About the review

We are working to combat human trafficking through Ontario’s five-year Anti-Human Trafficking Strategy that began in 2020. Our strategy has focused on four key pillars:

  1. Raise Awareness of the Issue
  2. Protect Victims and Intervene Early
  3. Support Survivors
  4. Hold Offenders Accountable

As the five-year strategy is coming to a conclusion, we are looking for feedback that will help shape Ontario’s next steps in combatting human trafficking — including how we can better support survivors and protect people who are at greater risk of being targeted and trafficked.

Learn more about human trafficking Read the 2020–2025 strategy

Talk to someone

If you are in immediate danger or if you suspect someone is being trafficked, call 911 or your local police service.

If you or someone you know needs support or if you want to report a potential case, call the Canadian human trafficking hotline: 1-833-900-1010. It’s confidential, toll-free and open 24/7.

Participate online

You can give us your feedback by completing the online survey. Your feedback will remain private and anonymous. We are seeking your feedback in two parts:

  • Part A: The effectiveness of our current strategy’s four pillars and the associated programs and projects that support the Strategy.
  • Part B: Trends in human trafficking and associated gaps and challenges

You do not need to answer all the questions. You can answer as many questions as you like and submit the survey whenever you are finished.

Everyone can complete the survey

Anyone can complete this survey and provide feedback on our Anti-Human Trafficking Strategy.

We are seeking public feedback on what is working well and what could be improved regarding the current strategy. Also, please share any innovative and creative ideas and opportunities to work together with community partners, sectors and levels of government to combat human trafficking.

After you submit feedback

Feedback from this review will inform our path forward on whether to:

  • revise the strategy
  • replace the strategy with a new one
  • continue the existing strategy

Submitting feedback anonymously

Your feedback will be anonymous. Please do not include any personal information about yourself and others when completing this survey. Personal information means any identifying information about a person.

Some examples of personal information that should not be included anywhere on the survey are:

  • the name or address of yourself or any other person
  • a telephone number of yourself or any other person
  • any email address, Facebook, twitter account or other social media information
  • any identifying symbol or number associated with yourself or any other person (e.g. an OHIP number)

Do not include the names of young persons. Do not include any information that could lead to the identification of a young person in conflict with the law or who has been dealt with under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, S.C. 2002, c.1.

If you do provide personal information in your response, it will be removed before the survey responses are used.

The information you share will be kept confidential and won’t be connected to you specifically in any way. However, there are some limits to this confidentiality if the ministry is required by law to disclose information. For example, if you make a direct threat to harm yourself, or someone else, or tell us about criminal activity, the ministry may be required to disclose that information to police.

If your responses include information that indicates there is reason to suspect that a young person has been abused and/or is in need of protection, the ministry may be required to report this information to a children’s aid society in accordance with section 125 of the Child, Youth and Family Services, 2017, S.O. 2017, Chapter 14, Sched. 1.

Take the survey