
The Purpose of Supplementary Estimates

Where it is necessary to seek the Legislature’s approval for additional expenditures after the tabling of the Main Estimates, Supplementary Estimates may be tabled.

Format, Presentation, Terms and Definitions

Terms and definitions used throughout these Supplementary Estimates have the same meaning as described in the Introduction section of the 2015-16 Main Estimates. There are differences between the format and presentation of the Main and Supplementary Estimates described below.

Supplementary Estimates, unlike Main Estimates, do not include “Ministry Program Summary” tables providing a high-level perspective of each Ministry and listing all Votes/Programs, Statutory Appropriations and consolidations and other adjustments. “Vote Summary” tables display only those Items where authority for additional expenditures is being requested via Supplementary Estimates.

For comparative purposes, current and previous year’s Estimates amounts, which reflect previously tabled Main and Supplementary Estimates, and Actual amounts for the fiscal year two years ago are provided on Vote Summary pages. While all Supplementary Estimates amounts are “To be voted”, total Estimates amounts may include Special Warrants (if issued). Prior years’ amounts are restated to provide comparability where functional reorganizations and transfers, Supplementary Estimates or accounting changes have occurred. For more details on restatement to previously published data refer to the Main Estimates, restatement tables completing each Ministry’s section.

Estimates Accounting Policies

The Main and Supplementary Estimates are prepared on an accrual basis of accounting, consistent with the Province’s Budget and Public Accounts.

Operating expense - general summary

This table shows the general summary for the operating / capital expenses for the supplementary estimates.
Ministries Total amount
Energy $2,663,000,000
Total operating expense $2,663,000,000
Total amount to be voted $2,663,000,000

Operating assets - general summary

This table shows the general summary for the operating / capital expenses for the supplementary estimates.
Ministries Total amount
Finance $87,000,000
Total operating assets $87,000,000
Total amount to be voted $87,000,000