Procedure to assign or reassess and assign NASM odour category
Where the NASM has not been assigned an odour category in Table 3 of the document titled Nutrient Management Tables or where the proponent disagrees with the assigned category, one of the other methods for assigning an odour categorization is used.
6.1. Procedures to assign a NASM to an odour category
In the case of a NASM that is not listed in Table 3 of the document titled Nutrient Management Tables and where a NASM plan has been submitted to the Director for approval, the odour category will be assigned by the Director based on his or her knowledge of the NASM.
If the proponent disagrees with the Director's assignment referred to in the above paragraph, the proponent can conduct an odour assessment test using the methodology described in section 8.0 of this guide to determine the odour category of the NASM. The Director will consider the results of the odour assessment test when assigning the odour category for the NASM in consultation with the proponent.
6.2. Procedures to reassess and assign a NASM to an odour category
Where a NASM plan has been submitted to the Director for approval, the Director has the discretion to assign a NASM to a higher odour category where it is considered necessary to control odour impacts that may result from the land application or storage of the NASM.
The Director may assign the new category based on a comparative review of other NASMs, an odour assessment test that has already occurred, the professional judgment of ministry staff or a new odour assessment test. The proponent will be responsible for any new odour assessment test that may be required. The odour assessment test must be done using the methodology described in section 8.0 of this guide or a comparable method approved by the Director. Odour category assignment will be done by the Director in consultation with the proponent.