Drinking water threats and circumstances
View the tables containing the threats to drinking water in Ontario and the circumstances associated with each, for 2013 and 2017/2018.
Threats and circumstances
We’ve made tables that include the 20 drinking water quality threat activities, set out in O. Reg. 287/07, that may pose a risk to a municipal drinking water supply. The tables also provide all the circumstances associated with each threat.
The tables separate drinking water quality threats into two sections: chemical and pathogen.
2017-2018 table of drinking water threats
This table lists the circumstances for each drinking water threat that is either significant, moderate or low. It was amended July 1, 2018, to include the introduction of liquid hydrocarbon pipelines as a prescribed drinking water threat. These lists are developed according to the 2017 director’s technical rules.
Download the 2017/2018 table (XLSX)
Let us know if you have any questions or if you need an alternative format of the tables.
2013 table of drinking water threats
This table lists the circumstances for each drinking water threat that is either significant, moderate or low. These lists are developed according to the 2013 director’s technical rules.
Download the 2013 table (XLSX)
Let us know if you have any questions or if you need an alternative format of the tables.
1. Where this document uses a word or expression that is defined in the Clean Water Act, 2006, a regulation made under that act, or the Technical Rules it has the same meaning as in the Act, regulation or the Rules.
2. In this document the following words and expressions have the same meaning as in Regulation 347 (General – Waste Management), R.R.O. 1990, made under the Environmental Protection Act:
- “hauled sewage”, where the phrase is used in relation to the application of hauled sewage to land;
- “hazardous waste”;
- “liquid industrial waste”;
- “municipal waste”; and
- “petroleum refining waste”.
3. In this document, the following words and expressions have the same meaning as in section 1 of O. Reg. 528/98 (Approval Exemptions) made under the Ontario Water Resources Act:
- “combined sewer”;
- “sanitary sewer”; and
- “storm water management facility”.
4. In this document, the following words and expressions have the same meaning as in section 1 of O. Reg. 129/04 (Licensing of Sewage Works Operators) made under the Ontario Water Resources Act:
- “wastewater collection facility”; and
- “wastewater treatment facility”.
5. In this document the following words and expressions have the same meaning as in O. Reg. 350/06 (Building Code) made under the Building Code Act, 1992:
- “earth pit privy”;
- “greywater”;
- “hauled sewage”/ where the phrase is used in relation to a system requiring or using a holding tank;
- “hauled sewage system”;
- “holding tank”;
- “leaching bed”;
- “privy vault”; and
- “treatment unit”.
6. In this document the following words and expressions have the same meaning as in section 2 of the Nutrient management Act, 2002:
- “agricultural operation”;
- “farm animal”.
7. In this document the following words and expressions have the same meaning as in section 1 of O. Reg. 267/03 (General) made under the Nutrient management Act, 2002:
- “permanent nutrient storage facility”;
- “runoff”, where used in relation to agricultural source material, fertilizer or non-agricultural source material; and
- “temporary field nutrient storage site”.
8. The following words and expressions are designed as follows for the purpose of this document:
- “aquiculture facility’ means a facility that primarily engages in farm-raising cultured fish;
- “BTEX” means benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene;
- “DNAPL” means dense non-aqueous phase liquid;
- “discharge”, when used as a verb, includes add, deposit, leak or emit and when used as a noun, includes addition, deposit, emission or leak;
- “grade” means the average level of the soil surface in the area surrounding the facility or structure;
- “livestock density map” means a map contained in the most recent assessment report for the applicable source protection area and prepared in accordance with sub-rule 16 (10);
- “managed land map” means a map contained in the most recent assessment report for the applicable source protection area and prepared in accordance with sub-rule 16 (9) of the Technical Rules;
- “managed land percentage” means the percentage of managed land for the area as set out on the managed land map;
- “meat plant” has the same meaning as in section 1 of O. Reg. 31/05 (Meat) made under the Food Safety Quality Act, 2001;
- “National airport” means an airport that serves the national capital region or the Greater Toronto Area, or an airport with annual passenger traffic of 200,000 persons or more;
- “non-agricultural managed land” means managed land that is not agricultural managed lands including lawns, sport fields and golf courses;
- “NPRI Notice” means the notice published in Volume 142, No. 7 of the Canada Gazette date February 16, 2008 pursuant to subsection 46(1) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (Canada);
- “pathogen” means a microscopic organism capable of producing infection or infectious disease in humans;
- “PCB waste” has the same meaning as in regulations 362 (Waste Management – PCBs), R.R.O. 1990, made under the Environmental Protection Act;
- “regional airport” means an airport with an annual passenger traffic that is less than 200,000 persons and that is not a remote airport or a small airport:
- “remote airport” means an airport that serves a community where air transportation is the only reliable method of year round transportation between the community and other population centres;
- “sanitary sewage” means sewage within or from a sanitary sewer;
- “small airport” means an airport that does not have regular scheduled service to other airports and is not a remote airport;
- “spill” has the same meaning as in subsection 91 (1) of the Environmental Protection act;
- “system” includes part of a system;
- “Technical Rules” means the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change document titled “Technical Rules: Assessment Report” as amended from time to time, and made under section 107 of the Clean Water Act, 2006; and
- “total impervious surface area map” means a map contained in the most recent assessment report for the applicable source protection area and prepared in accordance with sub-rule 16 (11).
Made by:
Original Signed by Ling Mark, Director,
Source Protection Programs Branch,
Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change
Director, Section 107 Clean Water Act, 2006
Date made: June 8, 2015