,119,114 $6,758,728,414 $6,338,694,138
Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade $1,309,133,287 $937,410,765 $983,165,636
Education $34,058,956,087 $32,579,931,014 $30,420,565,678
Energy $6,557,059,087 $6,315,577,114 $6,617,743,898
Environment, Conservation and Parks $358,874,414 $345,515,214 $336,671,046
Finance $15,416,030,987 $14,591,635,265 $13,878,378,343
Francophone Affairs $7,746,773 $7,944,473 $8,801,661
Health $66,343,615,865 $66,595,220,192 $64,741,979,092
Indigenous Affairs $127,150,614 $112,339,214 $235,269,241
Infrastructure $443,822,987 $381,336,614 $405,326,789
Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development $1,890,499,314 $2,113,790,114 $2,375,823,368
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the $2,831,400 $1,903,500 $1,807,192
Long-Term Care $8,299,671,514 $7,140,798,414 $6,848,220,001
Mines $161,885,514 $131,283,000 $135,527,450
Municipal Affairs and Housing $1,182,185,292 $1,082,676,187 $1,140,699,751
Natural Resources and Forestry $620,564,814 $504,655,914 $684,883,262
Northern Development $212,810,014 $217,329,700 $204,124,754
Premier, Office of the $2,432,661 $2,432,661 $2,378,122
Public and Business Service Delivery $1,113,341,287 $832,132,914 $742,536,557
Seniors and Accessibility $184,938,014 $234,955,014 $126,544,737
Solicitor General $3,590,330,787 $3,566,842,814 $3,275,686,791
Tourism, Culture and Sport $1,406,134,687 $1,527,197,787 $1,686,529,601
Transportation $2,144,606,392 $2,756,466,192 $2,602,775,336
Treasury Board Secretariat $6,025,949,487 $6,588,528,787 $2,993,099,517
Total $180,317,401,573 $176,337,944,371 $166,592,480,509
Table 2 - Operating: comparative statement of total
Ministry Assets 2023-24
Assets 2022-23
Assets 2021-22
Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $1,149,700
Attorney General $10,000 $10,000 $1,890,271
Cabinet Office
Children, Community and Social Services $89,507,000 $78,837,500 $86,360,319
Citizenship and Multiculturalism
Colleges and Universities $331,000,000 $352,500,000 $243,739,008
Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade $109,722,000 $143,000,000 $3,306,902
Education $2,000 $2,000
Energy $144,600,000 $270,751,000 $279,600,000
Environment, Conservation and Parks $2,000,000 $1,000
Finance $34,200,000 $54,200,000 $33,689,946
Francophone Affairs
Health $269,089,000 $62,088,000 $1,491,854,351
Indigenous Affairs
Infrastructure $171,230,800
Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
Lieutenant Governor, Office of the
Long-Term Care $20,430,000 $20,430,000 $20,429,959
Mines $2,000 $1,000
Municipal Affairs and Housing $3,600,000
Natural Resources and Forestry $4,014,300 $2,853,400 $2,050,461
Northern Development $3,000 $3,000
Premier, Office of the
Public and Business Service Delivery $206,227,000 $281,227,000 $233,116,822
Seniors and Accessibility
Solicitor General $8,000,000 $7,318,000 $4,465,562
Tourism, Culture and Sport
Transportation $8,000 $7,000
Treasury Board Secretariat $1,000 $1,000 $1,233,164,795
Total $1,398,646,100 $1,278,229,900 $3,634,818,096


Consolidations and other adjustments are not included.