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This annual report highlights various activities undertaken by different partners in the system, however, it is not an exhaustive list of all the efforts undertaken in 2016-17. The examples cited represent the kind of effort, creativity and collaboration that we see performed by different people throughout the system. At the same time, these projects should be seen as part of a continuum towards stronger occupational health and safety in Ontario. They build on previous achievements, knowledge and regulatory action that has been delivering improved results. In the same way, the progress outlined in this annual report will be built upon by others in the years to come. This is because the work of occupational health and safety is not a project or initiative with a completion date. Ontarians are dynamic people, continually exploring new opportunities to build prosperity, and continually welcoming new Ontarians to be part of what we are building. This means Ontario’s OHS system must continually ensure that Ontarians are safe and healthy at work — in whatever opportunities they choose to pursue and in workplaces that will always be changing. The one constant is that everyone shares a fundamental responsibility to ensure that everyone is safe at work, which will, in turn, further contribute to a more prosperous Ontario.