Education and Prevention Committee Billing Briefs

Education and Prevention Committee (EPC) Billing Briefs are prepared jointly by the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) to provide general advice and guidance to physicians on billing matters.

Category: All Ontario Physicians
Date of publication: November 3, 2022

Claims Tips: The Ministry of Health and the Ontario Medical Association provide a variety of resources to assist physicians in the appropriate submission of fee-for-service claims.

Education and Prevention Committee

The Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) have jointly established the Education and Prevention Committee (EPC). Since 2003, the Education and Prevention Committee has developed education for physicians about submitting OHIP claims for payment for the insured service provided.

OHIP Resources for Physicians webpage

The Resources for Physicians webpage includes information about OHIP billing policies and procedures (such as applying for a billing number), educational modules to help physicians understand the Schedule of Benefits for Physician Services as well as specific fee codes listed in the Schedule. This webpage provides links to additional references including INFOBulletins and now, EPC Billing Briefs.

EPC Billing Briefs

The newly launched EPC Billing Briefs focus on specific billing issues. Each brief will identify the areas of practice it covers and may provide relevant clinical examples to illustrate key points. Notice of new EPC Billing Briefs will be included in OHIP Announcements.

Your feedback is welcome and appreciated. To provide feedback on EPC Billing Briefs, or to suggest topics for future EPC Billing Briefs, send an email to the attention of the joint Ministry of Health and OMA Education and Prevention Committee.

Claims contact information

For additional information on billing, please visit the Resources for Physicians and the How to Get Help with Billing Questions pages on the ministry website.

If you have any billing or claims submission inquiries, please contact the Service Support Contact Centre (SSCC) by email or by calling 1-800-262-6524.


INFOBulletins are communications from the Ministry of Health. The communications inform of payment, policy, program or software changes.

Sign up to get INFOBulletins directly by email.

OHIP announcements

OHIP Announcements are updates from the Ministry of Health which communicate OHIP related non-technical communications (example: system outages) in addition to new educational resources from EPC.

Sign up to get OHIP Announcements directly by email, available in English and French.

Ontario Medical Association resources

The Ontario Medical Association provides additional educational resources to its members, including an accredited CPD module, Introduction to OHIP Billing, developed by the Education and Prevention Committee.

When additional help is required

For additional information, please visit the Ministry of Health and Ontario Medical Association jointly created How to Get Help with Billing Questions resource on the ministry website.

Contact the Ministry of Health Service Support Contact Centre

  • By email or by calling 1-800-262-6524 (Monday-Friday; 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.).
  • Ministry staff are available to respond to calls from physicians requiring billing assistance that is not addressed by the resources listed above.

Contact the Ontario Medical Association

  • OMA staff can provide guidance on routine billing questions, claims reconciliation processes and other questions, and may liaise with the ministry to obtain further information on behalf of physicians.
  • Contact for individualized assistance.


Education and Prevention Committee; EPC; OHIP Claims; OHIP Payment

The Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) have jointly prepared this educational resource to provide general advice and guidance to physicians on specific billing matters.

The Ministry of Health and the Ontario Medical Association logos

Note: This document is technical in nature and is available in English only due to its limited targeted audience. This publication has been exempted from translation under the French Language Services Act. For questions or support regarding this document, please contact the Service Support Contact Centre (SSCC) by email or by calling 1-800-262-6524.

Remarque : Ce document est de nature technique et est disponible en anglais uniquement en raison de son public cible limité. Ce document a été exempté de la traduction en vertu de la Loi sur les services en français. Pour toute question ou de l’aide concernant ce document, veuillez contacter Les Services de renseignements. Centre de contact pour le soutien des services par courriel ou en téléphonant le 1-800-262-6524.