Table 5: Allowed lost time injury rate, (Provinces and Territories of Canada)
Province 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
NL 2.36 2.25 2.15 2.07 2.03 1.99 1.76 1.78 1.73 1.7
PE 1.35 1.37 1.35 1.33 1.21 1.28 1.35 1.22 1.39 1.28
NS 2.80 2.72 2.59 2.33 2.21 2.08 2.01 1.92 1.90 1.94
NB 1.33 1.36 1.36 1.29 1.35 1.26 1.18 1.13 1.15 1.15
QC 2.69 2.44 2.32 2.02 1.97 1.93 1.85 1.82 1.80 1.74
ON 1.61 1.53 1.45 1.20 1.15 1.05 1.01 0.95 0.92 0.85
MB 4.65 4.31 4.08 3.54 3.37 3.27 3.33 3.12 3.17 2.99
SK 3.93 3.72 3.57 3.33 3.15 2.90 2.81 2.57 2.24 2.04
AB 2.24 1.98 1.73 1.51 1.42 1.49 1.39 1.34 1.31 1.25
BC 3.12 3.06 2.96 2.35 2.27 2.33 2.34 2.30 2.27 2.22
YT 2.63 2.90 2.73 2.38 2.12 2.28 2.14 1.87 2.07 2
NT/NU 2.71 2.73 2.51 2.17 2.45 2.37 2.13 2.21 2.33 2.02
Canada 2.39 2.24 2.12 1.82 1.76 1.72 1.65 1.60 1.56 1.51

Source: Association of Workers Compensation Boards of Canada (AWCBC), accompanying notes available on AWCBC website. Ontario data include Schedule 1 only. Rate for Schedule 2 is available in the next table.

Table 6: WSIB allowed lost-time injury claims/rates (year of injury/illness)
Claim type 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Schedule 1 64,531 61,992 50,104 46,160 43,371 42,702 41,508 40,585 38,953 43,386
Schedule 2 16,339 16,268 14,739 14,040 13,301 12,823 12,922 13,103 12,617 13,982
Total LTI 80,870 78,260 64,843 60,200 56,672 55,525 54,430 53,688 51,570 57,368
Schedule 1 Rate 1.55 1.51 1.27 1.15 1.05 1.01 0.95 0.92 0.85 0.94
Schedule 2 Rate 2.65 2.56 2.10 2.00 1.91 1.85 1.85 1.90 1.80 1.96

Source: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board By the Numbers 2016, Schedule 1 and Schedule 2

Table 7: WSIB allowed no lost-time injury claims/rates (year of injury/illness)
 Claim type 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Schedule 1 152,418 144,489 115,340 108,660 108,954 109,648 110,120 110,196 107,504 106,888
Schedule 2 17,220 17,182 16,503 15,192 14,721 14,371 15,208 15,328 14,629 14,617
Total NLTI 169,638 161,671 131,843 123,852 123,675 124,019 125,328 125,524 122,133 121,505
Schedule 1 Rate 3.67 3.52 2.93 2.71 2.64 2.59 2.53 2.49 2.36 2.31
Schedule 2 Rate 2.80 2.70 2.36 2.16 2.12 2.07 2.18 2.22 2.09 2.05

Source: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board By the Numbers 2016, Schedule 1 and Schedule 2.

Table 8: Ministry of labour reported critical injuries and critical injury rate (year of injury)
Event type 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Total critical injury events 1,270 1,194 1,166 1,104 966 1,147 1,130 1,095 873 938
Critical injury rate (per 100,000 workers) 21.22 19.81 19.93 18.56 15.91 18.76 18.12 17.40 13.75 14.62

Source: Ministry of Labour Data Systems 2007 to 2016 and Ministry of Labour calculation based on Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey 2007 to 2016.

Note: Critical injury rates are calculated by the Ministry of Labour based on the number of reported critical injuries divded by the number of people employed under provincial jurisdiction.

Table 9: Traumatic fatalities (year of death)
Claim type 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Schedule 1 83 60 62 63 71 64 82 64 57 60
Schedule 2 7 4 6 6 5 6 5 1 4 4
WSIB Allowed Traumatic Fatalities by Year of Death 90 64 68 69 76 70 87 65 61 64
Total Traumatic Fatalities for Ontario: Ministry of Labour & Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (year of death) 102 79 77 85 94 78 102 81 72 72

Sources: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board By the Numbers 2016, Schedule 1 and 2 Workplace Safety Insurance Board Day of Mourning Fatalities Report: 2007 to 2016.

Table 10: Allowed occupational disease fatalities
 Fatality type 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Allowed Occupational Disease Fatalities (Year of Entitlement) 228 221 229 250 190 190 158 167 175 161
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Allowed Occupational Disease Fatalities (Year of Entitlement) 51 36 32 51 38 32 23 42 37 70
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Allowed Occupational Disease Fatalities (Year of Death) 153 172 170 174 164 164 141 152 154 136

Sources: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board By the Numbers 2016, Schedule 1 and 2

Workplace Safety Insurance Board Day of Mourning Fatalities Report: 2007 to 2016.

Table 11: Fatality rates (year of death)
 Fatality type 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Traumatic Fatality Rates, Per Million Workers Ministry of Labour and Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (Year of Death) 17.05 13.11 13.17 14.3 15.49 12.76 16.36 12.88 11.34 11.23
Occupational Disease Fatality Rate (Per Million Workers) 25.57 28.55 29.07 29.27 27.02 26.83 22.62 24.16 24.25 21.2

Sources: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Day of Mourning Fatalities Report: 2007 to 2016 and Ministry of Labour calculation based on Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey 2007 to 2016.

Note: Fatality rates are calculated by the Ministry of Labour based on the number of reported fatalities divided by the number of people employed under provincial jurisdiction

Table 12: Top 2 and all sectors- Occupational disease and traumatic fatality rates (per 1,000,000) for schedule 1, 2007-2016
 Sector 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Construction Occupational Disease Fatality Rate 111.67 208.69 198.74 178.55 130.36 153.10 114.73 120.24 114.72 90.22
Manufacturing Occupational Disease Fatality Rate 31.02 34.34 25.52 33.16 31.66 32.68 21.47 22.50 26.97 14.60
All Sectors: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Occupational Disease Fatality Rates: Schedule 1 32.00 37.24 37.13 34.67 33.42 32.32 28.43 29.11 28.31 22.93
Construction Traumatic Fatality Rate 59.56 49.52 80.26 71.42 68.61 45.60 62.83 62.74 48.44 57.64
Transportation Traumatic Fatality Rate 96.48 81.60 79.85 70.48 42.38 45.38 87.74 66.96 42.87 46.19
All Sectors: Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Traumatic Fatality Rates for Ontario: Schedule 1 19.97 14.60 15.77 15.71 17.20 15.10 18.80 14.44 12.51 12.98


  1. By the Numbers: 2016 Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Statistical Report Schedule 1.
  2. Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Day of Mourning Fatalities Report: 2007 to 2016.

Top sectors are based on share of fatalities over 10 years.

Rates are based on per million Workplace Safety and Insurance Board covered employment (year of death) and are calculated based on the number of Workplace Safety and Insurance Board allowed fatalities divided by Workplace Safety and Insurance Board covered employment by industry sectors.

Table 13: Traumatic fatalities, allowed lost-time injury claims and employment in small businesses as share of total (schedule 1)
Category 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2007-2016
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board allowed Traumatic Fatalities (Year of Incident) 62.50 % 61.67 % 67.80 % 71.67 % 50.75 % 65.63 % 64.56 % 71.88 % 50.94 % 61.82 % 62.92 %
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board allowed Lost-time Claims (Year of Injury/ Illness) 27.92 % 28.24 % 29.07 % 29.32 % 29.89 % 30.05 % 31.52 % 31.65 % 32.87 % 31.59  % 30.21  %
Small Businesses: Share of Total Employment 28.05 % 28.10 % 28.33 % 28.47 % 28.44 % 28.52 % 28.77 % 28.91 % 28.92 % 28.91 % 28.54 %


Table 281-0042 - Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours (SEPH), employment for all employees, by enterprise size and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), annual (persons). CANSIM (database). Accessed December, 12 2017.

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board database. Accessed December 2017. Data extracted by the Ministry of Labour. May not exactly match published WSIB data.

Table 14: Top 3 events and other events for traumatic fatalities
Year 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Motor Vehicle Accidents 22 24 25 37 35 26 14 21
Falls from Heights 16 20 12 9 18 8 14 9
Crushed by 10 6 17 9 16 3 15 17
Other Events 29 35 40 24 34 43 30 25
 All Events 77 85 94 79 103 80 73 72

Ministry of Labour. Provincial traumatic fatalities by year of death 2009-2016.

Notes: Provincial traumatic fatalities are not available prior to 2009.

The Motor Vehicle Accident fatalities reported in this analysis may include non-traffic accidents.

Source: WSIB. Data extracted by MOL. May not match WSIB publications.

Table 15: Total violence and harassment- allowed lost-time injuries for schedule 1 and schedule 2, 2006 - 2016
Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Total Violence and Harassment Schedule 1 - Health Care 660 675 627 670 693 650 615 636 676 747 804
Total Violence and Harassment Schedule 1 - Services 192 178 176 180 167 141 142 140 130 128 148
Violence and Harassment Schedule 1 - Other 254 252 258 236 242 212 197 200 223 218 283
Violence and Harassment- Schedule 2 1051 1048 1053 999 1109 1079 1040 1100 1161 1263 1521
Violence and Harassment Claims Share of Total Lost-time Claims 2.59 % 2.66 % 2.70 % 3.22 % 3.67 % 3.67 % 3.59 % 3.81 % 4.08 % 4.57 % 4.80 %

Source: WSIB. Data extracted by MOL. May not match WSIB publications.

Data limitations and methodology in this report

The occupational health and safety data in this report is limited:

  • Ministry of Labour enforcement data may be subject to change because of ongoing enforcement activities and investigation of events.
  • Statistics recorded by the Ministry of Labour and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board are not directly comparable. Each organization tracks incidents based on its organizational mandate and legislative obligations. For example, a fatality or injury that is reported to the Ministry of Labour may not be reported to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, creating differences in the number of incidents recorded.
  • Critical injuries include only those that have been reported to the ministry and not necessarily critical injuries as defined by the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA). The Ministry of Labour investigates workers covered by the OHSA. Critical injuries in the ministry’s data systems may include non-workers, as this is required to be reported. This represents data that was reported to the ministry and may not represent actual events at the workplace.
  • The Ministry of Labour tracks and reports fatalities at workplaces covered by the Occupational Health and Safety Act. This excludes death from natural causes, death of non-workers at a workplace, suicides, death as a result of a criminal act or a traffic accident (unless the OHSA is also implicated) and death from occupational exposures that occurred many years ago.
  • Some statistics may exclude certain individuals not covered under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997.
  • Statistics may be affected by a lag between the date of the incident and the assessment of whether it was work-related.

Many factors influence workplace safety, such as societal, workforce and workplace trends. Therefore, improvements in rates of occupational illness, injury and fatality cannot be attributed solely to the activities in this report.