Program terms and conditions

This webpage sets out the funding eligibility requirements for the second payment of the previously announced Temporary Retention Incentive for Nurses.

This Temporary Retention Incentive for Nurses Program (“Program”), made under the Supporting Retention in Public Services Act, 2022 (“SRPSA”) authorizes the funding for the incentive amount pertaining to hours worked during the period commencing March 20, 2022 up to April 22, 2022, inclusive. No additional payments are authorized or provided for under this Program.

This Program provides for a temporary compensation enhancement.

Eligible employers are responsible for deducting, remitting, and reporting payroll deductions, complying with requirements under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 and all applicable laws and shall agree to and comply with any additional terms set out in applicable agreements related to the Program.

Funding under this Program may be provided to an eligible employer directly or indirectly through a third-party to provide to eligible employees.

Exact payment dates to eligible employees will depend on the employer’s payroll processes and timelines and/or the workplace the eligible employee works in.

If you have additional questions regarding this Program, please contact

Eligibility requirements

This program applies to eligible employers in respect of work performed by eligible employees.

Eligible Employers will receive funding to provide a one-time payment to Eligible Employees in respect of work performed during the period commencing March 20, 2022 up to April 22, 2022, inclusive, in an amount as defined below.

Eligible employer

Eligible employers are organizations that employ nurses in the following sectors, other than an employer under the exclusions:

  • Hospitals
  • Home and community care
  • Long-term care
  • Public health
  • Mental health and addictions
  • Community services for vulnerable children youth and adults, including those with developmental disabilities and special needs
  • Corrections
  • Labs / diagnostics departments within or affiliated with other eligible employers
  • Telehealth/tele advisory services departments within or affiliated with other eligible employers
  • Licensed retirement homes
  • Emergency Shelter and Supportive Housing sector
  • Primary care employers


  • Private duty nursing or temporary staffing agencies
  • Schools / school boards
  • Postsecondary institutions

Eligible employee

An eligible employee is an employee, other than an employee under the exclusions, who meet all of the following criteria:

  • was a member of the College of Nurses of Ontario as a Registered Practical Nurse (RPN), Registered Nurse (RN), or Nurse Practitioner (NP) (hereafter referred to as “nurse”),
  • was practising in a role that requires a nursing designation, and
  • was employed by an eligible employer during both,
    1. any portion of the period commencing March 20, 2022 up to April 22, 2022 inclusive, and
    2. on September 1, 2022.


  • Nursing executives (e.g., Chief Nursing Executives at a hospital)
  • Nurses working in a management or supervisory role (except in respect of hours worked while they were redeployed and worked hours providing direct patient/resident care during the eligibility period)
  • Nurses working in roles which do not require a nursing designation and could be fulfilled by other regulated health professionals or other workers who are not otherwise eligible nurses

Incentive amount

Full-time nurses are eligible to receive $2,500.

Part-time and casual nurses are eligible to receive a pro-rated amount of up to $2,500 based on hours worked during the period commencing March 20, 2022 up to April 22, 2022, inclusive.