All levels of government – federal, provincial and municipal – contribute funding to address housing and homelessness issues. And all levels of government try to document and understand the results and outcomes, as well as the impact of that funding.

Ontario acknowledges the federal government’s expectations regarding accountability for the National Housing Strategy investments. In addition, Ontario notes that the requirements for these investments are more extensive than for any other previous cost-shared programs.

In Ontario’s unique program delivery context, municipal Service Managers manage housing investments to meet local needs. They use funding from all three levels of government to create programs and services to meet the housing needs of their residents. Service Managers advise that they face increasing complexity managing and meeting the accountability and reporting needs of each funding source and/or level of government. At times, they feel that competing reporting requirements are a distraction from the strategic planning and delivery of services to improve housing outcomes for people. Co-ordination and harmonization of the financial and outcomes reporting by all three levels of government is a desirable goal.

There are significant new reporting requirements under the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation-Ontario Bilateral Agreement. Acknowledging this, the agreement recognizes that reporting will be progressively implemented. This section sets out a plan to collect all information needed under the Bilateral Agreement, considering the practical constraints on data collection, respect for personal privacy and balanced administration.

Ontario is committed to ensuring transparency and accountability in reporting, recognizing that it requires time to work with Service Managers and Indigenous Program Administrators to build capacity. Ontario must also ensure it strikes the right balance of streamlined reporting requirements and timelines and minimizing the administrative burden on Service Managers and Indigenous Program Administrators.

Ontario will work with its delivery partners to collect data on targets, indicators and outcomes outlined in the Bilateral Agreement, including updating internal reporting systems and structures to make it easier to collect accurate and complete data and minimize the administration burden.

Ontario identified the following gaps in data collection at the outset of the Agreement:

  • project level details: The province collects project level details for most capital components. However, the province does not collect project level details on all affordability assistance programs and will work with Service Managers and Indigenous Program Administrators to collect this information taking into consideration respect for personal privacy.
  • municipal contributions: Currently Service Managers’ social housing contribution is reported at the program level. To meet Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative reporting requirements, project level financial and non-financial information should be reported. The province will work with Service Managers and Indigenous Program Administrators to collect project level information related to Municipal contributions for all programs.
  • community employment benefits: The province will work with the Service Managers and Indigenous Program Administrators to collect available information on community employment benefits derived from housing projects over $10 million.

Ontario will progressively report on targets, level of funding, and indicators over the term of the Action Plan and will work towards reducing the gaps identified above with the goal of providing an increased level of detail by the end of year three of the first Action Plan period.

At least every six months, as outlined in the Agreement, Ontario will provide Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation with a summary report on progress towards realizing the agreed-to Action Plan with updated information on progress towards targets and indicators.

Contact us

Contact us by mail:
Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Community Housing Policy Branch
777 Bay Street, 14th Floor
Toronto ON M7A 2J3

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